- parser: Check if substitutions are provided or not
- parser: Print version of program
- parser: Allow more than one equals sign
- substitution: Make update method pass directive_type
- substitution: Add directive_type method
- substitution: Add directive param to substitution_def method
- parser: Update help message for substitution argument
- parser: Rename argument to substitutions
- Rename parameters in subsitution utils
- Rename function to create substition definition
- Set default value of output path as input path
- Change variable initialization to be done in init method
- Rename variable in parser to sub_pairs
- Add missing typing to methods
- Resolve key error when subsitutions were finded with whitespace
- Update application module to replace substitutions
- Resolve failure to get variables
- Update parser to change help message
- Drop rst_document module
- Add _file_type method to allow only supported file extensions
- Add update function to substitution
- Add find function to substitution
- Add substitution module to handle substitutions
- Add rst_file module to handle rst file
- Rename rst module to rst_document
- Add save function to save documnet object as rst file
- Add replace_substitution function
- Add substitution_text function to find substitution text
- Add substitution_def_node function to find substitution_def node
- Create rst module to read input file as document
- Update rst.py to add missing typing
- Add _parse_kv function to parse key-value pair
- Add _variable_type to parser to check type of variables
- Allow multiple character to variable type
- Update _VARIABLE_PATTERN to add ignore pattern
- Update print format of argument_type_error in _pattern_type function
- Create constant for pattern of variable in parser
- Update pattern in _pattern_type function to allow all of char as input
- Change parsed values so that parser object have them
- Add cli module for this project
- Add appliaction module
- Update parser to set default value
- Add parser for cli