- 3D geographical routing protocols in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks an overview
- 5G Deployment Standalone vs. NonStandalone from the Operator Perspective
- 5G network slicing using SDN and NFV A survey of taxonomy, architectures and future challenges
- 5G Support for Industrial IoT Applications— Challenges, Solutions, and Research Gaps
- 5G Vehicle-to-Everything Services Gearing Up for Security and Privacy
- 6G and Beyond The Future of Wireless Communications Systems
- 6G Massive Radio Access Networks Key Applications, Requirements and Challenges
- 6G Opening New Horizons for Integration of Comfort, Security, and Intelligence
- 6G Wireless Communication Systems Applications, Requirements, Technologies, Challenges, and Research Directions
- 6G卫星物联网移动性管理:挑战与关键技术
- 6G无线网络:愿景、使能技术与新应用范式
- 6G边缘云网融合关键技术研究
- A Brief Survey and Implementation on Refinement for Intent-Driven Networking
- A comprehensive and systematic review of the network virtualization techniques in the IoT
- A Comprehensive Review on Device‑to‑Device Communication Paradigm Trends, Challenges and Applications
- A Comprehensive Study on Simulation Techniques for 5G Networks State of the Art Results, Analysis, and Future Challenges
- A Comprehensive Survey Benefits, Services, Recent Works, Challenges, Security, and Use Cases for SDN-VANET
- A comprehensive survey of AI-enabled phishing attacks detection techniques
- A comprehensive survey of interface protocols for software defined networks
- A comprehensive survey of prominent cryptographic aspects for securing communication in post-quantum IoT networks
- A Comprehensive Survey of the Tactile Internet State-of-the-Art and Research Directions
- A comprehensive survey on enhancements and limitations of the RPL protocol A focus on the objective function
- A Comprehensive Survey on Geometric Deep Learning
- A Comprehensive Survey on Hybrid Communication in Context of Molecular Communication and Terahertz Communication for Body-Centric Nanonetworks
- A Comprehensive Survey on Internet of Things (IoT) Toward 5G Wireless Systems
- A Comprehensive Survey on Millimeter Wave Communications for Fifth-Generation Wireless Networks Feasibility and Challenges
- A Comprehensive Survey on Mobility Management in 5G Heterogeneous Networks Architectures, Challenges and Solutions
- A Comprehensive Survey on Mobility-Aware D2D Communications Principles, Practice and Challenges
- A comprehensive survey on resource allocation for CRAN in 5G and beyond networks
- A comprehensive survey on semantic interoperability for Internet of Things State-of-the-art and research challenges
- A cooperative mobile throwbox-based routing protocol for social-aware delay tolerant networks
- A Game-theoretic Taxonomy and Survey of Defensive Deception for Cybersecurity and Privacy
- A hybrid secure routing and monitoring mechanism in IoT-based wireless sensor networks
- A Key 6G Challenge and Opportunity—Connecting the Base of the Pyramid A Survey on Rural Connectivity
- A mobile internal vertical handover mechanism for distributed mobility management in VANETs
- A Review of Advanced Algebraic Approaches Enabling Network Tomography for Future Network Infrastructures
- A Review of Fault Diagnosing Methods in Power Transmission Systems
- A Review of Intrusion Detection Systems Using Machine and Deep Learning in Internet of Things Challenges, Solutions and Future Directions
- A Review of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cloud Computing Security
- A Review of Performance, Energy and Privacy of Intrusion Detection Systems for IoT
- A Review of Relay Assignment Problem in the Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks
- A Review of the Control Plane Scalability Approaches in Software Defined Networking
- A review of wireless communication using high-altitude platforms for extended coverage and capacity
- A Review on Blockchain for the Internet of Medical Things Definitions, Challenges, Applications, and Vision
- A review on classification of imbalanced data for wireless sensor networks
- A Review on Communications Perspective of Flying Ad-Hoc Networks Key Enabling Wireless Technologies, Applications, Challenges and Open Research Topics
- A Review on Green Caching Strategies for Next Generation Communication Networks
- A review on non-terrestrial wireless technologies for Smart City Internet of Things
- A review on rendezvous based data acquisition methods in wireless sensor networks with mobile sink
- A Review on Routing in Internet of Things
- A review on solar forecasting and power management approaches for energy-harvesting wireless sensor networks
- A smartphone perspective on computation offloading—A survey
- A Survey and Performance Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning Based Spectrum Aware Routing in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
- A Survey and Taxonomy on Task Offloading for Edge-Cloud Computing
- A Survey and Tutorial on “Connection Exploding Meets Efficient Communication” in the Internet of Things
- A Survey of 5G Technology Evolution, Standards, and Infrastructure Associated With Vehicle-to-Everything Communications by Internet of Vehicles
- A survey of black-hole attack mitigation techniques in MANET merits, drawbacks, and suitability
- A Survey of Candidate Waveforms for beyond 5G Systems
- A Survey of Device to Device and Cooperative Communication for the Future Cellular Networks
- A survey of edge computing-based designs for IoT security
- A Survey of End-to-End Solutions for Reliable Low-Latency Communications in 5G Networks
- A Survey of Enhanced Device Discovery Schemes in Bluetooth Low Energy Networks
- A Survey of Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Systems, Links, and Networks
- A Survey of Healthcare Internet of Things (HIoT) A Clinical Perspective
- A Survey of Identity Modeling and Identity Addressing in Internet of Things
- A Survey of Internet of Things (IoT) for Geohazard Prevention Applications, Technologies, and Challenges
- A Survey of Intrusion Detection Systems Leveraging Host Data
- A survey of IoT malware and detection methods based on static features
- A Survey of IoT Management Protocols and Frameworks
- A Survey of Machine and Deep Learning Methods for Internet of Things (IoT) Security
- A survey of mmWave user association mechanisms and spectrum sharing approaches an overview, open issues and challenges, future research trends
- A Survey of Moving Target Defenses for Network Security
- A Survey of Multi-Access Edge Computing in 5G and Beyond Fundamentals, Technology Integration, and State-of-the-Art
- A Survey of NOMA Current Status and Open Research Challenges
- A Survey of Online Data-Driven Proactive 5G Network Optimisation Using Machine Learning
- A survey of radio propagation channel modelling for low altitude flying base stations
- A Survey of Rate-Optimal Power Domain NOMA With Enabling Technologies of Future Wireless Networks
- A Survey of Resource Allocation Techniques for Cellular Network’s Operation in the Unlicensed Band
- A Survey of Security Challenges, Attacks Taxonomy and Advanced Countermeasures in the Internet of Things
- A Survey of Security Vulnerability Analysis, Discovery, Detection, and Mitigation on IoT Devices
- A Survey on 5G Usage Scenarios and Traffic Models
- A Survey on Access Control in the Age of Internet of Things
- A survey on access control mechanisms for cloud computing
- A Survey on Adaptive 360◦ Video Streaming Solutions, Challenges and Opportunities
- A Survey on Architecture, Protocols and Challenges in IoT
- A Survey on Blockchain-Based Internet Service Architecture Requirements, Challenges, Trends, and Future
- A survey on cellular-connected UAVs Design challenges, enabling 5G B5G innovations, and experimental advancements
- A survey on challenges of Spatial Division Multiplexing enabled elastic optical networks
- A survey on computation offloading modeling for edge computing
- A Survey on Congestion Control Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
- A survey on congestion detection and control in connected vehicles
- A survey on continuous authentication methods in Internet of Things environment
- A Survey on Controller Placement in SDN
- A Survey on Coping With Intentional Interference in Satellite Navigation for Manned and Unmanned Aircraft
- A survey on data aggregation techniques in IoT sensor networks
- A Survey on End-Edge-Cloud Orchestrated Network Computing Paradigms Transparent Computing, Mobile Edge Computing, Fog Computing, and Cloudlet
- A survey on femtocell handover management in dense heterogeneous 5G networks
- A Survey on FPGA Support for the Feasible Execution of Virtualized Network Functions
- A Survey on Hybrid, 3D, Interference Mitigation and Secure Data Beamforming Techniques for 5G System
- A Survey on Hybrid, Energy Efcient and Distributed (HEED) Based Energy Efcient Clustering Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
- A Survey on Industrial Internet With ISA100 Wireless
- A Survey on Intent-Driven Networks
- A Survey on LoRa Networking Research Problems, Current Solutions, and Open Issues
- A Survey on MAC Protocol Approaches for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
- A survey on machine learning in Internet of Things Algorithms, strategies, and applications
- A Survey on Mobility-Induced Service Migration in the Fog, Edge, and Related Computing Paradigms
- A Survey on Next-Cell Prediction in Cellular Networks Schemes and Applications
- A survey on physical unclonable function (PUF)-based security solutions for Internet of Things
- A survey on privacy and security of Internet of Things
- A survey on QoE-oriented wireless resources scheduling
- A survey on QoS mechanisms in WSN for computational intelligence based routing protocols
- A survey on registration hijacking attack consequences and protection for session initiation protocol (SIP)
- A Survey on Representation Learning Efforts in Cybersecurity Domain
- A Survey on Resource Allocation in Vehicular Networks
- A Survey on Routing Protocols for Delay and Energy-Constrained Cognitive Radio Networks
- A Survey on Security and Privacy of 5G Technologies Potential Solutions, Recent Advancements, and Future Directions
- A Survey on Security Aspects for 3GPP 5G Networks
- A Survey on Slice Admission Control Strategies and Optimization Schemes in 5G Network
- A survey on space-aerial-terrestrial integrated 5G networks
- A survey on technologies and security protocols Reference for future generation IoT
- A survey on the architecture, application, and security of software defined networking Challenges and open issues
- A survey on the computation offloading approaches in mobile edge computing A machine learning-based perspective
- A Survey on the Internet of Things (IoT) Forensics Challenges, Approaches, and Open Issues
- A Survey on the Security of Low Power Wide Area Networks Threats, Challenges, and Potential Solutions
- A survey on unmanned aerial vehicle relaying networks
- A survey study on virtual machine migration and server consolidation techniques in DVFS-enabled cloud datacenter Taxonomy and challenges
- A systematic literature review of blockchain cyber security
- A systematic literature review on formal verification of software-defined networks
- A Systematic Survey of Industrial Internet of Things Security Requirements and Fog Computing Opportunities
- A taxonomy of AI techniques for 6G communication networks
- A Taxonomy of DDoS Attack Mitigation Approaches Featured by SDN Technologies in IoT Scenarios
- A Tutorial on Interference Exploitation via Symbol-Level Precoding Overview, State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
- A Tutorial on NB-IoT Physical Layer Design
- A Very Brief Introduction to Machine Learning With Applications to Communication Systems
- A Vision of 6G Wireless Systems Applications, Trends, Technologies, and Open Research Problems
- A Vision of C-V2X Technologies, Field Testing, and Challenges With Chinese Development
- A walkthrough of name data networking Architecture, functionalities, operations and open issues
- Addressing spectrum efficiency through hybrid-duplex UAV communications Challenges and opportunities
- ADVANCED WIRELESS FOR UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS 5G Standardization, Research Challenges, and the AERPAW Architecture
- Advancement of Routing Protocols and Applications of Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN)—A Survey
- Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Cyber–Physical Systems A Survey
- Agent-based Internet of Things State-of-the-art and research challenges
- AI-Assisted Framework for Green-Routing and Load Balancing in Hybrid Software-Defined Networking Proposal, Challenges and Future Perspective
- AI-Assisted Network-Slicing Based Next-Generation Wireless Networks
- AI-Based Autonomous Control, Management, and Orchestration in 5G From Standards to Algorithms
- AI-Based Modeling and Monitoring Techniques for Future Intelligent Elastic Optical Networks
- AI-Driven Zero Touch Network and Service Management in 5G and Beyond Challenges and Research Directions
- AI-Inspired Non-Terrestrial Networks for IIoT Review on Enabling Technologies and Applications
- Air-Ground Integrated Mobile Edge Networks A Survey
- Algorithmics and Modeling Aspects of Network Slicing in 5G and Beyonds Network Survey
- Ambient Backscatter Communications for Future Ultra-Low-Power Machine Type Communications Challenges, Solutions, Opportunities, and Future Research Trends
- An Empirical Survey of Autonomous Scheduling Methods for TSCH
- An exploratory study of congestion control techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks
- An In-Depth Analysis of IoT Security Requirements, Challenges, and Their Countermeasures via Software-Defined Security
- An Overview of Aerial Wireless Relay Networks for Emergency Communications during Large-Scale Disasters
- An overview of cryptographic primitives for possible use in 5G and beyond
- An Overview of FIR Filter Design in Future Multicarrier Communication Systems
- An overview of Internet of Things (IoT) Architectural aspects, challenges, and protocols
- An overview of ML-based applications for next generation optical networks
- An overview of privacy preserving schemes for industrial Internet of Things
- An overview of terahertz antennas
- Analysis and design of transformer-based CMOS ultra-wideband millimeter-wave circuits for wireless applications a review
- Analysis of PMIPv6 extensions for identifying and assessing the efforts made for solving the issues in the PMIPv6 domain A systematic review
- Anomaly Detection for IoT Time-Series Data A Survey
- Applications of blockchain in unmanned aerial vehicles A review
- Applications of Distributed Ledger Technologies to the Internet of Things A Survey
- Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks An Up-to-Date Survey
- Architectural Design Alternatives Based on Cloud Edge Fog Computing for Connected Vehicles
- Architectures, standardisation, and procedures for 5G Satellite Communications A survey
- Artificial Intelligence Enabled Wireless Networking for 5G and Beyond Recent Advances and Future Challenges
- Artificial Intelligence for Securing IoT Services in Edge Computing A Survey
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Cognitive Sensing in Future IoT State-of-the-Art, Potentials, and Challenges
- Artificial intelligence-empowered resource management for future wireless communications A survey
- Artificial-Intelligence-Enabled Air Interface for 6G Solutions, Challenges, and Standardization Impacts
- Attacks and defences on intelligent connected vehicles a survey
- A–Z survey of Internet of Things Architectures, protocols, applications, recent advances, future directions and recommendations
- Backscatter technologies and the future of internet of things Challenges and opportunities
- Battery-less internet of things –A survey
- Bayesian networks based reliable broadcast in vehicular networks
- Beam-Space Multiplexing Practice, Theory, and Trends, From 4G TD-LTE, 5G, to 6G and Beyond
- Beyond beaconing Emerging applications and challenges of BLE
- Bidirectional Green Promotion of 6G and AI Architecture, Solutions, and Platform
- Big Data Analytics for Large-scale Wireless Networks Challenges and Opportunities
- Blockchain and Machine Learning for Communications and Networking Systems
- Blockchain for Cyber Security in Smart Grid A Comprehensive Survey
- Blockchain for Digital Twins Recent Advances and Future Research Challenges
- Blockchain for Internet of Energy management Review, solutions, and challenges
- Blockchain Technology Toward Green IoT Opportunities and Challenges
- Blockchain-assisted secure UAV communication in 6G environment Architecture, opportunities, and challenges
- Blockchain-Based Distributed Trust and Reputation Management Systems A Survey
- Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Networks Survey of Communication and Security Protocols
- Caching in Vehicular Named Data Networking Architecture, Schemes and Future Directions
- Candidate Waveforms for ARoF in Beyond 5G
- Cellular Communications Coverage Prediction Techniques A Survey and Comparison
- Challenges and Opportunities in Securing the Industrial Internet of Things
- Challenges Associated with Implementing 5G in Manufacturing
- Challenges in Resource-Constrained IoT Devices Energy and Communication as Critical Success Factors for Future IoT Deployment
- Challenges to IoT-Enabled Predictive Maintenance for Industry 4.0
- Channel Estimation Techniques for Millimeter-Wave Communication Systems Achievements and Challenges
- Channel measurements and models for 6G current status and future outlook
- Cloud Pricing Models Taxonomy, Survey, and Interdisciplinary Challenges
- Cloud-based vs. blockchain-based IoT a comparative survey and way forward
- Cluster-based location service schemes in VANETs current state, challenges and future directions
- Clustering objectives in wireless sensor networks A survey and research direction analysis
- Cognition in UAV-Aided 5G and Beyond Communications A Survey
- Cognitive computing and wireless communications on the edge for healthcare service robots
- Cognitive radio networks for green wireless communications an overview
- Collective Remote Attestation at the Internet of Things Scale State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges
- Combination of Ultra-Dense Networks and Other 5G Enabling Technologies A Survey
- Communication and networking technologies for UAVs A survey
- Communication Requirements in Microgrids A Practical Survey
- Communication-Efficient Edge AI Algorithms and Systems
- Complementing IoT Services Through Software Defined Networking and Edge Computing A Comprehensive Survey
- Comprehensive Review Privacy Protection of User in Location‑Aware Services of Mobile Cloud Computing
- Comprehensive Survey of Machine Learning Approaches in Cognitive Radio-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
- Computation Offloading for Vehicular Environments A Survey
- Compute-Less Networking Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Computer Network Simulation with ns-3 A Systematic Literature Review
- Connected and autonomous electric vehicles Quality of experience survey and taxonomy
- Convergence of Edge Computing and Deep Learning A Comprehensive Survey
- Convergence of ICN and MEC for 5G Opportunities and Challenges
- Convergence of Networking and Cloud Edge Computing Status, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Convergence of Satellite and Terrestrial Networks A Comprehensive Survey
- Convolutional neural networks for 5G-enabled Intelligent Transportation System A systematic review
- Cooperative NOMA State of the Art, Key Techniques and Open Challenges
- Cross-layer perspective for channel assignment in cognitive radio networks A survey
- Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and mitigation A survey
- CubeSat Communications Recent Advances and Future Challenges
- Current and future developments to improve 5G‑NewRadio performance in vehicle‑to‑everything communications
- Cyber security threats, challenges and defence mechanisms in cloud computing
- Cyber security vulnerabilities for outdoor vehicular visible light communication in secure platoon network Review, power distribution, and signal to noise ratio analysis
- Cyber-Physical-Social Systems A State-of-the-Art Survey, Challenges and Opportunities
- Cyber-security on smart grid Threats and potential solutions
- Cybersecurity and Safety Co-Engineering of Cyberphysical Systems—A Comprehensive Survey
- Cybersecurity challenges in vehicular communications
- Data aggregation algorithms for wireless sensor network A review
- Data dissemination for Internet of vehicle based on 5G communications A survey
- Decentralized Federated Learning for UAV Networks Architecture, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Decoupling methods of MIMO antenna arrays for 5G applications a review
- Deep learning and big data technologies for IoT security
- Deep Learning at the Mobile Edge Opportunities for 5G Networks
- Deep Learning at the Physical Layer System Challenges and Applications to 5G and Beyond
- Deep Learning for Edge Computing Applications A State-of-the-Art Survey
- Deep Learning for Physical-Layer 5G Wireless Techniques Opportunities, Challenges and Solutions
- Deep learning methods in network intrusion detection A survey and an objective comparison
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Internet of Things Model, Applications and Challenges
- Dense Small Satellite Networks for Modern Terrestrial Communication Systems Benefits, Infrastructure, and Technologies
- Deployment of Blockchain Technology in Software Defined Networks A Survey
- Design of Noncoherent Communications From Statistical Method to Machine Learning
- Detecting Sensor Faults, Anomalies and Outliers in the Internet of Things A Survey on the Challenges and Solutions
- Detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks in SDN A comprehensive review, research challenges and future directions
- Device-to-device content caching techniques in 5G A taxonomy, solutions, and challenges
- Digital Twin and Internet of Things—Current Standards Landscape
- Disaggregated Data Centers Challenges and Trade-offs
- Distributed Control and Communication Strategies in Networked Microgrids
- DTN and Non-DTN Routing Protocols for Inter-CubeSat Communications A comprehensive survey
- Dynamic pricing techniques for Intelligent Transportation System in smart cities A systematic review
- DYNAMIC RADAR NETWORKS OF UAVs A Tutorial Overview and Tracking Performance Comparison With Terrestrial Radar Networks
- Dynamic Spectrum Anti-Jamming Communications Challenges and Opportunities
- Dynamic TDD Systems for 5G and Beyond A Survey of Cross-Link Interference Mitigation
- Edge Cloud Offloading Algorithms Issues, Methods, and Perspectives
- Edge Computing in Industrial Internet of Things Architecture, Advances and Challenges
- Edge Machine Learning for AI-Enabled IoT Devices A Review
- Edge-Computing Architectures for Internet of Things Applications A Survey
- Edge-Computing-Enabled Smart Cities A Comprehensive Survey
- Electromagnetic spectrum chipless radio frequency identification A review
- Emergency management systems using mobile cloud computing A survey
- Emerging Technologies for 5G-IoV Networks Applications, Trends and Opportunities
- Energy and Information Management of Electric Vehicular Network A Survey
- Energy aware edge computing A survey
- Energy conservation strategies in Named Data Networking based MANET using congestion control A review
- Energy efficiency techniques in ultra-dense wireless heterogeneous networks An overview and outlook
- Energy Efficient Design Techniques in Next-Generation Wireless Communication Networks Emerging Trends and Future Directions
- Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks A Comprehensive Survey
- Energy efficient transmission trends towards future green cognitive radio networks (5G) Progress, taxonomy and open challenges
- Energy-efficient power amplifiers and linearization techniques for massive MIMO transmitters a review
- Enhancing physical layer security via channel feedback a survey
- Evolution of V2X Communication and Integration of Blockchain for Security Enhancements
- Evolutionary intelligence in wireless sensor network routing, clustering, localization and coverage
- Evolutionary V2X Technologies Toward the Internet of Vehicles Challenges and Opportunities
- Experimental Review of Neural-Based Approaches for Network Intrusion Management
- Fault Administration by Load Balancing in Distributed SDN Controller A Review
- Fault management frameworks in wireless sensor networks A survey
- Federated learning for 6G communications Challenges methods and future directions
- Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks A Comprehensive Survey
- Federated-Learning-Enabled Intelligent Fog Radio Access Networks Fundamental Theory, Key Techniques, and Future Trends
- Fog Computing A Comprehensive Architectural Survey
- Fog Computing Applications in Smart Cities A Systematic Survey
- Fog Computing for Smart Cities’ Big Data Management and Analytics A Review
- Fog computing systems State of the art, research issues and future trends, with a focus on resilience
- Forwarding Strategies in NDN-Based Wireless Networks A Survey
- Frequency synchronisation for massive MIMO a survey
- From Mirrors to Free-Space Optical Communication—Historical Aspects in Data Transmission
- Frost Monitoring Cyber–Physical System A Survey on Prediction and Active Protection Methods
- Full-duplex medium access control protocols in wireless networks a survey
- Future Intelligent and Secure Vehicular Network Toward 6G Machine-Learning Approaches
- Future Is Unlicensed Private 5G Unlicensed Network for Connecting Industries of Future
- Grand Challenges in IoT and Sensor Networks
- Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for IoT A Survey
- Green Communications for Future Vehicular Networks Data Compression Approaches, Opportunities, and Challenges
- GREEN SDN — An enhanced paradigm of SDN Review, taxonomy, and future directions
- Hierarchical routing protocols for wireless sensor network a compressive survey
- IEEE 802.11be Wi-Fi 7 New Challenges and Opportunities
- IETF 6TiSCH A Tutorial
- IETF Protocol Suite for the Internet of Things Overview and Recent Advancements
- Impacts of Mobility Models on RPL-Based Mobile IoT Infrastructures An Evaluative Comparison and Survey
- In-Band Full Duplex Wireless LANs Medium Access Control Protocols, Design Issues and Their Challenges
- In-band Network Telemetry A Survey
- Indoor Intelligent Fingerprint-Based Localization Principles, Approaches and Challenges
- Indoor Positioning Based on Visible Light Communication A Performance-based Survey of Real-world Prototypes
- Indoor Visible Light Communication A Tutorial and Survey
- Information-Centric Networking solutions for the Internet of Things A systematic mapping review
- Integrated Access and Backhaul in 5G mmWave Networks Potential and Challenges
- Integrating IP Mobility Management Protocols and MANET A Survey
- Integrating LPWAN Technologies in the 5G Ecosystem A Survey on Security Challenges and Solutions
- Integration of Blockchain and Cloud of Things Architecture, Applications and Challenges
- Intelligence and security in big 5G-oriented IoNT An overview
- Intelligence in the Internet of Medical Things era A systematic review of current and future trends
- Intelligent cognitive spectrum collaboration Convergence of spectrum sensing, spectrum access, and coding technology
- Intelligent Edge Computing Security and Privacy Challenges
- Intelligent Load Balancing Techniques in Software Defined Networks A Survey
- Intelligent Surfaces for 6G Wireless Networks A Survey of Optimization and Performance Analysis Techniques
- Intent-based networks for 6G Insights and challenges
- Internet of Ships A Survey on Architectures, Emerging Applications, and Challenges
- Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Literature Review and IoT Cyber Risk Management
- Internet of Things (IoT), Applications and Challenges A Comprehensive Review
- Internet of Things for Noise Mapping in Smart Cities State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
- Internet of Things Intrusion Detection Centralized, On-Device, or Federated Learning
- Internet of Things Management Based on Software Defned Networking A Survey
- Internet of Things offloading Ongoing issues, opportunities, and future challenges
- Intrusion Detection Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Integrated to Internet of Things Deployment Survey and Future Challenges
- IoT Ecosystem A Survey on Devices, Gateways, Operating Systems, Middleware and Communication
- IoT Network Security Threats, Risks, and a Data-Driven Defense Framework
- IoT-based enterprise resource planning Challenges, open issues, applications, architecture, and future research directions
- Issues, Challenges, and Research Trends in Spectrum Management A Comprehensive Overview and New Vision for Designing 6G Networks
- Joint radar and communication A survey
- Joint Radar and Communication Design Applications, State-of-the-Art, and the Road Ahead
- Key Challenges, Drivers and Solutions for Mobility Management in 5G Networks A Survey
- Key Technologies in 6G SAGS IoT Shape-Adaptive Antenna and Radar-Communication Integration
- Large Constellations of Small Satellites A Survey of Near Future Challenges and Missions
- Large-Scale Wireless-Powered Networks With Backscatter Communications—A Comprehensive Survey
- Learning Combinatorial Optimization on Graphs A Survey With Applications to Networking
- Learning-Assisted Rain Attenuation Prediction Models
- Leveraging Intelligent Computation Offloading with Fog Edge Computing for Tactile Internet Advantages and Limitations
- Leveraging User-related Internet of Things for Continuous Authentication A Survey
- Licensed shared access for 5G Which auction mechanism to choose
- Location based routing protocols in VANET Issues and existing solutions
- Long-Range Wireless Radio Technologies A Survey
- LoRaWAN security survey Issues, threats and possible mitigation techniques
- Low Power Wide Area Network, Cognitive Radio and the Internet of Things Potentials for Integration
- LPWAN Technologies Emerging Application Characteristics, Requirements, and Design Considerations
- MAC Protocols for Terahertz Communication A Comprehensive Survey
- MAC protocols for unmanned aerial vehicle ecosystems Review and challenges
- MAC-layer rate control for 802.11 networks a survey
- Machine learning based solutions for security of Internet of Things (IoT) A survey
- Machine Learning Empowered Content Delivery Status, Challenges and Opportunities
- Machine Learning for Advanced Wireless Sensor Networks A Review
- Machine learning for intelligent optical networks A comprehensive survey
- Machine Learning for Resource Management in Cellular and IoT Networks Potentials, Current Solutions, and Open Challenges
- Machine Learning in IoT Security Current Solutions and Future Challenges
- Machine Learning Meets Computation and Communication Control in Evolving Edge and Cloud Challenges and Future Perspective
- Machine Learning Methods for Reliable Resource Provisioning in Edge-Cloud Computing A Survey
- Machine-learning-assisted optimization and its application to antenna designs Opportunities and challenges
- Machine-Type Communication for Maritime Internet of Things A Design
- Maritime Internet of Things Challenges and Solutions
- Medium Access Control Protocols for Flying Ad Hoc Networks A Review
- Micro-LED as a Promising Candidate for High-Speed Visible Light Communication
- Millimeter-Wave Communication for Internet of Vehicles Status, Challenges, and Perspectives
- Millimeter-Wave in the Face of 5G Communication Potential Applications
- Mobile Edge Intelligence and Computing for the Internet of Vehicles
- Mobile IPv6 Vertical Handover Specifications, Threats, and Mitigation Methods A Survey
- Mobility based network lifetime in wireless sensor networks A review
- Mobility Management in Emerging Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks A Survey, Outlook, and Future Research Directions
- Modeling and Analysis of Energy Harvesting and Smart Grid-Powered Wireless Communication Networks A Contemporary Survey
- Modeling and Simulation Tools for Fog Computing—A Comprehensive Survey from a Cost Perspective
- Multi-Access Edge Computing A Survey
- Multi-Armed-Bandit-Based Spectrum Scheduling Algorithms in Wireless Networks A Survey
- Multi-Connectivity as an Enabler for Reliable Low Latency Communications—An Overview
- Multi-user diversity wireless multicast A Survey
- Multimedia communication over cognitive radio networks from QoS QoE perspective A comprehensive survey
- Multimedia Internet of Things A Comprehensive Survey
- Multiple Access in Aerial Networks From Orthogonal and Non-Orthogonal to Rate-Splitting
- Multiple access schemes for Cognitive Radio networks A survey
- Named Data Networking in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks State-of-the-Art and Challenges
- Naming Content on the Network Layer A Security Analysis of the Information-Centric Network Model
- Narrowband Internet of Things A Comprehensive Study
- NB‑IoT Security A Survey
- Network Attacks Detection Methods Based on Deep Learning Techniques A Survey
- Network for AI and AI for Network Challenges and Opportunities for Learning-Oriented Networks
- Network Management 2030 Operations and Control of Network 2030 Services
- Network Management and Monitoring Solutions for Vehicular Networks A Survey
- Network Slice Mobility in Next Generation Mobile Systems Challenges and Potential Solutions
- Network Slicing Meets Artificial Intelligence An AI-Based Framework for Slice Management
- Network Slicing Recent Advances, Taxonomy, Requirements, and Open Research Challenges
- New Frontiers in IoT Networking, Systems, Reliability, and Security Challenges
- New Radio Beam-Based Access to Unlicensed Spectrum Design Challenges and Solutions
- NOMA-Assisted Machine-Type Communications in UDN State-of-the-Art and Challenges
- Non-Terrestrial Networks in 5G & Beyond A Survey
- Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for Next-Generation Mobile Networks A Technical Aspect for Research Direction
- On Energy Efficient Resource Allocation in Shared RANs Survey and Qualitative Analysis
- On Leveraging Machine and Deep Learning for Throughput Prediction in Cellular Networks Design, Performance, and Challenges
- On the Application of Machine Learning to the Design of UAV-Based 5G Radio Access Networks
- On Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks Routing Protocols A Review
- Open, Programmable, and Virtualized 5G Networks State-of-the-Art and the Road Ahead
- Opportunistic routing metrics A timely one-stop tutorial survey
- Opportunistic UAV Utilization in Wireless Networks Motivations, Applications, and Challenges
- Opportunities and Challenges for Error Control Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks A Review
- Optical Wireless Hybrid Networks Trends, Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Directions
- Optimization of Routing-Based Clustering Approaches in Wireless Sensor Network Review and Open Research Issues
- Optimization-based workload distribution in geographically distributed data centers A survey
- Orbital Angular Momentum Waves Generation, Detection, and Emerging Applications
- Over-the-Air Software Updates in the Internet of Things An Overview of Key Principles
- Passive Optical Networks Progress A Tutorial
- Peak Power Shaving for Reduced Electricity Costs in Cloud Data Centers Opportunities and Challenges
- Peer-to-peer energy sharing in mobile networks Applications, challenges, and open problems
- Percolation on complex networks Theory and application
- Performance Evaluation of Blockchain Systems A Systematic Survey
- Performance-Aware Management of Cloud Resources A Taxonomy and Future Directions
- Pervasive intelligent endogenous 6G wireless systems Prospects, theories and key technologies
- Phishing Attacks Survey Types, Vectors, and Technical Approaches
- Physical Layer Authentication for 5G Communications Opportunities and Road Ahead
- Physical Layer Authentication in Wireless Communication Networks A Survey
- Physical layer security for massive access in cellular Internet of Things
- Physical Layer Security for Visible Light Communication Systems A Survey
- Physical layer security schemes for MIMO systems an overview
- Physical-Layer Security in Space Information Networks A Survey
- Point Cloud Video Streaming Challenges and Solutions
- Potential Data Link Candidates for Civilian Unmanned Aircraft Systems A Survey
- Potential key technologies for 6G mobile communications
- Power-domain non orthogonal multiple access (PD-NOMA) in cooperative networks an overview
- Private 5G The Future of Industrial Wireless
- Program Analysis of Commodity IoT Applications for Security and Privacy Challenges and Opportunities
- Proposing a Secure RPL based Internet of Things Routing Protocol A Review
- Prospective Multiple Antenna Technologies for Beyond 5G
- QoE Management of Multimedia Streaming Services in Future Networks A Tutorial and Survey
- Quality of Life, Quality of Experience, and Security Perception in Web of Things An Overview of Research Opportunities
- Quality of service-aware service selection algorithms for the internet of things environment A review paper
- Quantum Internet Networking Challenges in Distributed Quantum Computing
- Radio resource management for vehicular communication via cellular device to device links review and challenges
- Realizing an Internet of Secure Things A Survey on Issues and Enabling Technologies
- Recent advancements, review analysis, and extensions of the AODV with the illustration of the applied concept
- Recent Advances and Challenges in Security and Privacy for V2X Communications
- Recent advances in consensus protocols for blockchain a survey
- Recent advances in Industrial Internet insights and challenges
- Recent advances in mobile edge computing and content caching
- Recent Developments of the Internet of Things in Agriculture A Survey
- Reconfigurable Antennas Switching Techniques— A Survey
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Smart Cities Research Challenges and Opportunities
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Wireless Communications Principles, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Relay-Assisted Technology in Optical Wireless Communications A Survey
- Research Challenges and Security Threats to AI-Driven 5G Virtual Emotion Applications using Autonomous Vehicles, Drones and Smart Devices
- Resonant Cavity Antennas for 5G Communication Systems A Review
- Resource Management in Fog Edge Computing A Survey on Architectures, Infrastructure, and Algorithms
- Resource Optimisation in 5G and Internet‑of‑Things Networking
- Review of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Swarm Communication Architectures and Routing Protocols
- Review on cross-layer design for cognitive ad-hoc and sensor network
- Review on directional antenna for wireless sensor network applications
- Reviewing the Scope of THz Communication and a Technology Roadmap for Implementation
- Revisiting the High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing for Future Datacenters
- Risk-Based Access Control Model A Systematic Literature Review
- Robust Spectrum Sharing in Air-Ground Integrated Networks Opportunities and Challenges
- Routing in Flying Ad Hoc Networks A Comprehensive Survey
- Routing in LoRaWAN Overview and Challenges
- Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Optimization Techniques A Survey
- Routing Protocols for UAV-Aided Wireless Sensor Networks
- Routing Protocols for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Aided Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks A Survey
- Routing Protocols for Wireless Nanosensor Networks and Internet of Nano Things A Comprehensive Survey
- Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Edge Computing Networks Architecture, Challenges, and Open Issues
- SDN NFV-Empowered Future IoV With Enhanced Communication, Computing, and Caching
- SDN-based VANETs, Security Attacks, Applications, and Challenges
- Secure authentication and privacy-preserving techniques in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs)
- Secure data analytics for smart grid systems in a sustainable smart city Challenges, solutions, and future directions
- Secure over-the-air software updates in connected vehicles A survey
- Securing Connected Autonomous Vehicles Challenges Posed by Adversarial Machine Learning and the Way Forward
- Securing Smart Cities through Blockchain Technology Architecture, Requirements, and Challenges
- Security analysis of drones systems Attacks, limitations, and recommendations
- Security and Privacy Challenges in Connected Vehicular Cloud Computing
- Security and privacy in 6G networks New areas and new challenges
- Security and Privacy in IoT A Survey
- Security and Privacy in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network and Vehicle Cloud Computing A Survey
- Security in edge-assisted Internet of Things challenges and solutions
- Security in Energy Harvesting Networks A Survey of Current Solutions and Research Challenges
- Security in IoT-Driven Mobile Edge Computing New Paradigms, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Security in Low Powered Wide Area Networks Opportunities for Software Defined Network-Supported Solutions
- Security issues and challenges in V2X A Survey
- Security Issues and Software Updates Management in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Era
- Security Issues in Fog Environment A Systematic Literature Review
- Security of 5G-V2X Technologies, Standardization and Research Directions
- Security of IoT Application Layer Protocols Challenges and Findings
- Security of RPL based 6LoWPAN Networks in the Internet of Things A Review
- Security of SDN-based vehicular ad hoc networks State-of-the-art and challenges
- Security of the Internet of Things Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures
- Security threats, detection, and countermeasures for physical layer in cognitive radio networks A survey
- Security, Privacy and Trust for Smart MobileInternet of Things (M-IoT) A Survey
- Segment Routing A Comprehensive Survey of Research Activities, Standardization Efforts, and Implementation Results
- Sensing, Computing, and Communications for Energy Harvesting IoTs A Survey
- Sensors for internet of medical things State-of-the-art, security and privacy issues, challenges and future directions
- Service discovery in the Internet of Things review of current trends and research challenges
- Service Function Chaining in 5G & Beyond Networks Challenges and Open Research Issues
- Service Orchestration in NFV-Based Traditional and Emerging Cloud Environments State of the Art and Research Challenges
- Service redundancy and cluster-based routing protocols for wireless sensor and mobile ad hoc networks A survey
- Service-aware 6G An intelligent and open network based on the convergence of communication, computing and caching
- Service-Less Video Multicast in 5G Enablers and Challenges
- Sharing Distributed and Heterogeneous Resources toward End-to-End 5G networks A Comprehensive Survey and a Taxonomy
- Simulating Resource Management across the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum A Survey and Future Directions
- Smart and Secure Wireless Communications via Reflecting Intelligent Surfaces A Short Survey
- Smart Containers Schedulers for Microservices Provision in Cloud-Fog-IoT Networks Challenges and Opportunities
- Smart Radio Environments Empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces How It Works, State of Research, and The Road Ahead
- Software Defined Internet of Things Security Properties, State of the Art, and Future Research
- Software Defined Networking Flow Table Management of OpenFlow Switches Performance and Security Challenges A Survey
- Software-Defined Edge Computing (SDEC) Principle, Open IoT System Architecture, Applications, and Challenges
- Software-defined Networking-based DDoS Defense Mechanisms
- Softwarization of UAV Networks A Survey of Applications and Future Trends
- Softwarization, Virtualization, and Machine Learning for Intelligent and Effective Vehicle-to-Everything Communications
- Space-air-ground integrated vehicular network for connected and automated vehicles Challenges and solutions
- Space-Air-Ground IoT Network and Related Key Technologies
- Spectrum Intelligent Radio Technology, Development, and Future Trends
- Spoofing and Anti-Spoofing Technologies of Global Navigation Satellite System A Survey
- SS7 Vulnerabilities—A Survey and Implementation of Machine Learning vs Rule Based Filtering for Detection of SS7 Network Attacks
- State-of-the-art approach to clustering protocols in VANET a survey
- State-of-the-art IoV trust management a meta-synthesis systematic literature review (SLR)
- Survey and Perspective on Extremely High Throughput (EHT) WLAN — IEEE 802.11be
- Survey and taxonomy of clustering algorithms in 5G
- Survey and Taxonomy of Volunteer Computing
- Survey of Authentication and Privacy Schemes in Vehicular ad hoc Networks
- Survey of Countering DoS DDoS Attacks on SIP Based VoIP Networks
- Survey of Radio Resource Management in 5G Heterogeneous Networks
- Survey of Secure Routing Protocols for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- Survey of the low power wide area network technologies
- Survey on cognitive anti-jamming communications
- Survey on IoT security Challenges and solution using machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology
- Survey on Power-Aware Optimization Solutions for MANETs
- Survey on the Internet of Vehicles Network Architectures and Applications
- Survey on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks A Cyber Physical System Perspective
- Survey on vehicular ad hoc networks clustering algorithms Overview, taxonomy, challenges, and open research issues
- Survey on Wireless Networks Coexistence Resource Sharing in the 5G Era
- Surveying pervasive public safety communication technologies in the context of terrorist attacks
- Surveys on the intelligent surface an innovative technology for wireless networks beyond 5G
- Sustainable Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing Algorithmic Design and Implementation
- Systematic Literature Review on Energy Efficient Routing Schemes in WSN – A Survey
- Systematic review of congestion handling techniques for 802.11 wireless networks
- Task scheduling approaches in fog computing A systematic review
- Telecommunication Systems for Small Satellites Operating at High Frequencies A Review
- Ten Challenges in Advancing Machine Learning Technologies toward 6G
- The Development, Operation and Performance of the 5G Polar Codes
- The fog cloud of things A survey on concepts, architecture, standards, tools, and applications
- The Future of Healthcare Internet of Things A Survey of Emerging Technologies
- The Internet of Audio Things State of the Art, Vision, and Challenges
- The rise of traffic classification in IoT networks A survey
- The Road Ahead for Networking A Survey on ICN-IP Coexistence Solutions
- The Road beyond 5G A Vision and Insight of the Key Technologies
- The Role of Artificial Intelligence Driven 5G Networks in COVID-19 Outbreak Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Outlook
- The role of caching in next generation cellular networks A survey and research outlook
- The Use of MQTT in M2M and IoT Systems A Survey
- The views, measurements and challenges of elasticity in the cloud A review
- Thirty Years of Machine Learning The Road to Pareto-Optimal Wireless Networks
- Toward 6G Networks Use Cases and Technologies
- Toward Comprehensive Network Verification Practices, Challenges and Beyond
- Toward Massive Machine Type Communications in Ultra-Dense Cellular IoT Networks Current Issues and Machine Learning-Assisted Solutions
- Toward Reliable and Scalable Internet of Vehicles Performance Analysis and Resource Management
- Toward Robust and Intelligent Drone Swarm Challenges and Future Directions
- Toward Smart Wireless Communications via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces A Contemporary Survey
- Toward Standardization of Millimeter-Wave Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks Open Challenges and Performance Evaluation
- Toward the Internet of Things for Physical Internet Perspectives and Challenges
- Towards a Safer Internet of Things—A Survey of IoT Vulnerability Data Sources
- Towards artificial intelligence enabled 6G State of the art, challenges, and opportunities
- Towards formal verification of IoT protocols A Review
- Towards green communication in 5G systems Survey on beamforming concept
- Towards the Use of Artificial Intelligence on the Edge in Space Systems Challenges and Opportunities
- Towards trustworthy Internet of Things A survey on Trust Management applications and schemes
- Trust-Based Attack and Defense in Wireless Sensor Networks A Survey
- TV white spaces exploration for cognitive radio taxonomy and research issues
- UAV communications with millimeter-wave beamforming Potentials scenarios and challenges
- UAV-Aided Interference Assessment for Private 5G NR Deployments Challenges and Solutions
- UAVs assessment in software-defined IoT networks An overview
- UAVs joint optimization problems and machine learning to improve the 5G and Beyond communication
- Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications for Connected Vehicles Challenges and Solutions
- Underwater Network Management System in Internet of Underwater Things Open Challenges, Benefits, and Feasible Solution
- Unmanned aerial vehicle for internet of everything Opportunities and challenges
- Unmanned Systems Security Models, Challenges and Future Directions
- User authentication on mobile devices Approaches, threats and trends
- V2X Empowered Non-Signalized Intersection Management in the AI Era Opportunities and Solutions
- Vehicular Cloud Computing Security A Survey
- Vehicular Cloud Resource Management, Issues and Challenges A Survey
- Vehicular communication channel measurement, modelling, and application for beyond 5G and 6G
- Vehicular Communications for ITS Standardization and Challenges
- Virtual Network Embedding for Multi-Domain Heterogeneous Converged Optical Networks Issues and Challenges
- Virtualization in Programmable Data Plane A Survey and Open Challenges
- Visible Light Communications for Industrial Applications—Challenges and Potentials
- Vision, Requirements, and Technology Trend of 6G How to Tackle the Challenges of System Coverage, Capacity, User Data-Rate and Movement Speed
- VLC-Based Networking Feasibility and Challenges
- Volunteer Computing in Connected Vehicles Opportunities and Challenges
- Wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT), Applications, Opportunities, and Challenges A Survey
- What Is an Open IoT Platform Insights from a Systematic Mapping Study
- When 5G Meets Deep Learning A Systematic Review
- When Machine Learning Meets Privacy in 6G A Survey
- When Machine Learning Meets Wireless Cellular Networks Deployment, Challenges, and Applications
- When SDN meets C-RAN A survey exploring multi-point coordination, interference, and performance
- Why Are My Flows Different A Tutorial on Flow Exporters
- Wide Band Human Body Communication Technology for Wearable and Implantable Robot Control
- WiFi Sensing with Channel State Information A Survey
- Wireless Communications for the Hospital of the Future Requirements, Challenges and Solutions
- Wireless Communications with Programmable Metasurface New Paradigms, Opportunities, and Challenges on Transceiver Design
- Wireless recommendations for Internet of vehicles Recent advances challenges and opportunities
- Wireless Sensing for Human Activity A Survey
- Wireless Sensing Using Dynamic Metasurface Antennas Challenges and Opportunities
- WSN Strategies Based on Sensors, Deployment, Sensing Models, Coverage and Energy Efciency Review, Approaches and Open Issues
- 区块链赋能6G
- 意图驱动的6G无线接入网络
- 面向6G的无线通信信道特性分析与建模
- 面向6G的智能机器通信与网络