- 3GPP Standardized 5G Channel Model for IIoT Scenarios A Survey
- 3GPP URLLC patent analysis
- 5G Enabling Digital Transformation of Smart Grid A Review of Pilot Projects and Prospect
- 5G from Space An Overview of 3GPP Non-Terrestrial Networks
- 5G Mobile Communication Applications A Survey and Comparison of Use Cases
- 5G network slicing Fundamental concepts, architectures, algorithmics, projects practices, and open issues
- 5G NR system design a concise survey of key features and capabilities
- 5G Vehicle-to-Everything Services in Cross-Border Environments Standardization and Challenges
- 5G-based V2V broadcast communications A security perspective
- 60 GHz wireless data center networks A survey
- 6G A comprehensive survey on technologies, applications, challenges, and research problems
- 6G Connectivity in the Era of Distributed Intelligence
- 6G Enabled Industrial Internet of Everything Towards a Theoretical Framework
- 6G Enabled Smart Infrastructure for Sustainable Society Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Roadmap
- 6G Network Architecture Vision
- 6G Opportunities Arising from Internet of Things Use Cases A Review Paper
- 6G Wireless Communications Networks A Comprehensive Survey
- 6G Wireless Systems Vision, Requirements, Challenges, Insights, and Opportunities
- A Brief Review of Multipath TCP for Vehicular Networks
- A brief review on integration between wireless sensor networks and Cloud
- A Comparative Study on Cyber Threat Intelligence The Security Incident Response Perspective
- A comparative study on geographic-based routing algorithms for flying ad-hoc networks
- A Comprehensive Overview on 5G-and-Beyond Networks With UAVs From Communications to Sensing and Intelligence
- A Comprehensive Review of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Attacks and Neutralization Techniques
- A Comprehensive Review on Energy Harvesting Integration in IoT Systems from MAC Layer Perspective Challenges and Opportunities
- A Comprehensive Review on Network Protocol Design for Autonomic Internet of Things
- A Comprehensive Review on Secure Routing in Internet of Things Mitigation Methods and Trust-Based Approaches
- A Comprehensive Review on Swarm Intelligence‑Based Routing Protocols in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
- A Comprehensive Study of Anomaly Detection Schemes in IoT Networks Using Machine Learning Algorithms
- A comprehensive survey and taxonomy of the SVM-based intrusion detection systems
- A comprehensive survey of load balancing techniques in software-defined network
- A Comprehensive Survey of Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Body Area Networks
- A comprehensive survey of physical layer security over fading channels Classifications, applications, and challenges
- A Comprehensive Survey of the Internet of Things (IoT) and AI-Based Smart Healthcare
- A Comprehensive Survey of the Tactile Internet State-of-the-Art and Research Directions
- A Comprehensive Survey on Auction Mechanism Design for Cloud Edge Resource Management and Pricing
- A Comprehensive Survey on Coded Distributed Computing Fundamentals, Challenges, and Networking Applications
- A comprehensive survey on DNS tunnel detection
- A comprehensive survey on Green ICT with 5G-NB-IoT Towards sustainable planet
- A comprehensive survey on LEACH-based clustering routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
- A Comprehensive Survey on Moving Networks
- A Comprehensive Survey on Security Issues in 5G Wireless Communication Network using Beamforming Approach
- A Comprehensive Survey on the E2E 5G Network Slicing Model
- A comprehensive survey on vehicular networking for safe and efficient driving in smart transportation A focus on systems, protocols, and applications
- A comprehensive survey on vehicular networks for smart roads A focus on IP-based approaches
- A Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System for MQTT Enabled IoT
- A detailed tutorial survey on VANETs Emerging architectures, applications, security issues, and solutions
- A Literature Review on Caching Transient Contents in Vehicular Named Data Networking
- A Perspective Review of Security Challenges in Body Area Networks for Healthcare Applications
- A Quantitative Survey of Communication Optimizations in Distributed Deep Learning
- A Review of Call Admission Control Schemes in Wireless Cellular Networks
- A Review of Computer Vision Methods in Network Security
- A Review of Deep Learning in 5G Research Channel Coding, Massive MIMO, Multiple Access, Resource Allocation, and Network Security
- A review of edge computing Features and resource virtualization
- A Review of Internet of Things—Resource Allocation
- A Review of Intrusion Detection Systems in RPL Routing Protocol Based on Machine Learning for Internet of Things Applications
- A review of IoT Network Management Current Status and Perspectives
- A review of swarm intelligence algorithms deployment for scheduling and optimization in cloud computing environments
- A Review of Transmission Rate over Wireless Fading Channels Classifcations, Applications, and Challenges
- A Review on 5G Sub-6 GHz Base Station Antenna Design Challenges
- A review on cyber security named entity recognition
- A review on energy management issues for future 5G and beyond network
- A Review on Fog Computing Architecture, Fog with IoT, Algorithms and Research Challenges
- A Review on LiFi Network Research Open Issues, Applications and Future Directions
- A review on P4-Programmable data planes Architecture, research efforts, and future directions
- A Review on Performance Evaluation of Diferent Low Power SRAM Cells in Nano‑Scale Era
- A Review on the Efectiveness of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms for Cyber Security
- A Review on the Security of the Internet of Things Challenges and Solutions
- A stakeholder-oriented security analysis in virtualized 5G cellular networks
- A Survey and Future Directions on Clustering From WSNs to IoT and Modern Networking Paradigms
- A Survey and Quantitative Evaluation of Integrated Circuit-Based Antenna Interfaces and Self-Interference Cancellers for Full-Duplex
- A Survey and Taxonomy of Resource Allocation Methods in Wireless Networks
- A survey applications of blockchain in the Internet of Vehicles
- A Survey from Real-Time to Near Real-Time Applications in Fog Computing Environments
- A survey of 5G millimeter wave, massive multiple-input multiple-output, and vehicle-to-vehicle channel measurements and models
- A survey of 5G network systems challenges and machine learning approaches
- A Survey of 802.15.4 TSCH Schedulers for a Standardized Industrial Internet of Things
- A survey of cloud network fault diagnostic systems and tools
- A Survey of Computational Intelligence for 6G Key Technologies, Applications and Trends
- A Survey of Cybersecurity Certification for the Internet of Things
- A survey of data dissemination schemes in vehicular named data networking
- A Survey of Decentralizing Applications via Blockchain The 5G and Beyond Perspective
- A Survey of Deep Learning Techniques for Cybersecurity in Mobile Networks
- A Survey of Fast-Recovery Mechanisms in Packet-Switched Networks
- A survey of fault tolerance in cloud computing
- A Survey of Hierarchical Energy Optimization for Mobile Edge Computing A Perspective from End Devices to the Cloud
- A Survey of Honeypots and Honeynets for Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, and Cyber-Physical Systems
- A Survey of ICN Content Naming and In-Network Caching in 5G and Beyond Networks
- A Survey of Interest Flooding Attack in NamedData Networking Taxonomy, Performance and Future Research Challenges
- A Survey of IoT Applications in Blockchain Systems Architecture, Consensus, and Traffic Modeling
- A survey of key pre-distribution schemes based on combinatorial designs for resource-constrained devices in the IoT network
- A survey of low-latency transmission strategies in software defined networking
- A Survey of Machine Learning Applications to Handover Management in 5G and Beyond
- A Survey of Millimeter-Wave Communication Physical-Layer Technology Specifications and Enabling Transmission Technologies
- A Survey of Mobility Management as a Service in Real-Time Inter Intra Slice Control
- A Survey of Network Virtualization Techniques for Internet of Things Using SDN and NFV
- A Survey of Physical-Layer Authentication in Wireless Communications
- A Survey of Profit Optimization Techniques for Cloud Providers
- A survey of prototype and experiment for UAV communications
- A Survey of QoS‑aware Routing Protocols for the MANET‑WSN Convergence Scenarios in IoT Networks
- A Survey of Rain Attenuation Prediction Models for Terrestrial Links—Current Research Challenges and State-of-the-Art
- A Survey of Recent Advances in Edge-Computing-Powered Artificial Intelligence of Things
- A Survey of Reconfigurable Optical Networks
- A Survey of Routing Protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
- A survey of self-coordination in self-organizing network
- A Survey of Swarm Intelligence Based Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Computing Environment
- A survey of Sybil attack countermeasures in IoT-based wireless sensor networks
- A Survey of the Main Security Issues and Solutions for the SDN Architecture
- A Survey of the Tactile Internet Design Issues and Challenges, Applications, and Future Directions
- A survey of traditional and advanced automatic modulation classification techniques, challenges, and some novel trends
- A Survey of Trust Management in the Internet of Vehicles
- A Survey of Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) Past, Present and Future
- A survey of VNF forwarding graph embedding in B5G 6G networks
- A Survey of Wireless Networks for Future Aerial Communications (FACOM)
- A survey on 360-degree video Coding, quality of experience and streaming
- A Survey on 4G-5G Dual Connectivity Road to 5G Implementation
- A survey on 5G 6G, AI, and Robotics
- A Survey on Advanced Multiple Access Techniques for 5G and Beyond Wireless Communications
- A Survey on Applications of Deep Learning in Cloud Radio Access Network
- A Survey on Applications of Reinforcement Learning in Flying Ad-Hoc Networks
- A survey on belief propagation decoding of polar codes
- A Survey on Beyond 5G Network With the Advent of 6G Architecture and Emerging Technologies
- A Survey on Botnets Incentives, Evolution, Detection and Current Trends
- A Survey on Caching in Mobile Edge Computing
- A Survey on Coverage Enhancement in Cellular Networks Challenges and Solutions for Future Deployments
- A survey on deep learning for challenged networks Applications and trends
- A Survey on Deep Learning for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications Challenges on 6G Wireless Systems
- A Survey on Device Behavior Fingerprinting Data Sources, Techniques, Application Scenarios, and Datasets
- A Survey on Edge and Edge-Cloud Computing Assisted Cyber-Physical Systems
- A Survey on Edge Performance Benchmarking
- A Survey on Energy Efcient Cellular Mobile Communication
- A Survey on Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks Channel Capacity, Scheduling, and Transmission Power Optimization
- A Survey on Extending the Lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks in Real‑Time Applications
- A Survey on Federated Learning The Journey From Centralized to Distributed On-Site Learning and Beyond
- A Survey on Higher-Order QAM Constellations Technical Challenges, Recent Advances, and Future Trends
- A Survey on Industrial Control System Testbeds and Datasets for Security Research
- A Survey on Integrated Access and Backhaul Networks
- A survey on internet of things security Requirements, challenges, and solutions
- A Survey on IoT Big Data Current Status, 13 V’s Challenges, and Future Directions
- A survey on IoT platforms Communication, security, and privacy perspectives
- A Survey on Joint Communication-Radar Systems
- A Survey on Layer-Wise Security Attacks in IoT Attacks, Countermeasures, and Open-Issues
- A Survey on Long-Range Wide-Area Network Technology Optimizations
- A Survey on LTE LTE-A Radio Resource Allocation Techniques for Machine-to-Machine Communication for B5G Networks
- A Survey on Machine Learning Techniques for Routing Optimization in SDN
- A Survey on Mobile Agent Itinerary Planning for Information Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks
- A Survey on Mobile Augmented Reality With 5G Mobile Edge Computing Architectures, Applications, and Technical Aspects
- A Survey on Modern Cloud Computing Security over Smart City Networks Threats, Vulnerabilities, Consequences, Countermeasures, and Challenges
- A Survey on Multi-Access Edge Computing Applied to Video Streaming Some Research Issues and Challenges
- A Survey on Multipath Transport Protocols Towards 5G Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting
- A survey on nature-inspired algorithms and its applications in the Internet of Vehicles
- A survey on network forwarding in Software-Defined Networking
- A survey on privacy and access control schemes in fog computing
- A Survey on Privacy-Preserving Authentication Schemes in VANETs Attacks, Challenges and Open Issues
- A Survey on QoE-Oriented VR Video Streaming Some Research Issues and Challenges
- A survey on QoS routing protocols in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)
- A survey on recent contention-free MAC protocols for static and mobile wireless decentralized networks in IoT
- A Survey on Resource Allocation for 5G Heterogeneous Networks Current Research, Future Trends, and Challenges
- A survey on routing algorithms for opportunistic mobile social networks
- A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues in Edge-Computing-Assisted Internet of Things
- A survey on security issues in cognitive radio based cooperative sensing
- A survey on sleep mode techniques for ultra-dense networks in 5G and beyond
- A Survey on Spectrum Management for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- A Survey On Spectrum Sensing and Learning Technologies for 6G
- A Survey on Standards for Interoperability and Security in the Internet of Things
- A survey on stateful data plane in software defined networks
- A Survey on Successive Interference Cancellation Schemes in Non‑Orthogonal Multiple Access for Future Radio Access
- A survey on TCP over mmWave
- A Survey on Technologies, Standards and Open Challenges in Satellite IoT
- A Survey on the AI and Spectrum Management for Cache-Enabled Internet of Things in Smart Cities
- A survey on the blockchain techniques for the Internet of Vehicles security
- A Survey on the Development of Self-Organizing Maps for Unsupervised Intrusion Detection
- A Survey on the Implementation and Management of Secure Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Virtual LANs (VLANs) in Static and Mobile Scenarios
- A survey on the roles of Bloom Filter in implementation of the Named Data Networking
- A Survey on Traffic Prediction Techniques Using Artificial Intelligence for Communication Networks
- A Survey on Transmission Schemes on Large-Scale Internet of Things with Nonorthogonal Multiple Access
- A Survey on Trustworthiness for the Internet of Things
- A Survey on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles‑Assisted Internet of Things A Service‑Oriented Classifcation
- A Survey on Video Streaming in Multipath and Multihomed Overlay Networks
- A Survey on Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures in the Communications of the Smart Grid
- A Survey on WSN Issues with its Heuristics and Meta‑Heuristics Solutions
- A Systematic Literature Review of Industry 4.0 Technologies within Medical Device Manufacturing
- A systematic literature review on mobility in terrestrial and underwater wireless sensor networks
- A Systematic Review of Cybersecurity Risks in Higher Education
- A Systematic Review of Quality of Service in Wireless Sensor Networks using Machine Learning Recent Trend and Future Vision
- A Systematic Review of Quality of Services (QoS) in Software Defned Networking (SDN)
- A Systematic Review on Recent Trends, Challenges, Privacy and Security Issues of Underwater Internet of Things
- A systematic review on task scheduling in Fog computing Taxonomy, tools, challenges, and future directions
- A Systematic Survey on Fog steered IoT Architecture, Prevalent Threats and Trust Models
- A systematic survey on internet of things Energy efficiency and interoperability perspective
- A Systematic Treat Model for SoftwareDefined Networking
- A Taxonomy and Survey of Power Models and Power Modeling for Cloud Servers
- A Theoretical Discussion and Survey of Network Automation for IoT Challenges and Opportunity
- A Topical Review on Machine Learning, Software Defined Networking, Internet of Things Applications Research Limitations and Challenges
- A Tutorial on 5G NR V2X Communications
- A Tutorial on Ultrareliable and Low-Latency Communications in 6G Integrating Domain Knowledge Into Deep Learning
- A Vision and Framework for the High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) Networks of the Future
- Achieving Ethical Algorithmic Behaviour in the Internet of Things A Review
- Addressing disasters in smart cities through UAVs path planning and 5G communications A systematic review
- Adoption of Blockchain With 5G Networks for Industrial IoT Recent Advances, Challenges, and Potential Solutions
- Age of Information An Introduction and Survey
- AI Driven Heterogeneous MEC System with UAV Assistance for Dynamic Environment Challenges and Solutions
- AI-Assisted MAC for Reconfigurable Intelligent-Surface-Aided Wireless Networks Challenges and Opportunities
- AI-Empowered Content Caching in Vehicular Edge Computing Opportunities and Challenges
- AI-Enabled Object Detection in UAVs Challenges, Design Choices, and Research Directions
- Amalgamation of blockchain and IoT for smart cities underlying 6G communication A comprehensive review
- An Analysis on Contemporary MAC Layer Protocols in Vehicular Networks State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
- An analytical Survey of Attack Scenario Parameters on the Techniques of Attack Mitigation in WSN
- An Analytical Survey of WSNs Integration with Cloud and Fog Computing
- An enhanced indoor visible light communication physicallayer security scheme for 5G networks Survey, security challenges, and channel analysis secrecy performance
- An extensive survey on the Internet of Drones
- An Overview and Future Directions on Physical-Layer Security for Cognitive Radio Networks
- An Overview and Mechanism for the Coexistence of 5G NR-U (New Radio Unlicensed) in the Millimeter-Wave Spectrum for Indoor Small Cells
- An overview of generic tools for information‑theoretic secrecy performance analysis over wiretap fading channels
- An Overview of Machine Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Routing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks
- An overview of massive MIMO localization techniques in wireless cellular networks Recent advances and outlook
- An Overview of On-Demand Deployment Optimization of Small Cells
- An overview of protected satellite communications in intelligent age
- An Overview of Service Placement Problem in Fog and Edge Computing
- An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for Terahertz Communications
- An Overview of Uplink Access Techniques in Machine-Type Communications
- An overview of wireless communication technology using deep learning
- Analysis of Challenges in Modern Network Forensic Framework
- Analysis of Security Issues and Countermeasures for the Industrial Internet of Things
- Analytics and Machine Learning in Vehicle Routing Research
- Anomaly Detection Prediction for the Internet of Things State of the Art and the Future
- Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in IoT Using Deep Learning A Systematic Literature Review
- Anomaly-based intrusion detection systems The requirements, methods, measurements, and datasets
- Application Domain-Based Overview of IoT Network Traffic Characteristics
- Application Domains, Evaluation Data Sets, and Research Challenges of IoT A Systematic Review
- Application Management in Fog Computing Environments A Taxonomy, Review and Future Directions
- Application of NOMA for cellular-connected UAVs opportunities and challenges
- Application of Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning in Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems
- Application placement in Fog computing with AI approach Taxonomy and a state of the art survey
- Applications of Game Theory in Vehicular Networks A Survey
- Applications of Integrated IoT-Fog-Cloud Systems to Smart Cities A Survey
- Applications of Machine Learning in Networking A Survey of Current Issues and Future Challenges
- Applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Logistics A Comprehensive Survey
- Applications, Deployments, and Integration of Internet of Drones (IoD) A Review
- Applying Deep-Learning-Based Computer Vision to Wireless Communications Methodologies, Opportunities, and Challenges
- Applying machine learning techniques for caching in next-generation edge networks A comprehensive survey
- Artificial intelligence for satellite communication A review
- Artificial Intelligence for UAV-Enabled Wireless Networks A Survey
- Artificial Intelligence for Wireless Caching Schemes, Performance, and Challenges
- Artificial Intelligence-based Sensors for Next Generation IoT Applications A Review
- Atmospheric Ducting Effect in Wireless Communications Challenges and Opportunities
- Attack and System Modeling Applied to IoT, Cloud, and Mobile Ecosystems Embedding Security by Design
- Attacks and countermeasures on blockchains A survey from layering perspective
- Attribute-based Encryption for Cloud Computing Access Control A Survey
- Auction-based Theory for Dynamic Spectrum Access a Review
- Autonomic cloud computing based management and security solutions State-of-the-art, challenges, and opportunities
- Autonomous IoT Device Management Systems Structured Review and Generalized Cognitive Model
- Big data applications on the Internet of Things A systematic literature review
- Big Data Resource Management Networks Taxonomy, Survey, and Future Directions
- Biometrics for Internet-of-Things Security A Review
- Bit Error Performance of APD and SPAD Receivers in Optical Wireless Communication
- Blind Source Separation For Full-Duplex Systems Potential and Challenges
- Blockchain and 5G integrated softwarized UAV network management Architecture, solutions, and challenges
- Blockchain and artificial intelligence for 5G-enabled Internet of Things Challenges, opportunities, and solutions
- Blockchain Application in Internet of Vehicles Challenges, Contributions and Current Limitations
- Blockchain Architectures for Physical Internet A Vision, Features, Requirements, and Applications
- Blockchain for IoT Access Control, Security and Privacy A Review
- Blockchain for securing aerial communications Potentials, solutions, and research directions
- Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles Towards Intelligent Transportation Systems A Survey
- Blockchain incentivized data forwarding in MANETs Strategies and challenges
- Blockchain management and machine learning adaptation for IoT environment in 5G and beyond networks A systematic review
- Blockchain technology for the industrial Internet of Things A comprehensive survey on security challenges, architectures, applications, and future research directions
- Blockchain-Based Internet of Things and Industrial IoT A Comprehensive Survey
- Blockchain-Based Solutions for UAV-Assisted Connected Vehicle Networks in Smart Cities A Review, Open Issues, and Future Perspectives
- Blockchain-Based UAV Path Planning for Healthcare 4.0 Current Challenges and the Way Ahead
- Blockchain-empowered Data-driven Networks A Survey and Outlook
- Blockchain-Empowered Drone Networks Architecture, Features, and Future
- Blockchain-Enabled Applications in Next-Generation Wireless Systems Challenges and Opportunities
- Blockchain-Enabled Cyber–Physical Systems A Review
- Blockchain-Enabled Edge Intelligence for IoT Background, Emerging Trends and Open Issues
- Blockchain-envisioned unmanned aerial vehicle communications in space-air-ground integrated network A review
- Buffer-aided relaying a survey on relay selection policies
- Cascading Failures in Internet of Things Review and Perspectives on Reliability and Resilience
- Challenges and New Directions in Securing Spectrum Access Systems
- Challenges and Opportunities of Future Rural Wireless Communications
- Challenges and Solutions for Cellular Based V2X Communications
- Challenges and Their Practices in Adoption of Hybrid Cloud Computing An Analytical Hierarchy Approach
- Challenges of Malware Detection in the IoT and a Review of Artificial Immune System Approaches
- Closing Connectivity Gap An Overview of Mobile Coverage Solutions for Not-Spots in Rural Zones
- Cloud-Native Network Slicing Using Software Defined Networking Based Multi-Access Edge Computing A Survey
- Coexistence of Cellular and IEEE 802.11 Technologies in Unlicensed Spectrum Bands -A Survey
- Communication systems of high-speed railway A survey
- Communication Technologies for Smart Grid A Comprehensive Survey
- Communication technologies for Smart Water Grid applications Overview, opportunities, and research directions
- Communication-Efficient and Distributed Learning Over Wireless Networks Principles and Applications
- Communications Standards for Unmanned Aircraft Systems The 3GPP Perspective and Research Drivers
- Comparative Study of Energy Efficient Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Comparing application layer protocols for video transmission in IoT low power lossy networks an analytic comparison
- Comprehensive Survey of Radio Resource Allocation Schemes for 5G V2X Communications
- Comprehensive survey of routing protocols for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
- Comprehensive Survey on Machine Learning in Vehicular Network Technology, Applications and Challenges
- Comprehensive survey on self-organizing cellular network approaches applied to 5G networks
- Computation offloading and content caching and delivery in Vehicular Edge Network A survey
- Computation Offloading and Retrieval for Vehicular Edge Computing Algorithms, Models, and Classification
- Computing over Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks Challenges and Opportunities
- Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving State of the Art and Challenges
- Constellation Design for Future Communication Systems A Comprehensive Survey
- Content Delivery Network Security A Survey
- Content Delivery Networks State of the Art, Trends, and Future Roadmap
- Context-aware scheduling in Fog computing A survey, taxonomy, challenges and future directions
- Contextual dimensions for cache replacement schemes in informationcentric networks a systematic review
- Convergent Communication, Sensing and Localization in 6G Systems An Overview of Technologies, Opportunities and Challenges
- Core Concepts, Challenges, and Future Directions in Blockchain A Centralized Tutorial
- Critical Analysis of Localization and Time Synchronization Algorithms in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks Issues and Challenges
- Cross-Layer Secure Transmission Schemes for Social Internet of Things Overview, Opportunities and Challenges
- Cyber Physical Systems Analyses, challenges and possible solutions
- Cyber Security in IoT-Based Cloud Computing A Comprehensive Survey
- Cyber Threats to Industrial IoT A Survey on Attacks and Countermeasures
- Data Aggregation Mechanisms on the Internet of Things A Systematic Literature Review
- Data Collection in MI-Assisted Wireless Powered Underground Sensor Networks Directions, Recent Advances, and Challenges
- Data Management for Future Wireless Networks Architecture, Privacy Preservation, and Regulation
- Dataflow Management in the Internet of Things Sensing, Control, and Security
- De-Anonymisation Attacks on Tor A Survey
- Decentralized SDN Control Plane for a Distributed Cloud-Edge Infrastructure A Survey
- Deep Learning Algorithms for Cybersecurity Applications A Technological and Status Review
- Deep Learning for Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (NTMA) A Survey
- Deep Learning for Radio-Based Human Sensing Recent Advances and Future Directions
- Deep learning for the internet of things Potential benefits and use-cases
- Deep Learning in the Industrial Internet of Things Potentials, Challenges, and Emerging Applications
- Deep Learning Techniques for OFDM Systems
- Deep Learning-Based Big Data Analytics for Internet of Vehicles Taxonomy, Challenges, and Research Directions
- Deep reinforcement learning for blockchain in industrial IoT A survey
- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Internet of Things A Comprehensive Survey
- Deep-Learning-Enhanced NOMA Transceiver Design for Massive MTC Challenges, State of the Art, and Future Directions
- Denial‑of‑Service Attacks on Wireless Sensor Network and Defense Techniques
- Design Guidelines for Database-Driven Internet of Things-Enabled Dynamic Spectrum Access
- Design of Algorithms and Protocols for Underwater Acoustic Wireless Sensor Networks
- Design of Polar Codes in 5G New Radio
- Design, Resource Management, and Evaluation of Fog Computing Systems A Survey
- Digital Twin for 5G and Beyond
- Digital Twin Networks A Survey
- Disaster Relief Wireless Networks Challenges and Solutions
- Disaster resilience of optical networks State of the art, challenges, and opportunities
- Distributed Learning in Wireless Networks Recent Progress and Future Challenges
- Distributed Machine Learning for Wireless Communication Networks Techniques, Architectures, and Applications
- Domain name system security and privacy A contemporary survey
- Driving forces for Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) IoT integration in 5G
- DRL-Based Intelligent Resource Allocation for Diverse QoS in 5G and toward 6G Vehicular Networks A Comprehensive Survey
- Drone Networking in the 6G Era A Technology Overview
- Edge and fog computing for IoT A survey on current research activities & future directions
- Edge computing current trends, research challenges and future directions
- Edge Computing for IoT-Enabled Smart Grid
- Edge Devices for Internet of Medical Things Technologies, Techniques, and Implementation
- Edge Intelligence Empowering Intelligence to the Edge of Network
- Edge Learning The Enabling Technology for Distributed Big Data Analytics in the Edge
- Edge Network Optimization Based on AI Techniques A Survey
- Edge Strategies in Industry Overview and Challenges
- Effective -flow schedule for optical circuit switching based data center networks A comprehensive survey
- Efficiency aware scheduling techniques in cloud computing a descriptive literature review
- Efficient and Privacy Preserving Video Transmission in 5G-Enabled IoT Surveillance Networks Current Challenges and Future Directions
- Efficient autonomic and elastic resource management techniques in cloud environment taxonomy and analysis
- Embedding Blockchain Technology Into IoT for Security A Survey
- Emerging Drone Trends for Blockchain-Based 5G Networks Open Issues and Future Perspectives
- Empowering Things With Intelligence A Survey of the Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence of Things
- Enabling AI in Future Wireless Networks A Data Life Cycle Perspective
- Enabling and Leveraging AI in the Intelligent Edge A Review of Current Trends and Future Directions
- Enabling Massive IoT Toward 6G A Comprehensive Survey
- End-to-end congestion control approaches for high throughput and low delay in 4G 5G cellular networks
- Energy-Efficient Industrial Internet of Things Overview and Open Issues
- Energy-Efficient MAC for Cellular IoT State-of-the-Art, Challenges, and Standardization
- Extreme Communication in 6G Vision and Challenges for ‘in-X’ Subnetworks
- Facilitating Dynamic RT-QoS for Massive-Scale Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
- Fast, Reliable, and Secure Drone Communication A Comprehensive Survey
- Federated Edge Learning Design Issues and Challenges
- Federated Learning for Internet of Things A Comprehensive Survey
- Federated Learning for Internet of Things Recent Advances, Taxonomy, and Open Challenges
- Federated Learning in Vehicular Networks Opportunities and Solutions
- Federated Learning Meets Blockchain in Edge Computing Opportunities and Challenges
- Federated Machine Learning Survey, Multi-Level Classification, Desirable Criteria and Future Directions in Communication and Networking Systems
- Fifty Years of Noise Modeling and Mitigation in Power-Line Communications
- Flexible and Distributed Mobility Management for Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Networks Challenges, Architectures, and Approaches
- Flying Social Networks Architecture, Challenges and Open Issues
- Fog computing A taxonomy, systematic review, current trends and research challenges
- Fog data management A vision, challenges, and future directions
- Free Space Optical Networks Applications, Challenges and Research Directions
- Frequency-Hopping MIMO Radar-Based Communications An Overview
- From Cognitive to Intelligent Secondary Cooperative Networks for the Future Internet Design, Advances, and Challenges
- From Constellation Dithering to NOMA Multiple Access Security in Wireless Systems
- From Information Networking to Intelligence Networking Motivations, Scenarios, and Challenges
- Future 5G-oriented system for urban rail transit Opportunities and challenges
- Future Industrial Networks in Process Automation Goals, Challenges, and Future Directions
- Fuzzing the Internet of Things A Review on the Techniques and Challenges for Efficient Vulnerability Discovery in Embedded Systems
- Game-Theoretical Approaches for Service Provisioning in Network Virtualization Survey, Taxonomies and Open Challenges
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in networking A comprehensive survey & evaluation
- Grand Challenges in Signal Processing for Communications
- Green Communication for Next-Generation Wireless Systems Optimization Strategies, Challenges, Solutions, and Future Aspects
- Green indoor optical wireless communication systems Pathway towards pervasive deployment
- Green internet of things using UAVs in B5G networks A review of applications and strategies
- Guaranteeing end-to-end QoS provisioning in SOA based SDN architecture A survey and Open Issues
- Harmonizing Artificial Intelligence with Radio Access Networks Advances, Case Study, and Open Issues
- Health Effects of 5G Base Station Exposure A Systematic Review
- Home Automation and RFID-Based Internet of Things Security Challenges and Issues
- Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ) in Wireless Communications Systems and Standards A Contemporary Survey
- Hybrid Beamforming for Terahertz Wireless Communications Challenges, Architectures, and Open Problems
- Hybrid LiFi and WiFi Networks A Survey
- Hybrid RF VLC Systems A Comprehensive Survey on Network Topologies, Performance Analyses, Applications, and Future Directions
- Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Communication Networks for the Maritime Internet of Things Key Technologies, Opportunities, and Challenges
- Hybrid SDN evolution A comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art
- Hyperloop Communications Challenges, Advances, and Approaches
- Improving 4G 5G air interface security A survey of existing attacks on different LTE layers
- In-band Network Telemetry A Survey
- Indoor Visible Light Applications for Communication, Positioning, and Security
- Industrial Internet of Things and its Applications in Industry 4.0 State of The Art
- Information-Centric Networking in Wireless Environments Security Risks and Challenges
- Integrating Cognitive Radio with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles An Overview
- Integration of blockchain and Internet of Things challenges and solutions
- Integration of D2D, Network Slicing, and MEC in 5G Cellular Networks Survey and Challenges
- Intelligence-Empowered Mobile Edge Computing Framework, Issues, Implementation, and Outlook
- Intelligent and Autonomous Management in Cloud-Native Future Networks—A Survey on Related Standards from an Architectural Perspective
- Intelligent Communications for Tactile Internet in 6G Requirements, Technologies, and Challenges
- Intelligent Edge Learning for Personalized Crowdsourced Livecast Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions
- Intelligent reflecting surface assisted MIMO communication system A review
- Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Wireless Communications A Tutorial
- Interference Utilization Precoding in Multi-Cluster IoT Networks
- Internet of Everything (IoE) Taxonomies A Survey and a Novel Knowledge-Based Taxonomy
- Internet of Flying Things (IoFT) A Survey
- Internet of Things (IoT) A Review of Its Enabling Technologies in Healthcare Applications, Standards Protocols, Security, and Market Opportunities
- Internet of Things 2.0 Concepts, Applications, and Future Directions
- Internet of Things architecture challenges A systematic review
- Internet of Things Evolution, Concerns and Security Challenges
- Internet of Things for System Integrity A Comprehensive Survey on Security, Attacks and Countermeasures for Industrial Applications
- Internet of Things in Space A Review of Opportunities and Challenges from Satellite-Aided Computing to Digitally-Enhanced Space Living
- Internet of Things Security Challenges and Key Issues
- Internet of Underwater Things and Big Marine Data Analytics—A Comprehensive Survey
- Internet of Vehicles Architecture, services, and applications
- Intrusion Detection Systems in RPL-Based 6LoWPAN A Systematic Literature Review
- Intrusion detection techniques in network environment a systematic review
- IoT cloud‐enabled smart services A review on QoS requirements in fog environment and a proposed approach based on priority classification technique
- IoT Eco‑system, Layered Architectures, Security and Advancing Technologies A Comprehensive Survey
- IoT Intrusion Detection Taxonomy, Reference Architecture, and Analyses
- IoT Security Challenges Cloud and Blockchain, Postquantum Cryptography, and Evolutionary Techniques
- IoT Technologies during and Beyond COVID-19 A Comprehensive Review
- IoT-Fog architectures in smart city applications A survey
- Is 5G Handover Secure and Private A Survey
- Key Technologies for Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communication in 6G
- LEO Mega-Constellations for 6G Global Coverage Challenges and Opportunities
- LEO Satellite Constellations for 5G and Beyond How Will They Reshape Vertical Domains
- Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Engineering A Survey
- Load balancing for RPL-based Internet of Things A review
- Localization Algorithm for Underwater Sensor Network A Review
- Machine Learning Based Automatic Modulation Recognition for Wireless Communications A Comprehensive Survey
- Machine Learning for Authentication and Authorization in IoT Taxonomy, Challenges and Future Research Direction
- Machine Learning for Broad-Sensed Internet Congestion Control and Avoidance A Comprehensive Survey
- Machine Learning for Physical Layer in 5G and beyond Wireless Networks A Survey
- Machine Learning for Wireless Link Quality Estimation A Survey
- Machine Learning in Beyond 5G 6G Networks—State-of-the-Art and Future Trends
- Machine Learning in Network Anomaly Detection A Survey
- Machine Learning in Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Cities A Survey
- Machine learning methods for cyber security intrusion detection Datasets and comparative study
- Machine Learning Technologies for Secure Vehicular Communication in Internet of Vehicles Recent Advances and Applications
- Machine learning-based physical layer security techniques, open challenges, and applications
- Machine learning-based traffic scheduling techniques for intelligent transportation system Opportunities and challenges
- Machine-Learning-Enabled Cooperative Perception for Connected Autonomous Vehicles Challenges and Opportunities
- Massive Access for 5G and Beyond
- Massive Access in Space-based Internet of Things Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions
- Massive connectivity with machine learning for the Internet of Things
- Massive MIMO for Cellular-Connected UAV Challenges and Promising Solutions
- Massive MIMO systems for 5G A systematic mapping study on antenna design challenges and channel estimation open issues
- Massive MIMO Techniques for 5G and Beyond—Opportunities and Challenges
- Measurement-based characteristics of V2V channel for the scenarios of two vehicles meeting
- Microwave Communication Under Weak Intensity to Quantumized Level Recent Progress and Future Challenges
- Middleware Technologies for Smart Wireless Sensor Networks towards Internet of Things A Comparative Review
- Migrating to Zero Trust Architecture Reviews and Challenges
- Millimeter-Wave Communications Recent Developments and Challenges of Hardware and Beam Management Algorithms
- Misconfiguration in Firewalls and Network Access Controls Literature Review
- Mobile computing and communications-driven fog-assisted disaster evacuation techniques for context-aware guidance support A survey
- Mobility Management in 5G-enabled Vehicular Networks Models, Protocols, and Classification
- Mobility-aware computational offloading in mobile edge networks a survey
- Movement-Based Solutions to Energy Limitation in Wireless Sensor Networks State of the Art and Future Trends
- Multi-Connectivity in Mobile Networks Challenges and Benefits
- Multi‑Objective Optimization in WSN Opportunities and Challenges
- Nash Bargaining in Resource Allocation for Cognitive Radio A Review
- Nature-inspired algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks A comprehensive survey
- Nearest neighbour methods and their applications in design of 5G & beyond wireless networks
- Neurosciences and Wireless Networks The Potential of Brain-Type Communications and Their Applications
- New Trends and Advancement in Next Generation Mobile Wireless Communication (6G) A Survey
- New Trends in Stochastic Geometry for Wireless Networks A Tutorial and Survey
- Next Generation Mobile Core Resource Orchestration Comprehensive Survey, Challenges and Perspectives
- NFV Platforms Taxonomy, Design Choices and Future Challenges
- NFV Resource Allocation a Systematic Review and Taxonomy of VNF Forwarding Graph Embedding
- NFV security survey in 5G networks A three-dimensional threat taxonomy
- Node ranking strategy in virtual network embedding An overview
- NOMA and 5G emerging technologies A survey on issues and solution techniques
- Non-Terrestrial Networks in the 6G Era Challenges and Opportunities
- On 5G-V2X Use Cases and Enabling Technologies A Comprehensive Survey
- On Resilience in Cloud Computing A Survey of Techniques across the Cloud Domain
- On the second order statistics of N-hop FSO communications over N-gamma-gamma turbulence induced fading channels
- On the suitability of blockchain platforms for IoT applications Architectures, security, privacy, and performance
- Ontologies in Cloud Computing—Review and Future Directions
- Opportunities challenges and feasibilities of Zero-Power IoT in 5G advanced
- Optical Technology for NFV Converged Networks
- Optimization of Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks Techniques and Protocols
- Orchestrating the Development Lifecycle of Machine Learning-based IoT Applications A Taxonomy and Survey
- Overview of the mobility related security challenges in LPWANs
- Patterns and Interactions in Network Security
- Paving the Way for NFV Acceleration A Taxonomy, Survey and Future Directions
- Performance Analysis Models of BLE Neighbor Discovery A Survey
- Performance Determinants in LoRa Networks A Literature Review
- Physical-Layer Security of 5G Wireless Networks for IoT Challenges and Opportunities
- Planar and printed antennas for Internet of Things-enabled environment Opportunities and challenges
- Point-to-Point Communication in Integrated Satellite-Aerial 6G Networks State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges
- Post-Quantum Cryptosystems for Internet-of-Things A Survey on Lattice-Based Algorithms
- Potential Identity Resolution Systems for the Industrial Internet of Things A Survey
- Potential transmission choice for Internet of Things IoT Wireless and batteryless communications and open problems
- Prioritising Organisational Factors Impacting Cloud ERP Adoption and the Critical Issues Related to Security, Usability, and Vendors A Systematic Literature Review
- Privacy Preservation in Resource-Constrained IoT Devices Using Blockchain—A Survey
- Privacy Preservation Models for Third-Party Auditor over Cloud Computing A Survey
- Privacy-Preserving Solutions in Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
- Probabilistic Spectrum Sensing Based on Feature Detection for 6G Cognitive Radio A Survey
- Process Automation in an IoT–Fog–Cloud Ecosystem A Survey and Taxonomy
- Projections of IoT Applications in Colombia Using 5G Wireless Networks
- Protocol-Based and Hybrid Access Control for the IoT Approaches and Research Opportunities
- Providing guaranteed network performance across tenants Advances challenges and opportunities
- Public Blockchains for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices—A State-of-the-Art Survey
- QoE in IoT a vision, survey and future directions
- QoS Provisioning in Space Information Networks Applications, Challenges, Architectures, and Solutions
- QoS Time Series Modeling and Forecasting for Web Services A Comprehensive Survey
- Quality of experience (QoE) studies Present state and future prospect
- Quality of Experience in 6G Networks Outlook and Challenges
- Quantum Internet—Applications, Functionalities, Enabling Technologies, Challenges, and Research Directions
- Quantum Key Distribution Secured Optical Networks A Survey
- Radio Frequency Identification and Sensing Integration of Wireless Powering, Sensing, and Communication for IIoT Innovations
- Radio resource management approaches and implementations from 4G to 5G and beyond
- Radio Resource Management in Joint Radar and Communication A Comprehensive Survey
- Radio-acoustic integrated network for ocean information transmission Framework and enabling technologies
- Recent Advances in Ad‑Hoc Social Networking Key Techniques and Future Research Directions
- Recent Advances in Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence Integration Feasibility Analysis, Research Issues, Applications, Challenges, and Future Work
- Recent Advances in Evolving Computing Paradigms Cloud, Edge, and Fog Technologies
- Recent progress on the study of distributed economic dispatch in smart grid an overview
- Recent Security Trends in Internet of Things A Comprehensive Survey
- Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for smart wireless environments channel estimation, system design and applications in 6G networks
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Principles and Opportunities
- Reconfigurable-Intelligent-Surface Empowered Wireless Communications Challenges and Opportunities
- Reinforcement and deep reinforcement learning for wireless Internet of Things A survey
- Reinforcement Learning for IoT Security A Comprehensive Survey
- Reinforcement Learning-Based Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks A Comparative Survey
- Reinforcement Learning-Based Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks A Comparative Survey
- Relaying in the Internet of Things (IoT) A Survey
- Reliable Internet of Things Challenges and Future Trends
- Renewable energy powered sustainable 5G network infrastructure Opportunities, challenges and perspectives
- Resilient Machine Learning for Networked Cyber Physical Systems A Survey for Machine Learning Security to Securing Machine Learning for CPS
- Resource Allocation Schemes for 5G Network A Systematic Review
- Resource allocation trends for ultra dense networks in 5G and beyond networks A classification and comprehensive survey
- Resource Management in Converged Optical and Millimeter Wave Radio Networks A Review
- Resource management in pervasive Internet of Things A survey
- Resource management in UAV-assisted wireless networks An optimization perspective
- Resource Management Techniques for Cloud Fog and Edge Computing An Evaluation Framework and Classification
- Resource Rationing for Wireless Federated Learning Concept, Benefits, and Challenges
- Resource Scheduling in Edge Computing A Survey
- Review and Implementation of Resilient Public Safety Networks 5G, IoT, and Emerging Technologies
- Review and State of Art of Fog Computing
- Review of optical and wireless backhaul networks and emerging trends of next generation 5G and 6G technologies
- Review of security challenges in healthcare internet of things
- Review of Vehicle Routing Problems Models, Classifcation and Solving Algorithms
- Review on Free-Space Optical Communications for Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks
- RF‑based Wireless Communication for Shallow Water Networks Survey and Analysis
- Robust Learning-Enabled Intelligence for the Internet of Things A Survey From the Perspectives of Noisy Data and Adversarial Examples
- Role of machine learning and deep learning in securing 5G-driven industrial IoT applications
- Routing Protocols for Mobile Internet of Things (IoT) A Survey on Challenges and Solutions
- Routing Protocols in Delay Tolerant Networks Comparative and Empirical Analysis
- Routing Strategies for LoRaWAN Multi-Hop Networks A Survey and an SDN-Based Solution for Smart Water Grid
- Satellite Communications in the New Space Era A Survey and Future Challenges
- Satellite-Based Radio Spectrum Monitoring Architecture, Applications, and Challenges
- Scheduling on Two Types of Resources A Survey
- SDN Controllers A Comprehensive Analysis and Performance Evaluation Study
- SDN NFV architectures for edge-cloud oriented IoT A systematic review
- SDN-based wireless mobile backhaul architecture Review and challenges
- Secure Cloud Infrastructure A Survey on Issues, Current Solutions, and Open Challenges
- Securing Public Safety Communications on Commercial and Tactical 5G Networks A Survey and Future Research Directions
- Security and Privacy for 6G A Survey on Prospective Technologies and Challenges
- Security and Privacy for Edge Intelligence in 5G and Beyond Networks Challenges and Solutions
- Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing Technical Review
- Security and Privacy in IoT Using Machine Learning and Blockchain Threats and Countermeasures
- Security and Privacy in the Emerging Cyber-Physical World A Survey
- Security and Privacy Issues in Medical Internet of Things Overview, Countermeasures, Challenges and Future Directions
- Security Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Contracts in Internet of Things A Survey
- Security challenges of blockchain in Internet of things Systematic literature review
- Security challenges of Internet of Underwater Things A systematic literature review
- Security Challenges of Location Privacy in VANETs and State-of-the-Art Solutions A Survey
- Security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Challenges and Countermeasures
- Security Issues and Challenges for Virtualization Technologies
- Security Issues with In-Vehicle Networks, and Enhanced Countermeasures Based on Blockchain
- Security of internet of things based on cryptographic algorithms a survey
- Security of SDN-based vehicular ad hoc networks State-of-the-art and challenges
- Security Threats and Countermeasures of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communications
- Segment Routing A Comprehensive Survey of Research Activities, Standardization Efforts, and Implementation Results
- Sensor Cloud Frameworks State-of-the-Art, Taxonomy, and Research Issues
- Seven Challenges for Communication in Modern Railway Systems
- Several Key Technologies for 6G Challenges and Opportunities
- SIMBox Bypass Frauds in Cellular Networks Strategies, Evolution, Detection, and Future Directions
- Single and Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for AI-Enabled Wireless Networks A Tutorial
- Six Key Challenges for Beam Management in 5.5G and 6G Systems
- Sixth Generation (6G) Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) Application, Requirements, Security Issues, and Key Challenges
- Small-Scale 5G Testbeds for Network Slicing Deployment A Systematic Review
- Smart Applications in Edge Computing Overview on Authentication and Data Security
- Smart grid cyber-physical systems communication technologies, standards and challenges
- Smart Manufacturing and Tactile Internet Based on 5G in Industry 4.0 Challenges, Applications and New Trends
- Smart Trafc Control in Vehicle Ad‑Hoc Networks A Systematic Literature Review
- Software defined networking architecture, traffic management, security, and placement A survey
- Software Defned Radio Based Non‑orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) Systems
- Software-defined networking security for private data center networks and clouds Vulnerabilities, attacks, countermeasures, and solutions
- Software-Defined Networking Solutions, Architecture and Controllers for the Industrial Internet of Things A Review
- Software-defined networks for resource allocation in cloud computing A survey
- Sparse Code Multiple Access for 6G Wireless Communication Networks Recent Advances and Future Directions
- Sparse Code Multiple Access Potentials and Challenges
- Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Recent Advances and Future Challenge
- Spectrum Sharing for 5G 6G URLLC Research Frontiers and Standards
- State of the Art of Telecommunication Systems in Isolated and Constrained Areas
- State-of-the-Art Review on IoT Threats and Attacks Taxonomy, Challenges and Solutions
- State‑of‑Art and Open Issues of Cross‑Layer Design and QOS Routing in Internet of Vehicles
- Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Performance in Wireless Networks A Tutorial
- Stochastic geometry approach towards interference management and control in cognitive radio network A survey
- Supervised-Learning-Based QoE Prediction of Video Streaming in Future Networks A Tutorial with Comparative Study
- Survey and Performance Evaluation of Multiple Access Schemes for Next-Generation Wireless Communication Systems
- Survey of crosschain communications protocols
- Survey of IoT for Developing Countries Performance Analysis of LoRaWAN and Cellular NB-IoT Networks
- Survey of Localization for Internet of Things Nodes Approaches, Challenges and Open Issues
- Survey of Promising Technologies for Quantum Drones and Networks
- Survey of Security Protocols and Vulnerabilities in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Survey on 6G Frontiers Trends, Applications, Requirements, Technologies and Future Research
- Survey on Aerial Radio Access Networks Toward a Comprehensive 6G Access Infrastructure
- Survey on Algorithms for Self-stabilizing Overlay Networks
- Survey on Botnet Detection Techniques Classification, Methods, and Evaluation
- Survey on Cross Layer Approach for Robust Communication in VANET
- Survey on Intelligence Edge Computing in 6G Characteristics, Challenges, Potential Use Cases, and Market Drivers
- Survey on Machine Learning for Intelligent End-to-End Communication Toward 6G From Network Access, Routing to Traffic Control and Streaming Adaption
- Survey on Multi-Access Edge Computing Security and Privacy
- Survey on Network Slicing for Internet of Things Realization in 5G Networks
- Survey on Placement Methods in the Edge and Beyond
- Survey on radio resource allocation in long-term evolution-vehicle
- Survey on Recent Advancements in Energy-Efficient Routing Protocols for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
- Survey on reconfgurable intelligent surfaces below 10 GHz
- Survey on Space-air-ground Integrated Networks in 6G
- Survey on Terahertz Nanocommunication and Networking A Top-Down Perspective
- Survey on Traffic Management in Data Center Network From Link Layer to Application Layer
- Survey on Ultra‑Dense Networks (UDNs) and Applied Stochastic Geometry
- Swarm intelligence for next-generation networks Recent advances and applications
- Synchronous Transmissions in Low-Power Wireless A Survey of Communication Protocols and Network Services
- Task offloading in Edge and Cloud Computing A survey on mathematical, artificial intelligence and control theory solutions
- Task Scheduling for Energy-Harvesting-Based IoT A Survey and Critical Analysis
- TDMA based contention-free MAC protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks A survey
- Terahertz Line-of-Sight MIMO Communication Theory and Practical Challenges
- The AI-Based Cyber Threat Landscape A Survey
- The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Networks for the Internet of Things
- The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Data System Security A Literature Review
- The Internet of Drones Requirements, Taxonomy, Recent Advances, and Challenges of Research Trends
- The NECOS Approach to End-to-End Cloud-Network Slicing as a Service
- The Origin and Evolution of Open Programmable Networks and SDN
- The Programmable Data Plane Abstractions, Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications
- The Revolution of Blockchain State‑of‑the‑Art and Research Challenges
- The Rise of Drones in Internet of Things A Survey on the Evolution, Prospects and Challenges of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- The Road to 6G Ten Physical Layer Challenges for Communications Engineers
- The Road Towards 6G A Comprehensive Survey
- The Role of 5G Technologies in a Smart City The Case for Intelligent Transportation System
- The Role of Digital Twin in Optical Communication Fault Management, Hardware Configuration, and Transmission Simulation
- The role of unmanned aerial vehicles and mmWave in 5G Recent advances and challenges
- The Security Reference Architecture for Blockchains Toward a Standardized Model for Studying Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Defenses
- The utilization of algorithms for cloud internet of things application domains a review
- Thirty Years of DNS Insecurity Current Issues and Perspectives
- Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for Connected Vehicles A Survey
- TinyML Meets IoT A Comprehensive Survey
- Topology-Based Routing Protocols and Mobility Models for Flying Ad Hoc Networks A Contemporary Review and Future Research Directions
- Toward 6G Security Technology Trends, Threats, and Solutions
- Toward 6G Understanding network requirements and key performance indicators
- Toward 6G with Connected Sky UAVs and Beyond
- Toward a Smart Cloud A Review of Fault-Tolerance Methods in Cloud Systems
- Toward Enabled Industrial Verticals in 5G A Survey on MEC-Based Approaches to Provisioning and Flexibility
- Toward Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems Digital Twin Meets Artificial Intelligence
- Toward vehicular cloud fog communication A survey on data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks using vehicular cloud fog computing
- Towards 6G wireless communication networks vision, enabling technologies, and new paradigm shifts
- Towards a Novel Air–Ground Intelligent Platform for Vehicular Networks Technologies, Scenarios, and Challenges
- Towards achieving efcient MAC protocols for WBAN‑enabled IoT technology a review
- Towards AI-enabled traffic management in multipath TCP A survey
- Towards Data and Computation Ofoading in Mobile Cloud Computing Taxonomy, Overview, and Future Directions
- Towards Enhanced Mobile Broadband Communications A Tutorial on Enabling Technologies, Design Considerations, and Prospects of 5G and beyond Fixed Wireless Access Networks
- Towards intelligent reflecting surface empowered 6G terahertz communications A survey
- Towards Low-Latency Service Delivery in a Continuum of Virtual Resources State-of-the-Art and Research Directions
- Towards Secure Fog Computing A Survey on Trust Management, Privacy, Authentication, Threats and Access Control
- Towards secure intrusion detection systems using deep learning techniques Comprehensive analysis and review
- Traffic Efficiency Applications over Downtown Roads A New Challenge for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
- Transmission Loss of Optical Fibers; Achievements in Half a Century
- Trends in Intelligent Communication Systems Review of Standards, Major Research Projects, and Identification of Research Gaps
- Trust Management in Social Internet of Things Architectures, Recent Advancements, and Future Challenges
- Two-Step Random Access for 5G System Latest Trends and Challenges
- UAV assisted 5G and beyond wireless networks A survey
- UAV Communication Networks Issues A Review
- UAV-Assisted Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks A Comprehensive Survey
- UAV-Assisted Multi-Access Edge Computing Technologies and Challenges
- UAV-Assisted Vehicular Edge Computing for the 6G Internet of Vehicles Architecture, Intelligence, and Challenges
- UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge-Computing for IoT Based on AI A Comprehensive Review
- UAV-Enabled Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications for 6G A Comprehensive Survey
- UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer A Tutorial Overview
- Ultra-reliable and low-latency communications applications, opportunities and challenges
- Underwater Optical Wireless Communications in Swarm Robotics A Tutorial
- Unification of Blockchain and Internet of Things (BIoT) requirements, working model, challenges and future directions
- Unveiling the Mystery of Internet Packet Forwarding A Survey of Network Path Validation
- URLLC Key Technologies and Standardization for 6G Power Internet of Things
- User-Centric Radio Access Technology Selection A Survey of Game Theory Models and Multi-Agent Learning Algorithms
- V2X Communication over Cellular Networks Capabilities and Challenges
- VANETs Cloud Architecture, Applications, Challenges, and Issues
- Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) Localization Techniques A Survey
- Vehicular Edge Computing and Networking A Survey
- Vehicular Visible Light Communications A Survey
- Video Caching, Analytics, and Delivery at the Wireless Edge A Survey and Future Directions
- Virtualization in Cloud Computing Moving from Hypervisor to Containerization—A Survey
- Wearable Body Sensor Networks State-of-the-Art and Research Directions
- What Is Semantic Communication A View on Conveying Meaning in the Era of Machine Intelligence
- When machine learning meets congestion control A survey and comparison
- When services computing meets blockchain Challenges and opportunities
- Wi-Fi HaLow for the Internet of Things An up-to-date survey on IEEE 802.11ah research
- Wireless Avionics Intracommunications A Survey of Benefits, Challenges, and Solutions
- Wireless Sensor Networks in Agriculture Insights from Bibliometric Analysis
- Wireless technologies, medical applications and future challenges in WBAN a survey
- Wireless Terrestrial Backhaul for 6G Remote Access Challenges and Low Power Solutions
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