Replies: 97 comments 59 replies
I can validate that this works properly for me with Traefik 2.2 in a 3 node Ubuntu cluster with |
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Hey @brandond I don't believe so. However, I'm using a managed cloud k3s service. |
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Just 3 bare metal nodes running k3s on Ubuntu 19.10. Flannel is in host-gw mode, using Traefik 2.2 for ingress, and MetalLB in bgp mode for external services. |
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Thanks @brandond |
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Hey @brandond , any update on this? |
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@jawabuu I'm now using Traefik 3.1 with the KubernetesCRD provider here's my traefik service: ---
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: traefik
namespace: traefik
app: traefik
chart: "traefik-3.1.0"
release: "traefik"
heritage: "Helm"
type: LoadBalancer
app: traefik
release: traefik
- port: 80
name: web
targetPort: "web"
- port: 443
name: websecure
targetPort: "websecure"
- port: 9000
name: traefik
targetPort: "traefik"
loadBalancerIP: 10.0.3,80
- ""
externalTrafficPolicy: Local For metallb, I found that using bgp works best. I have a Ubiquiti USG as my router, and set it up to peer with all three of my nodes. ---
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: metallb-system
name: config
config: |
- peer-address:
peer-asn: 64512
my-asn: 64512
hold-time: 120s
- name: manual
auto-assign: false
protocol: bgp
- name: default
auto-assign: true
protocol: bgp
- |
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Lucky me, I also use the Ubiquiti USG as my router so I am also interested how to peer with all three of your nodes. |
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Here's what {
"protocols": {
"bgp": {
"64512": {
"neighbor": {
"": {
"remote-as": "64512"
"": {
"remote-as": "64512"
"": {
"remote-as": "64512"
"parameters": {
"router-id": ""
"service": {
"dns": {
"forwarding": {
"cache-size": "10000",
"except-interface": [
"options": [
} |
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Hey @brandond I have narrowed down the issue - as best as I could :-) to using flannel as CNI. Calico works with Traefik 2.2 and MetalLB to resolve Real Client IP without any further configuration. |
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@jawabuu Those comments all seem to be about routing issues, not obtaining the original client IP? Either way, I'm using flannel in host-gw mode with traefik and metallb and getting the original address in the headers, so I know that it is doable. All you have to do is use |
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Hey @brandond you are correct. The comments are just meant to provide context that the default installation of the latest k3s with flannel may be having some issues.
Ideally points 2 and 3 should be tested to identify edge cases. |
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thanks to both of you @brandond and @jawabuu |
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Hey @brandond, upon further testing with flannel, I have found out that it is not necessary to use |
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i have the same issue using |
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Hey @mschneider82 You will not be able to get source ip using the embedded flannel in k3s. containers:
- name: kube-flannel
- /opt/bin/flanneld
- --ip-masq=false
- --kube-subnet-mgr
- --iface=${interface} |
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This is how i solved the Client IP issue with my single-node k3s cluster(v1.21.5+k3s2), i think it's almost out-of-box since it need only one line patched, woks with the built-in ServiceLB/Traefik2.
curl -sfL | sh -
curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--disable servicelb" sh -
kubectl patch svc traefik --patch '{"spec":{"externalIPs":["<local ip>"]}}' -nkube-system
Test if X-Real-IP works using whoami kubectl create ns dev
kubectl apply -f
# on other machine
curl -H Host:whoami.k3s.local <k3s master ip>
Hostname: web-8557b59f65-mmmxx
IP: ::1
IP: fe80::74cb:efff:fe15:75ad
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: whoami.k3s.local
User-Agent: curl/7.79.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
X-Forwarded-Host: whoami.k3s.local
X-Forwarded-Port: 80
X-Forwarded-Proto: http
X-Forwarded-Server: k3s
X-Real-Ip: Clean up kubectl delete ns dev There you go! if you add agent nodes you may still need to set |
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For what its worth I have been trying this with a dual stack setup and with
Cluster was installed with:
Traefik config override: apiVersion:
kind: HelmChartConfig
name: traefik
namespace: kube-system
valuesContent: |-
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
ipFamilyPolicy: RequireDualStack |
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Can any of this apply to an UDP service ? I'm running pihole in k3s and only see the internal IP, not the clients. |
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so, without a load balancer, what are our options to use traefik and still have the hability to get real client ip? apparently if i set it up as a nodeport and externalTrafficPolicy:local i can get the real ip as "X-Real-Ip: 192.168.x.x" and "X-Forwarded-For: 192.168.x.x" headers... |
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hi all , deploying a mailserver on a deployment on a single node I tried with loadbalancer /nodeport service mode (tried also calico and port forwarding), but unable to have real client ip for SPF mail validation.Which is fastest way to have this work in single node k3s?thanks |
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I am all kinds of stuck on this. I feel that I tried just about everything - except that I am sticking with a rootless set-up. |
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H! What I need to do now to achieve this in multi-node cluster? |
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Hello, I found a simple solution for this problem.
Basically the mode by you contact your service change from: than you don't contact the cni anymore. once you contact one url that is an ingress in k3s you enter in the node, than in the load balancer, than in traefik and finally on your service. I only have listened allthing writed here and I have setup traefik with hostNetwork: true and the service with externalTrafficPolicy: Local Thank you for this tread and I hope I will be helpfull. my os: virt kernel and hardening. my k3s: my traefik: klipper version: v0.4.4 what I have done for testing: create a namespace called apache-n deploy a base http container for testing:
deploy a service:
create an ingress:
when contacting the I have a response from the container:
as you can see X-Forwarded-For: is right and X-Real-Ip: also. |
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I have same issue, Info"controller": {
"kind": "DaemonSet",
"allowSnippetAnnotations": True,
"service": {
"externalTrafficPolicy": "Local",
"config": {
"enable-real-ip": True,
"use-forwarded-headers": True,
"compute-full-forwarded-for": True,
"use-proxy-protocol": True,
"proxy-add-original-uri-header": True,
"forwarded-for-header": "proxy_protocol",
"real-ip-header": "proxy_protocol",
}, Info
I also tried default configuration that is |
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(Note the different than other user reports specification of
after applying and trying with
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I have run into this issue too - although, it's a little weird. I have the policy set to When a device other than the node does a request, I can see the correct IP in the Traefik log:
But, when I do the exact same on the node itself:
This is very confusing... The reported IP is in fact the
And, here is the route config:
When I do
And, IPv4 forwarding is enabled:
Alright... So, as far as I understand, cURL should send the packet as But why is it still not reporting the right IP? Why can other devices on the network be identified properly, but the node itself can not? I am trying to set up IP whitelisting for services, and this is definitively breaking my kneecap... |
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Solution for me was to ditch servicelb in favor of MetalLB... 1 - Ditch servicelb
2 - Install Metallb
Or use ArgoCD / FluxCD even better. 3 - Configure Metallb IP address pool for LBs. Change depending on your local network, mine is and i want traefik LB to be in
Configure L2Advertisment so that metallb provisions your LBs using pool.
4 - Extra stuff At this point you should be set up. You might encounter issues though. If you were accessing some services via tunnel (e.g. Zerotier One), this will stop working, since metallb does not listen directly on the node like servicelb does.
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After some time I came back to this issue since I managed to fix that Just set this on nginx ingress helm chart config
Remeber to Uninstall and then install again nginx ingress, a simple helm upgrade wont help |
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I solved the issue using this config:
I run some tests using a BEFORE: whoami returns:
AFTER: After some time and a reboot of the cluster, running whoami returns:
So I suppose setting the external ip did the job, no idea why.. |
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This is what worked for me. I have a multi-master and multi-agent node setup. apiVersion:
kind: HelmChartConfig
name: traefik
namespace: kube-system
valuesContent: |-
kind: DaemonSet
externalTrafficPolicy: Local We use a This setup preserves the original source IP address. If How to test it if its working? First deploy the following manifests apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: whoami
namespace: default
replicas: 1
app: whoami
app: whoami
- name: whoami
image: traefik/whoami
- containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: whoami-service
namespace: default
app: whoami
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
type: ClusterIP
kind: Ingress
name: whoami-ingress
namespace: default
annotations: web
- host: whoami.local
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: whoami-service
number: 80 Now this is how you can use
on each Those IP addresses for example you could obtain from It is also import to have set correct node external ip. This could be accomplished with cli or config file of k3s and you can check if its set correctly by doing
Hope that helps! |
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Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I am unable to obtain Real Client IP when using k3s and Traefik v2.2. I always get the cluster IP.
Describe the solution you'd like
I would like to obtain the client IP.
Describe alternatives you've considered
I already set
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
in Traefik's Service.
Additional context
Issue can be reproduced by deploying containous/whoami image in cluster
Expected Response
Current Response
Service LoadBalancer Logs
Related Discussion
#679 (comment)
@erikwilson @btashton
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