Dual Optimizing RRT* (DO-RRT*): A Simplistic Method for Improving Efficiency of Multi-Robot Tree Expansion
Code for DO-RRT* optimal Multi-Robot path planning with setup for use in OMPL environment.
This branch is for producing tree architecture file output and documentation Notion documentation site is bellow https://dog-ferry-0ea.notion.site/OMPL-Documentation-8e67b036da4c477ba80c19bdef9e972e?pvs=4
#install wget
sudo apt install wget
# download ompl shell script
wget https://ompl.kavrakilab.org/install-ompl-ubuntu.sh
#change file authority
chmod u+x install-ompl-ubuntu.sh
#run shell script with OMPL.app and python binding (maybe full packages)
./install-ompl-ubuntu.sh --app
- Clone OMPL git repo
- git clone https://github.com/ompl/ompl.git
- Dependencies install
- Boost (version 1.58 or higher)
- CMake (version 3.5 or higher)
- Eigen (verison 3.3 or higher)
- Build OMPL source
mkdir -p build/Release
cd build/Release
cmake ../..
make -j 4 update_bindings # if
sudo apt install imagemagick
ompl_test/ # root directory
├─ algorithm/ # Modified algorithm files based on OMPL package
│ ├─ include/
│ │ └─ RRTstar.h
│ ├─ RRTstar.cpp
├─ build/ # Package build
├─ resources/ # Resources like map or else.
│ └─ ppm/
│ └─ floor.ppm
├─ src/ # Main file of this packages
│ └─ Point2DPlanning.cpp
cd ./build
#build with cmake & make
cmake ..
./ompl_app #run ompl_app
./ompl_app ../resources/ppm/floor.ppm #run ompl_app with resources/ppm/floor.ppm file
pnmtopng result_demo.ppm > result.png
- python ppmmaker.py
Will make a random block environment
- cd build
- ./ompl_app ../resources/ppm/blank.ppm