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Past Meetings

Videos and Notes from past meetings





Every pdxruby meeting is full of awesome, but we often forget to take notes, so this is just a fraction of what we talk about in person.

  • Notes from pdxruby's 10th anniversary meeting, with details on group history by Phil Tomson and Igal Koshevoy, travis-ci continuous integration by Igal Koshevoy, and “I Know Kung Fu (or Using Neo4j on Rails Without JRuby)” by Rogelio Samour.
  • Notes for getting the most out of Ruby Beginners Meetups; dealing with complicated views; tools for blogs, CMS platforms, and static sites; optional curly-brace hash syntax; git tools and techniques; Sublime Text, Sass, CoffeeScript, etc.
  • Notes for “DCI (Data Context and Interaction)” by Keith Swallow, $SAFE by Markus Roberts, Heroku assets, avoiding external dependencies in tests, making desktop apps with FreightTrain, and more.
  • Notes for Rails search forms, Rails partials, deploying to Heroku, Inherited Resources, Haml, Sass, Ruby editors, web application settings, factories, Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), and more.
  • Notes for Rails localization in Citizenry by Igal Koshevoy, MagLev 1.0.0 release by Monty Williams, timezone consistency and MySQL INSERT WTFs by Markus Roberts, Google Chrome's NativeClient, concurrency and by Jesse Cooke, girl_friday, YAML problems in MRI Ruby 1.9.2, evils of monkeypatching as demonstrated by mofo and RubyGems, Cucumber breakage with Rails 2.3.x, and more.
  • Notes for Ruby Koans, Ruby Monk, Ruby Toolbox, Railscasts, Guard, Enumerable, Sinatra, ActiveRecord associations, Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Acts as Tree, ActiveRecord nested sets, trees with Ancestry, RSpec, MiniTest::Spec vs. Test::Unit, Presenter, DRb, and more.
  • Notes for making a Redis clone with Maglev, and later and concurrency by Jesse Cooke; Vagrant tutorial, useful metaprogramming in ePDX / Citizenry, and Yard documentation by Igal Koshevoy; metaprogramming in Sinatra by its maintainer Konstatin Haase; Padrino web framework; and more.
  • Notes for Koichi Sasada (ko1), creator of YARV, on Ruby MRI 1.9.3, 1.9.4 and future research; deploying to Heroku and using Toto, a simple Ruby-based blog engine, by Milind S. Pandit; debugging code in MagLev by Tim Felgentreff of Maglev; and more.
  • Notes for working with Bundler by Igal Koshevoy, Cascadia Ruby Conference recap by Sam Livingston-Gray, rants on upgrading old code by Reid Beels and Markus Roberts, and more.
  • Notes for Rubinius 2.0, pdx-tech-workshops, troubles with Heroku, Unicorn vs. Passenger, MagLev transactional memory, Celluloid concurrency framework, Lock-Free Data Structures, graph traversal with cyclists, Schemas microformats in HTML, RDF graphs, and more.
  • Notes for CLOS, bitcoin, Geoloqi MapAttack, EventMachine.synchrony, Goliath, Rubinius Hydra, CAP theorem, MongoDBdistributed MapReduce, mysql2 gem, Trigram, HBase, Cassandra, Thrift, Riak, Tokyo Cabinet, Kyoto Cabinet, Neo4j, FlockDB, and more.
  • Notes for hosting services, popular operating systems for running Ruby in production, “CouchAppSpora” by Max Ogden, presented “MacRuby and HotCocoa” by Reid Beels, discussions on making tests faster, dealing with invalid HTML/XML/etc, using JSON, and lightweight testing frameworks, and more.
  • Notes for “Each: A Brief History of Iteration” by Rein Henrichs, adding Rails 3 support for New Relic RPM by Justin George, BodyParts gem by Max Ogden, safely applying and tracking non-migration database changes by Bryan Stearns, yield vs. to_proc, colorizing nested data structures, and more.
  • Notes for Rubinius by Brian Ford of Engine Yard, MagLev by Monty Williams of Gemstone, OpenConferenceWare by Igal Koshevoy, and an awesome list of our most frequently used gems.
  • Notes for “Machine Learning and Data Mining” by Randall Thomas, factory_girl tutorial by Igal Koshevoy, and more.
  • Notes for Luz music visualizer by Ian McIntosh, versioning ActiveRecord data, implementing undo, garbage collection, RSpec and Cucumber BDD/TDD best practices, and more.
  • …and there are many more older notes in the mailing list archives. Please lend a hand by adding links and summaries for them.