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Potential Presenters |
Are you potentially interested in presenting at pdxruby, but haven't quite figured out what to talk about yet? Add your name below and we'll check in with you occasionally to see if you'd like to present.
- Markus Roberts (Obscure ruby tricks, …)
- Sam Livingston-Gray (Pair/Remote Pair, Refactoring, Cucumber, …)
- Reid Beels
- Chuck Lauer Vose (Teaching, On-boarding, Interns)
- Jamon Holmgren (ProMotion, RubyMotion framework)
- Jonan Scheffler (Brain shocking, Inspiration, …)
- David Celis
- Ben Weintraub
- Audrey Eschright
- Bill Den Beste (Business documents, …)
- Nic Benders (Dev processes, retros, …)
- Ed Phillips (Design principles, …)
- Lennon Day-Reynolds (Ruby in large orgs, …)
- Matthew Boeh (Ruby-core, …)
- Robb Shecter (Performance, …)
- Jesse Cooke (Lorentz, Generators, …)
- Ezra Zygmuntowicz
- James Pozdena (Ruby at Simple, …)
- Toby Sterrett (Ruby at Simple, …)
- Ben Cullen-Kerney (Acceptance testing, …)
- Casey Rosenthal (Riak, …)
- Jon Guymon (Unix IPC, …)
- Phil Tomson (Group history, …)
- Tim Felgentreff (Maglev, …)
- Kyle Drake (Celluloid, EventMachin, …)
- Brian Shirai (Rubinius, …)
- Jon Guyman && Jade Rubick (Ruby GC, …)
- Eric Redmond (Databases, …)
- Lyle Kopnicky (DSL for validating JSON, …)
- Alex Kira (Concurrency w/ jruby, …)
- David Turnbull (DSP with NArray, …)
- Ezra Spier (RailsAdmin, …)
- Dann Stayskal (Open source licenses, …)
- Jason Clark
- Keith Swallow (Cucumber)
- Jacob Helwig
- Davy Stevenson (or a teammate at Elemental)
- ko1
- Kerri Miller