title |
Suggested Presentations |
- Using Tricks I Learned From Ruby Hangman In Production Systems (subject to relevant statutes of limitations)
- Object oriented design
- Rails security / other security
- Databases other than MySQL and why/why not to use them
- How to run a production Ruby server, e.g. interpreters, versions, tools, techniques, etc.
- Improving your web app with Draper or other “decorator” or “presenter” pattern libraries – https://github.com/jcasimir/draper#readme
- Performing authorization with CanCan or such – https://github.com/ryanb/cancan#readme
- How you're doing asynchronous IO in actual applications and why, e.g. fibers, processes, Celluloid, EventMachine, etc.
- Simple, durable worker queues with Heroku's “queue_classic” library on top of PostgreSQL pub-sub – https://github.com/ryandotsmith/queue_classic#readme
- You?