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Resolution of "virtual" dependencies

rules_py allows external Python dependencies to be specified by name rather than as a label to an installed package, using a concept called "virtual" dependencies.

Virtual dependencies allow the terminal rule (for example, a py_binary or py_test) to control the version of the package which is used to satisfy the dependency, by providing a mapping from the package name to the label of an installed package that provides it.

This feature allows:

  • for individual projects within a monorepo to upgrade their dependencies independently of other projects within the same repository
  • overriding a single version of a dependency for a py_binary or py_test
  • to test against a range of different versions of dependencies for a single library

Links to design docs are available on the original feature request: aspect-build#213

Declaring a dependency as virtual

Simply move an element from the deps attribute to virtual_deps.

For example, instead of getting a specific version of Django from deps = ["@pypi_django//:pkg"] on a py_library target, provide the package name with virtual_deps = ["django"].

Note that any py_binary or py_test transitively depending on this py_library must be loaded from aspect_rules_py rather than rules_python, as the latter does not have a feature of resolving the virtual dep.

Resolving to a package installed by rules_python

Typically, users write one or more pip_parse statements in WORKSPACE or pip.parse in MODULE.bazel to read requirements files, and install the referenced packages into an external repository. For example, from the rules_python docs:

pip = use_extension("@rules_python//python/extensions:pip.bzl", "pip")
    hub_name = "my_deps",
    python_version = "3.11",
    requirements_lock = "//:requirements_lock_3_11.txt",
use_repo(pip, "my_deps")

rules_python writes a requirements.bzl file which provides some symbols to work with the installed packages:

load("@my_deps//:requirements.bzl", "all_whl_requirements_by_package", "requirement")

These can be used to resolve a virtual dependency. Continuing the Django example above, a binary rule can specify which external repository to resolve to:

load("@aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl", "resolutions")

    name = "manage",
    srcs = [""],
    # Resolve django to the "standard" one from our requirements.txt
    resolutions = resolutions.from_requirements(all_whl_requirements_by_package, requirement),

Resolving directly to a binary wheel

It's possible to fetch a wheel file directly without using pip or any repository rules from rules_python, using the Bazel downloader.


http_file = use_repo_rule("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_file")

    name = "django_4_2_4",
    urls = [""],
    sha256 = "860ae6a138a238fc4f22c99b52f3ead982bb4b1aad8c0122bcd8c8a3a02e409d",
    downloaded_file_path = "Django-4.2.4-py3-none-any.whl",

Then in a BUILD file, extract it to a directory:

load("@aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl", "py_binary", "py_unpacked_wheel")

# Extract the downloaded wheel to a directory
    name = "django_4_2_4",
    src = "@django_4_2_4//file",

    name = "manage.override_django",
    srcs = ["proj/"],
    resolutions = {
        # replace the resolution of django with that specific wheel
        "django": ":django_4_2_4",
    deps = [":proj"],