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文化理論專題 Seminar on Cultural Theories |
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Required course for Ph.D. students. |
This class seeks, in a single semester, to give Ph.D. students a thorough grounding in the foundations of contemporary cultural theory. Topics include classical political economy (Marx, Weber, Durkheim), Structuralism and Post-Structuralism (Levi-Strauss, Foucault, and Bourdieu), Gender and Sexuality, Theories of Knowledge (including discussions of the ethnographic method), as well as Globalization Theory and Nationalism. The primary goal of this fast-paced course is to lay a groundwork for further study. For this reason, particular attention will be paid to the intellectual context from which each of these works emerged. A secondary goal of the course is to develop critical reading skills. Through close readings of primary texts students will be encouraged to engage in internal critique, evaluating the texts in their own terms. Student evaluation will be based on weekly in-class presentations, an online reading journal (blog), and two formal debates to be held at midterm and finals. Auditors are welcome, but they must participate in all class activities, including presentations, reading journals, and debates.
Required course for Ph.D. students. 博士班學生必修.
Date | Topic | Reading |
9/10/2019 | Introduction | 課程內容介紹,課程要求和期望,兼談中英文寫作和書目格式。 |
9/17/2019 | The Culture Concept | 1. Sapir: "Culture, Genuine and Spurious" 2. Abu-Lughod: "Writing Against Culture" 3. Asad: 〈英國社會人類學中的文化翻譯概念〉 4. Sahlins: "Two or Three Things That I Know About Culture" 5. Gupta & Ferguson: "Beyond 'Culture'" 6. Trouillot: "Adieu, Culture: A New Duty Arises" |
9/24/2019 | Durkheim | 涂爾幹:《宗教生活的基本方式》(指定章節) |
10/1/2019 | Marx | 馬克思《資本論第一卷》(指定章節) |
10/8/2019 | Weber | 1. 韋伯《新教與資本主義精神》 2. 韋伯《社會學的基本概念》(第一章) 3. 韋伯: 〈學術作為一種志業〉 |
10/15/2019 | Functionalism | 1. 馬凌諾斯基 《南海舡人》(指定章節) 2. 伊凡-普理查, 《努爾人》(指定章節) |
10/22/2019 | Structuralism | 1. 李維史陀《結構人類學》(指定章節) 2. Leach: "Genesis as myth" 3. Leach: "Structuralism in Social Anthropology" |
10/29/2019 | Post-Structuralism | 1. 布迪厄《一種關於實踐的理論》(指定章節) 2. Thompson: "Introduction" 3. Ortner: 〈20世紀60年代以來的人類學理論〉 |
11/5/2019 | Midterm Debate | |
11/12/2019 | 全校運動會(停課一天) | |
11/19/2019 | Gender | 1. Mascia-Lee & Black《Gender and Anthropology》 2. Rubin 〈交易女人〉 |
11/26/2019 | Gramsci | 1. Sperber & Hoare 《An Introduction to Antonio Gramsci》(指定章節) 2. Crehan, K. 《Gramsci, Culture, and Anthropology》(指定章節) |
12/3/2019 | Foucault | 1. 傅柯《規訓與懲罰》 2. 傅柯 《性經驗史第一卷》(指定章節) 3. Foucault "Method." 4. Foucault "Governmentality" |
12/10/2019 | Latour (李宜澤) | 1. 拉圖爾 《我們從未現代過》 2. 洪廣冀與何俊頤 〈自然資源治理與原住民部落發展〉 |
12/17/2019 | Post-Colonialism | Williams & Chrisman, eds. 《Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader》(指定章節) |
12/24/2019 | Neoliberalism | 1. Ong 《Neoliberalism as Exception》 2. Ortner "On Neoliberalism" 3. Harvey "Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction" |
12/31/2019 | Cultural Sovereignty | 1. Coulthard 《Red Skin, White Masks》 2. Kauanui: "Sovereignty: An Introduction" 3. Hansen & Finn "Sovereignty Revisited" |
1/7/2020 | Final Debate |
- (課程內容介紹,課程要求和期望,兼談中英文寫作和書目格式。)
- Abu-Lugbod, L
- 2006 "Writing against culture." Feminist Anthropology: A Reader 8:153.
- Asad, T
- 1986 "The concept of cultural translation in british social anthropology." Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography 1:141-164.
- 中文:Asad, T. ,2006,〈英國社會人類學中的文化翻譯概念〉,《寫文化: 民族志的詩學與政治學》,頁 182-208,北京市:商務印書館。
- 1986 "The concept of cultural translation in british social anthropology." Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography 1:141-164.
- Sahlins, M
- 1999 "Two or three things that I know about culture." The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 5 (3): 399-421.
- Gupta, Akhil, and James Ferguson.
- 1992 "Beyond 'culture': Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference." Cultural Anthropology 7, no. 1: 6–23.
- Sapir, E.
- 1924 "Culture, Genuine and Spurious." The American Journal of Sociology.
- Trouillot, Michel-Rolph.
- 2003 "Adieu, Culture: A New Duty Arises." In Global Transformations, 97–116. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
- Durkheim, Emile
- 1995 The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Karen E Fields trans. New York: Simon & Schuster.
- 中文:芮傳明 譯 1992 《宗教生活的基本方式》,台北:桂冠。
- 指定章節 : Book I: Chapter 1. Book II: Chapters 6 & 7. Book III: Chapter 3 & Conclusion
- 1995 The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Karen E Fields trans. New York: Simon & Schuster.
- Suggested Readings (Strongly recommended, but students are not required to discuss these works.)
- Thompson, Ken
- 2002 Emile Durkheim. New York: Routledge.
- Thompson, Ken
- Weber, Max
- 1985 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. London ; Boston: Unwin Paperbacks.
- 中文:于曉 譯 2005《新教倫理與資本主義精神》,台北:左岸文化。
- 1947 "The fundamental concepts of sociology." The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. 87-157.
- 中文:《科層(官僚)組織理論》 - 中文:顧忠華 譯 2002 《社會學的基本概念》,台北:桂冠。
- 指定章節 : Chapter 1
- 1958 "Science as a vocation." Daedalus 87 (1): 111-134. 《學術作為一種志業》
- 中文:錢永祥 譯 1991 《學術與政治:韋伯選集 I》,台北:桂冠。
- 1985 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. London ; Boston: Unwin Paperbacks.
- Suggested Readings
- Poggi, Gianfranco
- 2005 Weber: A Short Introduction. London: Polity Press
- Poggi, Gianfranco
- Marx
- 1977 Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. New York: Vintage Books. (Volume 1)
- 中文:馬克思 2004 《資本論第一卷》,上海:人民出版社。
- 指定章節: Preface 1st edition & Postface 2nd edition, Chapter 1 (Sec. 1,2 & 4), Chapter 4, Chapters 6 & 7, Chapter 10, Chapter 25 Sec. 1-4, Part 8 (Chs. 26-33). Appendix sections: "formal subsumption of labor under capital" and "real subsumption of labor under capital." [中文指定章節跟英文稍微不一樣: Part 8, Chapters 26-32 = 第七篇 第二十四章 所謂原始積累 & chapter 33 = 二十五章 現代殖民理論]
- 1977 Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. New York: Vintage Books. (Volume 1)
- Suggested Readings
- Mandel, Ernest.
- 2002 An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory. Chippendale, N.S.W.: Resistance Books.
- 中文:張乃烈譯《馬克思主義經濟學簡論》臺灣社會研究叢刊:7。台北:台研季刊社
- 簡體字版
- 2002 An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory. Chippendale, N.S.W.: Resistance Books.
- Harvey, David
- 2014《A Companion to Marx's Capital》
- 中文:《跟大衛。哈維讀《資本論》》簡體版
- 2014《A Companion to Marx's Capital》
- Mandel, Ernest.
Malinowski, B.
- Argonauts of the Western Pacific. Waveland Pr Inc, 1984.
- 中文:馬凌諾斯基。 于嘉雲 譯。 《南海舡人》遠流
- 指定章節: Introduction, Chs. 2-4, 6, 11-12, 14-17, & 22
- Argonauts of the Western Pacific. Waveland Pr Inc, 1984.
Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan
- 1969 The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People. Cambridge, UK: Oxford University Press.
- 中文:褚建芳譯 2002 《努爾人-對尼羅河畔一個人群的生活方式和政治制度的描述》現代人類學經典譯叢。上海:華夏。
- 指定章節: Introduction, Chs. 1, 3, & 5
- 1969 The Nuer: A Description of the Modes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People. Cambridge, UK: Oxford University Press.
Suggested Readings
- Stocking, George W.
- "The Ethnographer's Magic." In The Ethnographer's Magic and Other Essay's in the History of Anthropology, edited by George W. Stocking, 12–59. Wisconsin University Press, 1992.
- Stocking, George W.
- Levi-Strauss, Claude
- 1963 Structural Anthropology. New York: Basic Books.
- 中文:張祖建譯 2006《列維-斯特勞斯文集: 結構人類學 1-2 》上海:中國人民大學出版社。
- 指定章節: Chapters 1-2, 7, 9-13.
- 1963 Structural Anthropology. New York: Basic Books.
- Leach, Edmund.
- 1973 "Structuralism in Social Anthropology." Structuralism: An Introduction, 37–56.
- 1969 "Genesis as Myth." In Genesis as Myth and Other Essays, edited by Edmund Leach, 7–25. London: Cape.
- Suggested Readings
- Matthews, Peter
- 2003 A Short History of Structural Linguistics. New York: Cambridge University Press
- Matthews, Peter
- Bourdieu, Pierre
- 1977 Outline of a Theory of Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- 中文:宋偉航譯2004《實作理論綱要》。台北:城邦。
- 指定章節: Chs.1, 2, & 4
- 1977 Outline of a Theory of Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Thompson, John B.
- 1991 "Introduction" Language and Symbolic Power, John B. Thompson Ed. & Trans.. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Ortner, Sherry B.
- 1984 "Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties," in Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory. Kirks, Nicholas, G. Eley, S. B. Ortner eds. Princeton: Princeton University. pp372-411.
- 中文:雪莉·奧特納〈20世紀60年代以來的人類學理論〉 莊孔韶主編2008《人類學經典導讀》,上海:中國人民大學出版社
- 1984 "Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties," in Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory. Kirks, Nicholas, G. Eley, S. B. Ortner eds. Princeton: Princeton University. pp372-411.
- Mascia-Lee, Frances E., and Nancy Johnson Black.
- 1999 Gender and Anthropology. Waveland Pr Inc.
- Rubin, G
- 2006 "The traffic in women: Notes on the political economy of sex.". Feminist Anthropology: A Reader. E. Lewin ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- 中文:張娟芬譯,1999〈交易女人:性的「政治經濟學」〉,收錄於顧燕翎、鄭至慧編,《女性主義經典》,頁167-177,台北:女書。
- 2006 "The traffic in women: Notes on the political economy of sex.". Feminist Anthropology: A Reader. E. Lewin ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Sperber, Nathan, and George Hoare
- 2015 An Introduction to Antonio Gramsci: His Life, Thought and Legacy. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Crehan, Kate A F.
- 2002 Gramsci, Culture, and Anthropology. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Suggested Readings
- Gramsci, Antonio
- 1990 "Some aspects of the southern question." Antonio Gramsci: Selections From Political Writings (1921-1926). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 《 南方問題札記》
- Gramsci, Antonio
- Foucault, M.
- 1979 Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Vintage Books. Web.
- 中文:劉北成譯1992 《規訓與懲罰--監獄的誕生》,台北:桂冠
- 2012 The History of Sexuality: An Introduction Vintage,
- 中文:傅柯 《性經驗史第一卷》.
- 指定章節: Parts 1 & 2
- 1991 "Questions of method." in The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmental Nationality : With Two Lectures by and An Interview with Michel Foucault. G Burchell, C Gordon, and P M Miller eds. 1991. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf. pp. 73-86.
- 1979 Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Vintage Books. Web.
- Suggested Readings
- 2007 [1972] "The discourse on language." Appendix: Archaeology of Knowledge. London ; New York: Routledge. pp 215-37.
- 中文:許寶強、袁偉選編2001《語言與翻譯的政治》,北京:中央編譯出版社。(英譯版本"The Order of Discourse" in Untying the Text, edited by Robert Young. London: RKP, 1981)
- 2007 [1972] "The discourse on language." Appendix: Archaeology of Knowledge. London ; New York: Routledge. pp 215-37.
- Latour, Bruno.
- 2012 . We Have Never Been Modern. Harvard University Press.
- 中文: 拉圖爾 《我們從未現代過》
- 2012 . We Have Never Been Modern. Harvard University Press.
- 洪廣冀, and 何俊頤.
- 2018 . “自然資源治理與原住民部落發展:後發展與後人類的視角.” 考古人類學刊, no. 89: 93–141.
- Williams, Patrick, and Laura Chrisman, eds.
- Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader. Columbia University Press, 1994. [指定章節: Parts 1,2, & 5]
- Ong, Aihwa
- 2006 Neoliberalism as Exception: Mutations in Citizenship and Sovereignty. Duke University Press Books.
- Ortner, Sherry.
- 2011 "On Neoliberalism." Anthropology of This Century.
- Harvey, David
- 2007 "Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction." The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 610, no. 1 (March 1): 21–44.
- Coulthard, Glen Sean.
- 2014 . 《Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition》
- Kauanui, J. Kēhaulani.
- 2017 . “Sovereignty: An Introduction.” Cultural Anthropology: Journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology 32 (3): 323–29.
- Hansen, Thomas Blom, and Finn Stepputat.
- 2006 . “Sovereignty Revisited.” Annual Review of Anthropology 35 (1): 295–315.
- 時間:星期二, 6:10pm-9:00pm
- 地點:原
- 授課時數: 3
- 開課班級: 博士班
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