Congratulations on choosing to set up your own private Smart Home Gateway. This guide provides an overview of what is currently referred to as the “Things Gateway” by Mozilla. It is an alpha prototype, v0.6. Hereafter we will usually just refer to it as the "gateway".
The gateway lets you directly monitor and control your home over the web. Unlike many smart home hubs and connected IoT devices on the market, your data is not stored or processed in the cloud. It stays in your home on the gateway. The gateway can often bypass the need for you to purchase an IoT hub for each brand. And instead of downloading a different app for each brand, you can manage everything from one place, using any web browser.
This guide will explain how to set up your gateway, connect smart home devices, create rules to automate your home, experiment with voice and text-based commands, and a few additional tips.
The Things Gateway software can be installed onto an 8GB or larger microSD card which is inserted into a Raspberry Pi. We recommend the latest model, such as the RPi 3 B+. You can optionally attach Zigbee and Z-wave radios that connect to the RPi over USB. To run the gateway software on other devices, refer to the "Supported Hardware" section of the project wiki. Other than some changes in installation and initial setup, most of this guide is agnostic to the actual gateway hardware.
The following image shows a typical collection of smart home devices, the top row shows the Raspberry Pi, power supply and a Zigbee USB dongle. The bottom row shows a door sensor, smart plugs, smart bulb, and motion sensor.
First download the Things Gateway image from here. We recommend using the program to flash the image onto a microSD card (8GB or larger) that is inserted into your computer. Alternatively, some distributors sell the Raspberry Pi with a microSD card that has been pre-flashed with the Mozilla Things Gateway image. Once flashed, insert the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi.
In order for your Things Gateway to communicate with your home network, a one-time connection setup process must be completed.
Make sure the microSD card is plugged into the Raspberry Pi, and optionally plug USB dongles, such as Zigbee and Z-wave, into one of the four USB ports. The additional USB dongles allow the gateway to communicate with devices that don’t use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or other IP networking protocols.
Plug the gateway into a power outlet using at least a 2A USB power supply. (Cell phone charging USB power adapters will not provide sufficient power to run a Raspberry Pi gateway.) After applying power, you will need to wait 2-3 minutes for compressed software images to be unpacked, and for various install scripts to run, before proceeding to the next step.
Using your laptop, connect to the Wi-Fi network called
Mozilla IoT Gateway
(Note that it takes several minutes after first time power on before the network name will appear in the scanned list of Wi-Fi networks.)
Upon connecting to Mozilla IoT Gateway
, a welcome screen will pop up
automatically, showing a list of other nearby Wi-Fi networks. Select
your home Wi-Fi network from the list, and enter your Wi-Fi password. If
successful, this step will connect your gateway as a Wi-Fi client of
your home network. Alternatively, you can directly connect the gateway
using an ethernet cable to your local area network (LAN), for example by
plugging into a LAN port of your home Wi-Fi router.
You can change the Wi-Fi network that the gateway is connected to by
powering it up in a new location, where the previous network is not
accessbile. It will revert to broadcasting the Mozilla IoT Gateway
network name, and you can repeat the above steps. You can provision the
gateway for as many different Wi-Fi networks as you want.
TIP: If you are cnnnected to Mozilla IoT Gateway
but you don’t
see the welcome screen, you can try typing into
your web browser’s address bar to manually navigate to the page. If the
page still does not load, then you are not connected to the gateway.
Check your Wi-Fi network and try again.
Your Mozilla Things Gateway should now be connected to your home network. To proceed, your computer will need to be connected to the same network.
The next step is to give your gateway its own unique domain name and to create a user account to secure access to it. Your smart home data are stored locally on your gateway, not in the cloud. Only you can access your gateway to control your smart home devices safely and securely, whether at home or remote.
Type http://gateway.local
into your web browser’s address bar to
find your gateway on your home network.
If a web page does not load, you can type the IP address of the gateway instead.
You can determine the gateway IP address by pinging the hostname
gateway.local from the command line terminal of your computer. To open a
terminal window using Microsoft Windows, type cmd
into the search
To open a terminal window using MacOS, type terminal
into the search
From the command line terminal, type: ping gateway.local
and look
for the IP address in the response.
If using Windows 10, type: ping -4 gateway.local
TIP: If http://gateway.local
or http://<IP_address>
can’t be
loaded in your browser, check to make sure your laptop is connected to
the same home Wi-Fi network that you selected in the previous section.
To make sure the gateway is connected, you can log into your home Wi-Fi
router to look up the gateway IP address. Look at the router's DHCP
client list and search for the name gateway
or look for a MAC
address starting with b8:27:eb...
Once you have successfully connected to the gateway in your browser, a Welcome page will load.
At this step you need to think of a unique web address name that will hereafter be used to securely access your Things Gateway over the Internet. Type your chosen name, enter your preferred email, and select “Create.”
If you previously set up a Things Gateway subdomain, you can reclaim it by entering the same name and email. After this step successfully completes, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your address. Doing so will allow you to "own" and continually renew this subdomain (automatically registered for you with LetsEncrypt), for as long as you want.
Finally, create an account which you will thereafter use to log in to
your gateway. Now you can securely access your gateway and manage its
devices from any web browser, anywhere in the world. (Additional user
accounts can be added later. See Settings => Users
, and follow a
similar account creation process.)
Congratulations if you made it through the setup process! Keep in mind
that each time you want to control and monitor the devices connected to
your Things Gateway, you will need to navigate to the web address you
just created, which will be of the form
We recommend that you bookmark the web address on all devices that you have access to from home. It is also handy to save your Things Gateway as a web application on the home screen of your phones and tablets.
On Android phones/tablets:
- In Firefox: Select the “add to home” icon in the address bar (circled in red) to add an app icon to your home screen.
- In Chrome: Select “Add Things to Home screen”.
On iPhones and iPads:
- In Safari: Select the Share icon, and then “Add to Home Screen”.
- (Note that iOS does not currently support an "add to home screen" function for Firefox or Chrome browsers.)
Pick a device to add and prepare it for pairing. Typical preparation steps for Zigbee and Z-Wave devices are as follows:
- Smart bulb: screw into a light fixture that it is turned on (bulb should be lit when ready for pairing)
- Smart plug: plug into an outlet
- Other powered devices: plug in and turn on
- Battery-operated devices such as door/window sensors, motion detectors, pushbuttons, dimmer switches, leak detectors, temperature sensors, and more: remove tab from battery, or plug in battery, to power on
TIP: Some devices come pre-paired with controllers or IoT hubs. First follow the manufacturers instructions to do a factory reset on those devices before attempting to pair them with your Mozilla gateway. See the Appendix for more tips on pairing new devices.
When you are ready to add devices to your Things Gateway, we recommend that you provision devices one at a time. First load your secure web address (format [your_subdomain] and log in to your account.
From the main “Things” page, select the button at the bottom
right corner. The gateway will begin scanning to
discover unprovisioned and unconfigured devices that are nearby.
When a new device is found, it will appear on the Things scan page. Rename the device, then select ‘Save’ to add it, and ‘Done’ when you are finished.
TIP: When naming your smart devices, we recommend using a name that helps you remember where they are located in your home. For example, “Bedroom Light”. Choose simple names that will be easy to remember and use if you want to command and control your home using voice commands.
Repeat these discovery steps for each device. Powering them up and scanning for them one at a time helps you identify each device.
First learn how to monitor and control each device by checking out its capabilities. Then in the next section you can learn to create rules to automate interactions between devices.
Devices are displayed on the Things screen and the Floorplan screen. You can toggle light bulb and smart plugs on and off by directly clicking on the device icon. You can also see the current state of devices such as door sensors and motion detectors, from these screens.
To view and control additional details, click the icon toward the top-right of a device icon. A detailed thing page should open.
To edit a device’s name or remove it altogether, select the icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
Now that your Mozilla Things Gateway is set up and your smart things are connected, you can start automating your home for your convenience by creating ‘Rules’. Practice creating a rule by following the next few steps.
Navigate to the “Rules” page from the main menu. Click the icon
in the lower right corner to create a new rule. In Rule creation, the basic
logic is: if (A), then (B). Optionally, you can change “if” to “while”
and combine multiple inputs for (A), and take action against multiple
outputs for (B).
Let’s start by grabbing our input: time. Drag the ‘clock’ from the bottom of the screen to the left side of the Rule space. Since we want something to occur at 10pm, set the time to ‘10pm’.
Next we select our output: a smart bulb named "Bedroom Light". Drag the light you want to turn off at 10pm to the right side of the Rule space.
To complete the rule, select the desired property of the smart light that you want to set at 10pm. In this example, we want the bedroom light to turn “Off” at 10pm. Go to the light's drop down menu and select ‘Off’. The clock and light bulb rectangles should now be connected by a black line, and the “If” statement under your Rule name should be updated to reflect the logic of this rule.
In the top left hand corner, click the tiny pencil near "Rule Name" to edit the name of your rule. For example, you can name this rule “At 10pm, turn off bedroom light”. For clock-based rules, the “If” statement below the name is appropriate logic. For other situations, such as turning on a light only when a door is open, you can change it to "While" instead. When you have more than one input parameter, you can select "And" or "Or" as the logical condition to tie together the input parameters.
Click on the back-arrow button in the upper left-hand corner of the Rule space (next to the name), to save the rule and return to the main Rule overview page.
From the main Rules view, each rule is represented by a rectangle.
- View/Edit. You can view or change a rule by hovering over the middle of the rectangle and selecting the "Edit" button.
- Disable/Enable. You can disable a rule by toggling the "switch" element to the left, which will turn the circle color to grey. You can re-enable the rule by toggling the switch element back to the right, turning the circle back to white.
- Remove. To remove (permanently delete) a rule, hover over the rule rectangle and click on the "(x)" in the upper right-hand corner.
The Floorplan allows you to view your devices as they are positioned within your home. It shows all your devices, consistent with what you would see on the Things page, but it lets you see their states mapped over the layput of your home. You can still click an icon to change its state, the same as you would on the Things page. However, one interaction difference is that you need to click-and-hold on an icon to open the thing's detailed view.
First sketch a floorplan of your home, and save it as a digital image. You can draw one by hand and take a picture of it, or use an illustrator tool. (If you take a picture of the floorplan using your smartphone, you can upload the image directly to your gateway from the phone's browser.)
TIP: Save your digital drawing as an SVG file with white lines and a transparent background, using a tool like Inkscape or Sketch, for a minimalist look.
Click on the icon in the lower right corner of the floorplan page
to enter edit mode. An "upload file" button will appear -- click on it
to select the floorplan image to be uploaded.
After the floorplan image is uploaded, make sure you are still in edit mode, and then drag the thing icons from the top of the page onto the floorplan. Click the check mark in the lower right corner when done.
The gateway has an add-ons system so that you can extend its capabilities. A few add-ons are installed by default (Web Thing, Zigbee, and Z-Wave) so that your gateway will work with a large number of commercial devices right out of the box. However, you can boost support for additional devices if they are supported by an Add-on. You'll find the Add-on page under Settings.
From the Settings menu, select Add-Ons.
To enable more Add-Ons, click the "(+)" button in the lower right to
browse the add-on list, then select + Add
to enable any additional
add-ons. For example, if you have TP-Link or HomeKit compatible devices
at home, you can install their add-ons, then discover and pair the
devices so that they can be managed by your Mozilla gateway.
New add-ons will continue to be developed to enable control of newly supported devices, so check back periodically to scan new Add-ons in the list. You can submit requests for additional device support in the issues tab of the gateway software development site.
You can try out experimental new features, like the Smart Assistant, by enabling them in Experiments.
From the Settings menu, select Experiments, and then check the box to enable the Smart Assistant.
Once enabled, the smart assistant page can be selected from the main navigation menu. It lets you use voice and messaging commands to control the things in your home. The same commands are possible whether using voice or typing text input.
The web interface shows both typed and spoken commands that were made recently, as well as the result of the command. If a portion of a command that you spoke was misinterpreted, or just missing, try again. Remember to speak loud and clear near your PC's microphone.
You can give it commands like “Turn the kitchen light on” and it will respond to you to confirm the action. So far it can understand a basic set of commands to turn devices on and off, set levels, set color and set color temperatures.
The first time you click on the microphone icon, your browser will ask for permission to use your computer’s microphone. From the popup dialog, click the “Remember this decision” checkbox, then select “Allow”.
Note that in the 0.6 gateway release, voice commands are currently processed using Google's voice assistant API, so the audio strings are processed in the cloud. The speech-to-text result is passed back to your gateway. If you instead type a command into the text field of the smart assistant screen, those commands are processed locally and do not require a connection to the Internet.
Browse the other pages listed under the Settings menu in order to find additional configuration and capabilities of the Things Gateway.
The default localhost name is gateway.local, but you can change it to match your subdomain or choose a different name.
You can add as many user accounts as you like, so that everyone has their own unique login. Although all users have the same access and control privileges in gateway v0.6, a future feature will be to allow lesser privileges to some users, such as children or guests.
Click the "(+)" icon to provision more user accounts.
The adapters page shows which of the Add-ons are currently installed and active. Go to the Add-ons page to add or remove adapters that are shown on this page.
Assuming your gateway is connected to the Internet, system updates will be applied automatically when a new stable release is ready. As of the v0.6 release, new versions are being released approximately quarterly.
Authorizations are enabled in "Settings" by selecting "Developer => Create local authorization". This page shows whether or not an authorization has been enabled.
On the "Developer" page you can enable ssh, for connecting directly to
the Raspberry Pi console. The default username is "pi", and the default
password is "raspberry". If you decide to enable ssh, we recommend that
you immediately ssh into the RPi to change the default password. Type
the command passwd
and follow the prompts to change the pi user's
Click "View Logs" to see raw logs displayed in your browser.
Click "Create local authorization" to establish a secure web token that can be exchanged with 3rd party applications and services that you may want to enable, or simply for accessing the data using your own development tools.
For support, please sign up to our IoT Discourse forum ( or email [email protected] or post issues on github.