Thank you for considering a contribution to Gradle! This guide explains how to:
- maximize the chance of your changes being accepted
- work on the Gradle code base
- get help if you encounter trouble
Before starting to work on a feature or a fix, please open an issue to discuss the use case or bug with us. This can save both you and us a lot of time. For any non-trivial change, we'll ask you to create a short design document explaining:
- Why is this change done? What's the use case?
- What will the API look like? (For new features)
- What test cases should it have? What could go wrong?
- How will it roughly be implemented? (We'll happily provide code pointers to save you time)
This can be done directly inside the GitHub issue or (for large changes) you can share a Google Doc with us.
Please do not report security issues to the public issue tracker. Please send security issues to [email protected].
In order for your contributions to be accepted, you must sign off your Git commits to indicate that you agree to the terms of Developer Certificate of Origin.
In order to foster a more inclusive community, Gradle has adopted the Contributor Covenant.
Contributors must follow the Code of Conduct outlined at
To create an install from the source tree you can run either of the following:
./gradlew install -Pgradle_installPath=/usr/local/gradle-source-build
This will create a minimal installation; just what's needed to run Gradle (i.e. no docs).
You can then build a Gradle based project with this installation:
/usr/local/gradle-source-build/bin/gradle «some task»
To create a full installation (includes docs):
./gradlew installAll -Pgradle_installPath=/usr/local/gradle-source-build
In order to make changes to Gradle, you'll need:
- A text editor or IDE. We use and recommend IntelliJ IDEA CE.
- A Java Development Kit (JDK) version 11.
- git and a GitHub account.
Gradle uses pull requests for contributions. Fork gradle/gradle and clone your fork. Configure your Git username and email with
git config 'First Last'
git config [email protected]
You require IntelliJ 2018.3.1 or newer.
- Open the
file with IntelliJ and choose "Open as Project" - Make sure "Create separate module per source set" is selected
- Make sure "Use default gradle wrapper" is selected
- Select a Java 11 VM as "Gradle JVM"
- In the "File already exists" dialogue, choose "Yes" to overwrite
- In the "Open Project" dialogue, choose "Delete Existing Project and Import"
- Revert the Git changes to files in the
NOTE: Due to the project size, the initial import can take a while and IntelliJ might become unresponsive for several seconds during this period.
IntelliJ automatically hides stacktrace elements from the org.gradle
package, which makes running/debugging tests more difficult. You can disable this behavior by changing IntelliJ Preferences under Editor -> General -> Console. In the "Fold lines that contain" section, remove the org.gradle
All code contributions should contain the following:
- Unit Tests (using Spock) for any logic introduced
- Integration Test coverage of the bug/feature at the level of build execution. Please annotate tests guarding against a specific GitHub issue
. - Documentation in the User Manual and DSL Reference (under
). You can generate docs by running./gradlew :docs:docs
Your code needs to run on all supported Java versions and operating systems. The Gradle CI will verify this, but here are some pointers that will avoid surprises:
- Be careful when using features introduced in Java 1.7 or later. Some parts of Gradle still need to run on Java 6.
- Normalise file paths in tests. The
class has some useful functions for this purpose.
After making changes, you can test them in 2 ways:
To run tests, execute ./gradlew :<subproject>:check
where <subproject>
is the name of the sub-project that has changed. For example: ./gradlew :launcher:check
To try out a change in behavior manually, install Gradle locally and use it.
Install: ./gradlew install -Pgradle_installPath=/any/path
. Use: /any/path/bin/gradle taskName
You can debug Gradle by adding -Dorg.gradle.debug=true
when executing. Gradle will wait for you to attach a debugger at localhost:5005
by default.
If you made changes to build logic in buildSrc
, you can test them by executing ./gradlew help -PbuildSrcCheck=true
The commit messages that accompany your code changes are an important piece of documentation, please follow these guidelines when writing commit messages:
- Keep commits discrete: avoid including multiple unrelated changes in a single commit
- Keep commits self-contained: avoid spreading a single change across multiple commits. A single commit should make sense in isolation
- If your commit pertains to a GitHub issue, include (
Issue: #123
) in the commit message on a separate line - Sign off your commits to indicate that you agree to the terms of Developer Certificate of Origin.
After you submit your pull request, a Gradle core developer will review it. It is normal that this takes several iterations, so don't get discouraged by change requests. They ensure the high quality that we all enjoy.
If you need to check on CI status as an external contributor, login as a guest.
Pull requests are automatically verified that all commit messages contain the Signed-off-by line with an email address that matches the commit author. In case you didn't sign off your commits before creating a pull request, you can still fix that to confirm that you agree to the terms of Developer Certificate of Origin.
To sign off a single commit:
git commit --amend --signoff
To sign off one or multiple commits:
git filter-branch --msg-filter "cat - && echo && echo 'Signed-off-by: Your Name <[email protected]>'" HEAD
Then force push your branch:
git push --force origin test-branch
If you run into any trouble, please reach out to us on the issue you are working on.
We deeply appreciate your effort toward improving Gradle. For any contribution, large or small, you will be immortalized in the release notes for the version you've contributed to.
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