YOLO for Intel/Movidius Neural Compute Stick (NCS) demo in MapR environment Run yolo with NCS stick within VirtualBox and stream detected objects to MapR stream Modified code to add the following features :
- Send detected objects to STREAM:TOPIC
- Save image (JPG) when something is detected to Disk (custom path)
- Append a CSV file in addition to the stream (ie. for DB ingest)
Ubuntu 64 bits
4096MB RAM
2 x vCPU
Audio disabled
Network : 1 x NAT + 1 x Host-only
USB ports setup : Ports : USB 3.0 xHCI
1st filter : USB2 Movidius 03e7 (vendor ID 03e7)
2nd filter : USB3 Movidius 040e (vendor ID 040e)
root@mapr:~# sudo su -
root@mapr:~# apt-get install git
root@mapr:~# mkdir -p ~/workspace
root@mapr:~# cd ~/workspace
root@mapr:~/workspace# git clone https://github.com/movidius/ncsdk.git
root@mapr:~/workspace# git clone https://github.com/kromozome2003/MapR-YoloNCS.git
root@mapr:~/workspace# cd ~/workspace/ncsdk
root@mapr:~/workspace/ncsdk# make install
root@mapr:~/workspace/MapR-YoloNCS# dmesg | grep -i movidius
root@mapr:~/workspace/MapR-YoloNCS# lsusb | grep -i 03e7
root@mapr:~/workspace/ncsdk# usb-devices | grep -i 03e7

- Compile .prototxt and corresponding .caffemodel (with the same name) to get NCS graph file.
root@mapr:~/workspace/ncsdk# cd ~/workspace/MapR-YoloNCS
root@mapr:~/workspace/MapR-YoloNCS# mkdir -p weights
- Download Pretrained Caffe Models to ./weights/
- Download YOLO_tiny
root@kromozome2003:~/Downloads# scp ~/Downloads/yolo_tiny.caffemodel [email protected]:/root/workspace/MapR-YoloNCS/weights/
- Check the file is at the right location
root@mapr:~/workspace/MapR-YoloNCS# ls -l weights/
- Compile the model
root@mapr:~/workspace/MapR-YoloNCS# mvNCCompile prototxt/yolo_tiny_deploy.prototxt -w weights/yolo_tiny.caffemodel -s 12
root@mapr:~/workspace/MapR-YoloNCS# ls -l ~/workspace/MapR-YoloNCS/graph
python3 py_examples/yolo_example.py images/dog.jpg
Run "object_detection_app.py" to process a videos from your camera.
python3 py_examples/object_detection_app.py
python3 py_examples/object_detection_app.py -g http://<USER>:<PASS>@<IP_ADDR>:8082/topics/ -s <STREAM_PATH> -t <TOPIC>