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Releases: kubernetes/kops


29 Sep 12:02
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.25.0...v1.25.1


21 Sep 09:09
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v1.26.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.25.0-beta.1...v1.26.0-alpha.1


19 Sep 12:04
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Significant changes

  • GCE cloud provider support has been promoted to stable.
  • Hetzner cloud provider support has been promoted to beta.
  • Karpenter support has been promoted to stable on Kubernetes versions 1.22, 1.23 and 1.24. Karpenter does not yet support Kubernetes above 1.25.
  • IAM roles on AWS used for ServiceAccounts are now tagged with the name and namespace of the ServiceAccount.
  • Cert Manager may now solve dns-01 challenges. See the cert manager documentation.
  • Add support to --cordon-node-before-terminating on the cluster autoscaler addon (CordonNodeBeforeTerminating)
  • EBS CSI driver can now be self-managed. See the addon docs.

Breaking changes

Cinder CSI snapthot controller changes

The CSI Cinder plugin for OpenStack will now only use the CSI snapshotter when the CSI snapshot controller is enabled in the cluster spec. This changes the default behavior where the CSI snaphotter container was always present, but spammed the log with error messages (see #13890). In case of manually deployed CRDs to make the snapshotter work it is now necessary to enable the snapshot controller.

Other breaking changes

  • Support for Kubernetes version 1.19 has been removed.


  • Support for Kubernetes version 1.20 is deprecated and will be removed in kOps 1.26.
  • Support for Kubernetes version 1.21 is deprecated and will be removed in kOps 1.27.

What's Changed

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16 Sep 09:12
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General release notes for kOps 1.24

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.24.2...v1.24.3


03 Sep 05:01
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.24.1...v1.24.2


03 Sep 04:35
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.23.3...v1.23.4


31 Aug 11:59
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v1.25.0-beta.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.25.0-alpha.2...v1.25.0-beta.1


29 Jul 19:33
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v1.25.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.25.0-alpha.1...v1.25.0-alpha.2


29 Jul 19:37
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What's Changed

  • Automated cherry pick of #13901: Use Calico v3.23 for Kubernetes 1.22+ by @hakman in #13968
  • Automated cherry pick of #13965: Use control-plane node role for AWS IAM Authenticator by @rifelpet in #13967
  • Automated cherry pick of #13970: Skip deregistering the instance during rolling update for by @hakman in #13971
  • Automated cherry pick of #13979: Upgrade aws-iam-authenticator to v0.5.9 by @rifelpet in #13980
  • Automated cherry pick of #13982: Use only IPv4 for Hetzner servers by @hakman in #13984
  • Automated cherry pick of #13975: Add option to set etcd-manager backup interval by @hakman in #13983
  • Automated cherry pick of #13990: Update etcd-manager to v3.0.20220717 by @hakman in #13991
  • Automated cherry pick of #13994: Update Go to v1.18.4 by @hakman in #13996
  • Automated cherry pick of #13986: Add option to set number of replicas for pod-identity-webhook by @hakman in #13988
  • Automated cherry pick of #14005: Upgrade DO CSI driver to 4.2.0 by @hakman in #14006
  • Update to match by @hakman in #14003
  • Automated cherry pick of #14015: Switch to latest MacOS version for CI by @hakman in #14019
  • Automated cherry pick of #14024: Revert to using instance private DNS name to lookup hostname by @hakman in #14025
  • Automated cherry pick of #14018: Add server group management for Hetzner by @hakman in #14028
  • Update dependencies for kOps 1.24 by @hakman in #13989
  • Automated cherry pick of #13908: Update Calico to v3.23.2 #14009: Update Calico to v3.23.3 by @hakman in #14010
  • Automated cherry pick of #14038: Update etcd-manager to v3.0.20220727 by @hakman in #14039
  • Automated cherry pick of #14041: Check keyset existence before attempting to distrust by @hakman in #14042
  • Automated cherry pick of #14046: Fix SIGSEGV when deleting a Hetzner instance by @hakman in #14047
  • Automated cherry pick of #14053: Remove namespaces from cluster-scoped resources in CNI by @hakman in #14059
  • Automated cherry pick of #14034: Enable rolling updates for Hetzner
    #14057: Wait for load balancer to be ready for Hetzner
    #14058: Add multiple SSH keys support for Hetzner by @hakman in #14067
  • Automated cherry pick of #14054: Use cabundle for etcd CA files by @olemarkus in #14069
  • Release 1.24.1 by @hakman in #14071

Full Changelog: v1.24.0...v1.24.1


29 Jul 14:25
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Release notes for kOps 1.23 series

Significant changes

  • If the Kubernetes version is 1.23 or later and the external AWS Cloud Controller Manager is
    being used, then Kubernetes Node resources will be named after their AWS instance ID instead of their domain name and
    managed subnets will be configured to launch instances with Resource Based Names.

  • Support for ShutdownGracePeriod and ShutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods. By default, kOps will set ShutdownGracePeriod to 30 seconds and ShutdownGracePeriodCriticalPods to 10 seconds if the Kubernetes version is above 1.21.

  • By enabling the pod identity webhook, you no longer need to modify your Pod specs to assume IAM roles.

Breaking changes

  • Support for Kubernetes version 1.17 has been removed.

  • Support for the Lyft CNI has been removed.

  • The Weave CNI is not supported for Kubernetes 1.23 or later.

  • Support for CentOS 7 has been removed.

  • Support for CentOS 8 has been removed (replaced by Rocky Linux 8).

  • Support for Debian 9 has been removed.

  • Support for RHEL 7 is has been removed.

  • Support for Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) has been removed.

  • Cilium now has disable-cnp-status-updates: true by default. Set this to false if you rely on the CiliumNetworkPolicy status fields.

Required actions


  • Support for Kubernetes version 1.18 is deprecated and will be removed in kOps 1.24.

  • Support for Kubernetes version 1.19 is deprecated and will be removed in kOps 1.25.

  • All legacy addons are deprecated in favor of managed addons, including the metrics server addon and the autoscaler addon.

  • The and labels are deprecated and might be removed from control plane nodes in future versions of kOps.

  • Due to lack of maintainers, the Aliyun/Alibaba Cloud support has been deprecated and will be removed in kOps 1.24.

  • Due to lack of maintainers, the CloudFormation support has been deprecated. The current implementation will be left as-is until the implementation needs updates or otherwise becomes incompatible. At that point, it will be removed. We very much welcome anyone willing to contribute to this target.

Other changes of note

  • The kops create cluster command has a new --discovery-store flag for specifying a public store for the OIDC-compatible discovery documents.
    If this flag is used in AWS, it will enable IRSA.

  • If externalDns.provider is external-dns, then externalDns.watchIngress will now default to true.

  • This release introduces a v1alpha3 API version. This API version is a work in progress and is likely to be replaced in kOps 1.24.
    It is recommended to keep using the v1alpha2 API version.

  • IPv6 pod subnets is in a working state using public IPv6 addresses for the Pod network. This works with both Cilium and Calico. IPv6 is still behind a feature flag until service controllers and addons implement support for IPv6. See the IPv6 documentation.

  • The kops rolling-update cluster command has a new --drain-timeout flag for specifying the maximum amount of time to wait when attempting to drain a node. Previously, rolling-updates would attempt to drain a node for an indefinite amount of time. If --drain-timeout is not specified, a default of 15 minutes is applied.

  • Fix inconsistent output of kops get clusters -ojson. This will now always return a list (irrespective of a single or multiple clusters) to keep the format consistent. However, note that kops get cluster -ojson will continue to work as previously, and will return a single object.

  • Digital Ocean kops now has vpc support. You can specify a network-cidr range while creating the kops cluster. kops resources will be created in the new vpc range. Also supports shared vpc; you can specify the vpc uuid while creating kops cluster.

1.23.2 to 1.23.3