Azure Provider for Crossplane.
The Crossplane Azure addon enables users to manage Azure cloud resources directly from their Kubernetes clusters using Crossplane. By integrating Azure capabilities into your Kubernetes environment, this addon facilitates seamless infrastructure management alongside your application workloads.
This addon allows you to provision and manage various Azure resources using Kubernetes-native tooling. Use cases include:
- Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Define and manage your Azure resources declaratively using YAML files via KubeVela Applications.
- Unified Management: Manage Azure resources in conjunction with other cloud providers and services from a single Kubernetes control plane.
- Enhanced Workflow: Take advantage of KubeVela's features, such as application delivery, component composition, and resource management, to create an efficient workflow for your Azure cloud infrastructure.
To interact with Azure resources, you need to have the Azure CLI installed. Follow the instructions in the official documentation to install the Azure CLI for your operating system: Install the Azure CLI.
Once you have the Azure CLI installed, log in to your Azure account using the following command in the terminal or in the command prompt:
az login
This command will open a web browser where you can enter your Azure credentials.
To get started, enable the Crossplane Azure addon:
vela addon enable crossplane-azure
Before provisioning Azure resources, you need to authenticate the Azure provider.
- To retrieve current subscription ID of the Azure account via Azure CLI, run the following command in the terminal
$ az account show --query id --output tsv
- Use the following command to create a Service Principal and obtain credentials:
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac --json-auth true --role Owner --scopes="/subscriptions/<your-subscription-id>" -n "crossplane-sp-rbac" > "creds.json"
This command will generate a JSON file called creds.json
, which contains the necessary credentials for the Crossplane Azure provider. The file will have the following structure:
"clientId": "1111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555",
"clientSecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
"tenantId": "33333333-4444-5555-6666-777777777777",
"subscriptionId": "22222222-3333-4444-5555-666666666666",
"activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "",
"resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "",
"activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "",
"sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "",
"galleryEndpointUrl": "",
"managementEndpointUrl": ""
You will use these values in the application configuration below.
Create an application configuration to authenticate your Azure provider. Replace the placeholders with the values obtained from the previous step:
kind: Application
name: crossplane-azure-provider-config-app
namespace: vela-system
- name: azure
type: crossplane-azure
AZURE_PASSWORD: <password>
provider_name: azure-provider # Defaults to "azure-provider". If you wish to override with any other name, you can specify it here. This name will be used in other configurations for referencing the Azure Crossplane ProviderConfig in the next steps.
Now that your Azure provider is configured, you can start provisioning Azure resources. Let's create a Resource Group, a Virtual Network (VNet) and a Storage Account as examples.
Apply the KubeVela application below to create a Resource Group:
kind: Application
name: crossplane-azure-rg-app # This name will be shown on the UI.
- name: resource-group
type: azure-rg
Name: crossplane-test-rg
Location: eastus # Refer to the Azure region names reference for a complete list:
providerConfigName: azure-provider # Use the name configured for Azure Crossplane provider at step 5.
Next, you can create a Virtual Network (VNet) by applying the following KubeVela application configuration:
kind: Application
name: crossplane-azure-vnet-app # This name will be shown on the UI.
- name: virtual-network
type: azure-vnet
Name: crossplane-vnet
ResourceGroupName: crossplane-test-rg # Ensure the Resource Group exists already in the Azure account.
Location: eastus # Refer to the Azure region names reference for a complete list:
AddressPrefixes: # Specify the CIDR block for the Virtual Network.
- ""
- ""
- ""
providerConfigName: azure-provider # Use the name configured for Azure Crossplane provider at step 5.
Next, you can create a Storage Account by applying the following application configuration. Before proceeding, ensure that your Azure subscription has the necessary resource providers registered to avoid potential errors.
If you are using a new Azure account, you may encounter the following error when attempting to create a Storage Account:
storage.AccountsClient#CheckNameAvailability: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=404
To prevent this error, you need to ensure that the Microsoft.Storage
resource provider is registered in your Azure subscription. Follow these steps to register the resource provider:
- Navigate to your Azure Subscription in the Azure portal.
- Select Resource Providers from the left pane.
- Locate
in the list. - Click Register.
Once the resource provider is registered, you can create the Storage Account without any issues. Below is the KubeVela application configuration to create the Storage Account:
kind: Application
name: crossplane-azure-storage-acct-app # This name will be shown on the UI.
- name: storage-account
type: azure-storage-account
Name: crossplanetestacct
ResourceGroupName: test-rg # Ensure the Resource Group exists already in the Azure account.
Location: eastus # Refer to the Azure region names reference for a complete list:
SKU_Name: Standard_LRS # Valid SKUs: Standard_LRS, Standard_GRS, etc.
Kind: Storage
providerConfigName: azure-provider # Use the name configured at step 5.
secretName: storageaccount-connection-secret
Once the applications are running, you can check the status of your resources via the Vela CLI command shown below:
$ vela ls
crossplane-azure-rg-app resource-group azure-rg running healthy 2024-10-17 09:44:51 +0000 UTC
crossplane-azure-vnet-app virtual-network azure-vnet running healthy 2024-10-17 09:45:33 +0000 UTC
crossplane-azure-storage-acct-app storage-account azure-storage-account running healthy 2024-10-17 09:45:48 +0000 UTC
You can use the Azure CLI commands in your terminal to verify the resources:
$ az group show --name <your-resource-group-name>
$ az network vnet show --resource-group <your-resource-group-name> --name <your-vnet-name>
$ az storage account show --resource-group <your-resource-group-name> --name <your-storage-account-name>
You can also verify them in the Azure portal, alongside the Azure CLI commands:
The image above shows that the Resource Group
has been successfully created from KubeVela via Crossplane.
The image above confirms that the Virtual Network
was created in the eastus
region within the test-rg
Resource Group, which was already created in the portal.
The image above confirms that the Virtual Network contains three address spaces, as specified in the application configuration.
The image above confirms that the Storage Account
was successfully created in the test-rg
Resource Group, which was already created in the portal.