In my blog post, Debugging with Tracing in Elixir,
I mentioned about using recon_trace
from recon
to trace your function
calls in your live system.
After using recon_trace
a few times and always needing to going back to
the documentation to figure out how to use it correctly, I decided to write
this to document the common usage I came across.
This is what you can expect from this notebook, hopefully it helps!
- Installing
- Tracing function with return trace/value
- Tracing more specific function calls
- Writing match spec]
First of all, let's install :recon
as part of our dependencies into
our Livebook. With Elixir 1.12, it is as simple as using Mix.install
Alternatively, you can add the dependencies of recon
into your mix.exs
as follow:
defp deps do
# ... other depedencies,
{:recon, "~> 2.5"}
To trace a function with recon
, it is as simple as
calling :recon_trace.calls({module, function, match_spec}, max_trace, opts \\ [])
{max_trace, _} = IO.gets("Max Trace") |> Integer.parse()
:recon_trace.calls({Enum, :map, :return_trace}, max_trace)
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4], fn x -> x + 2 end), fn x -> x - 2 end), fn x -> x * 2 end), fn x -> x / 2 end)
The example above are tracing
function and telling recon_trace
to receive
traces of at most 4. If you run the code above, you'll see the traces of the first 2 function calls.
Why not 4 function calls? Since our max trace is 4.
This is because, when we are using :return_trace
, each function call will have 2 traces:
- one for the function call
- one for the result trace
You'll also see Recon tracer rate limit tripped.
, which is recon_trace
telling you
that it is rate limited, and you'll not receive any new traces regarding the
function call.
Play around with the Max Trace
input to feel the difference!
Same with using dbg
, you can also use recon_trace
to trace more specific
function call by altering your match spec for :recon_trace.calls
Let's say we want to trace function call of
with matching the
arguments [1,2,3]
specifically. We can achieve that by using this match spec:
[[1, 2, 3], :_],
Looks complicated right? Don't worry, let me break it down for you.
A match spec is a list []
of 3 elements tuple {_, _, _}
, with only one item
in the list [{_, _, _}]
Here's what the 3 elements of the tuple refers to:
- 1st: indicate the function arguments that we want to match.
Here, with
:- first parameter is the enumerable pass into
, which is[1, 2, 3]
. - second parameter is the anonymous function we pass into
- first parameter is the enumerable pass into
- 2nd: indicate the guards of the function, which is not applicable here. We will see it in action later below.
- 3rd: indicate the actions of the match spec, which is the
in our case.
Let's see this in action.
match_spec = [
[[1, 2, 3], :_],
:recon_trace.calls({Enum, :map, match_spec}, 4)[1, 2, 3], fn x -> x + 2 end)[1, 2, 3, 4], fn x -> x + 2 end)
Here we are telling recon_trace
to trace
function call where
the first argument is [1, 2, 3]
. You'll notice that recon_trace
only show
the traces for the first function call and not the second.
Writing the match spec seems complicated right? No worry,
we can utilize :dbg.fun2ms
to help us out.
match_spec = :dbg.fun2ms(fn [a, _] when length(a) > 4 -> :return_trace end)
match_spec =, fn {args, guards, [:return_trace]} ->
{args, guards, [{:return_trace}]}
Here we are writing the match spec for tracing
where the
first arguments length is larger than 4.
Notice that we need to do some additional transformation because
as mentioned in my previous post,
the match spec returned by dbg
is not entirely correct.
Hence, we have some additional transformation there.
Now, our second element is not an empty list anymore as shown in the previous example. I'm not going into the details on how to read the generated match spec, if you want to know more about it consider reading:
Let's see that in action.
:recon_trace.calls({Enum, :map, match_spec}, 4)[1, 2, 3, 4], fn x -> x + 2 end)[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn x -> x + 2 end)[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], fn x -> x + 2 end)
You'll see that there is no tracing for first function call, as it only have 4 elements and does not fulfil our match spec.
Tracing is an extremely useful debugging tool to add to your current toolkit. This is especially true when you need to debug live production system.
Personally, I have done that a few times in both of our staging and production environment. I can say that the experience is pleasant (once you figure out match spec and use it correctly...).
Last but not least, I highly recommend these resources below if you are interested into this topic particularly:
- ElixirConf 2020: Debugging Live Systems on the BEAM talk by Jeffery Utter
- Book: Erlang in Anger
This Livebook content is also available as a blog post on my website.