Releases: leka/ios-monorepo
Releases · leka/ios-monorepo
Leka App v1.12.0
What's Changed
- 🔖 (LekaApp): Bump version to v1.11.0 by @ladislas in #1505
- 📌 (mise): Upgrade tuist, swiftformat, swiftlint by @ladislas in #1508
- hugo/feature/Add DnDIntoZones in GEKExample by @HPezz in #1506
- 💄 (GEK): Update label of robot action button by @HPezz in #1511
- lucie/feature/contentkit/add curriculum Halloween by @Lucieveber in #1507
Full Changelog: LekaApp-v1.11.0...LekaApp-v1.12.0
Leka App v1.11.0
What's Changed
- 🔖 (LekaApp): Bump version to v1.10.0 by @ladislas in #1459
- 🔖 (LekaUpdater): Bump version to v2.0.0 by @ladislas in #1454
- ladislas/feature/gekexample refactor findtherightanswers+add new ui by @ladislas in #1465
- 🍱 (ContentKit): Update ColorPad icon by @HPezz in #1466
- ladislas/feature/no release on examples by @ladislas in #1470
- lucie/bugfix/content-kit/modification typos by @Lucieveber in #1468
- lucie/feature/contentkit add subskill logical_association by @Lucieveber in #1469
- ladislas/feature/tuist generate examples by default by @ladislas in #1471
- 🔧 (swiftlint): Exclude Tuist/.build, Derived directories by @ladislas in #1472
- 🐛 (makefile): Fix formatting by @ladislas in #1473
- ladislas/feature/gekexample gameplay protocol by @ladislas in #1474
- ⚡️ (linter): Swiftlint - do not use ** glob for excluded by @ladislas in #1479
- ✏️ (GEK): Fix HideAndSeek typos by @HPezz in #1476
- lucie/bugfix/contentkit/details_typos by @Lucieveber in #1478
- lucie/bugfix/contentkit-curriculum-constellations by @Lucieveber in #1480
- ⚗️ (GEKExample): Refactor FindTheRightOrder by @ladislas in #1477
- 🚚 (GEK): Reorganize Utils directory by @ladislas in #1481
- hugo/feature/Update CurriculumDetailsView by @HPezz in #1483
- 💄 (ContentKit): Update CurriculumGroupbox UI by @HPezz in #1488
- 🚸 (ContentKit): Add Launch button to ActivityList to bypass details by @HPezz in #1484
- lucie/bugfix/contentkit/icones change assets by @Lucieveber in #1487
- ⚡️ (linter): Swiftlint - remove excluded Derived directories by @ladislas in #1492
- ladislas/feature/1244 create audio manager+reaplce old system by @ladislas in #1489
- 🏗️ (GEK): Update TTSChoice architecture with new view var by @HPezz in #1449
- mathieu+hugo/feature/Add TTSAssociateCategories in GEKExample by @HPezz in #1453
- 🔥 (GEKExample): Remove unnecessary .badge() by @ladislas in #1493
- ladislas/feature/swiftlint fix slowerlint again by @ladislas in #1494
- ladislas/feature/pre commit new hooks by @ladislas in #1495
- 💚 (license): Fix license checker, upgrade deno, package by @ladislas in #1501
- hugo/feature/Add DnDAssociateCategories to GEKExample by @HPezz in #1500
- mathieu/bugfix/Remove whitespaces and linebreaks from Textfields by @macteuts in #1499
- ladislas/feature/gekexample swiftui choice animation by @ladislas in #1503
- lucie/bugfix/contentkit/insects/change assets by @Lucieveber in #1486
- Lucie/bugfix/content/icones change assets by @Lucieveber in #1498
- mathieu/feature/Add l10n to new textfield UX by @macteuts in #1504
Full Changelog: LekaApp-v1.10.0...LekaApp-v1.11.0
Leka Updater v2.0.0
Full Changelog: LekaApp-v1.10.0...LekaUpdater-v2.0.0
Leka App v1.10.0
What's Changed
- 🔖 (LekaApp): Bump version to v1.9.0 by @ladislas in #1294
- hugo/feature/Add Memory template by @HPezz in #1292
- Modifications skills - tags - catégories by @Lucieveber in #1296
- 🐛 (ContentKit): Fix wrong yml formatting of curriculums.category.yml by @ladislas in #1303
- Update_Emotions dans un contexte by @Lucieveber in #1299
- Update_sports_chaussons_danse by @Lucieveber in #1300
- curriculum_recognition_kitchen_items-FCBEE55DD11F427785A12328E6E01C8E by @Lucieveber in #1301
- 💚 (fastlane): Internal beta - remove bundler uninstall step by @ladislas in #1304
- ladislas/feature/ci fastlane workflow dispatch by @ladislas in #1305
- ladislas/feature/ci fastlane workflow dispatch fixes by @ladislas in #1306
- ladislas/feature/curriculums horizontal scroll by @ladislas in #1313
- Update-affichage activités dans parcours by @Lucieveber in #1309
- Update skills Dance Freeze by @Lucieveber in #1308
- curriculum_recognition_bathroom_items-17AAC383297949D698AC92BD7CEC8C4C by @Lucieveber in #1307
- Update-LIEUX by @Lucieveber in #1311
- curriculum_recognition_seaside_holidays-B1BA5597BC594082AECE293AD25CFA89 by @Lucieveber in #1263
- curriculum_recognition_bedroom_items-277B71CFDFF94C22A4F21A9C396A1501 by @Lucieveber in #1310
- curriculum_counting_flower-petals-3F83E1E0F3094DC787258B9CEEF227A1 by @Lucieveber in #1315
- ladislas/bugfix/content curriculum seaside by @ladislas in #1316
- draft to pusblished & add_categorie by @Lucieveber in #1319
- ♻️ (ContentKit): Add published, draft, template curriculums by @HPezz in #1341
- hugo/feature/Add fuzzy search for search section by @HPezz in #1329
- hugo/assets/Update and add resources pdf by @HPezz in #1350
- hugo/feature/Priorize best search result by @HPezz in #1330
- ladislas/feature/upgrade mise tools by @ladislas in #1355
- ⬆️ (tuist): Upgrade Package.swift dependencies by @ladislas in #1356
- ⬆️ (tuist): Upgrade Firebase to v11.0.0 by @ladislas in #1357
- hugo/feature/Add search by tags by @HPezz in #1342
- hugo/feature/Refactor SkillsView in Search section by @HPezz in #1349
- 🔥 (ios-monorepo): Remove unecessary @ViewBuilder statements by @macteuts in #1372
- ⬆️ (tuist): Upgrade Firebase to v11.1.0 by @ladislas in #1374
- ♻️ (ContentKit): Use Activity/CurriculumHorizontalListView by @HPezz in #1375
- ✏️ (activities): Fix typo in ustensiles by @ladislas in #1376
- ✨ (LekaApp): Update persistentDataManager on Caregiver change by @macteuts in #1378
- hugo/feature/Add Color Gamepad by @HPezz in #1377
- ✨ (GEK): Disable ex. interface while reviewing answers by @macteuts in #1379
- mathieu/feature/Edit playing ExerciseState to include a PlayType by @macteuts in #1380
- 🚸 (GEK): Blacken on color pad doubleTap and add white color by @HPezz in #1381
- hugo/feature/Add colorPad activity icon by @HPezz in #1383
- hugo/feature/Use custom fuzzy algorithm by @HPezz in #1385
- ladislas/feature/gek rename gameplay interface choice models by @ladislas in #1388
- ladislas/feature/gek refactor process to protocol by @ladislas in #1389
- 🧑💻 (LogKit): Allow logging in previews and simulator by @ladislas in #1393
- 💄 (LekaApp): Update spacings and frame to fit in CarereceiverPicker by @HPezz in #1392
- Yann/feature/robot not up to date by @YannLocatelli in #1353
- 🚚 (LekaUpdater): Rename UpdateProcessV150 to UpdateProcessV200 by @YannLocatelli in #1384
- Yann/feature/redirect to lekaupdater by @YannLocatelli in #1354
- Yann/feature/update advertising data to fit with leka os 2 0 0 by @YannLocatelli in #1391
- 🐛 (BLEKit): Unwrap advertisingData by @YannLocatelli in #1397
- Yann/feature/reconnect to robot in deepsleep by @YannLocatelli in #1396
- ladislas/feature/gek experimentation tts multigameplay by @ladislas in #1394
- hugo/feature/Update resources sections by @HPezz in #1395
- ✏️ (ContentKit): Fix tags and skills typos by @HPezz in #1399
- ♻️ (RobotKit): Remove revision from robot OS version by @YannLocatelli in #1400
- ladislas/feature/gekexample exp add activity data by @ladislas in #1403
- 🚸 (RobotKit): Show sleeping image if robot is in deep sleep by @YannLocatelli in #1402
- ladislas/feature/gek experimentation add content kit by @ladislas in #1404
- 🚸 (RobotKit): Open LekaUpdater action on alert for robot not up to date by @YannLocatelli in #1405
- Yann/feature/warn robot not up to date for older versions only by @YannLocatelli in #1406
- 🐛 (LekaUpdater): Show success update instead of error by @YannLocatelli in #1407
- lucie/feature/contentkit-curriculum-add-memory by @Lucieveber in #1321
- ladislas+lucie/feature/add curriculums by @ladislas in #1411
- 🍱 categories add curriculums categories by @ladislas in #1413
- 🚸 (GEK): Reduce DanceFreeze freezing time in auto mode by @HPezz in #1412
- ✨ (GEK): ObserveThenTTS - Display sfsymbol in action button by @ladislas in #1414
- lucie/feature/contentkit-curriculum-add-recognition_digital_constellations by @Lucieveber in #1318
- ✨ (GEKExample): Add FindTheRightOrder GP & Coordinator by @HPezz in #1409
- hugo/feature/Add LekaApp demo mode by @HPezz in #1416
- hugo/feature/Update DanceFreeze and Melody LauncherView by @HPezz in #1417
- hugo/ui/Update ui details by @HPezz in #1419
- ladislas+lucie/bugfix/contentkit curriculum modifications by @ladislas in #1420
- 💄 (LekaApp x ContentKit): Upgrade Gamepad category section by @HPezz in #1421
- lucie/feature/contentkit curriculum add fruits and vegetables generalization by @Lucieveber in #1422
- 🔧 (tuist): Enable explicitly built modules (xcode 16) by @ladislas in #1423
- lucie/feature/contentkit/categories by @Lucieveber in #1424
- 🍱 curriculum fix title by @Lucieveber in #1428
- 🚸 (LekaApp): Improve feedback form visibility by @HPezz in #1426
- hugo/assets/Remove vegetables fruits avatars icons by @HPezz in #1427
- 📌 (mise): Upgrade tuist, swiftformat, swiftlint by @ladislas in #1433
- 🔥 (tuist): Remove Plugins directory by @ladislas in #1436
- ➕ (BLEKit): Add Version dependency by @ladislas in #1437
- ⬆️ (packages): Upgrade Firebase to v11.2.0 by @ladislas in #1438
- ladislas/feature/improve compilation speed by @ladislas in #1440
- 👷 (workflows): Turn of lfs checkout when not needed by @ladislas in #1441
- lucie/feature/contentkit/curriculum add super simon by @Lucieveber in #1429
- lucie/bugfix/contentkit/delete discrimination by @Lucieveber in #1430
- lucie/bugfix/contentkit/curriculums add new icons by @...
Leka App v1.9.0
What's Changed
- release/LekaApp/1.8.1 by @ladislas in #1275
- mathieu/refactor/Clean up CompletionData to keep only at Activity level by @macteuts in #1274
- hugo/feature/Update DndInOrder choices size by @HPezz in #1278
- 📌 (mise): Upgrade tuist, swiftformat by @ladislas in #1281
- ⚗️ (tuist): Experiment with macros by @ladislas in #423
- 🚨 (sonarcloud): Fix Remove this unused "rect" local variable by @ladislas in #1287
- hugo/feature/Allow-more-choice-flexibility-in-DnDInOrder by @HPezz in #1288
- 🍱 (ContentKit): Update SuperSimon icons by @HPezz in #1289
- 🧑💻 (testflight): Make developer section available in testflight builds by @ladislas in #1290
- curriculum_sequencing_daily_life-FCAD78F080624326B00169811C4C5622 by @Lucieveber in #1291
- add-categorie-vie-quotidienne by @Lucieveber in #1293
Full Changelog: LekaApp-v1.8.1...LekaApp-v1.9.0
Leka App v1.8.1
What's Changed
- 🔖 (LekaApp): Bump version to v1.8.0 by @ladislas in #1270
- ladislas/bugfix/raster image list by @ladislas in #1272
- ⬆️ (tuist): Upgrade Package.swift dependencies by @ladislas in #1271
- corrections-post-release by @Lucieveber in #1273
Full Changelog: LekaApp-v1.8.0...LekaApp-v1.8.1
Leka App v1.8.0
What's Changed
- 🔖 (LekaApp): Bump version to v1.7.0 by @ladislas in #1258
- hugo/fix/Fix localization paths by @HPezz in #1247
- Yann/fix/hooks/check action and specify ipad by @YannLocatelli in #1255
- curriculum_recognition_sports-C7F3963541234712A2701C0EB9E2EEAE by @Lucieveber in #1260
- Yann/feature/robotkit/display image on robot by @YannLocatelli in #1252
- curriculum_recognition_professions-92ACC48ED3A041DE959EA5C2E8600441 by @Lucieveber in #1261
- curriculum_sort_objects_by_location-CC406024F40C4834A66BB7C8F0E8C0AD by @Lucieveber in #1262
- curriculum_counting_candies-215DCF9CCB7B4E36A73273DC42D848E9 by @Lucieveber in #1264
- ✏️ (ContentKit): Correct in Observe for TTS template action ob… by @YannLocatelli in #1265
- hugo/feature/Add DnDToSequence new template by @HPezz in #1249
- 🍱 (ContentKit): Curriculums - publish new content by @ladislas in #1267
- add-categories by @Lucieveber in #1268
Full Changelog: LekaApp-v1.7.0...LekaApp-v1.8.0
Leka App v1.7.0
What's Changed
- 🐛 (ContentKit): Activity - fix correct answer based on instructions by @ladislas in #1227
- ladislas/feature/dev list drafts by @ladislas in #1230
- Yann/feature/lekaupdater/update process v150 by @YannLocatelli in #1191
- ladislas/feature/organize content by @ladislas in #1235
- hugo/feature/Add Resources section by @HPezz in #1229
- 🐛 (ContentKit): Add missing curriculum status template by @ladislas in #1241
- 🌐 (GEK): Add missing french translation for SuperSimon by @YannLocatelli in #1243
- ♻️ (GEK): Create new utterance for each speech by @YannLocatelli in #1238
- Yann/bug fix/gek/multiple audio player instances by @YannLocatelli in #1234
- 🚸 (LekaApp): TTS - In French do the 'liaison' for "sent-il/elle" by @ladislas in #1245
- Création liste Tags by @Lucieveber in #1240
- ladislas+lucie skills by @ladislas in #1251
- Yann/feature/robotkit/add magic card characteristic by @YannLocatelli in #1250
- ⬆️ (hooks): Run pre-commit autoupgrade by @ladislas in #1254
- mathieu/bugfix/Prevent crash at launch on older iPads by @macteuts in #1256
- 🚸 (ContentKit): Update video resources localized by @HPezz in #1257
Full Changelog: LekaApp-v1.6.0...LekaApp-v1.7.0
Leka App v1.6.0
What's Changed
- hugo/feature/Add UtilsKit by @HPezz in #1204
- 🔥 (UtilsKit): Remove unused JSONEncoder generic extension by @macteuts in #1209
- mathieu/feature/Save ActivityCompletionData when quitting activities by @macteuts in #1201
- 🔖 (LekaApp): Bump version to v1.5.0 by @ladislas in #1200
- 🐛 (GEK): Get missing song icons path by @HPezz in #1210
- ⬆️ (tuist): Upgrade firebase by @ladislas in #1211
- 🍱 (ContentKit): Activity - fix right answer by @ladislas in #1212
- 🍱 (ContentKit): Update curriculum icons by @HPezz in #1213
- ✨ (UtilsKit): Add encodeToString & decodeFromString extensions by @macteuts in #1214
- hugo/feature/Add light animation trigger in RobotConnectionLabel by @HPezz in #1216
- 🔥 (LekaApp): Remove caregiverPicker after login-back-skip by @macteuts in #1218
- Yann/feature/super simon by @YannLocatelli in #1136
- 💚 (ci): Fix bundler install by @ladislas in #1220
- ✨ (GEK): Play audio or Speech utterance on Listen then TTS by @YannLocatelli in #1192
- ladislas/bugfix/ci fix bundler by @ladislas in #1222
- mathieu/refactor/Add ExerciseCompletionDataManager to saving ActComplData process by @macteuts in #1221
- 🧑💻 (hooks): Checks xcstrings - handle pluralization by @ladislas in #1223
- hugo/feature/Add search bar for activity by @HPezz in #1219
- hugo/feature/Trim InTheRace danceFreeze song by @HPezz in #1225
Full Changelog: LekaApp-v1.5.0...LekaApp-v1.6.0
Leka App v1.5.0
What's Changed
- 🔖 (LekaApp): Bump version to v1.4.0 by @ladislas in #1189
- mathieu/feature/Add and handle ActivityCompletionData within AccountKit by @macteuts in #1173
- mathieu/feature/Handle new ActivityCompletionData with GEK by @macteuts in #1194
- hugo/feature/Add image path check to utils by @HPezz in #1197
- ⚡ (LekaUpdater): Set version and apply update in cascade by @YannLocatelli in #595
- hugo/feature/Add ListenThenDragAndDrop by @HPezz in #1193
- hugo/feature/Add ObserveThenDnD templates by @HPezz in #1195
- hugo/feature/Add RobotThenDnD templates by @HPezz in #1196
- 🚸 (LekaApp): Home - fix typos, change words by @ladislas in #1198
- ✏️ (ContentKit): Fix hide and seek name in french and file name by @ladislas in #1199
- ⬆️ (tuist): Upgrade dependencies (except Firebase) by @ladislas in #1203
- ⬆️ (tuist): Upgrade to tuist v4 by @ladislas in #1205
- ⬆️ (tuist): Upgrade firebase by @ladislas in #1206
- 🔨 (tuist): Signing - use manual signing + fastlane by @ladislas in #1208
Full Changelog: LekaApp-v1.4.0...LekaApp-v1.5.0