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Getting Started with Python and Anaconda

Please come to the workshop with a laptop already configured as described below. If you have any problems with any of these steps, please check if your problem has already been reported at the issue tracker. If not, ask your question in the issue tracker.

1. Clone This Repository

Download the workshop folder using git:

% git clone

If you don't have git installed, you can download the ZIP file by pressing the green Clone or download button at and selecting Download ZIP. However, this option is not recommended because it impedes the ability to update your copy of the repository if updates are made.

2. Install Miniconda (if needed)

Miniconda is a free minimal installer for conda. It is a small, bootstrap version of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they depend on, and a small number of other useful packages, including pip, zlib and a few others. Note, though, that if you have either Miniconda or the full Anaconda already installed, you can skip to the next step.

Check if Miniconda is already installed.

% conda info

If Miniconda is not already installed, follow these instructions for your operating system:

On Windows, you might also need additional compilers.

3. Create a conda environment for the workshop

Miniconda includes an environment manager called conda. Environments allow you to have multiple sets of Python packages installed at the same time, making reproducibility and upgrades easier. You can create, export, list, remove, and update environments that have different versions of Python and/or packages installed in them.

Create a conda environment for this workshop using a yml file. The python version and all needed packages, including astropy, are listed in the environment.yml file.

On Mac or Linux, open your terminal and verify your shell environment:

% echo $SHELL

If the output text does not contain bash, switch to the bash shell before being able to run anything related to conda.

On Windows, open the Anaconda Prompt terminal app.

Now navigate to this directory in the terminal. For example, if you installed the astropy-workshop directory in your home directory, you could type the following.

On a Mac/Linux:

% cd astropy-workshop/00-Install_and_Setup/

On Windows:

% cd astropy-workshop\00-Install_and_Setup\

And finally, on any platform, to install and activate the astropy-workshop environment, type:

% conda env create -n astropy-workshop --file environment.yml
% conda activate astropy-workshop

4. Check Installation

The name of the new conda environment created above should be displayed next to the terminal prompt: (astropy-workshop) %

Run the script to check the Python environment and some of the required dependencies:

(astropy-workshop) % python

If the script reports that some of the versions do not match, check first whether the package was installed using conda or pip, then update accordingly. The example below a fake package called packagename; replace it with the actual package that you need to update.

(astropy-workshop) % conda list packagename

If it was installed with conda, you will see (the channel column might or might not be populated):

# packages in environment at .../miniconda/envs/astropy-workshop:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
packagename               X.Y.Z         py37hf484d3e_1000

Otherwise, if it was installed with pip, you will see the channel stating the name pypi:

# packages in environment at .../miniconda/envs/astropy-workshop:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
packagename               X.Y.Z                     pypi_0    pypi

To update the reported package with conda:

(astropy-workshop) % conda update packagename

Otherwise, to update with pip:

(astropy-workshop) % pip install packagename --upgrade

The exception to this is if the astroquery package is reported as out-of-date, always update to its pre-release version with pip:

(astropy-workshop) % pip install astroquery --pre --upgrade

5. Check Jupyter Notebook

In the conda environment created above, go into the directory of one of the chapters with notebooks (files ending with .ipynb) and start Jupyter notebook:

(astropy-workshop) % jupyter notebook

If successful, your browser would open a new page/tab pointing to localhost and show you a listing of the directory. Click on a notebook and wait for it to launch. On the top right corner, if you see a blue "Kernel Ready" message appear and disappear, then all is well. However, if you see a red "Kernel Error," click on it and scroll down to see the error message. If it says FileNotFoundError, shut down the notebook server on your terminal and run this command:

(astropy-workshop) % python -m ipykernel install --user

Now, try run jupyter notebook again as above, and the "Kernel Error" should be gone. Just to be sure, run the first cell (usually an import) and see if it is successful.

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