Lighthouse is a Docker controller. It aggregates information about Docker instances across mulitple cloud providers and allows for easy control over the containers deployed on that system.
It bridges the gap between providers hosting docker services. Are you running containers accross hundreds of vms across the world wide web? No problem, Lighthouse gives you the power to manage and maintain those vms with a few simple clicks. Everything was built with the goal of monotizing AWS, GCE, Azure, ect. into an easy to manage platform.
- golang
- a Docker instance if running locally. boot2docker works well for Windows or OS X
- see lighthouse-client for set up if opting to use web client
- (optional) PostgresSQL
go get
- (optional) build a static client into the root directory named
, see lighthouse-client for more information cd $GOPATH/src/
- Run postgres locally or inside boot2docker
docker run -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:latest
- See more about running PostgresSQL locally here if you don't want to use docker
go get
- (optional) build a static client into the root directory named
, see lighthouse-client for more information cd $GOPATH/src/
docker build -t lighthouse .
docker run --name postgres-image -d postgres:latest
docker run -t -i --rm -p 5000:5000 --link postgres-image:postgres lighthouse
Write your own client! See the API documentation
We're a group of engineering students completing our senior project at Iowa State University. Developed and tested with the help of Workiva