diff --git a/checksum.zig b/checksum.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cae35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checksum.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+//! This file implements vsr.checksum. TigerBeetle uses this checksum to:
+//! - detect bitrot in data on disk,
+//! - validate network messages before casting raw bytes to an `extern struct` type,
+//! - hash-chain prepares and client requests to have strong consistency and ordering guarantees.
+//! As this checksum is stored on disk, it is set in stone and impossible to change.
+//! We need this checksum to be fast (it's in all our hotpaths) and strong (it's our ultimate line
+//! of defense against storage failures and some classes of software bugs).
+//! Our checksum of choice is based on Aegis:
+//! We use the implementation from the Zig standard library, but here's the overall overview of the
+//! thing works:
+//! - AES-block is a widely supported in hardware symmetric encryption primitive (`vaesenc`,
+//! `vaesdec` instructions). Hardware acceleration is what provides speed.
+//! - Aegis is an modern Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) scheme based on
+//! AES-block.
+//! - In AEAD, the user provides, a key, a nonce, a secret message, and associated data, and gets
+//! a ciphertext and an authentication tag back. Associated data is expected to be sent as plain
+//! text (eg, it could be routing information). The tag authenticates _both_ the secret message
+//! and associated data.
+//! - AEAD can be specialized to be a MAC by using an empty secret message and zero nonce. NB:
+//! in mac mode, message to sign is treated as AD, not as a secret message.
+//! - A MAC can further be specialized to be a checksum by setting the secret key to zero.
+//! And that's what we do here!
+const std = @import("std");
+const builtin = @import("builtin");
+const mem = std.mem;
+const testing = std.testing;
+const assert = std.debug.assert;
+const Aegis128LMac_128 = std.crypto.auth.aegis.Aegis128LMac_128;
+var seed_once = std.once(seed_init);
+var seed_state: Aegis128LMac_128 = undefined;
+comptime {
+ // As described above, TigerBeetle uses Aegis (and thus AES Blocks), for its checksumming.
+ // While there is a software implementation, it's much slower and we don't expect to ever be
+ // using it considering we target platforms with AES hardware acceleration.
+ //
+ // If you're trying to compile TigerBeetle for an older CPU without AES hardware acceleration,
+ // you'll need to disable the following assert.
+ assert(std.crypto.core.aes.has_hardware_support);
+fn seed_init() void {
+ const key = mem.zeroes([16]u8);
+ seed_state = Aegis128LMac_128.init(&key);
+// Lazily initialize the Aegis State instead of recomputing it on each call to checksum().
+// Then, make a copy of the state and use that to hash the source input bytes.
+pub fn checksum(source: []const u8) u128 {
+ if (@inComptime()) {
+ // Aegis128 uses hardware accelerated AES via inline asm which isn't available at comptime.
+ // Use a hard-coded value instead and verify via a test.
+ if (source.len == 0) return 0x49F174618255402DE6E7E3C40D60CC83;
+ }
+ var stream = ChecksumStream.init();
+ stream.add(source);
+ return stream.checksum();
+test "checksum empty" {
+ var stream = ChecksumStream.init();
+ stream.add(&.{});
+ try std.testing.expectEqual(stream.checksum(), comptime checksum(&.{}));
+pub const ChecksumStream = struct {
+ state: Aegis128LMac_128,
+ pub fn init() ChecksumStream {
+ seed_once.call();
+ return ChecksumStream{ .state = seed_state };
+ }
+ pub fn add(stream: *ChecksumStream, bytes: []const u8) void {
+ stream.state.update(bytes);
+ }
+ pub fn checksum(stream: *ChecksumStream) u128 {
+ var result: u128 = undefined;
+ stream.state.final(mem.asBytes(&result));
+ stream.* = undefined;
+ return result;
+ }
+// Note: these test vectors are not independent --- there are test vectors in AEAD papers, but they
+// don't zero all of (nonce, key, secret message). However, the as underlying AEAD implementation
+// matches those test vectors, the entries here are correct.
+// They can be used to smoke-test independent implementations of TigerBeetle checksum.
+// "checksum stability" test further nails down the exact behavior.
+test "checksum test vectors" {
+ const TestVector = struct {
+ source: []const u8,
+ hash: u128,
+ };
+ for (&[_]TestVector{
+ .{
+ .source = &[_]u8{0x00} ** 16,
+ .hash = @byteSwap(@as(u128, 0xf72ad48dd05dd1656133101cd4be3a26)),
+ },
+ .{
+ .source = &[_]u8{},
+ .hash = @byteSwap(@as(u128, 0x83cc600dc4e3e7e62d4055826174f149)),
+ },
+ }) |test_vector| {
+ try testing.expectEqual(test_vector.hash, checksum(test_vector.source));
+ }
+test "checksum simple fuzzing" {
+ var prng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(42);
+ const msg_min = 1;
+ const msg_max = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
+ var msg_buf = try testing.allocator.alloc(u8, msg_max);
+ defer testing.allocator.free(msg_buf);
+ const cipher_buf = try testing.allocator.alloc(u8, msg_max);
+ defer testing.allocator.free(cipher_buf);
+ var i: usize = 0;
+ while (i < 1_000) : (i += 1) {
+ const msg_len = prng.random().intRangeAtMostBiased(usize, msg_min, msg_max);
+ const msg = msg_buf[0..msg_len];
+ prng.fill(msg);
+ const msg_checksum = checksum(msg);
+ // Sanity check that it's a pure function.
+ const msg_checksum_again = checksum(msg);
+ try testing.expectEqual(msg_checksum, msg_checksum_again);
+ // Change the message and make sure the checksum changes.
+ msg[prng.random().uintLessThan(usize, msg.len)] +%= 1;
+ const changed_checksum = checksum(msg);
+ try testing.expect(changed_checksum != msg_checksum);
+ }
+// Change detector test to ensure we don't inadvertency modify our checksum function.
+test "checksum stability" {
+ var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
+ var cases: [896]u128 = undefined;
+ var case_index: usize = 0;
+ // Zeros of various lengths.
+ var subcase: usize = 0;
+ while (subcase < 128) : (subcase += 1) {
+ const message = buf[0..subcase];
+ @memset(message, 0);
+ cases[case_index] = checksum(message);
+ case_index += 1;
+ }
+ // 64 bytes with exactly one bit set.
+ subcase = 0;
+ while (subcase < 64 * 8) : (subcase += 1) {
+ const message = buf[0..64];
+ @memset(message, 0);
+ message[@divFloor(subcase, 8)] = @shlExact(@as(u8, 1), @as(u3, @intCast(subcase % 8)));
+ cases[case_index] = checksum(message);
+ case_index += 1;
+ }
+ // Pseudo-random data from a specific PRNG of various lengths.
+ var prng = std.rand.Xoshiro256.init(92);
+ subcase = 0;
+ while (subcase < 256) : (subcase += 1) {
+ const message = buf[0 .. subcase + 13];
+ prng.fill(message);
+ cases[case_index] = checksum(message);
+ case_index += 1;
+ }
+ // Sanity check that we are not getting trivial answers.
+ for (cases, 0..) |case_a, i| {
+ assert(case_a != 0);
+ assert(case_a != std.math.maxInt(u128));
+ for (cases[0..i]) |case_b| assert(case_a != case_b);
+ }
+ // Hash me, baby, one more time! If this final hash changes, we broke compatibility in a major
+ // way.
+ comptime assert(builtin.target.cpu.arch.endian() == .little);
+ const hash = checksum(mem.sliceAsBytes(&cases));
+ try testing.expectEqual(hash, 0x82dcaacf4875b279446825b6830d1263);
diff --git a/constants.zig b/constants.zig
index e2e71e2..cd3682c 100644
--- a/constants.zig
+++ b/constants.zig
@@ -16,3 +16,28 @@ pub const sector_size = 4096;
/// when they were never written to disk.
pub const direct_io = true;
pub const direct_io_required = true;
+/// The number of milliseconds between each replica tick, the basic unit of time in TigerBeetle.
+/// Used to regulate heartbeats, retries and timeouts, all specified as multiples of a tick.
+pub const tick_ms = 10;
+/// TigerBeetle uses asserts proactively, unless they severely degrade performance. For production,
+/// 5% slow down might be deemed critical, tests tolerate slowdowns up to 5x. Tests should be
+/// reasonably fast to make deterministic simulation effective. `constants.verify` disambiguate the
+/// two cases.
+/// In the control plane (eg, vsr proper) assert unconditionally. Due to batching, control plane
+/// overhead is negligible. It is acceptable to spend O(N) time to verify O(1) computation.
+/// In the data plane (eg, lsm tree), finer grained judgement is required. Do an unconditional O(1)
+/// assert before an O(N) loop (e.g, a bounds check). Inside the loop, it might or might not be
+/// feasible to add an extra assert per iteration. In the latter case, guard the assert with `if
+/// (constants.verify)`, but prefer an unconditional assert unless benchmarks prove it to be costly.
+/// In the data plane, never use O(N) asserts for O(1) computations --- due to do randomized testing
+/// the overall coverage is proportional to the number of tests run. Slow thorough assertions
+/// decrease the overall test coverage.
+/// Specific data structures might use a comptime parameter, to enable extra costly verification
+/// only during unit tests of the data structure.
+pub const verify = false;
diff --git a/fifo.zig b/fifo.zig
index 153d63d..47a6b01 100644
--- a/fifo.zig
+++ b/fifo.zig
@@ -1,16 +1,28 @@
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
+const constants = @import("./constants.zig");
/// An intrusive first in/first out linked list.
/// The element type T must have a field called "next" of type ?*T
-pub fn FIFO(comptime T: type) type {
+pub fn FIFOType(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
- const Self = @This();
+ const FIFO = @This();
in: ?*T = null,
out: ?*T = null,
+ count: u64 = 0,
+ // This should only be null if you're sure we'll never want to monitor `count`.
+ name: ?[]const u8,
+ // If the number of elements is large, the constants.verify check in push() can be too
+ // expensive. Allow the user to gate it. Could also be a comptime param?
+ verify_push: bool = true,
+ pub fn push(self: *FIFO, elem: *T) void {
+ if (constants.verify and self.verify_push) assert(!self.contains(elem));
- pub fn push(self: *Self, elem: *T) void {
assert(elem.next == null);
if (self.in) |in| {
in.next = elem;
@@ -20,28 +32,43 @@ pub fn FIFO(comptime T: type) type {
self.in = elem;
self.out = elem;
+ self.count += 1;
- pub fn pop(self: *Self) ?*T {
+ pub fn pop(self: *FIFO) ?*T {
const ret = self.out orelse return null;
self.out = ret.next;
ret.next = null;
if (self.in == ret) self.in = null;
+ self.count -= 1;
return ret;
- pub fn peek(self: Self) ?*T {
+ pub fn peek_last(self: FIFO) ?*T {
+ return self.in;
+ }
+ pub fn peek(self: FIFO) ?*T {
return self.out;
- pub fn empty(self: Self) bool {
+ pub fn empty(self: FIFO) bool {
return self.peek() == null;
+ /// Returns whether the linked list contains the given *exact element* (pointer comparison).
+ pub fn contains(self: *const FIFO, elem_needle: *const T) bool {
+ var iterator = self.peek();
+ while (iterator) |elem| : (iterator = elem.next) {
+ if (elem == elem_needle) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
/// Remove an element from the FIFO. Asserts that the element is
/// in the FIFO. This operation is O(N), if this is done often you
/// probably want a different data structure.
- pub fn remove(self: *Self, to_remove: *T) void {
+ pub fn remove(self: *FIFO, to_remove: *T) void {
if (to_remove == self.out) {
_ = self.pop();
@@ -52,14 +79,19 @@ pub fn FIFO(comptime T: type) type {
if (to_remove == self.in) self.in = elem;
elem.next = to_remove.next;
to_remove.next = null;
+ self.count -= 1;
} else unreachable;
+ pub fn reset(self: *FIFO) void {
+ self.* = .{ .name = self.name };
+ }
-test "push/pop/peek/remove/empty" {
+test "FIFO: push/pop/peek/remove/empty" {
const testing = @import("std").testing;
const Foo = struct { next: ?*@This() = null };
@@ -68,17 +100,23 @@ test "push/pop/peek/remove/empty" {
var two: Foo = .{};
var three: Foo = .{};
- var fifo: FIFO(Foo) = .{};
+ var fifo: FIFOType(Foo) = .{ .name = null };
try testing.expect(fifo.empty());
try testing.expect(!fifo.empty());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?*Foo, &one), fifo.peek());
+ try testing.expect(fifo.contains(&one));
+ try testing.expect(!fifo.contains(&two));
+ try testing.expect(!fifo.contains(&three));
try testing.expect(!fifo.empty());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?*Foo, &one), fifo.peek());
+ try testing.expect(fifo.contains(&one));
+ try testing.expect(fifo.contains(&two));
+ try testing.expect(fifo.contains(&three));
try testing.expect(!fifo.empty());
@@ -86,6 +124,9 @@ test "push/pop/peek/remove/empty" {
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?*Foo, &three), fifo.pop());
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?*Foo, null), fifo.pop());
try testing.expect(fifo.empty());
+ try testing.expect(!fifo.contains(&one));
+ try testing.expect(!fifo.contains(&two));
+ try testing.expect(!fifo.contains(&three));
diff --git a/io.zig b/io.zig
index 475fab9..c29703c 100644
--- a/io.zig
+++ b/io.zig
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
-const assert = std.debug.assert;
const os = std.os;
const FIFO = @import("fifo.zig").FIFO;
@@ -13,6 +12,12 @@ pub const IO = switch (builtin.target.os.tag) {
else => @compileError("IO is not supported for platform"),
+pub const DirectIO = enum {
+ direct_io_required,
+ direct_io_optional,
+ direct_io_disabled,
pub fn buffer_limit(buffer_len: usize) usize {
// Linux limits how much may be written in a `pwrite()/pread()` call, which is `0x7ffff000` on
// both 64-bit and 32-bit systems, due to using a signed C int as the return value, as well as
diff --git a/io/darwin.zig b/io/darwin.zig
index 48c1461..da7aa29 100644
--- a/io/darwin.zig
+++ b/io/darwin.zig
@@ -4,18 +4,21 @@ const mem = std.mem;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const log = std.log.scoped(.io);
+const stdx = @import("../stdx.zig");
const constants = @import("../constants.zig");
-const FIFO = @import("../fifo.zig").FIFO;
+const FIFOType = @import("../fifo.zig").FIFOType;
const Time = @import("../time.zig").Time;
const buffer_limit = @import("../io.zig").buffer_limit;
+const DirectIO = @import("../io.zig").DirectIO;
pub const IO = struct {
- kq: posix.fd_t,
+ kq: fd_t,
+ event_id: Event = 0,
time: Time = .{},
io_inflight: usize = 0,
- timeouts: FIFO(Completion) = .{},
- completed: FIFO(Completion) = .{},
- io_pending: FIFO(Completion) = .{},
+ timeouts: FIFOType(Completion) = .{ .name = "io_timeouts" },
+ completed: FIFOType(Completion) = .{ .name = "io_completed" },
+ io_pending: FIFOType(Completion) = .{ .name = "io_pending" },
pub fn init(entries: u12, flags: u32) !IO {
_ = entries;
@@ -118,14 +121,14 @@ pub const IO = struct {
self.io_inflight -= new_events;
for (events[0..new_events]) |event| {
- const completion = @as(*Completion, @ptrFromInt(event.udata));
+ const completion: *Completion = @ptrFromInt(event.udata);
completion.next = null;
var completed = self.completed;
- self.completed = .{};
+ self.completed.reset();
while (completed.pop()) |completion| {
(completion.callback)(self, completion);
@@ -199,15 +202,18 @@ pub const IO = struct {
socket: posix.socket_t,
close: struct {
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
connect: struct {
socket: posix.socket_t,
address: std.net.Address,
initiated: bool,
+ fsync: struct {
+ fd: fd_t,
+ },
read: struct {
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
buf: [*]u8,
len: u32,
offset: u64,
@@ -226,7 +232,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
expires: u64,
write: struct {
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
buf: [*]const u8,
len: u32,
offset: u64,
@@ -242,10 +248,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
operation_data: anytype,
comptime OperationImpl: type,
) void {
- const Context = @TypeOf(context);
const onCompleteFn = struct {
fn onComplete(io: *IO, _completion: *Completion) void {
- // Perform the actual operaton
+ // Perform the actual operation
const op_data = &@field(_completion.operation, @tagName(operation_tag));
const result = OperationImpl.do_operation(op_data);
@@ -265,8 +270,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
// Complete the Completion
return callback(
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(_completion.context))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(_completion.context)),
@@ -286,6 +292,16 @@ pub const IO = struct {
+ pub fn cancel(_: *IO, _: *Completion) void {
+ // TODO implement cancellation w/ kqueue.
+ log.debug("cancel implementation is missing on macOS", .{});
+ }
+ pub fn cancel_all(_: *IO) void {
+ // TODO Cancel in-flight async IO and wait for all completions.
+ log.debug("cancel all implementation is missing on macOS", .{});
+ }
pub const AcceptError = posix.AcceptError || posix.SetSockOptError;
pub fn accept(
@@ -318,8 +334,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
errdefer posix.close(fd);
- // Darwin doesn't support posix.MSG_NOSIGNAL to avoid getting SIGPIPE on socket send().
- // Instead, it uses the SO_NOSIGPIPE socket option which does the same for all send()s.
+ // Darwin doesn't support posix.MSG_NOSIGNAL to avoid getting SIGPIPE on
+ // socket send(). Instead, it uses the SO_NOSIGPIPE socket option which does
+ // the same for all send()s.
@@ -356,7 +373,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
result: CloseError!void,
) void,
completion: *Completion,
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
) void {
@@ -373,7 +390,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.BADF => error.FileDescriptorInvalid,
.INTR => {}, // A success, see https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2425
.IO => error.InputOutput,
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("close", errno),
@@ -411,7 +428,11 @@ pub const IO = struct {
// Instead, check the socket error to see if has been connected successfully.
const result = switch (op.initiated) {
true => posix.getsockoptError(op.socket),
- else => posix.connect(op.socket, &op.address.any, op.address.getOsSockLen()),
+ else => posix.connect(
+ op.socket,
+ &op.address.any,
+ op.address.getOsSockLen(),
+ ),
op.initiated = true;
@@ -421,6 +442,38 @@ pub const IO = struct {
+ pub const FsyncError = posix.SyncError || posix.UnexpectedError;
+ pub fn fsync(
+ self: *IO,
+ comptime Context: type,
+ context: Context,
+ comptime callback: fn (
+ context: Context,
+ completion: *Completion,
+ result: FsyncError!void,
+ ) void,
+ completion: *Completion,
+ fd: fd_t,
+ ) void {
+ self.submit(
+ context,
+ callback,
+ completion,
+ .fsync,
+ .{
+ .fd = fd,
+ },
+ struct {
+ fn do_operation(op: anytype) FsyncError!void {
+ return fs_sync(op.fd);
+ }
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ pub const OpenatError = posix.OpenError || posix.UnexpectedError;
pub const ReadError = error{
@@ -443,7 +496,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
result: ReadError!usize,
) void,
completion: *Completion,
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
buffer: []u8,
offset: u64,
) void {
@@ -465,10 +518,10 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- @as(isize, @bitCast(op.offset)),
+ @bitCast(op.offset),
return switch (posix.errno(rc)) {
- .SUCCESS => @as(usize, @intCast(rc)),
+ .SUCCESS => @intCast(rc),
.INTR => continue,
.AGAIN => error.WouldBlock,
.BADF => error.NotOpenForReading,
@@ -483,7 +536,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.OVERFLOW => error.Unseekable,
.SPIPE => error.Unseekable,
.TIMEDOUT => error.ConnectionTimedOut,
- else => |err| posix.unexpectedErrno(err),
+ else => |err| stdx.unexpected_errno("read", err),
@@ -557,29 +610,6 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- pub const CancelError = error{ NotFound, ExpirationInProgress } || posix.UnexpectedError;
- pub fn cancel(
- self: *IO,
- comptime Context: type,
- context: Context,
- comptime callback: fn (
- context: Context,
- completion: *Completion,
- result: CancelError!void,
- ) void,
- completion: *Completion,
- cancel_completion: *Completion,
- ) void {
- _ = self;
- _ = context;
- _ = callback;
- _ = completion;
- _ = cancel_completion;
- // TODO implement cancellation w/ kqueue.
- log.debug("cancel implementation is missing on macOS", .{});
- }
pub const TimeoutError = error{Canceled} || posix.UnexpectedError;
pub fn timeout(
@@ -603,7 +633,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn on_complete(_io: *IO, _completion: *Completion) void {
_ = _io;
- const _context = @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(_completion.context)));
+ const _context: Context = @ptrCast(@alignCast(_completion.context));
callback(_context, _completion, {});
@@ -641,7 +671,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
result: WriteError!usize,
) void,
completion: *Completion,
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
buffer: []const u8,
offset: u64,
) void {
@@ -658,32 +688,120 @@ pub const IO = struct {
struct {
fn do_operation(op: anytype) WriteError!usize {
- return posix.pwrite(op.fd, op.buf[0..op.len], op.offset);
+ // In the current implementation, Darwin file IO (namely, the posix.pwrite
+ // below) is _synchronous_, so it's safe to call fs_sync after it has
+ // completed.
+ const result = posix.pwrite(op.fd, op.buf[0..op.len], op.offset);
+ try fs_sync(op.fd);
+ return result;
+ pub const Event = usize;
+ pub const INVALID_EVENT: Event = 0;
+ pub fn open_event(
+ self: *IO,
+ ) !Event {
+ self.event_id += 1;
+ const event = self.event_id;
+ assert(event != INVALID_EVENT);
+ var kev = mem.zeroes([1]posix.Kevent);
+ kev[0].ident = event;
+ kev[0].filter = posix.system.EVFILT_USER;
+ kev[0].flags = posix.system.EV_ADD | posix.system.EV_ENABLE | posix.system.EV_CLEAR;
+ const polled = posix.kevent(self.kq, &kev, kev[0..0], null) catch |err| switch (err) {
+ error.AccessDenied => unreachable, // EV_FILTER is allowed for every user.
+ error.EventNotFound => unreachable, // We're not modifying or deleting an existing one.
+ error.ProcessNotFound => unreachable, // We're not monitoring a process.
+ error.Overflow, error.SystemResources => return error.SystemResources,
+ };
+ assert(polled == 0);
+ return event;
+ }
+ pub fn event_listen(
+ self: *IO,
+ event: Event,
+ completion: *Completion,
+ comptime on_event: fn (*Completion) void,
+ ) void {
+ assert(event != INVALID_EVENT);
+ completion.* = .{
+ .next = null,
+ .context = null,
+ .operation = undefined,
+ .callback = struct {
+ fn on_complete(_: *IO, completion_inner: *Completion) void {
+ on_event(completion_inner);
+ }
+ }.on_complete,
+ };
+ self.io_inflight += 1;
+ }
+ pub fn event_trigger(self: *IO, event: Event, completion: *Completion) void {
+ assert(event != INVALID_EVENT);
+ var kev = mem.zeroes([1]posix.Kevent);
+ kev[0].ident = event;
+ kev[0].filter = posix.system.EVFILT_USER;
+ kev[0].fflags = posix.system.NOTE_TRIGGER;
+ kev[0].udata = @intFromPtr(completion);
+ const polled: usize = posix.kevent(self.kq, &kev, kev[0..0], null) catch unreachable;
+ assert(polled == 0);
+ }
+ pub fn close_event(self: *IO, event: Event) void {
+ assert(event != INVALID_EVENT);
+ var kev = mem.zeroes([1]posix.Kevent);
+ kev[0].ident = event;
+ kev[0].filter = posix.system.EVFILT_USER;
+ kev[0].flags = posix.system.EV_DELETE;
+ kev[0].udata = 0; // Not needed for EV_DELETE.
+ const polled = posix.kevent(self.kq, &kev, kev[0..0], null) catch unreachable;
+ assert(polled == 0);
+ }
pub const INVALID_SOCKET = -1;
/// Creates a socket that can be used for async operations with the IO instance.
pub fn open_socket(self: *IO, family: u32, sock_type: u32, protocol: u32) !posix.socket_t {
- _ = self;
const fd = try posix.socket(family, sock_type | posix.SOCK.NONBLOCK, protocol);
- errdefer posix.closeSocket(fd);
+ errdefer self.close_socket(fd);
+ // darwin doesn't support SOCK_CLOEXEC.
+ _ = try posix.fcntl(fd, posix.F.SETFD, posix.FD_CLOEXEC);
// darwin doesn't support posix.MSG_NOSIGNAL, but instead a socket option to avoid SIGPIPE.
try posix.setsockopt(fd, posix.SOL.SOCKET, posix.SO.NOSIGPIPE, &mem.toBytes(@as(c_int, 1)));
return fd;
+ /// Closes a socket opened by the IO instance.
+ pub fn close_socket(self: *IO, socket: posix.socket_t) void {
+ _ = self;
+ posix.close(socket);
+ }
/// Opens a directory with read only access.
- pub fn open_dir(dir_path: []const u8) !posix.fd_t {
- return posix.open(dir_path, posix.O.CLOEXEC | posix.O.RDONLY, 0);
+ pub fn open_dir(dir_path: []const u8) !fd_t {
+ return posix.open(dir_path, .{ .CLOEXEC = true, .ACCMODE = .RDONLY }, 0);
- pub const INVALID_FILE: posix.fd_t = -1;
+ pub const fd_t = posix.fd_t;
+ pub const INVALID_FILE: fd_t = -1;
/// Opens or creates a journal file:
/// - For reading and writing.
@@ -693,38 +811,55 @@ pub const IO = struct {
/// - Ensures that the file data (and file inode in the parent directory) is durable on disk.
/// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the parent directory inode is durable.
/// - Verifies that the file size matches the expected file size before returning.
- pub fn open_file(
- dir_fd: posix.fd_t,
+ pub fn open_data_file(
+ self: *IO,
+ dir_fd: fd_t,
relative_path: []const u8,
size: u64,
- must_create: bool,
- ) !posix.fd_t {
+ method: enum { create, create_or_open, open, open_read_only },
+ direct_io: DirectIO,
+ ) !fd_t {
+ _ = self;
assert(relative_path.len > 0);
- assert(size >= constants.sector_size);
assert(size % constants.sector_size == 0);
// TODO Use O_EXCL when opening as a block device to obtain a mandatory exclusive lock.
// This is much stronger than an advisory exclusive lock, and is required on some platforms.
- // Opening with O_DSYNC is essential for both durability and correctness.
- // O_DSYNC enables us to omit fsync() calls in the data plane, since we sync to the disk on every write.
- var flags: u32 = posix.O.CLOEXEC | posix.O.RDWR | posix.O.DSYNC;
+ // Normally, O_DSYNC enables us to omit fsync() calls in the data plane, since we sync to
+ // the disk on every write, but that's not the case for Darwin:
+ // https://x.com/TigerBeetleDB/status/1536628729031581697
+ // To work around this, fs_sync() is explicitly called after writing in do_operation.
+ var flags: posix.O = .{
+ .CLOEXEC = true,
+ .ACCMODE = if (method == .open_read_only) .RDONLY else .RDWR,
+ .DSYNC = true,
+ };
var mode: posix.mode_t = 0;
// TODO Document this and investigate whether this is in fact correct to set here.
- if (@hasDecl(posix.O, "LARGEFILE")) flags |= posix.O.LARGEFILE;
- if (must_create) {
- log.info("creating \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
- flags |= posix.O.CREAT;
- flags |= posix.O.EXCL;
- mode = 0o666;
- } else {
- log.info("opening \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
+ if (@hasField(posix.O, "LARGEFILE")) flags.LARGEFILE = true;
+ switch (method) {
+ .create => {
+ flags.CREAT = true;
+ flags.EXCL = true;
+ mode = 0o666;
+ log.info("creating \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
+ },
+ .create_or_open => {
+ flags.CREAT = true;
+ mode = 0o666;
+ log.info("opening or creating \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
+ },
+ .open, .open_read_only => {
+ log.info("opening \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
+ },
// This is critical as we rely on O_DSYNC for fsync() whenever we write to the file:
- assert((flags & posix.O.DSYNC) > 0);
+ assert(flags.DSYNC);
// Be careful with openat(2): "If pathname is absolute, then dirfd is ignored." (man page)
@@ -736,7 +871,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
// On darwin assume that Direct I/O is always supported.
// Use F_NOCACHE to disable the page cache as O_DIRECT doesn't exist.
- if (constants.direct_io) {
+ if (direct_io != .direct_io_disabled) {
_ = try posix.fcntl(fd, posix.F.NOCACHE, 1);
@@ -750,7 +885,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
// Ask the file system to allocate contiguous sectors for the file (if possible):
// If the file system does not support `fallocate()`, then this could mean more seeks or a
// panic if we run out of disk space (ENOSPC).
- if (must_create) try fs_allocate(fd, size);
+ if (method == .create) try fs_allocate(fd, size);
// The best fsync strategy is always to fsync before reading because this prevents us from
// making decisions on data that was never durably written by a previously crashed process.
@@ -770,15 +905,19 @@ pub const IO = struct {
return fd;
- /// Darwin's fsync() syscall does not flush past the disk cache. We must use F_FULLFSYNC instead.
+ /// Darwin's fsync() syscall does not flush past the disk cache. We must use F_FULLFSYNC
+ /// instead.
/// https://twitter.com/TigerBeetleDB/status/1422491736224436225
- fn fs_sync(fd: posix.fd_t) !void {
+ fn fs_sync(fd: fd_t) !void {
+ // TODO: This is of dubious safety - it's _not_ safe to fall back on posix.fsync unless it's
+ // known at startup that the disk (eg, an external disk on a Mac) doesn't support
_ = posix.fcntl(fd, posix.F.FULLFSYNC, 1) catch return posix.fsync(fd);
/// Allocates a file contiguously using fallocate() if supported.
/// Alternatively, writes to the last sector so that at least the file size is correct.
- fn fs_allocate(fd: posix.fd_t, size: u64) !void {
+ fn fs_allocate(fd: fd_t, size: u64) !void {
log.info("allocating {}...", .{std.fmt.fmtIntSizeBin(size)});
// Darwin doesn't have fallocate() but we can simulate it using fcntl()s.
@@ -802,7 +941,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.fst_posmode = F_PEOFPOSMODE,
.fst_offset = 0,
- .fst_length = @as(posix.off_t, @intCast(size)),
+ .fst_length = @intCast(size),
.fst_bytesalloc = 0,
@@ -824,8 +963,10 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.NOLCK => unreachable, // F_SETLK or F_SETLKW
.OVERFLOW => return error.FileTooBig,
.SRCH => unreachable, // F_SETOWN
- .OPNOTSUPP => return error.OperationNotSupported, // not reported but need same error union
- else => |errno| return posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ // not reported but need same error union
+ .OPNOTSUPP => return error.OperationNotSupported,
+ else => |errno| return stdx.unexpected_errno("fs_allocate", errno),
// Now actually perform the allocation.
diff --git a/io/linux.zig b/io/linux.zig
index 1cbc994..0ca0f80 100644
--- a/io/linux.zig
+++ b/io/linux.zig
@@ -1,28 +1,61 @@
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
+const os = std.os;
const posix = std.posix;
-const linux = std.os.linux;
+const linux = os.linux;
const IO_Uring = linux.IoUring;
const io_uring_cqe = linux.io_uring_cqe;
const io_uring_sqe = linux.io_uring_sqe;
const log = std.log.scoped(.io);
-const stdx = @import("../stdx.zig");
-const parse_dirty_semver = stdx.parse_dirty_semver;
const constants = @import("../constants.zig");
-const FIFO = @import("../fifo.zig").FIFO;
+const stdx = @import("../stdx.zig");
+const FIFOType = @import("../fifo.zig").FIFOType;
const buffer_limit = @import("../io.zig").buffer_limit;
+const DirectIO = @import("../io.zig").DirectIO;
+const DoublyLinkedListType = @import("../list.zig").DoublyLinkedListType;
+const parse_dirty_semver = stdx.parse_dirty_semver;
+const maybe = stdx.maybe;
pub const IO = struct {
+ const CompletionList = DoublyLinkedListType(Completion, .awaiting_back, .awaiting_next);
ring: IO_Uring,
/// Operations not yet submitted to the kernel and waiting on available space in the
/// submission queue.
- unqueued: FIFO(Completion) = .{},
+ unqueued: FIFOType(Completion) = .{ .name = "io_unqueued" },
/// Completions that are ready to have their callbacks run.
- completed: FIFO(Completion) = .{},
+ completed: FIFOType(Completion) = .{ .name = "io_completed" },
+ // TODO Track these as metrics:
+ ios_queued: u32 = 0,
+ ios_in_kernel: u32 = 0,
+ /// The head of a doubly-linked list of all operations that are:
+ /// - in the submission queue, or
+ /// - in the kernel, or
+ /// - in the completion queue, or
+ /// - in the `completed` list (excluding zero-duration timeouts)
+ awaiting: CompletionList = .{},
+ // This is the completion that performs the cancellation.
+ // This is *not* the completion that is being canceled.
+ cancel_completion: Completion = undefined,
+ cancel_status: union(enum) {
+ // Not canceling.
+ inactive,
+ // Waiting to start canceling the next awaiting operation.
+ next,
+ // The target's cancellation SQE is queued; waiting for the cancellation's completion.
+ queued: struct { target: *Completion },
+ // Currently canceling the target operation.
+ wait: struct { target: *Completion },
+ // All operations have been canceled.
+ done,
+ } = .inactive,
pub fn init(entries: u12, flags: u32) !IO {
// Detect the linux version to ensure that we support all io_uring ops used.
@@ -32,6 +65,19 @@ pub const IO = struct {
@panic("Linux kernel 5.5 or greater is required for io_uring OP_ACCEPT");
+ errdefer |err| switch (err) {
+ error.SystemOutdated => {
+ log.err("io_uring is not available", .{});
+ log.err("likely cause: the syscall is disabled by seccomp", .{});
+ },
+ error.PermissionDenied => {
+ log.err("io_uring is not available", .{});
+ log.err("likely cause: the syscall is disabled by sysctl, " ++
+ "try 'sysctl -w kernel.io_uring_disabled=0'", .{});
+ },
+ else => {},
+ };
return IO{ .ring = try IO_Uring.init(entries, flags) };
@@ -41,6 +87,8 @@ pub const IO = struct {
/// Pass all queued submissions to the kernel and peek for completions.
pub fn tick(self: *IO) !void {
+ assert(self.cancel_status != .done);
// We assume that all timeouts submitted by `run_for_ns()` will be reaped by `run_for_ns()`
// and that `tick()` and `run_for_ns()` cannot be run concurrently.
// Therefore `timeouts` here will never be decremented and `etime` will always be false.
@@ -66,13 +114,15 @@ pub const IO = struct {
/// The `nanoseconds` argument is a u63 to allow coercion to the i64 used
/// in the kernel_timespec struct.
pub fn run_for_ns(self: *IO, nanoseconds: u63) !void {
+ assert(self.cancel_status != .done);
// We must use the same clock source used by io_uring (CLOCK_MONOTONIC) since we specify the
// timeout below as an absolute value. Otherwise, we may deadlock if the clock sources are
// dramatically different. Any kernel that supports io_uring will support CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
var current_ts: posix.timespec = undefined;
posix.clock_gettime(posix.CLOCK.MONOTONIC, ¤t_ts) catch unreachable;
// The absolute CLOCK_MONOTONIC time after which we may return from this function:
- const timeout_ts: linux.kernel_timespec = .{
+ const timeout_ts: os.linux.kernel_timespec = .{
.tv_sec = current_ts.tv_sec,
.tv_nsec = current_ts.tv_nsec + nanoseconds,
@@ -85,9 +135,14 @@ pub const IO = struct {
break :blk self.ring.get_sqe() catch unreachable;
// Submit an absolute timeout that will be canceled if any other SQE completes first:
- timeout_sqe.prep_timeout(&timeout_ts, 1, linux.IORING_TIMEOUT_ABS);
+ timeout_sqe.prep_timeout(&timeout_ts, 1, os.linux.IORING_TIMEOUT_ABS);
timeout_sqe.user_data = 0;
timeouts += 1;
+ // We don't really want to count this timeout as an io,
+ // but it's tricky to track separately.
+ self.ios_queued += 1;
// The amount of time this call will block is bounded by the timeout we just submitted:
try self.flush(1, &timeouts, &etime);
@@ -109,18 +164,39 @@ pub const IO = struct {
// Loop over a copy to avoid an infinite loop of `enqueue()` re-adding to `self.unqueued`.
var copy = self.unqueued;
- self.unqueued = .{};
+ self.unqueued.reset();
while (copy.pop()) |completion| self.enqueue(completion);
// Run completions only after all completions have been flushed:
- // Loop on a copy of the linked list, having reset the list first, so that any synchronous
- // append on running a completion is executed only the next time round the event loop,
- // without creating an infinite loop.
- {
- var copy = self.completed;
- self.completed = .{};
- while (copy.pop()) |completion| completion.complete();
+ // Loop until all completions are processed. Calls to complete() may queue more work
+ // and extend the duration of the loop, but this is fine as it 1) executes completions
+ // that become ready without going through another syscall from flush_submissions() and
+ // 2) potentially queues more SQEs to take advantage more of the next flush_submissions().
+ while (self.completed.pop()) |completion| {
+ if (completion.operation == .timeout and
+ completion.operation.timeout.timespec.tv_sec == 0 and
+ completion.operation.timeout.timespec.tv_nsec == 0)
+ {
+ // Zero-duration timeouts are a special case, and aren't listed in `awaiting`.
+ maybe(self.awaiting.empty());
+ assert(completion.result == -@as(i32, @intFromEnum(posix.E.TIME)));
+ assert(completion.awaiting_back == null);
+ assert(completion.awaiting_next == null);
+ } else {
+ assert(!self.awaiting.empty());
+ self.awaiting.remove(completion);
+ }
+ switch (self.cancel_status) {
+ .inactive => completion.complete(),
+ .next => {},
+ .queued => if (completion.operation == .cancel) completion.complete(),
+ .wait => |wait| if (wait.target == completion) {
+ self.cancel_status = .next;
+ },
+ .done => unreachable,
+ }
// At this point, unqueued could have completions either by 1) those who didn't get an SQE
@@ -140,6 +216,8 @@ pub const IO = struct {
if (completed > wait_remaining) wait_remaining = 0 else wait_remaining -= completed;
for (cqes[0..completed]) |cqe| {
+ self.ios_in_kernel -= 1;
if (cqe.user_data == 0) {
timeouts.* -= 1;
// We are only done if the timeout submitted was completed due to time, not if
@@ -149,7 +227,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
if (-cqe.res == @intFromEnum(posix.E.TIME)) etime.* = true;
- const completion = @as(*Completion, @ptrFromInt(@as(usize, @intCast(cqe.user_data))));
+ const completion: *Completion = @ptrFromInt(cqe.user_data);
completion.result = cqe.res;
// We do not run the completion here (instead appending to a linked list) to avoid:
// * recursion through `flush_submissions()` and `flush_completions()`,
@@ -157,13 +235,14 @@ pub const IO = struct {
// * confusing stack traces.
if (completed < cqes.len) break;
fn flush_submissions(self: *IO, wait_nr: u32, timeouts: *usize, etime: *bool) !void {
while (true) {
- _ = self.ring.submit_and_wait(wait_nr) catch |err| switch (err) {
+ const submitted = self.ring.submit_and_wait(wait_nr) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.SignalInterrupt => continue,
// Wait for some completions and then try again:
// See https://github.com/axboe/liburing/issues/281 re: error.SystemResources.
@@ -175,11 +254,21 @@ pub const IO = struct {
else => return err,
+ self.ios_queued -= submitted;
+ self.ios_in_kernel += submitted;
fn enqueue(self: *IO, completion: *Completion) void {
+ switch (self.cancel_status) {
+ .inactive => {},
+ .queued => assert(completion.operation == .cancel),
+ else => unreachable,
+ }
const sqe = self.ring.get_sqe() catch |err| switch (err) {
error.SubmissionQueueFull => {
@@ -187,6 +276,104 @@ pub const IO = struct {
+ self.awaiting.push(completion);
+ self.ios_queued += 1;
+ }
+ /// Cancel should be invoked at most once, before any of the memory owned by read/recv buffers
+ /// is freed (so that lingering async operations do not write to them).
+ ///
+ /// After this function is invoked:
+ /// - No more completion callbacks will be called.
+ /// - No more IO may be submitted.
+ ///
+ /// This function doesn't return until either:
+ /// - All events submitted to io_uring have completed.
+ /// (They may complete with `error.Canceled`).
+ /// - Or, an io_uring error occurs.
+ ///
+ /// TODO(Linux):
+ /// - Linux kernel ≥5.19 supports the IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_ALL and IORING_ASYNC_CANCEL_ANY flags,
+ /// which would allow all events to be cancelled simultaneously with a single "cancel"
+ /// operation, without IO needing to maintain the `awaiting` doubly-linked list and the `next`
+ /// cancellation stage.
+ /// - Linux kernel ≥6.0 supports `io_uring_register_sync_cancel` which would remove the `queued`
+ /// cancellation stage.
+ pub fn cancel_all(self: *IO) void {
+ assert(self.cancel_status == .inactive);
+ // Even if we return early due to an io_uring error, IO won't allow more operations.
+ defer self.cancel_status = .done;
+ self.cancel_status = .next;
+ // Discard any operations that haven't started yet.
+ while (self.unqueued.pop()) |_| {}
+ while (self.awaiting.tail) |target| {
+ assert(!self.awaiting.empty());
+ assert(self.cancel_status == .next);
+ assert(target.operation != .cancel);
+ self.cancel(target);
+ assert(self.cancel_status == .queued);
+ while (self.cancel_status == .queued or self.cancel_status == .wait) {
+ self.run_for_ns(constants.tick_ms * std.time.ns_per_ms) catch |err| {
+ std.debug.panic("IO.cancel_all: run_for_ns error: {}", .{err});
+ };
+ }
+ assert(self.cancel_status == .next);
+ }
+ assert(self.awaiting.empty());
+ assert(self.ios_queued == 0);
+ assert(self.ios_in_kernel == 0);
+ }
+ pub fn cancel(self: *IO, target: *Completion) void {
+ self.cancel_completion = .{
+ .io = self,
+ .context = self,
+ .callback = struct {
+ fn wrapper(
+ ctx: ?*anyopaque,
+ comp: *Completion,
+ res: *const anyopaque,
+ ) void {
+ const io: *IO = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx.?));
+ const result =
+ @as(*const CancelError!void, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*;
+ io.cancel_callback(comp, result);
+ }
+ }.wrapper,
+ .operation = .{ .cancel = .{ .target = target } },
+ };
+ self.cancel_status = .{ .queued = .{ .target = target } };
+ self.enqueue(&self.cancel_completion);
+ }
+ const CancelError = error{
+ NotRunning,
+ NotInterruptable,
+ } || posix.UnexpectedError;
+ fn cancel_callback(self: *IO, completion: *Completion, result: CancelError!void) void {
+ assert(self.cancel_status == .queued);
+ assert(completion == &self.cancel_completion);
+ assert(completion.operation == .cancel);
+ assert(completion.operation.cancel.target == self.cancel_status.queued.target);
+ self.cancel_status = status: {
+ result catch |err| switch (err) {
+ error.NotRunning => break :status .next,
+ error.NotInterruptable => {},
+ error.Unexpected => unreachable,
+ };
+ // Wait for the target operation to complete or abort.
+ break :status .{ .wait = .{ .target = self.cancel_status.queued.target } };
+ };
/// This struct holds the data needed for a single io_uring operation
@@ -196,10 +383,21 @@ pub const IO = struct {
next: ?*Completion = null,
operation: Operation,
context: ?*anyopaque,
- callback: *const fn (context: ?*anyopaque, completion: *Completion, result: *const anyopaque) void,
+ callback: *const fn (
+ context: ?*anyopaque,
+ completion: *Completion,
+ result: *const anyopaque,
+ ) void,
+ /// Used by the `IO.awaiting` doubly-linked list.
+ awaiting_back: ?*Completion = null,
+ awaiting_next: ?*Completion = null,
fn prep(completion: *Completion, sqe: *io_uring_sqe) void {
switch (completion.operation) {
+ .cancel => |op| {
+ sqe.prep_cancel(@intFromPtr(op.target), 0);
+ },
.accept => |*op| {
@@ -218,6 +416,17 @@ pub const IO = struct {
+ .fsync => |op| {
+ sqe.prep_fsync(op.fd, op.flags);
+ },
+ .openat => |op| {
+ sqe.prep_openat(
+ op.dir_fd,
+ op.file_path,
+ op.flags,
+ op.mode,
+ );
+ },
.read => |op| {
@@ -231,6 +440,15 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.send => |op| {
sqe.prep_send(op.socket, op.buffer, posix.MSG.NOSIGNAL);
+ .statx => |op| {
+ sqe.prep_statx(
+ op.dir_fd,
+ op.file_path,
+ op.flags,
+ op.mask,
+ op.statxbuf,
+ );
+ },
.timeout => |*op| {
sqe.prep_timeout(&op.timespec, 0, 0);
@@ -241,15 +459,30 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- .cancel => |op| {
- sqe.prep_cancel(op.c, 0);
- },
sqe.user_data = @intFromPtr(completion);
fn complete(completion: *Completion) void {
switch (completion.operation) {
+ .cancel => {
+ const result: CancelError!void = result: {
+ if (completion.result < 0) {
+ break :result switch (@as(posix.E, @enumFromInt(-completion.result))) {
+ // No operation matching the completion is queued, so there is
+ // nothing to cancel.
+ .NOENT => error.NotRunning,
+ // The operation as far enough along that it cannot be canceled.
+ // It should complete soon.
+ .ALREADY => error.NotInterruptable,
+ // SQE is invalid.
+ .INVAL => unreachable,
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("cancel", errno),
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
+ },
.accept => {
const result: AcceptError!posix.socket_t = blk: {
if (completion.result < 0) {
@@ -271,12 +504,11 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.OPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
.PERM => error.PermissionDenied,
.PROTO => error.ProtocolFailure,
- .CANCELED => error.Canceled,
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("accept", errno),
break :blk err;
} else {
- break :blk @as(posix.socket_t, @intCast(completion.result));
+ break :blk @intCast(completion.result);
completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
@@ -285,13 +517,13 @@ pub const IO = struct {
const result: CloseError!void = blk: {
if (completion.result < 0) {
const err = switch (@as(posix.E, @enumFromInt(-completion.result))) {
- .INTR => {}, // A success, see https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2425
+ // A success, see https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2425
+ .INTR => {},
.BADF => error.FileDescriptorInvalid,
.DQUOT => error.DiskQuota,
.IO => error.InputOutput,
.NOSPC => error.NoSpaceLeft,
- .CANCELED => error.Canceled,
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("close", errno),
break :blk err;
} else {
@@ -320,13 +552,13 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.FAULT => unreachable,
.ISCONN => error.AlreadyConnected,
.NETUNREACH => error.NetworkUnreachable,
+ .HOSTUNREACH => error.HostUnreachable,
.NOENT => error.FileNotFound,
.NOTSOCK => error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.PERM => error.PermissionDenied,
.PROTOTYPE => error.ProtocolNotSupported,
.TIMEDOUT => error.ConnectionTimedOut,
- .CANCELED => error.Canceled,
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("connect", errno),
break :blk err;
} else {
@@ -335,15 +567,75 @@ pub const IO = struct {
completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
- .read => {
- const result: ReadError!usize = blk: {
+ .fsync => {
+ const result: anyerror!void = blk: {
+ if (completion.result < 0) {
+ const err = switch (@as(posix.E, @enumFromInt(-completion.result))) {
+ .INTR => {
+ completion.io.enqueue(completion);
+ return;
+ },
+ .BADF => error.FileDescriptorInvalid,
+ .IO => error.InputOutput,
+ .INVAL => unreachable,
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("fsync", errno),
+ };
+ break :blk err;
+ } else {
+ assert(completion.result == 0);
+ }
+ };
+ completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
+ },
+ .openat => {
+ const result: OpenatError!fd_t = blk: {
if (completion.result < 0) {
const err = switch (@as(posix.E, @enumFromInt(-completion.result))) {
.INTR => {
+ .FAULT => unreachable,
+ .INVAL => unreachable,
+ .BADF => unreachable,
+ .ACCES => error.AccessDenied,
+ .FBIG => error.FileTooBig,
+ .OVERFLOW => error.FileTooBig,
+ .ISDIR => error.IsDir,
+ .LOOP => error.SymLinkLoop,
+ .MFILE => error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded,
+ .NAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong,
+ .NFILE => error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded,
+ .NODEV => error.NoDevice,
+ .NOENT => error.FileNotFound,
+ .NOMEM => error.SystemResources,
+ .NOSPC => error.NoSpaceLeft,
+ .NOTDIR => error.NotDir,
+ .PERM => error.AccessDenied,
+ .EXIST => error.PathAlreadyExists,
+ .BUSY => error.DeviceBusy,
+ .OPNOTSUPP => error.FileLocksNotSupported,
.AGAIN => error.WouldBlock,
+ .TXTBSY => error.FileBusy,
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("openat", errno),
+ };
+ break :blk err;
+ } else {
+ break :blk @intCast(completion.result);
+ }
+ };
+ completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
+ },
+ .read => {
+ const result: ReadError!usize = blk: {
+ if (completion.result < 0) {
+ const err = switch (@as(posix.E, @enumFromInt(-completion.result))) {
+ .INTR, .AGAIN => {
+ // Some file systems, like XFS, can return EAGAIN even when
+ // reading from a blocking file without flags like RWF_NOWAIT.
+ completion.io.enqueue(completion);
+ return;
+ },
.BADF => error.NotOpenForReading,
.CONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
.FAULT => unreachable,
@@ -356,12 +648,11 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.OVERFLOW => error.Unseekable,
.SPIPE => error.Unseekable,
.TIMEDOUT => error.ConnectionTimedOut,
- .CANCELED => error.Canceled,
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("read", errno),
break :blk err;
} else {
- break :blk @as(usize, @intCast(completion.result));
+ break :blk @intCast(completion.result);
completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
@@ -385,12 +676,11 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.CONNRESET => error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
.TIMEDOUT => error.ConnectionTimedOut,
.OPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
- .CANCELED => error.Canceled,
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("recv", errno),
break :blk err;
} else {
- break :blk @as(usize, @intCast(completion.result));
+ break :blk @intCast(completion.result);
completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
@@ -421,27 +711,53 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.OPNOTSUPP => error.OperationNotSupported,
.PIPE => error.BrokenPipe,
.TIMEDOUT => error.ConnectionTimedOut,
- .CANCELED => error.Canceled,
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("send", errno),
+ };
+ break :blk err;
+ } else {
+ break :blk @intCast(completion.result);
+ }
+ };
+ completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
+ },
+ .statx => {
+ const result: StatxError!void = blk: {
+ if (completion.result < 0) {
+ const err = switch (@as(posix.E, @enumFromInt(-completion.result))) {
+ .INTR => {
+ completion.io.enqueue(completion);
+ return;
+ },
+ .FAULT => unreachable,
+ .INVAL => unreachable,
+ .BADF => unreachable,
+ .ACCES => error.AccessDenied,
+ .LOOP => error.SymLinkLoop,
+ .NAMETOOLONG => error.NameTooLong,
+ .NOENT => error.FileNotFound,
+ .NOMEM => error.SystemResources,
+ .NOTDIR => error.NotDir,
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("statx", errno),
break :blk err;
} else {
- break :blk @as(usize, @intCast(completion.result));
+ assert(completion.result == 0);
completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
.timeout => {
assert(completion.result < 0);
- const result: TimeoutError!void = switch (@as(posix.E, @enumFromInt(-completion.result))) {
+ const err = switch (@as(posix.E, @enumFromInt(-completion.result))) {
.INTR => {
.CANCELED => error.Canceled,
.TIME => {}, // A success.
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("timeout", errno),
+ const result: TimeoutError!void = err;
completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
.write => {
@@ -466,28 +782,11 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.PERM => error.AccessDenied,
.PIPE => error.BrokenPipe,
.SPIPE => error.Unseekable,
- .CANCELED => error.Canceled,
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| stdx.unexpected_errno("write", errno),
break :blk err;
} else {
- break :blk @as(usize, @intCast(completion.result));
- }
- };
- completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
- },
- .cancel => {
- const result: CancelError!void = blk: {
- if (completion.result < 0) {
- const err = switch (@as(posix.E, @enumFromInt(-completion.result))) {
- .SUCCESS => {},
- .NOENT => error.NotFound,
- .ALREADY => error.ExpirationInProgress,
- else => |errno| posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
- };
- break :blk err;
- } else {
- break :blk;
+ break :blk @intCast(completion.result);
completion.callback(completion.context, completion, &result);
@@ -498,20 +797,33 @@ pub const IO = struct {
/// This union encodes the set of operations supported as well as their arguments.
const Operation = union(enum) {
+ cancel: struct {
+ target: *Completion,
+ },
accept: struct {
socket: posix.socket_t,
address: posix.sockaddr = undefined,
address_size: posix.socklen_t = @sizeOf(posix.sockaddr),
close: struct {
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
connect: struct {
socket: posix.socket_t,
address: std.net.Address,
+ fsync: struct {
+ fd: fd_t,
+ flags: u32,
+ },
+ openat: struct {
+ dir_fd: fd_t,
+ file_path: [*:0]const u8,
+ flags: posix.O,
+ mode: posix.mode_t,
+ },
read: struct {
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
buffer: []u8,
offset: u64,
@@ -523,17 +835,21 @@ pub const IO = struct {
socket: posix.socket_t,
buffer: []const u8,
+ statx: struct {
+ dir_fd: fd_t,
+ file_path: [*:0]const u8,
+ flags: u32,
+ mask: u32,
+ statxbuf: *std.os.linux.Statx,
+ },
timeout: struct {
- timespec: linux.kernel_timespec,
+ timespec: os.linux.kernel_timespec,
write: struct {
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
buffer: []const u8,
offset: u64,
- cancel: struct {
- c: u64,
- },
pub const AcceptError = error{
@@ -548,7 +864,6 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- Canceled,
} || posix.UnexpectedError;
pub fn accept(
@@ -569,9 +884,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ctx))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
- @as(*const AcceptError!posix.socket_t, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(res))).*,
+ @as(*const AcceptError!posix.socket_t, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
@@ -591,7 +906,6 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- Canceled,
} || posix.UnexpectedError;
pub fn close(
@@ -604,7 +918,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
result: CloseError!void,
) void,
completion: *Completion,
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
) void {
completion.* = .{
.io = self,
@@ -612,9 +926,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ctx))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
- @as(*const CloseError!void, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(res))).*,
+ @as(*const CloseError!void, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
@@ -637,12 +951,13 @@ pub const IO = struct {
+ HostUnreachable,
- Canceled,
+ SystemResources,
} || posix.UnexpectedError;
pub fn connect(
@@ -664,9 +979,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ctx))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
- @as(*const ConnectError!void, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(res))).*,
+ @as(*const ConnectError!void, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
@@ -680,6 +995,89 @@ pub const IO = struct {
+ pub const FsyncError = error{
+ FileDescriptorInvalid,
+ InputOutput,
+ } || posix.UnexpectedError;
+ pub fn fsync(
+ self: *IO,
+ comptime Context: type,
+ context: Context,
+ comptime callback: fn (
+ context: Context,
+ completion: *Completion,
+ result: FsyncError!void,
+ ) void,
+ completion: *Completion,
+ fd: fd_t,
+ ) void {
+ completion.* = .{
+ .io = self,
+ .context = context,
+ .callback = struct {
+ fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
+ callback(
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
+ comp,
+ @as(*const FsyncError!void, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
+ );
+ }
+ }.wrapper,
+ .operation = .{
+ .fsync = .{
+ .fd = fd,
+ .flags = os.linux.IORING_FSYNC_DATASYNC,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ self.enqueue(completion);
+ }
+ pub const OpenatError = posix.OpenError || posix.UnexpectedError;
+ pub fn openat(
+ self: *IO,
+ comptime Context: type,
+ context: Context,
+ comptime callback: fn (
+ context: Context,
+ completion: *Completion,
+ result: OpenatError!fd_t,
+ ) void,
+ completion: *Completion,
+ dir_fd: fd_t,
+ file_path: [*:0]const u8,
+ flags: posix.O,
+ mode: posix.mode_t,
+ ) void {
+ var new_flags = flags;
+ new_flags.CLOEXEC = true;
+ completion.* = .{
+ .io = self,
+ .context = context,
+ .callback = struct {
+ fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
+ callback(
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
+ comp,
+ @as(*const OpenatError!fd_t, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
+ );
+ }
+ }.wrapper,
+ .operation = .{
+ .openat = .{
+ .dir_fd = dir_fd,
+ .file_path = file_path,
+ .flags = new_flags,
+ .mode = mode,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ self.enqueue(completion);
+ }
pub const ReadError = error{
@@ -690,7 +1088,6 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- Canceled,
} || posix.UnexpectedError;
pub fn read(
@@ -703,7 +1100,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
result: ReadError!usize,
) void,
completion: *Completion,
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
buffer: []u8,
offset: u64,
) void {
@@ -713,9 +1110,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ctx))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
- @as(*const ReadError!usize, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(res))).*,
+ @as(*const ReadError!usize, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
@@ -740,7 +1137,6 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- Canceled,
} || posix.UnexpectedError;
pub fn recv(
@@ -762,9 +1158,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ctx))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
- @as(*const RecvError!usize, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(res))).*,
+ @as(*const RecvError!usize, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
@@ -792,7 +1188,6 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- Canceled,
} || posix.UnexpectedError;
pub fn send(
@@ -814,9 +1209,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ctx))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
- @as(*const SendError!usize, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(res))).*,
+ @as(*const SendError!usize, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
@@ -830,19 +1225,28 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- pub const CancelError = error{ NotFound, ExpirationInProgress } || posix.UnexpectedError;
+ pub const StatxError = error{
+ SymLinkLoop,
+ FileNotFound,
+ NameTooLong,
+ NotDir,
+ } || std.fs.File.StatError || posix.UnexpectedError;
- pub fn cancel(
+ pub fn statx(
self: *IO,
comptime Context: type,
context: Context,
comptime callback: fn (
context: Context,
completion: *Completion,
- result: CancelError!void,
+ result: StatxError!void,
) void,
completion: *Completion,
- cancel_completion: *Completion,
+ dir_fd: fd_t,
+ file_path: [*:0]const u8,
+ flags: u32,
+ mask: u32,
+ statxbuf: *std.os.linux.Statx,
) void {
completion.* = .{
.io = self,
@@ -850,19 +1254,22 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ctx))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
- @as(*const CancelError!void, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(res))).*,
+ @as(*const StatxError!void, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
.operation = .{
- .cancel = .{
- .c = @intFromPtr(cancel_completion),
+ .statx = .{
+ .dir_fd = dir_fd,
+ .file_path = file_path,
+ .flags = flags,
+ .mask = mask,
+ .statxbuf = statxbuf,
@@ -886,9 +1293,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ctx))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
- @as(*const TimeoutError!void, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(res))).*,
+ @as(*const TimeoutError!void, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
@@ -901,7 +1308,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
// Special case a zero timeout as a yield.
if (nanoseconds == 0) {
- completion.result = -@as(i32, @intCast(@intFromEnum(posix.E.TIME)));
+ completion.result = -@as(i32, @intFromEnum(posix.E.TIME));
@@ -921,7 +1328,6 @@ pub const IO = struct {
- Canceled,
} || posix.UnexpectedError;
pub fn write(
@@ -934,7 +1340,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
result: WriteError!usize,
) void,
completion: *Completion,
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: fd_t,
buffer: []const u8,
offset: u64,
) void {
@@ -944,9 +1350,9 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.callback = struct {
fn wrapper(ctx: ?*anyopaque, comp: *Completion, res: *const anyopaque) void {
- @as(Context, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(ctx))),
+ @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx)),
- @as(*const WriteError!usize, @ptrFromInt(@intFromPtr(res))).*,
+ @as(*const WriteError!usize, @ptrCast(@alignCast(res))).*,
@@ -961,20 +1367,97 @@ pub const IO = struct {
+ pub const Event = posix.fd_t;
+ pub const INVALID_EVENT: Event = -1;
+ pub fn open_event(self: *IO) !Event {
+ _ = self;
+ // eventfd initialized with no (zero) previous write value.
+ const event_fd = posix.eventfd(0, linux.EFD.CLOEXEC) catch |err| switch (err) {
+ error.SystemResources,
+ error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded,
+ error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded,
+ => return error.SystemResources,
+ error.Unexpected => return error.Unexpected,
+ };
+ assert(event_fd != INVALID_EVENT);
+ errdefer os.close(event_fd);
+ return event_fd;
+ }
+ pub fn event_listen(
+ self: *IO,
+ event: Event,
+ completion: *Completion,
+ comptime on_event: fn (*Completion) void,
+ ) void {
+ assert(event != INVALID_EVENT);
+ const Context = struct {
+ const Context = @This();
+ var buffer: u64 = undefined;
+ fn on_read(
+ _: *Context,
+ completion_inner: *Completion,
+ result: ReadError!usize,
+ ) void {
+ const bytes = result catch unreachable; // eventfd reads should not fail.
+ assert(bytes == @sizeOf(u64));
+ on_event(completion_inner);
+ }
+ };
+ self.read(
+ *Context,
+ undefined,
+ Context.on_read,
+ completion,
+ event,
+ std.mem.asBytes(&Context.buffer),
+ 0, // eventfd reads must always start from 0 offset.
+ );
+ }
+ pub fn event_trigger(self: *IO, event: Event, completion: *Completion) void {
+ assert(event != INVALID_EVENT);
+ _ = self;
+ _ = completion;
+ const value: u64 = 1;
+ const bytes = posix.write(event, std.mem.asBytes(&value)) catch unreachable;
+ assert(bytes == @sizeOf(u64));
+ }
+ pub fn close_event(self: *IO, event: Event) void {
+ assert(event != INVALID_EVENT);
+ _ = self;
+ posix.close(event);
+ }
pub const INVALID_SOCKET = -1;
/// Creates a socket that can be used for async operations with the IO instance.
pub fn open_socket(self: *IO, family: u32, sock_type: u32, protocol: u32) !posix.socket_t {
_ = self;
- return posix.socket(family, sock_type, protocol);
+ return posix.socket(family, sock_type | posix.SOCK.CLOEXEC, protocol);
+ }
+ /// Closes a socket opened by the IO instance.
+ pub fn close_socket(self: *IO, socket: posix.socket_t) void {
+ _ = self;
+ posix.close(socket);
/// Opens a directory with read only access.
- pub fn open_dir(dir_path: []const u8) !posix.fd_t {
- return posix.open(dir_path, posix.O.CLOEXEC | posix.O.RDONLY, 0);
+ pub fn open_dir(dir_path: []const u8) !fd_t {
+ return posix.open(dir_path, .{ .CLOEXEC = true, .ACCMODE = .RDONLY }, 0);
- pub const INVALID_FILE: posix.fd_t = -1;
+ pub const fd_t = posix.fd_t;
+ pub const INVALID_FILE: fd_t = -1;
/// Opens or creates a journal file:
/// - For reading and writing.
@@ -984,80 +1467,196 @@ pub const IO = struct {
/// - Ensures that the file data (and file inode in the parent directory) is durable on disk.
/// The caller is responsible for ensuring that the parent directory inode is durable.
/// - Verifies that the file size matches the expected file size before returning.
- pub fn open_file(
- dir_fd: posix.fd_t,
+ pub fn open_data_file(
+ self: *IO,
+ dir_fd: fd_t,
relative_path: []const u8,
size: u64,
- must_create: bool,
- ) !posix.fd_t {
+ method: enum { create, create_or_open, open, open_read_only },
+ direct_io: DirectIO,
+ ) !fd_t {
+ _ = self;
assert(relative_path.len > 0);
- assert(size >= constants.sector_size);
assert(size % constants.sector_size == 0);
+ // Be careful with openat(2): "If pathname is absolute, then dirfd is ignored." (man page)
+ assert(!std.fs.path.isAbsolute(relative_path));
- // TODO Use O_EXCL when opening as a block device to obtain a mandatory exclusive lock.
- // This is much stronger than an advisory exclusive lock, and is required on some platforms.
- var flags: u32 = posix.O.CLOEXEC | posix.O.RDWR | posix.O.DSYNC;
+ var flags: posix.O = .{
+ .CLOEXEC = true,
+ .ACCMODE = if (method == .open_read_only) .RDONLY else .RDWR,
+ .DSYNC = true,
+ };
var mode: posix.mode_t = 0;
- // TODO Document this and investigate whether this is in fact correct to set here.
- if (@hasDecl(posix.O, "LARGEFILE")) flags |= posix.O.LARGEFILE;
- var direct_io_supported = false;
- if (constants.direct_io) {
- direct_io_supported = try fs_supports_direct_io(dir_fd);
- if (direct_io_supported) {
- flags |= posix.O.DIRECT;
- } else if (!constants.direct_io_required) {
- log.warn("file system does not support Direct I/O", .{});
+ const kind: enum { file, block_device } = blk: {
+ const stat = posix.fstatat(
+ dir_fd,
+ relative_path,
+ 0,
+ ) catch |err| switch (err) {
+ error.FileNotFound => {
+ if (method == .create or method == .create_or_open) {
+ // It's impossible to distinguish creating a new file and opening a new
+ // block device with the current API. So if it's possible that we should
+ // create a file we try that instead of failing here.
+ break :blk .file;
+ } else {
+ @panic("Path does not exist.");
+ }
+ },
+ else => |err_| return err_,
+ };
+ if (posix.S.ISBLK(stat.mode)) {
+ break :blk .block_device;
} else {
- // We require Direct I/O for safety to handle fsync failure correctly, and therefore
- // panic in production if it is not supported.
- @panic("file system does not support Direct I/O");
+ if (!posix.S.ISREG(stat.mode)) {
+ @panic("file path does not point to block device or regular file.");
+ }
+ break :blk .file;
- }
+ };
- if (must_create) {
- log.info("creating \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
- flags |= posix.O.CREAT;
- flags |= posix.O.EXCL;
- mode = 0o666;
- } else {
- log.info("opening \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
+ // This is not strictly necessary on 64bit systems but it's harmless.
+ // This will avoid errors with handling large files on certain configurations
+ // of 32bit kernels. In all other cases, it's a noop.
+ // See:
+ if (@hasField(posix.O, "LARGEFILE")) flags.LARGEFILE = true;
+ switch (kind) {
+ .block_device => {
+ if (direct_io != .direct_io_disabled) {
+ // Block devices should always support Direct IO.
+ flags.DIRECT = true;
+ // Use O_EXCL when opening as a block device to obtain an advisory exclusive
+ // lock. Normally, you can't do this for files you don't create, but for
+ // block devices this guarantees:
+ // - that there are no mounts using this block device
+ // - that no new mounts can use this block device while we have it open
+ //
+ // However it doesn't prevent other processes with root from opening without
+ // O_EXCL and writing (mount is just a special case that always checks O_EXCL).
+ //
+ // This should be stronger than flock(2) locks, which work on a separate system.
+ // The relevant kernel code (as of v6.7) is here:
+ //
+ flags.EXCL = true;
+ }
+ log.info("opening block device \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
+ },
+ .file => {
+ var direct_io_supported = false;
+ const dir_on_tmpfs = try fs_is_tmpfs(dir_fd);
+ if (dir_on_tmpfs) {
+ log.warn(
+ "tmpfs is not durable, and your data will be lost on reboot",
+ .{},
+ );
+ }
+ // Special case. tmpfs doesn't support Direct I/O. Normally we would panic
+ // here (see below) but being able to benchmark production workloads
+ // on tmpfs is very useful for removing
+ // disk speed from the equation.
+ if (direct_io != .direct_io_disabled and !dir_on_tmpfs) {
+ direct_io_supported = try fs_supports_direct_io(dir_fd);
+ if (direct_io_supported) {
+ flags.DIRECT = true;
+ } else if (direct_io == .direct_io_optional) {
+ log.warn("This file system does not support Direct I/O.", .{});
+ } else {
+ assert(direct_io == .direct_io_required);
+ // We require Direct I/O for safety to handle fsync failure correctly, and
+ // therefore panic in production if it is not supported.
+ log.err("This file system does not support Direct I/O.", .{});
+ log.err("TigerBeetle uses Direct I/O to bypass the kernel page cache, " ++
+ "to ensure that data is durable when writes complete.", .{});
+ log.err("If this is a production replica, Direct I/O is required.", .{});
+ log.err("If this is a development/testing replica, " ++
+ "re-run with --development set to bypass this error.", .{});
+ @panic("file system does not support Direct I/O");
+ }
+ }
+ switch (method) {
+ .create => {
+ flags.CREAT = true;
+ flags.EXCL = true;
+ mode = 0o666;
+ log.info("creating \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
+ },
+ .create_or_open => {
+ flags.CREAT = true;
+ mode = 0o666;
+ log.info("opening or creating \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
+ },
+ .open, .open_read_only => {
+ log.info("opening \"{s}\"...", .{relative_path});
+ },
+ }
+ },
// This is critical as we rely on O_DSYNC for fsync() whenever we write to the file:
- assert((flags & posix.O.DSYNC) > 0);
+ assert(flags.DSYNC);
- // Be careful with openat(2): "If pathname is absolute, then dirfd is ignored." (man page)
- assert(!std.fs.path.isAbsolute(relative_path));
const fd = try posix.openat(dir_fd, relative_path, flags, mode);
// TODO Return a proper error message when the path exists or does not exist (init/start).
errdefer posix.close(fd);
- // TODO Check that the file is actually a file.
+ {
+ // Make sure we're getting the type of file descriptor we expect.
+ const stat = try posix.fstat(fd);
+ switch (kind) {
+ .file => assert(posix.S.ISREG(stat.mode)),
+ .block_device => assert(posix.S.ISBLK(stat.mode)),
+ }
+ }
// Obtain an advisory exclusive lock that works only if all processes actually use flock().
// LOCK_NB means that we want to fail the lock without waiting if another process has it.
- posix.flock(fd, posix.LOCK.EX | posix.LOCK.NB) catch |err| switch (err) {
- error.WouldBlock => @panic("another process holds the data file lock"),
- else => return err,
- };
+ //
+ // This is wrapped inside a retry loop with a sleep because of the interaction between
+ // io_uring semantics and flock: flocks are held per fd, but io_uring will keep a reference
+ // to the fd alive even once a process has been terminated, until all async operations have
+ // been completed.
+ //
+ // This means that when killing and starting a tigerbeetle process in an automated way, you
+ // can see "another process holds the data file lock" errors, even though the process really
+ // has terminated.
+ for (0..2) |_| {
+ posix.flock(fd, posix.LOCK.EX | posix.LOCK.NB) catch |err| switch (err) {
+ error.WouldBlock => {
+ std.time.sleep(50 * std.time.ns_per_ms);
+ continue;
+ },
+ else => return err,
+ };
+ break;
+ } else {
+ posix.flock(fd, posix.LOCK.EX | posix.LOCK.NB) catch |err| switch (err) {
+ error.WouldBlock => @panic("another process holds the data file lock"),
+ else => return err,
+ };
+ }
// Ask the file system to allocate contiguous sectors for the file (if possible):
// If the file system does not support `fallocate()`, then this could mean more seeks or a
// panic if we run out of disk space (ENOSPC).
- if (must_create) {
+ if (method == .create and kind == .file) {
log.info("allocating {}...", .{std.fmt.fmtIntSizeBin(size)});
fs_allocate(fd, size) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OperationNotSupported => {
log.warn("file system does not support fallocate(), an ENOSPC will panic", .{});
- log.info("allocating by writing to the last sector of the file instead...", .{});
+ log.info("allocating by writing to the last sector " ++
+ "of the file instead...", .{});
const sector_size = constants.sector_size;
const sector: [sector_size]u8 align(sector_size) = [_]u8{0} ** sector_size;
- // Handle partial writes where the physical sector is less than a logical sector:
+ // Handle partial writes where the physical sector is
+ // less than a logical sector:
const write_offset = size - sector.len;
var written: usize = 0;
while (written < sector.len) {
@@ -1079,47 +1678,132 @@ pub const IO = struct {
// We always do this when opening because we don't know if this was done before crashing.
try posix.fsync(dir_fd);
- const stat = try posix.fstat(fd);
- if (stat.size < size) @panic("data file inode size was truncated or corrupted");
+ switch (kind) {
+ .file => {
+ if ((try posix.fstat(fd)).size < size) {
+ @panic("data file inode size was truncated or corrupted");
+ }
+ },
+ .block_device => {
+ const BLKGETSIZE64 = os.linux.IOCTL.IOR(0x12, 114, usize);
+ var block_device_size: usize = 0;
+ switch (os.linux.E.init(os.linux.ioctl(
+ fd,
+ @intFromPtr(&block_device_size),
+ ))) {
+ .SUCCESS => {},
+ // These are the only errors that are supposed to be possible from ioctl(2).
+ .BADF => return error.InvalidFileDescriptor,
+ .NOTTY => return error.BadRequest,
+ .FAULT => return error.InvalidAddress,
+ else => |err| return stdx.unexpected_errno("open_file:ioctl", err),
+ }
+ if (block_device_size < size) {
+ std.debug.panic(
+ "The block device used is too small ({} available/{} needed).",
+ .{
+ std.fmt.fmtIntSizeBin(block_device_size),
+ std.fmt.fmtIntSizeBin(size),
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ if (method == .create or method == .create_or_open) {
+ // Check that the first superblock_zone_size bytes are 0.
+ // - It'll ensure that the block device is not directly TigerBeetle.
+ // - It'll be very likely to catch any cases where there's an existing
+ // other filesystem.
+ // - In the case of there being a partition table (eg, two partitions,
+ // one starting at 0MiB, one at 1024MiB) and the operator tries to format
+ // the raw disk (/dev/sda) while a partition later is
+ // TigerBeetle (/dev/sda2) it'll be blocked by the MBR/GPT existing.
+ const superblock_zone_size =
+ @import("../superblock.zig").superblock_zone_size;
+ var read_buf: [superblock_zone_size]u8 align(constants.sector_size) = undefined;
+ // We can do this without worrying about retrying partial reads because on
+ // linux, read(2) on block devices can not be interrupted by signals.
+ // See signal(7).
+ assert(superblock_zone_size == try posix.read(fd, &read_buf));
+ if (!std.mem.allEqual(u8, &read_buf, 0)) {
+ std.debug.panic(
+ "Superblock on block device not empty. " ++
+ "If this is the correct block device to use, " ++
+ "please zero the first {} using a tool like dd.",
+ .{std.fmt.fmtIntSizeBin(superblock_zone_size)},
+ );
+ }
+ // Reset position in the block device to compensate for read(2).
+ try posix.lseek_CUR(fd, -superblock_zone_size);
+ assert(try posix.lseek_CUR_get(fd) == 0);
+ }
+ },
+ }
return fd;
+ /// Detects whether the underlying file system for a given directory fd is tmpfs. This is used
+ /// to relax our Direct I/O check - running on tmpfs for benchmarking is useful.
+ fn fs_is_tmpfs(dir_fd: fd_t) !bool {
+ var statfs: stdx.StatFs = undefined;
+ while (true) {
+ const res = stdx.fstatfs(dir_fd, &statfs);
+ switch (os.linux.E.init(res)) {
+ .SUCCESS => {
+ return statfs.f_type == stdx.TmpfsMagic;
+ },
+ .INTR => continue,
+ else => |err| return stdx.unexpected_errno("fs_is_tmpfs", err),
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// Detects whether the underlying file system for a given directory fd supports Direct I/O.
/// Not all Linux file systems support `O_DIRECT`, e.g. a shared macOS volume.
- fn fs_supports_direct_io(dir_fd: posix.fd_t) !bool {
- if (!@hasDecl(posix.O, "DIRECT")) return false;
+ fn fs_supports_direct_io(dir_fd: fd_t) !bool {
+ if (!@hasField(posix.O, "DIRECT")) return false;
+ var cookie: [16]u8 = .{'0'} ** 16;
+ _ = stdx.array_print(16, &cookie, "{0x}", .{std.crypto.random.int(u64)});
- const path = "fs_supports_direct_io";
+ const path: [:0]const u8 = "fs_supports_direct_io-" ++ cookie ++ "";
const dir = std.fs.Dir{ .fd = dir_fd };
- const fd = try posix.openatZ(dir_fd, path, posix.O.CLOEXEC | posix.O.CREAT | posix.O.TRUNC, 0o666);
+ const flags: posix.O = .{ .CLOEXEC = true, .CREAT = true, .TRUNC = true };
+ const fd = try posix.openatZ(dir_fd, path, flags, 0o666);
defer posix.close(fd);
defer dir.deleteFile(path) catch {};
while (true) {
- const res = linux.openat(dir_fd, path, posix.O.CLOEXEC | posix.O.RDONLY | posix.O.DIRECT, 0);
- switch (linux.getErrno(res)) {
+ const dir_flags: posix.O = .{ .CLOEXEC = true, .ACCMODE = .RDONLY, .DIRECT = true };
+ const res = os.linux.openat(dir_fd, path, dir_flags, 0);
+ switch (os.linux.E.init(res)) {
- posix.close(@as(posix.fd_t, @intCast(res)));
+ posix.close(@intCast(res));
return true;
.INTR => continue,
.INVAL => return false,
- else => |err| return posix.unexpectedErrno(err),
+ else => |err| return stdx.unexpected_errno("fs_supports_direct_io", err),
/// Allocates a file contiguously using fallocate() if supported.
/// Alternatively, writes to the last sector so that at least the file size is correct.
- fn fs_allocate(fd: posix.fd_t, size: u64) !void {
+ fn fs_allocate(fd: fd_t, size: u64) !void {
const mode: i32 = 0;
const offset: i64 = 0;
- const length = @as(i64, @intCast(size));
+ const length: i64 = @intCast(size);
while (true) {
- const rc = linux.fallocate(fd, mode, offset, length);
- switch (linux.getErrno(rc)) {
+ const rc = os.linux.fallocate(fd, mode, offset, length);
+ switch (os.linux.E.init(rc)) {
.SUCCESS => return,
.BADF => return error.FileDescriptorInvalid,
.FBIG => return error.FileTooBig,
@@ -1133,7 +1817,7 @@ pub const IO = struct {
.PERM => return error.PermissionDenied,
.SPIPE => return error.Unseekable,
.TXTBSY => return error.FileBusy,
- else => |errno| return posix.unexpectedErrno(errno),
+ else => |errno| return stdx.unexpected_errno("fs_allocate", errno),
diff --git a/io/test.zig b/io/test.zig
index 803f950..f7d87fd 100644
--- a/io/test.zig
+++ b/io/test.zig
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
+const os = std.os;
const posix = std.posix;
const testing = std.testing;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
@@ -7,47 +8,80 @@ const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Time = @import("../time.zig").Time;
const IO = @import("../io.zig").IO;
-test "write/read/close" {
+test "open/write/read/close/statx" {
try struct {
const Context = @This();
+ const StatxType = if (builtin.target.os.tag == .linux) std.os.linux.Statx else void;
+ path: [:0]const u8 = "test_io_write_read_close",
io: IO,
done: bool = false,
- fd: posix.fd_t,
+ fd: ?posix.fd_t = null,
write_buf: [20]u8 = [_]u8{97} ** 20,
read_buf: [20]u8 = [_]u8{98} ** 20,
written: usize = 0,
read: usize = 0,
- fn run_test() !void {
- const path = "test_io_write_read_close";
- const file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile(path, .{ .read = true, .truncate = true });
- defer std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(path) catch {};
+ statx: StatxType = undefined,
+ fn run_test() !void {
var self: Context = .{
.io = try IO.init(32, 0),
- .fd = file.handle,
defer self.io.deinit();
+ // The file gets created below, either by createFile or openat.
+ defer std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(self.path) catch {};
var completion: IO.Completion = undefined;
+ if (builtin.target.os.tag == .linux) {
+ self.io.openat(
+ *Context,
+ &self,
+ openat_callback,
+ &completion,
+ posix.AT.FDCWD,
+ self.path,
+ .{ .ACCMODE = .RDWR, .TRUNC = true, .CREAT = true },
+ std.fs.File.default_mode,
+ );
+ } else {
+ const file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile(self.path, .{
+ .read = true,
+ .truncate = true,
+ });
+ self.openat_callback(&completion, file.handle);
+ }
+ while (!self.done) try self.io.tick();
+ try testing.expectEqual(self.write_buf.len, self.written);
+ try testing.expectEqual(self.read_buf.len, self.read);
+ try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &self.write_buf, &self.read_buf);
+ if (builtin.target.os.tag == .linux) {
+ // Offset of 10 specified to read / write below.
+ try testing.expectEqual(self.statx.size - 10, self.written);
+ }
+ }
+ fn openat_callback(
+ self: *Context,
+ completion: *IO.Completion,
+ result: anyerror!posix.fd_t,
+ ) void {
+ self.fd = result catch @panic("openat error");
- &self,
+ self,
- &completion,
- self.fd,
+ completion,
+ self.fd.?,
- while (!self.done) try self.io.tick();
- try testing.expectEqual(self.write_buf.len, self.written);
- try testing.expectEqual(self.read_buf.len, self.read);
- try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &self.write_buf, &self.read_buf);
fn write_callback(
@@ -56,7 +90,7 @@ test "write/read/close" {
result: IO.WriteError!usize,
) void {
self.written = result catch @panic("write error");
- self.io.read(*Context, self, read_callback, completion, self.fd, &self.read_buf, 10);
+ self.io.read(*Context, self, read_callback, completion, self.fd.?, &self.read_buf, 10);
fn read_callback(
@@ -65,7 +99,7 @@ test "write/read/close" {
result: IO.ReadError!usize,
) void {
self.read = result catch @panic("read error");
- self.io.close(*Context, self, close_callback, completion, self.fd);
+ self.io.close(*Context, self, close_callback, completion, self.fd.?);
fn close_callback(
@@ -73,9 +107,34 @@ test "write/read/close" {
completion: *IO.Completion,
result: IO.CloseError!void,
) void {
- _ = completion;
_ = result catch @panic("close error");
+ if (builtin.target.os.tag == .linux) {
+ self.io.statx(
+ *Context,
+ self,
+ statx_callback,
+ completion,
+ posix.AT.FDCWD,
+ self.path,
+ 0,
+ &self.statx,
+ );
+ } else {
+ self.done = true;
+ }
+ }
+ fn statx_callback(
+ self: *Context,
+ completion: *IO.Completion,
+ result: IO.StatxError!void,
+ ) void {
+ _ = completion;
+ _ = result catch @panic("statx error");
+ assert(!self.done);
self.done = true;
@@ -102,13 +161,22 @@ test "accept/connect/send/receive" {
var io = try IO.init(32, 0);
defer io.deinit();
- const address = try std.net.Address.parseIp4("", 3131);
+ const address = try std.net.Address.parseIp4("", 0);
const kernel_backlog = 1;
- const server = try io.open_socket(address.any.family, posix.SOCK.STREAM, posix.IPPROTO.TCP);
- defer posix.close(server);
- const client = try io.open_socket(address.any.family, posix.SOCK.STREAM, posix.IPPROTO.TCP);
- defer posix.close(client);
+ const server = try io.open_socket(
+ address.any.family,
+ posix.SOCK.STREAM,
+ posix.IPPROTO.TCP,
+ );
+ defer io.close_socket(server);
+ const client = try io.open_socket(
+ address.any.family,
+ posix.SOCK.STREAM,
+ posix.IPPROTO.TCP,
+ );
+ defer io.close_socket(client);
try posix.setsockopt(
@@ -119,6 +187,10 @@ test "accept/connect/send/receive" {
try posix.bind(server, &address.any, address.getOsSockLen());
try posix.listen(server, kernel_backlog);
+ var client_address = std.net.Address.initIp4(undefined, undefined);
+ var client_address_len = client_address.getOsSockLen();
+ try posix.getsockname(server, &client_address.any, &client_address_len);
var self: Context = .{
.io = &io,
.server = server,
@@ -132,7 +204,7 @@ test "accept/connect/send/receive" {
- address,
+ client_address,
var server_completion: IO.Completion = undefined;
@@ -204,7 +276,7 @@ test "accept/connect/send/receive" {
test "timeout" {
const ms = 20;
- const margin = 5;
+ const margin = 100;
const count = 10;
try struct {
@@ -260,6 +332,71 @@ test "timeout" {
+test "event" {
+ try struct {
+ const Context = @This();
+ io: IO,
+ count: u32 = 0,
+ main_thread_id: std.Thread.Id,
+ event: IO.Event = IO.INVALID_EVENT,
+ event_completion: IO.Completion = undefined,
+ const delay = 5 * std.time.ns_per_ms;
+ const events_count = 5;
+ fn run_test() !void {
+ var self: Context = .{
+ .io = try IO.init(32, 0),
+ .main_thread_id = std.Thread.getCurrentId(),
+ };
+ defer self.io.deinit();
+ self.event = try self.io.open_event();
+ defer self.io.close_event(self.event);
+ var timer = Time{};
+ const start = timer.monotonic();
+ // Listen to the event and spawn a thread that triggers the completion after some time.
+ self.io.event_listen(self.event, &self.event_completion, on_event);
+ const thread = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, Context.trigger_event, .{&self});
+ // Wait for the number of events to complete.
+ while (self.count < events_count) try self.io.tick();
+ thread.join();
+ // Make sure the event was triggered multiple times.
+ assert(self.count == events_count);
+ // Make sure at least some time has passed.
+ const elapsed = timer.monotonic() - start;
+ assert(elapsed >= delay);
+ }
+ fn trigger_event(self: *Context) void {
+ assert(std.Thread.getCurrentId() != self.main_thread_id);
+ while (self.count < events_count) {
+ std.time.sleep(delay + 1);
+ // Triggering the event:
+ self.io.event_trigger(self.event, &self.event_completion);
+ }
+ }
+ fn on_event(completion: *IO.Completion) void {
+ const self: *Context = @fieldParentPtr("event_completion", completion);
+ assert(std.Thread.getCurrentId() == self.main_thread_id);
+ self.count += 1;
+ if (self.count == events_count) return;
+ // Reattaching the event.
+ self.io.event_listen(self.event, &self.event_completion, on_event);
+ }
+ }.run_test();
test "submission queue full" {
const ms = 20;
const count = 10;
@@ -304,7 +441,7 @@ test "submission queue full" {
test "tick to wait" {
- // Use only IO.tick() to see if pending IO is actually processsed
+ // Use only IO.tick() to see if pending IO is actually processed
try struct {
const Context = @This();
@@ -318,11 +455,12 @@ test "tick to wait" {
var self: Context = .{ .io = try IO.init(1, 0) };
defer self.io.deinit();
- const address = try std.net.Address.parseIp4("", 3131);
+ const address = try std.net.Address.parseIp4("", 0);
const kernel_backlog = 1;
- const server = try self.io.open_socket(address.any.family, posix.SOCK.STREAM, posix.IPPROTO.TCP);
- defer posix.close(server);
+ const server =
+ try self.io.open_socket(address.any.family, posix.SOCK.STREAM, posix.IPPROTO.TCP);
+ defer self.io.close_socket(server);
try posix.setsockopt(
@@ -333,8 +471,16 @@ test "tick to wait" {
try posix.bind(server, &address.any, address.getOsSockLen());
try posix.listen(server, kernel_backlog);
- const client = try self.io.open_socket(address.any.family, posix.SOCK.STREAM, posix.IPPROTO.TCP);
- defer posix.close(client);
+ var client_address = std.net.Address.initIp4(undefined, undefined);
+ var client_address_len = client_address.getOsSockLen();
+ try posix.getsockname(server, &client_address.any, &client_address_len);
+ const client = try self.io.open_socket(
+ client_address.any.family,
+ posix.SOCK.STREAM,
+ posix.IPPROTO.TCP,
+ );
+ defer self.io.close_socket(client);
// Start the accept
var server_completion: IO.Completion = undefined;
@@ -348,7 +494,7 @@ test "tick to wait" {
- address,
+ client_address,
// Tick the IO to drain the accept & connect completions
@@ -360,7 +506,7 @@ test "tick to wait" {
assert(self.accepted != IO.INVALID_SOCKET);
- defer posix.close(self.accepted);
+ defer self.io.close_socket(self.accepted);
// Start receiving on the client
var recv_completion: IO.Completion = undefined;
@@ -440,9 +586,9 @@ test "tick to wait" {
return posix.send(sock, buf, flags);
- const rc = posix.windows.sendto(sock, buf.ptr, buf.len, flags, null, 0);
- if (rc == posix.windows.ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
- switch (posix.windows.ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
+ const rc = os.windows.sendto(sock, buf.ptr, buf.len, flags, null, 0);
+ if (rc == os.windows.ws2_32.SOCKET_ERROR) {
+ switch (os.windows.ws2_32.WSAGetLastError()) {
.WSAEACCES => return error.AccessDenied,
.WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL => return error.AddressNotAvailable,
.WSAECONNRESET => return error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
@@ -451,7 +597,10 @@ test "tick to wait" {
.WSAENOTSOCK => return error.FileDescriptorNotASocket,
.WSAEAFNOSUPPORT => return error.AddressFamilyNotSupported,
.WSAEDESTADDRREQ => unreachable, // A destination address is required.
- .WSAEFAULT => unreachable, // The lpBuffers, lpTo, lpOverlapped, lpNumberOfBytesSent, or lpCompletionRoutine parameters are not part of the user address space, or the lpTo parameter is too small.
+ // The lpBuffers, lpTo, lpOverlapped, lpNumberOfBytesSent,
+ // or lpCompletionRoutine parameters are not part of the user address space,
+ // or the lpTo parameter is too small.
+ .WSAEFAULT => unreachable,
.WSAEHOSTUNREACH => return error.NetworkUnreachable,
.WSAEINVAL => unreachable,
@@ -459,13 +608,16 @@ test "tick to wait" {
.WSAENETRESET => return error.ConnectionResetByPeer,
.WSAENETUNREACH => return error.NetworkUnreachable,
.WSAENOTCONN => return error.SocketNotConnected,
- .WSAESHUTDOWN => unreachable, // The socket has been shut down; it is not possible to WSASendTo on a socket after shutdown has been invoked with how set to SD_SEND or SD_BOTH.
+ // The socket has been shut down; it is not possible to WSASendTo on a socket
+ // after shutdown has been invoked with how set to SD_SEND or SD_BOTH.
+ .WSAESHUTDOWN => unreachable,
.WSAEWOULDBLOCK => return error.WouldBlock,
- .WSANOTINITIALISED => unreachable, // A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function.
- else => |err| return posix.windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
+ // A successful WSAStartup call must occur before using this function.
+ .WSANOTINITIALISED => unreachable,
+ else => |err| return os.windows.unexpectedWSAError(err),
} else {
- return @as(usize, @intCast(rc));
+ return @intCast(rc);
@@ -506,10 +658,14 @@ test "pipe data over socket" {
defer self.io.deinit();
- self.server.fd = try self.io.open_socket(posix.AF.INET, posix.SOCK.STREAM, posix.IPPROTO.TCP);
- defer posix.close(self.server.fd);
+ self.server.fd = try self.io.open_socket(
+ posix.AF.INET,
+ posix.SOCK.STREAM,
+ posix.IPPROTO.TCP,
+ );
+ defer self.io.close_socket(self.server.fd);
- const address = try std.net.Address.parseIp4("", 3131);
+ const address = try std.net.Address.parseIp4("", 0);
try posix.setsockopt(
@@ -520,6 +676,10 @@ test "pipe data over socket" {
try posix.bind(self.server.fd, &address.any, address.getOsSockLen());
try posix.listen(self.server.fd, 1);
+ var client_address = std.net.Address.initIp4(undefined, undefined);
+ var client_address_len = client_address.getOsSockLen();
+ try posix.getsockname(self.server.fd, &client_address.any, &client_address_len);
@@ -528,8 +688,12 @@ test "pipe data over socket" {
- self.tx.socket.fd = try self.io.open_socket(posix.AF.INET, posix.SOCK.STREAM, posix.IPPROTO.TCP);
- defer posix.close(self.tx.socket.fd);
+ self.tx.socket.fd = try self.io.open_socket(
+ posix.AF.INET,
+ posix.SOCK.STREAM,
+ posix.IPPROTO.TCP,
+ );
+ defer self.io.close_socket(self.tx.socket.fd);
@@ -537,7 +701,7 @@ test "pipe data over socket" {
- address,
+ client_address,
var tick: usize = 0xdeadbeef;
@@ -553,7 +717,7 @@ test "pipe data over socket" {
try testing.expect(self.server.fd != IO.INVALID_SOCKET);
try testing.expect(self.tx.socket.fd != IO.INVALID_SOCKET);
try testing.expect(self.rx.socket.fd != IO.INVALID_SOCKET);
- posix.close(self.rx.socket.fd);
+ self.io.close_socket(self.rx.socket.fd);
try testing.expectEqual(self.tx.transferred, buffer_size);
try testing.expectEqual(self.rx.transferred, buffer_size);
@@ -641,61 +805,98 @@ test "pipe data over socket" {
-test "cancel" {
+test "cancel_all" {
+ const checksum = @import("../checksum.zig").checksum;
+ const allocator = std.testing.allocator;
+ const file_path = "test_cancel_all";
+ const read_count = 8;
+ const read_size = 1024 * 16;
+ // For this test to be useful, we rely on open(DIRECT).
+ // (See below).
+ if (builtin.target.os.tag != .linux) return;
try struct {
const Context = @This();
io: IO,
- timeout_res: IO.TimeoutError!void = undefined,
- timeout_done: bool = false,
- cancel_done: bool = false,
+ canceled: bool = false,
fn run_test() !void {
- var self: Context = .{
- .io = try IO.init(32, 0),
- };
- defer self.io.deinit();
+ defer std.fs.cwd().deleteFile(file_path) catch {};
- var completion: IO.Completion = undefined;
- self.io.timeout(
- *Context,
- &self,
- timeout_callback,
- &completion,
- 100 * std.time.ns_per_ms,
- );
+ var context: Context = .{ .io = try IO.init(32, 0) };
+ defer context.io.deinit();
- var cancel_completion: IO.Completion = undefined;
- self.io.cancel(
- *Context,
- &self,
- cancel_callback,
- &cancel_completion,
- &completion,
- );
- while (!self.cancel_done and !self.timeout_done) try self.io.tick();
+ {
+ // Initialize a file filled with test data.
+ const file_buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, read_size);
+ defer allocator.free(file_buffer);
+ for (file_buffer, 0..) |*b, i| b.* = @intCast(i % 256);
- try testing.expectEqual(true, self.timeout_done);
- try testing.expectEqual(true, self.cancel_done);
- try testing.expectError(IO.TimeoutError.Canceled, self.timeout_res);
- }
+ try std.fs.cwd().writeFile(.{ .sub_path = file_path, .data = file_buffer });
+ }
- fn timeout_callback(
- self: *Context,
- _: *IO.Completion,
- result: IO.TimeoutError!void,
- ) void {
- self.timeout_res = result;
- self.timeout_done = true;
+ var read_completions: [read_count]IO.Completion = undefined;
+ var read_buffers: [read_count][]u8 = undefined;
+ var read_buffer_checksums: [read_count]u128 = undefined;
+ var read_buffers_allocated: u32 = 0;
+ defer for (read_buffers[0..read_buffers_allocated]) |b| allocator.free(b);
+ for (&read_buffers) |*read_buffer| {
+ read_buffer.* = try allocator.alloc(u8, read_size);
+ read_buffers_allocated += 1;
+ }
+ // Test cancellation:
+ // 1. Re-open the file.
+ // 2. Kick off multiple (async) reads.
+ // 3. Abort the reads (ideally before they can complete, since that is more interesting
+ // to test).
+ //
+ // The reason to re-open the file with DIRECT is that it slows down the reads enough to
+ // actually test the interesting case -- cancelling an in-flight read and verifying that
+ // the buffer is not written to after `cancel_all()` completes.
+ //
+ // (Without DIRECT the reads all finish their callbacks even before io.tick() returns.)
+ const file = try std.posix.open(file_path, .{ .DIRECT = true }, 0);
+ defer std.posix.close(file);
+ for (&read_completions, read_buffers) |*completion, buffer| {
+ context.io.read(*Context, &context, read_callback, completion, file, buffer, 0);
+ }
+ try context.io.tick();
+ // Set to true *before* calling cancel_all() to ensure that any farther callbacks from
+ // IO completion will panic.
+ context.canceled = true;
+ context.io.cancel_all();
+ // All of the in-flight reads are canceled at this point.
+ // To verify, checksum all of the read buffer memory, then wait and make sure that there
+ // are no farther modifications to the buffers.
+ for (read_buffers, &read_buffer_checksums) |buffer, *buffer_checksum| {
+ buffer_checksum.* = checksum(buffer);
+ }
+ const sleep_ms = 50;
+ std.time.sleep(sleep_ms * std.time.ns_per_ms);
+ for (read_buffers, read_buffer_checksums) |buffer, buffer_checksum| {
+ try testing.expectEqual(checksum(buffer), buffer_checksum);
+ }
- fn cancel_callback(
- self: *Context,
- _: *IO.Completion,
- result: IO.CancelError!void,
+ fn read_callback(
+ context: *Context,
+ completion: *IO.Completion,
+ result: IO.ReadError!usize,
) void {
- result catch |err| std.debug.panic("cancel error: {}", .{err});
- self.cancel_done = true;
+ _ = completion;
+ _ = result catch @panic("read error");
+ assert(!context.canceled);
diff --git a/list.zig b/list.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f514be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/list.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const assert = std.debug.assert;
+const constants = @import("constants.zig");
+const stdx = @import("stdx.zig");
+/// An intrusive doubly-linked list.
+/// Currently it is LIFO for simplicity because its consumer (IO.awaiting) doesn't care about order.
+pub fn DoublyLinkedListType(
+ comptime Node: type,
+ comptime field_back_enum: std.meta.FieldEnum(Node),
+ comptime field_next_enum: std.meta.FieldEnum(Node),
+) type {
+ assert(@typeInfo(Node) == .Struct);
+ assert(field_back_enum != field_next_enum);
+ assert(std.meta.FieldType(Node, field_back_enum) == ?*Node);
+ assert(std.meta.FieldType(Node, field_next_enum) == ?*Node);
+ const field_back = @tagName(field_back_enum);
+ const field_next = @tagName(field_next_enum);
+ return struct {
+ const DoublyLinkedList = @This();
+ tail: ?*Node = null,
+ count: u32 = 0,
+ pub fn verify(list: *const DoublyLinkedList) void {
+ assert((list.count == 0) == (list.tail == null));
+ var count: u32 = 0;
+ var iterator = list.tail;
+ if (iterator) |node| {
+ assert(@field(node, field_next) == null);
+ }
+ while (iterator) |node| {
+ const back = @field(node, field_back);
+ if (back) |back_node| {
+ assert(back_node != node); // There are no cycles.
+ assert(@field(back_node, field_next) == node);
+ }
+ count += 1;
+ iterator = back;
+ }
+ assert(count == list.count);
+ }
+ fn contains(list: *const DoublyLinkedList, target: *const Node) bool {
+ var count: u32 = 0;
+ var iterator = list.tail;
+ while (iterator) |node| {
+ if (node == target) return true;
+ iterator = @field(node, field_back);
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ assert(count == list.count);
+ return false;
+ }
+ pub fn empty(list: *const DoublyLinkedList) bool {
+ assert((list.count == 0) == (list.tail == null));
+ return list.count == 0;
+ }
+ pub fn push(list: *DoublyLinkedList, node: *Node) void {
+ if (constants.verify) assert(!list.contains(node));
+ if (constants.verify) list.verify();
+ assert(@field(node, field_back) == null);
+ assert(@field(node, field_next) == null);
+ if (list.tail) |tail| {
+ assert(list.count > 0);
+ assert(@field(tail, field_next) == null);
+ @field(node, field_back) = tail;
+ @field(tail, field_next) = node;
+ } else {
+ assert(list.count == 0);
+ }
+ list.tail = node;
+ list.count += 1;
+ }
+ pub fn pop(list: *DoublyLinkedList) ?*Node {
+ if (constants.verify) list.verify();
+ if (list.tail) |tail_old| {
+ assert(list.count > 0);
+ assert(@field(tail_old, field_next) == null);
+ list.tail = @field(tail_old, field_back);
+ list.count -= 1;
+ if (list.tail) |tail_new| {
+ assert(@field(tail_new, field_next) == tail_old);
+ @field(tail_new, field_next) = null;
+ }
+ @field(tail_old, field_back) = null;
+ return tail_old;
+ } else {
+ assert(list.count == 0);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn remove(list: *DoublyLinkedList, node: *Node) void {
+ if (constants.verify) assert(list.contains(node));
+ if (constants.verify) list.verify();
+ assert(list.count > 0);
+ assert(list.tail != null);
+ const tail = list.tail.?;
+ if (node == tail) {
+ // Pop the last element of the list.
+ assert(@field(node, field_next) == null);
+ list.tail = @field(node, field_back);
+ }
+ if (@field(node, field_back)) |node_back| {
+ assert(@field(node_back, field_next).? == node);
+ @field(node_back, field_next) = @field(node, field_next);
+ }
+ if (@field(node, field_next)) |node_next| {
+ assert(@field(node_next, field_back).? == node);
+ @field(node_next, field_back) = @field(node, field_back);
+ }
+ @field(node, field_back) = null;
+ @field(node, field_next) = null;
+ list.count -= 1;
+ if (constants.verify) list.verify();
+ assert((list.count == 0) == (list.tail == null));
+ }
+ };
+test "DoublyLinkedList LIFO" {
+ const Node = struct { id: u32, back: ?*@This() = null, next: ?*@This() = null };
+ const List = DoublyLinkedListType(Node, .back, .next);
+ var nodes: [3]Node = undefined;
+ for (&nodes, 0..) |*node, i| node.* = .{ .id = @intCast(i) };
+ var list = List{};
+ list.push(&nodes[0]);
+ list.push(&nodes[1]);
+ list.push(&nodes[2]);
+ try std.testing.expectEqual(list.pop().?, &nodes[2]);
+ try std.testing.expectEqual(list.pop().?, &nodes[1]);
+ try std.testing.expectEqual(list.pop().?, &nodes[0]);
+ try std.testing.expectEqual(list.pop(), null);
diff --git a/stdx.zig b/stdx.zig
index d30259f..c9c3a54 100644
--- a/stdx.zig
+++ b/stdx.zig
@@ -1,6 +1,34 @@
//! Extensions to the standard library -- things which could have been in std, but aren't.
const std = @import("std");
+const builtin = @import("builtin");
+const assert = std.debug.assert;
+/// `maybe` is the dual of `assert`: it signals that condition is sometimes true
+/// and sometimes false.
+/// Currently we use it for documentation, but maybe one day we plug it into
+/// coverage.
+pub fn maybe(ok: bool) void {
+ assert(ok or !ok);
+pub const log = if (builtin.is_test)
+ // Downgrade `err` to `warn` for tests.
+ // Zig fails any test that does `log.err`, but we want to test those code paths here.
+ struct {
+ pub fn scoped(comptime scope: @Type(.EnumLiteral)) type {
+ const base = std.log.scoped(scope);
+ return struct {
+ pub const err = warn;
+ pub const warn = base.warn;
+ pub const info = base.info;
+ pub const debug = base.debug;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ std.log;
// std.SemanticVersion requires there be no extra characters after the
// major/minor/patch numbers. But when we try to parse `uname
@@ -62,3 +90,18 @@ test "stdx.zig: parse_dirty_semver" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(case.expected_version, version);
+/// Like std.posix's `unexpectedErrno()` but log unconditionally, not just when mode=Debug.
+/// The added `label` argument works around the absence of stack traces in ReleaseSafe builds.
+pub fn unexpected_errno(label: []const u8, err: std.posix.system.E) std.posix.UnexpectedError {
+ log.scoped(.stdx).err("unexpected errno: {s}: code={d} name={?s}", .{
+ label,
+ @intFromEnum(err),
+ std.enums.tagName(std.posix.system.E, err),
+ });
+ if (builtin.mode == .Debug) {
+ std.debug.dumpCurrentStackTrace(null);
+ }
+ return error.Unexpected;
diff --git a/superblock.zig b/superblock.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7186cb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superblock.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,1723 @@
+//! SuperBlock invariants:
+//! * vsr_state
+//! - vsr_state.replica and vsr_state.replica_count are immutable for now.
+//! - vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op is initially 0 (for a newly-formatted replica).
+//! - vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op ≤ vsr_state.commit_max
+//! - vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op_before ≤ vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op
+//! - vsr_state.log_view ≤ vsr_state.view
+//! - vsr_state.sync_op_min ≤ vsr_state.sync_op_max
+//! - vsr_state.checkpoint.manifest_block_count = 0 implies:
+//! vsr_state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_address=0
+//! vsr_state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_checksum=0
+//! vsr_state.checkpoint.manifest_newest_address=0
+//! vsr_state.checkpoint.manifest_newest_checksum=0
+//! vsr_state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_address=0
+//! - vsr_state.checkpoint.manifest_block_count > 0 implies:
+//! vsr_state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_address>0
+//! vsr_state.checkpoint.manifest_newest_address>0
+//! - checkpoint() must advance the superblock's vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op.
+//! - view_change() must not advance the superblock's vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op.
+//! - The following are monotonically increasing:
+//! - vsr_state.log_view
+//! - vsr_state.view
+//! - vsr_state.commit_max
+//! - vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op may backtrack due to state sync.
+const std = @import("std");
+const assert = std.debug.assert;
+const maybe = stdx.maybe;
+const mem = std.mem;
+const meta = std.meta;
+const constants = @import("../constants.zig");
+const stdx = @import("../stdx.zig");
+const vsr = @import("../vsr.zig");
+const log = std.log.scoped(.superblock);
+pub const Quorums = @import("superblock_quorums.zig").QuorumsType(.{
+ .superblock_copies = constants.superblock_copies,
+pub const SuperBlockVersion: u16 =
+ // Make sure that data files created by development builds are distinguished through version.
+ if (constants.config.process.release.value == vsr.Release.minimum.value) 0 else 2;
+const vsr_headers_reserved_size = constants.sector_size -
+ ((constants.view_change_headers_max * @sizeOf(vsr.Header)) % constants.sector_size);
+// Fields are aligned to work as an extern or packed struct.
+pub const SuperBlockHeader = extern struct {
+ checksum: u128 = undefined,
+ checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ /// Protects against misdirected reads at startup.
+ /// For example, if multiple reads are all misdirected to a single copy of the superblock.
+ /// Excluded from the checksum calculation to ensure that all copies have the same checksum.
+ /// This simplifies writing and comparing multiple copies.
+ /// TODO: u8 should be enough here, we use u16 only for alignment.
+ copy: u16 = 0,
+ /// The version of the superblock format in use, reserved for major breaking changes.
+ version: u16,
+ /// The release that the data file was originally formatted by.
+ /// (Upgrades do not update this field.)
+ release_format: vsr.Release,
+ /// A monotonically increasing counter to locate the latest superblock at startup.
+ sequence: u64,
+ /// Protects against writing to or reading from the wrong data file.
+ cluster: u128,
+ /// The checksum of the previous superblock to hash chain across sequence numbers.
+ parent: u128,
+ parent_padding: u128 = 0,
+ /// State stored on stable storage for the Viewstamped Replication consensus protocol.
+ vsr_state: VSRState,
+ /// Reserved for future minor features (e.g. changing a compression algorithm).
+ flags: u64 = 0,
+ /// The number of headers in vsr_headers_all.
+ vsr_headers_count: u32,
+ reserved: [1940]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 1940,
+ /// SV/DVC header suffix. Headers are ordered from high-to-low op.
+ /// Unoccupied headers (after vsr_headers_count) are zeroed.
+ ///
+ /// When `vsr_state.log_view < vsr_state.view`, the headers are for a DVC.
+ /// When `vsr_state.log_view = vsr_state.view`, the headers are for a SV.
+ vsr_headers_all: [constants.view_change_headers_max]vsr.Header.Prepare,
+ vsr_headers_reserved: [vsr_headers_reserved_size]u8 =
+ [_]u8{0} ** vsr_headers_reserved_size,
+ comptime {
+ assert(@sizeOf(SuperBlockHeader) % constants.sector_size == 0);
+ assert(@divExact(@sizeOf(SuperBlockHeader), constants.sector_size) >= 2);
+ assert(@offsetOf(SuperBlockHeader, "parent") % @sizeOf(u256) == 0);
+ assert(@offsetOf(SuperBlockHeader, "vsr_state") % @sizeOf(u256) == 0);
+ assert(@offsetOf(SuperBlockHeader, "vsr_headers_all") == constants.sector_size);
+ // Assert that there is no implicit padding in the struct.
+ assert(stdx.no_padding(SuperBlockHeader));
+ }
+ pub const VSRState = extern struct {
+ checkpoint: CheckpointState,
+ /// Globally unique identifier of the replica, must be non-zero.
+ replica_id: u128,
+ members: vsr.Members,
+ /// The highest operation up to which we may commit.
+ commit_max: u64,
+ /// See `sync_op_max`.
+ sync_op_min: u64,
+ /// When zero, all of the grid blocks and replies are synced.
+ /// (When zero, `sync_op_min` is also zero.)
+ ///
+ /// When nonzero, we must repair grid-blocks/client-replies that would have been written
+ /// during the commits between `sync_op_min` and `sync_op_max` (inclusive).
+ /// (Those grid-blocks and client-replies were not written normally because we "skipped"
+ /// past them via state sync.)
+ sync_op_max: u64,
+ /// This field was used by the old state sync protocol, but is now unused and is always set
+ /// to zero.
+ /// TODO: rename to reserved and assert that it is zero, once it is actually set to zero
+ /// in all superblocks (in the next release).
+ sync_view: u32 = 0,
+ /// The last view in which the replica's status was normal.
+ log_view: u32,
+ /// The view number of the replica.
+ view: u32,
+ /// Number of replicas (determines sizes of the quorums), part of VSR configuration.
+ replica_count: u8,
+ reserved: [779]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 779,
+ comptime {
+ assert(@sizeOf(VSRState) == 2048);
+ // Assert that there is no implicit padding in the struct.
+ assert(stdx.no_padding(VSRState));
+ }
+ pub fn root(options: struct {
+ cluster: u128,
+ replica_id: u128,
+ members: vsr.Members,
+ replica_count: u8,
+ release: vsr.Release,
+ }) VSRState {
+ return .{
+ .checkpoint = .{
+ .header = vsr.Header.Prepare.root(options.cluster),
+ .parent_checkpoint_id = 0,
+ .grandparent_checkpoint_id = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_checksum = comptime vsr.checksum(&.{}),
+ .free_set_blocks_released_checksum = comptime vsr.checksum(&.{}),
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_checksum = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_checksum = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_address = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_address = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_size = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_size = 0,
+ .client_sessions_checksum = comptime vsr.checksum(&.{}),
+ .client_sessions_last_block_checksum = 0,
+ .client_sessions_last_block_address = 0,
+ .client_sessions_size = 0,
+ .manifest_oldest_checksum = 0,
+ .manifest_oldest_address = 0,
+ .manifest_newest_checksum = 0,
+ .manifest_newest_address = 0,
+ .manifest_block_count = 0,
+ .snapshots_block_checksum = 0,
+ .snapshots_block_address = 0,
+ .storage_size = data_file_size_min,
+ .release = options.release,
+ },
+ .replica_id = options.replica_id,
+ .members = options.members,
+ .replica_count = options.replica_count,
+ .commit_max = 0,
+ .sync_op_min = 0,
+ .sync_op_max = 0,
+ .log_view = 0,
+ .view = 0,
+ };
+ }
+ pub fn assert_internally_consistent(state: VSRState) void {
+ assert(state.commit_max >= state.checkpoint.header.op);
+ assert(state.sync_op_max >= state.sync_op_min);
+ assert(state.view >= state.log_view);
+ assert(state.replica_count > 0);
+ assert(state.replica_count <= constants.replicas_max);
+ assert(vsr.member_index(&state.members, state.replica_id) != null);
+ // These fields are unused at the moment:
+ assert(state.checkpoint.snapshots_block_checksum == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.snapshots_block_address == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_checksum_padding == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.manifest_newest_checksum_padding == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.snapshots_block_checksum_padding == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_checksum_padding == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_released_last_block_checksum_padding == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.client_sessions_last_block_checksum_padding == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.storage_size >= data_file_size_min);
+ if (state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_address == 0) {
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_acquired_size == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_acquired_checksum ==
+ comptime vsr.checksum(&.{}));
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_checksum == 0);
+ } else {
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_acquired_size > 0);
+ }
+ if (state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_released_last_block_address == 0) {
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_released_size == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_released_checksum ==
+ comptime vsr.checksum(&.{}));
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_released_last_block_checksum == 0);
+ } else {
+ assert(state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_released_size > 0);
+ }
+ if (state.checkpoint.client_sessions_last_block_address == 0) {
+ assert(state.checkpoint.client_sessions_last_block_checksum == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.client_sessions_size == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.client_sessions_checksum == comptime vsr.checksum(&.{}));
+ } else {
+ assert(state.checkpoint.client_sessions_size == vsr.ClientSessions.encode_size);
+ }
+ if (state.checkpoint.manifest_block_count == 0) {
+ assert(state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_address == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.manifest_newest_address == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_checksum == 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.manifest_newest_checksum == 0);
+ } else {
+ assert(state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_address != 0);
+ assert(state.checkpoint.manifest_newest_address != 0);
+ assert((state.checkpoint.manifest_block_count == 1) ==
+ (state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_address ==
+ state.checkpoint.manifest_newest_address));
+ assert((state.checkpoint.manifest_block_count == 1) ==
+ (state.checkpoint.manifest_oldest_checksum ==
+ state.checkpoint.manifest_newest_checksum));
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn monotonic(old: VSRState, new: VSRState) bool {
+ old.assert_internally_consistent();
+ new.assert_internally_consistent();
+ if (old.checkpoint.header.op == new.checkpoint.header.op) {
+ if (old.checkpoint.header.checksum == 0 and old.checkpoint.header.op == 0) {
+ // "old" is the root VSRState.
+ assert(old.commit_max == 0);
+ assert(old.sync_op_min == 0);
+ assert(old.sync_op_max == 0);
+ assert(old.log_view == 0);
+ assert(old.view == 0);
+ } else {
+ assert(stdx.equal_bytes(CheckpointState, &old.checkpoint, &new.checkpoint));
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(old.checkpoint.header.checksum != new.checkpoint.header.checksum);
+ assert(old.checkpoint.parent_checkpoint_id !=
+ new.checkpoint.parent_checkpoint_id);
+ }
+ assert(old.replica_id == new.replica_id);
+ assert(old.replica_count == new.replica_count);
+ assert(stdx.equal_bytes([constants.members_max]u128, &old.members, &new.members));
+ if (old.checkpoint.header.op > new.checkpoint.header.op) return false;
+ if (old.view > new.view) return false;
+ if (old.log_view > new.log_view) return false;
+ if (old.commit_max > new.commit_max) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ pub fn would_be_updated_by(old: VSRState, new: VSRState) bool {
+ assert(monotonic(old, new));
+ return !stdx.equal_bytes(VSRState, &old, &new);
+ }
+ /// Compaction is one bar ahead of superblock's commit_min.
+ /// The commits from the bar following commit_min were in the mutable table, and
+ /// thus not preserved in the checkpoint.
+ /// But the corresponding `compact()` updates were preserved, and must not be repeated
+ /// to ensure deterministic storage.
+ pub fn op_compacted(state: VSRState, op: u64) bool {
+ // If commit_min is 0, we have never checkpointed, so no compactions are checkpointed.
+ return state.checkpoint.header.op > 0 and
+ op <= vsr.Checkpoint.trigger_for_checkpoint(state.checkpoint.header.op).?;
+ }
+ };
+ /// CheckpointState for SuperBlockVersion=1 (and 0 for development builds).
+ ///
+ /// We maintain this so replicas with SuperBlockVersion=2 are able to parse older SuperBlocks
+ /// (see `read_header_callback` for translation from CheckpointStateOld → CheckpointState).
+ pub const CheckpointStateOld = extern struct {
+ /// The last prepare of the checkpoint committed to the state machine.
+ /// At startup, replay the log hereafter.
+ header: vsr.Header.Prepare,
+ free_set_last_block_checksum: u128,
+ free_set_last_block_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ client_sessions_last_block_checksum: u128,
+ client_sessions_last_block_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ manifest_oldest_checksum: u128,
+ manifest_oldest_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ manifest_newest_checksum: u128,
+ manifest_newest_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ snapshots_block_checksum: u128,
+ snapshots_block_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ /// Checksum covering the entire encoded free set. Strictly speaking it is redundant:
+ /// free_set_last_block_checksum indirectly covers the same data. It is still useful
+ /// to protect from encoding-decoding bugs as a defense in depth.
+ free_set_checksum: u128,
+ /// Checksum covering the entire client sessions, as defense-in-depth.
+ client_sessions_checksum: u128,
+ /// The checkpoint_id() of the checkpoint which last updated our commit_min.
+ /// Following state sync, this is set to the last checkpoint that we skipped.
+ parent_checkpoint_id: u128,
+ /// The parent_checkpoint_id of the parent checkpoint.
+ /// TODO We might be able to remove this when
+ /// https://github.com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle/issues/1378 is fixed.
+ grandparent_checkpoint_id: u128,
+ free_set_last_block_address: u64,
+ client_sessions_last_block_address: u64,
+ manifest_oldest_address: u64,
+ manifest_newest_address: u64,
+ snapshots_block_address: u64,
+ // Logical storage size in bytes.
+ //
+ // If storage_size is less than the data file size, then the grid blocks beyond storage_size
+ // were used previously, but have since been freed.
+ //
+ // If storage_size is more than the data file size, then the data file might have been
+ // truncated/corrupted.
+ storage_size: u64,
+ // Size of the encoded trailers in bytes.
+ // It is equal to the sum of sizes of individual trailer blocks and is used for assertions.
+ free_set_size: u64,
+ client_sessions_size: u64,
+ /// The number of manifest blocks in the manifest log.
+ manifest_block_count: u32,
+ /// All prepares between `CheckpointStateOld.commit_min` (i.e. `op_checkpoint`) and
+ /// `trigger_for_checkpoint(checkpoint_after(commit_min))` must be executed by this release.
+ /// (Prepares with `operation=upgrade` are the exception – upgrades in the last
+ /// `lsm_compaction_ops` before a checkpoint trigger may be replayed by a different release.
+ release: vsr.Release,
+ reserved: [472]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 472,
+ comptime {
+ assert(@sizeOf(CheckpointStateOld) % @sizeOf(u128) == 0);
+ assert(@sizeOf(CheckpointStateOld) == 1024);
+ assert(stdx.no_padding(CheckpointStateOld));
+ }
+ };
+ /// The content of CheckpointState is deterministic for the corresponding checkpoint.
+ ///
+ /// This struct is sent in a `start_view` message from the primary to a syncing replica.
+ pub const CheckpointState = extern struct {
+ /// The last prepare of the checkpoint committed to the state machine.
+ /// At startup, replay the log hereafter.
+ header: vsr.Header.Prepare,
+ free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_checksum: u128,
+ free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ free_set_blocks_released_last_block_checksum: u128,
+ free_set_blocks_released_last_block_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ client_sessions_last_block_checksum: u128,
+ client_sessions_last_block_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ manifest_oldest_checksum: u128,
+ manifest_oldest_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ manifest_newest_checksum: u128,
+ manifest_newest_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ snapshots_block_checksum: u128,
+ snapshots_block_checksum_padding: u128 = 0,
+ /// Checksum covering the entire encoded free set. Strictly speaking it is redundant:
+ /// free_set_last_block_checksum indirectly covers the same data. It is still useful
+ /// to protect from encoding-decoding bugs as a defense in depth.
+ free_set_blocks_acquired_checksum: u128,
+ free_set_blocks_released_checksum: u128,
+ /// Checksum covering the entire client sessions, as defense-in-depth.
+ client_sessions_checksum: u128,
+ /// The checkpoint_id() of the checkpoint which last updated our commit_min.
+ /// Following state sync, this is set to the last checkpoint that we skipped.
+ parent_checkpoint_id: u128,
+ /// The parent_checkpoint_id of the parent checkpoint.
+ /// TODO We might be able to remove this when
+ /// https://github.com/tigerbeetle/tigerbeetle/issues/1378 is fixed.
+ grandparent_checkpoint_id: u128,
+ free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_address: u64,
+ free_set_blocks_released_last_block_address: u64,
+ client_sessions_last_block_address: u64,
+ manifest_oldest_address: u64,
+ manifest_newest_address: u64,
+ snapshots_block_address: u64,
+ // Logical storage size in bytes.
+ //
+ // If storage_size is less than the data file size, then the grid blocks beyond storage_size
+ // were used previously, but have since been freed.
+ //
+ // If storage_size is more than the data file size, then the data file might have been
+ // truncated/corrupted.
+ storage_size: u64,
+ // Size of the encoded trailers in bytes.
+ // It is equal to the sum of sizes of individual trailer blocks and is used for assertions.
+ free_set_blocks_acquired_size: u64,
+ free_set_blocks_released_size: u64,
+ client_sessions_size: u64,
+ /// The number of manifest blocks in the manifest log.
+ manifest_block_count: u32,
+ /// All prepares between `CheckpointState.commit_min` (i.e. `op_checkpoint`) and
+ /// `trigger_for_checkpoint(checkpoint_after(commit_min))` must be executed by this release.
+ /// (Prepares with `operation=upgrade` are the exception – upgrades in the last
+ /// `lsm_compaction_ops` before a checkpoint trigger may be replayed by a different release.
+ release: vsr.Release,
+ reserved: [408]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 408,
+ comptime {
+ assert(@sizeOf(CheckpointState) % @sizeOf(u128) == 0);
+ assert(@sizeOf(CheckpointState) == 1024);
+ assert(stdx.no_padding(CheckpointState));
+ }
+ };
+ pub fn calculate_checksum(superblock: *const SuperBlockHeader) u128 {
+ comptime assert(meta.fieldIndex(SuperBlockHeader, "checksum") == 0);
+ comptime assert(meta.fieldIndex(SuperBlockHeader, "checksum_padding") == 1);
+ comptime assert(meta.fieldIndex(SuperBlockHeader, "copy") == 2);
+ const checksum_size = @sizeOf(@TypeOf(superblock.checksum));
+ comptime assert(checksum_size == @sizeOf(u128));
+ const checksum_padding_size = @sizeOf(@TypeOf(superblock.checksum_padding));
+ comptime assert(checksum_padding_size == @sizeOf(u128));
+ const copy_size = @sizeOf(@TypeOf(superblock.copy));
+ comptime assert(copy_size == 2);
+ const ignore_size = checksum_size + checksum_padding_size + copy_size;
+ return vsr.checksum(std.mem.asBytes(superblock)[ignore_size..]);
+ }
+ pub fn set_checksum(superblock: *SuperBlockHeader) void {
+ // `copy` is not covered by the checksum, but for our staging/working superblock headers it
+ // should always be zero.
+ assert(superblock.copy < constants.superblock_copies);
+ assert(superblock.copy == 0);
+ assert(superblock.version == SuperBlockVersion);
+ assert(superblock.release_format.value > 0);
+ assert(superblock.flags == 0);
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&superblock.reserved));
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&superblock.vsr_state.reserved));
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint.reserved));
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&superblock.vsr_headers_reserved));
+ assert(superblock.checksum_padding == 0);
+ assert(superblock.parent_padding == 0);
+ superblock.checksum = superblock.calculate_checksum();
+ }
+ pub fn valid_checksum(superblock: *const SuperBlockHeader) bool {
+ return superblock.checksum == superblock.calculate_checksum() and
+ superblock.checksum_padding == 0;
+ }
+ pub fn checkpoint_id(superblock: *const SuperBlockHeader) u128 {
+ return vsr.checksum(std.mem.asBytes(&superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint));
+ }
+ pub fn parent_checkpoint_id(superblock: *const SuperBlockHeader) u128 {
+ return superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint.parent_checkpoint_id;
+ }
+ /// Does not consider { checksum, copy } when comparing equality.
+ pub fn equal(a: *const SuperBlockHeader, b: *const SuperBlockHeader) bool {
+ assert(a.release_format.value == b.release_format.value);
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&a.reserved));
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&b.reserved));
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&a.vsr_state.reserved));
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&b.vsr_state.reserved));
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&a.vsr_headers_reserved));
+ assert(stdx.zeroed(&b.vsr_headers_reserved));
+ assert(a.checksum_padding == 0);
+ assert(b.checksum_padding == 0);
+ assert(a.parent_padding == 0);
+ assert(b.parent_padding == 0);
+ if (a.version != b.version) return false;
+ if (a.cluster != b.cluster) return false;
+ if (a.sequence != b.sequence) return false;
+ if (a.parent != b.parent) return false;
+ if (!stdx.equal_bytes(VSRState, &a.vsr_state, &b.vsr_state)) return false;
+ if (a.vsr_headers_count != b.vsr_headers_count) return false;
+ if (!stdx.equal_bytes(
+ [constants.view_change_headers_max]vsr.Header.Prepare,
+ &a.vsr_headers_all,
+ &b.vsr_headers_all,
+ )) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ pub fn vsr_headers(superblock: *const SuperBlockHeader) vsr.Headers.ViewChangeSlice {
+ return vsr.Headers.ViewChangeSlice.init(
+ if (superblock.vsr_state.log_view < superblock.vsr_state.view)
+ .do_view_change
+ else
+ .start_view,
+ superblock.vsr_headers_all[0..superblock.vsr_headers_count],
+ );
+ }
+ pub fn manifest_references(superblock: *const SuperBlockHeader) ManifestReferences {
+ const checkpoint_state = &superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint;
+ return .{
+ .oldest_address = checkpoint_state.manifest_oldest_address,
+ .oldest_checksum = checkpoint_state.manifest_oldest_checksum,
+ .newest_address = checkpoint_state.manifest_newest_address,
+ .newest_checksum = checkpoint_state.manifest_newest_checksum,
+ .block_count = checkpoint_state.manifest_block_count,
+ };
+ }
+ pub fn free_set_reference(
+ superblock: *const SuperBlockHeader,
+ bitset: vsr.FreeSet.BitsetKind,
+ ) TrailerReference {
+ switch (bitset) {
+ .blocks_acquired => {
+ return .{
+ .checksum = superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_checksum,
+ .last_block_address = superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_address,
+ .last_block_checksum = superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_checksum,
+ .trailer_size = superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_size,
+ };
+ },
+ .blocks_released => {
+ return .{
+ .checksum = superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_released_checksum,
+ .last_block_address = superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_address,
+ .last_block_checksum = superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_checksum,
+ .trailer_size = superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_released_size,
+ };
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn client_sessions_reference(superblock: *const SuperBlockHeader) TrailerReference {
+ const checkpoint = &superblock.vsr_state.checkpoint;
+ return .{
+ .checksum = checkpoint.client_sessions_checksum,
+ .last_block_address = checkpoint.client_sessions_last_block_address,
+ .last_block_checksum = checkpoint.client_sessions_last_block_checksum,
+ .trailer_size = checkpoint.client_sessions_size,
+ };
+ }
+pub const ManifestReferences = struct {
+ /// The chronologically first manifest block in the chain.
+ oldest_checksum: u128,
+ oldest_address: u64,
+ /// The chronologically last manifest block in the chain.
+ newest_checksum: u128,
+ newest_address: u64,
+ /// The number of manifest blocks in the chain.
+ block_count: u32,
+ pub fn empty(references: *const ManifestReferences) bool {
+ if (references.block_count == 0) {
+ assert(references.oldest_address == 0);
+ assert(references.oldest_checksum == 0);
+ assert(references.newest_address == 0);
+ assert(references.newest_checksum == 0);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ assert(references.oldest_address != 0);
+ assert(references.newest_address != 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+pub const TrailerReference = struct {
+ /// Checksum over the entire encoded trailer.
+ checksum: u128,
+ last_block_address: u64,
+ last_block_checksum: u128,
+ trailer_size: u64,
+ pub fn empty(reference: *const TrailerReference) bool {
+ if (reference.trailer_size == 0) {
+ assert(reference.checksum == vsr.checksum(&.{}));
+ assert(reference.last_block_address == 0);
+ assert(reference.last_block_checksum == 0);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ assert(reference.last_block_address > 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+comptime {
+ switch (constants.superblock_copies) {
+ 4, 6, 8 => {},
+ else => @compileError("superblock_copies must be either { 4, 6, 8 } for flexible quorums."),
+ }
+/// The size of the entire superblock storage zone.
+pub const superblock_zone_size = superblock_copy_size * constants.superblock_copies;
+/// Leave enough padding after every superblock copy so that it is feasible, in the future, to
+/// modify the `pipeline_prepare_queue_max` of an existing cluster (up to a maximum of clients_max).
+/// (That is, this space is reserved for potential `vsr_headers`).
+const superblock_copy_padding: comptime_int = stdx.div_ceil(
+ (constants.clients_max - constants.pipeline_prepare_queue_max) * @sizeOf(vsr.Header),
+ constants.sector_size,
+) * constants.sector_size;
+/// The size of an individual superblock header copy, including padding.
+pub const superblock_copy_size = @sizeOf(SuperBlockHeader) + superblock_copy_padding;
+comptime {
+ assert(superblock_copy_padding % constants.sector_size == 0);
+ assert(superblock_copy_size % constants.sector_size == 0);
+/// The size of a data file that has an empty grid.
+pub const data_file_size_min =
+ superblock_zone_size +
+ constants.journal_size +
+ constants.client_replies_size +
+ vsr.Zone.size(.grid_padding).?;
+/// This table shows the sequence number progression of the SuperBlock's headers.
+/// action working staging disk
+/// format seq seq seq
+/// 0 - Initially the file has no headers.
+/// 0 1 -
+/// 0 1 1 Write a copyset for the first sequence.
+/// 1 1 1 Read quorum; verify 3/4 are valid.
+/// open seq seq seq
+/// a
+/// a a Read quorum; verify 2/4 are valid.
+/// a (a) a Repair any broken copies of `a`.
+/// checkpoint seq seq seq
+/// a a a
+/// a a+1
+/// a a+1 a+1
+/// a+1 a+1 a+1 Read quorum; verify 3/4 are valid.
+/// view_change seq seq seq
+/// a a
+/// a a+1 a The new sequence reuses the original parent.
+/// a a+1 a+1
+/// a+1 a+1 a+1 Read quorum; verify 3/4 are valid.
+/// working staging disk
+pub fn SuperBlockType(comptime Storage: type) type {
+ return struct {
+ const SuperBlock = @This();
+ pub const Context = struct {
+ superblock: *SuperBlock,
+ callback: *const fn (context: *Context) void,
+ caller: Caller,
+ write: Storage.Write = undefined,
+ read: Storage.Read = undefined,
+ read_threshold: ?Quorums.Threshold = null,
+ copy: ?u8 = null,
+ /// Used by format(), checkpoint(), view_change().
+ vsr_state: ?SuperBlockHeader.VSRState = null,
+ /// Used by format() and view_change().
+ vsr_headers: ?vsr.Headers.ViewChangeArray = null,
+ repairs: ?Quorums.RepairIterator = null, // Used by open().
+ };
+ storage: *Storage,
+ /// The superblock that was recovered at startup after a crash or that was last written.
+ working: *align(constants.sector_size) SuperBlockHeader,
+ /// The superblock that will replace the current working superblock once written.
+ /// We cannot mutate any working state directly until it is safely on stable storage.
+ /// Otherwise, we may accidentally externalize guarantees that are not yet durable.
+ staging: *align(constants.sector_size) SuperBlockHeader,
+ /// The copies that we read into at startup or when verifying the written superblock.
+ reading: []align(constants.sector_size) SuperBlockHeader,
+ /// It might seem that, at startup, we simply install the copy with the highest sequence.
+ ///
+ /// However, there's a scenario where:
+ /// 1. We are able to write sequence 7 to 3/4 copies, with the last write being lost.
+ /// 2. We startup and read all copies, with reads misdirected to the copy with sequence 6.
+ ///
+ /// Another scenario:
+ /// 1. We begin to write sequence 7 to 1 copy and then crash.
+ /// 2. At startup, the read to this copy fails, and we recover at sequence=6.
+ /// 3. We then checkpoint another sequence 7 to 3/4 copies and crash.
+ /// 4. At startup, we then see 4 copies with the same sequence with 1 checksum different.
+ ///
+ /// To mitigate these scenarios, we ensure that we are able to read a quorum of copies.
+ /// This also gives us confidence that our working superblock has sufficient redundancy.
+ quorums: Quorums = Quorums{},
+ /// Whether the superblock has been opened. An open superblock may not be formatted.
+ opened: bool = false,
+ /// Runtime limit on the size of the datafile.
+ storage_size_limit: u64,
+ /// There may only be a single caller queued at a time, to ensure that the VSR protocol is
+ /// careful to submit at most one view change at a time.
+ queue_head: ?*Context = null,
+ queue_tail: ?*Context = null,
+ /// Set to non-null after open().
+ /// Used for logging.
+ replica_index: ?u8 = null,
+ pub const Options = struct {
+ storage: *Storage,
+ storage_size_limit: u64,
+ };
+ pub fn init(allocator: mem.Allocator, options: Options) !SuperBlock {
+ assert(options.storage_size_limit >= data_file_size_min);
+ assert(options.storage_size_limit <= constants.storage_size_limit_max);
+ assert(options.storage_size_limit % constants.sector_size == 0);
+ const a = try allocator.alignedAlloc(SuperBlockHeader, constants.sector_size, 1);
+ errdefer allocator.free(a);
+ const b = try allocator.alignedAlloc(SuperBlockHeader, constants.sector_size, 1);
+ errdefer allocator.free(b);
+ const reading = try allocator.alignedAlloc(
+ [constants.superblock_copies]SuperBlockHeader,
+ constants.sector_size,
+ 1,
+ );
+ errdefer allocator.free(reading);
+ return SuperBlock{
+ .storage = options.storage,
+ .working = &a[0],
+ .staging = &b[0],
+ .reading = &reading[0],
+ .storage_size_limit = options.storage_size_limit,
+ };
+ }
+ pub fn deinit(superblock: *SuperBlock, allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
+ allocator.destroy(superblock.working);
+ allocator.destroy(superblock.staging);
+ allocator.free(superblock.reading);
+ }
+ pub const FormatOptions = struct {
+ cluster: u128,
+ release: vsr.Release,
+ replica: u8,
+ replica_count: u8,
+ };
+ pub fn format(
+ superblock: *SuperBlock,
+ callback: *const fn (context: *Context) void,
+ context: *Context,
+ options: FormatOptions,
+ ) void {
+ assert(!superblock.opened);
+ assert(superblock.replica_index == null);
+ assert(options.release.value > 0);
+ assert(options.replica_count > 0);
+ assert(options.replica_count <= constants.replicas_max);
+ assert(options.replica < options.replica_count + constants.standbys_max);
+ const members = vsr.root_members(options.cluster);
+ const replica_id = members[options.replica];
+ superblock.replica_index = vsr.member_index(&members, replica_id);
+ // This working copy provides the parent checksum, and will not be written to disk.
+ // We therefore use zero values to make this parent checksum as stable as possible.
+ superblock.working.* = .{
+ .copy = 0,
+ .version = SuperBlockVersion,
+ .sequence = 0,
+ .release_format = options.release,
+ .cluster = options.cluster,
+ .parent = 0,
+ .vsr_state = .{
+ .checkpoint = .{
+ .header = mem.zeroes(vsr.Header.Prepare),
+ .parent_checkpoint_id = 0,
+ .grandparent_checkpoint_id = 0,
+ .manifest_oldest_checksum = 0,
+ .manifest_oldest_address = 0,
+ .manifest_newest_checksum = 0,
+ .manifest_newest_address = 0,
+ .manifest_block_count = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_checksum = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_checksum = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_checksum = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_checksum = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_address = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_address = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_size = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_size = 0,
+ .client_sessions_checksum = 0,
+ .client_sessions_last_block_checksum = 0,
+ .client_sessions_last_block_address = 0,
+ .client_sessions_size = 0,
+ .storage_size = 0,
+ .snapshots_block_checksum = 0,
+ .snapshots_block_address = 0,
+ .release = vsr.Release.zero,
+ },
+ .replica_id = replica_id,
+ .members = members,
+ .commit_max = 0,
+ .sync_op_min = 0,
+ .sync_op_max = 0,
+ .sync_view = 0,
+ .log_view = 0,
+ .view = 0,
+ .replica_count = options.replica_count,
+ },
+ .vsr_headers_count = 0,
+ .vsr_headers_all = mem.zeroes(
+ [constants.view_change_headers_max]vsr.Header.Prepare,
+ ),
+ };
+ superblock.working.set_checksum();
+ context.* = .{
+ .superblock = superblock,
+ .callback = callback,
+ .caller = .format,
+ .vsr_state = SuperBlockHeader.VSRState.root(.{
+ .cluster = options.cluster,
+ .release = options.release,
+ .replica_id = replica_id,
+ .members = members,
+ .replica_count = options.replica_count,
+ }),
+ .vsr_headers = vsr.Headers.ViewChangeArray.root(options.cluster),
+ };
+ // TODO At a higher layer, we must:
+ // 1. verify that there is no valid superblock, and
+ // 2. zero the superblock, WAL and client table to ensure storage determinism.
+ superblock.acquire(context);
+ }
+ pub fn open(
+ superblock: *SuperBlock,
+ callback: *const fn (context: *Context) void,
+ context: *Context,
+ ) void {
+ assert(!superblock.opened);
+ context.* = .{
+ .superblock = superblock,
+ .callback = callback,
+ .caller = .open,
+ };
+ superblock.acquire(context);
+ }
+ const UpdateCheckpoint = struct {
+ header: vsr.Header.Prepare,
+ view_attributes: ?struct {
+ log_view: u32,
+ view: u32,
+ headers: *const vsr.Headers.ViewChangeArray,
+ },
+ commit_max: u64,
+ sync_op_min: u64,
+ sync_op_max: u64,
+ manifest_references: ManifestReferences,
+ free_set_references: struct {
+ blocks_acquired: TrailerReference,
+ blocks_released: TrailerReference,
+ },
+ client_sessions_reference: TrailerReference,
+ storage_size: u64,
+ release: vsr.Release,
+ };
+ /// Must update the commit_min and commit_min_checksum.
+ pub fn checkpoint(
+ superblock: *SuperBlock,
+ callback: *const fn (context: *Context) void,
+ context: *Context,
+ update: UpdateCheckpoint,
+ ) void {
+ assert(superblock.opened);
+ assert(update.header.op <= update.commit_max);
+ assert(update.header.op > superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op);
+ assert(update.header.checksum !=
+ superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint.header.checksum);
+ assert(update.sync_op_min <= update.sync_op_max);
+ assert(update.release.value >= superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint.release.value);
+ assert(update.storage_size <= superblock.storage_size_limit);
+ assert(update.storage_size >= data_file_size_min);
+ assert((update.storage_size == data_file_size_min) ==
+ (update.free_set_references.blocks_acquired.empty() and
+ update.free_set_references.blocks_released.empty()));
+ // NOTE: Within the vsr_state.checkpoint assignment below, do not read from vsr_state
+ // directly. A miscompilation bug (as of Zig 0.11.0) causes fields to receive the
+ // incorrect values.
+ const vsr_state_staging = superblock.staging.vsr_state;
+ const update_client_sessions = &update.client_sessions_reference;
+ var vsr_state = superblock.staging.vsr_state;
+ vsr_state.checkpoint = .{
+ .header = update.header,
+ .parent_checkpoint_id = superblock.staging.checkpoint_id(),
+ .grandparent_checkpoint_id = vsr_state_staging.checkpoint.parent_checkpoint_id,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_checksum = update.free_set_references
+ .blocks_acquired.checksum,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_checksum = update.free_set_references
+ .blocks_released.checksum,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_size = update.free_set_references
+ .blocks_acquired.trailer_size,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_size = update.free_set_references
+ .blocks_released.trailer_size,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_checksum = update.free_set_references
+ .blocks_acquired.last_block_checksum,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_checksum = update.free_set_references
+ .blocks_released.last_block_checksum,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_address = update.free_set_references
+ .blocks_acquired.last_block_address,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_address = update.free_set_references
+ .blocks_released.last_block_address,
+ .client_sessions_checksum = update_client_sessions.checksum,
+ .client_sessions_last_block_checksum = update_client_sessions.last_block_checksum,
+ .client_sessions_last_block_address = update_client_sessions.last_block_address,
+ .client_sessions_size = update.client_sessions_reference.trailer_size,
+ .manifest_oldest_checksum = update.manifest_references.oldest_checksum,
+ .manifest_oldest_address = update.manifest_references.oldest_address,
+ .manifest_newest_checksum = update.manifest_references.newest_checksum,
+ .manifest_newest_address = update.manifest_references.newest_address,
+ .manifest_block_count = update.manifest_references.block_count,
+ .storage_size = update.storage_size,
+ .snapshots_block_checksum = vsr_state_staging.checkpoint.snapshots_block_checksum,
+ .snapshots_block_address = vsr_state_staging.checkpoint.snapshots_block_address,
+ .release = update.release,
+ };
+ vsr_state.commit_max = update.commit_max;
+ vsr_state.sync_op_min = update.sync_op_min;
+ vsr_state.sync_op_max = update.sync_op_max;
+ vsr_state.sync_view = 0;
+ if (update.view_attributes) |*view_attributes| {
+ assert(view_attributes.log_view <= view_attributes.view);
+ view_attributes.headers.verify();
+ vsr_state.log_view = view_attributes.log_view;
+ vsr_state.view = view_attributes.view;
+ }
+ assert(superblock.staging.vsr_state.would_be_updated_by(vsr_state));
+ context.* = .{
+ .superblock = superblock,
+ .callback = callback,
+ .caller = .checkpoint,
+ .vsr_state = vsr_state,
+ .vsr_headers = if (update.view_attributes) |*view_attributes|
+ view_attributes.headers.*
+ else
+ vsr.Headers.ViewChangeArray.init(
+ superblock.staging.vsr_headers().command,
+ superblock.staging.vsr_headers().slice,
+ ),
+ };
+ superblock.log_context(context);
+ superblock.acquire(context);
+ }
+ const UpdateViewChange = struct {
+ commit_max: u64,
+ log_view: u32,
+ view: u32,
+ headers: *const vsr.Headers.ViewChangeArray,
+ sync_checkpoint: ?struct {
+ checkpoint: *const vsr.CheckpointState,
+ sync_op_min: u64,
+ sync_op_max: u64,
+ },
+ };
+ /// The replica calls view_change():
+ ///
+ /// - to persist its view/log_view — it cannot advertise either value until it is certain
+ /// they will never backtrack.
+ /// - to update checkpoint during sync
+ ///
+ /// The update must advance view/log_view (monotonically increasing) or checkpoint.
+ // TODO: the current naming confusing and needs changing: during sync, this function doesn't
+ // necessary advance the view.
+ pub fn view_change(
+ superblock: *SuperBlock,
+ callback: *const fn (context: *Context) void,
+ context: *Context,
+ update: UpdateViewChange,
+ ) void {
+ assert(superblock.opened);
+ assert(superblock.staging.vsr_state.commit_max <= update.commit_max);
+ assert(superblock.staging.vsr_state.view <= update.view);
+ assert(superblock.staging.vsr_state.log_view <= update.log_view);
+ assert(superblock.staging.vsr_state.log_view < update.log_view or
+ superblock.staging.vsr_state.view < update.view or
+ update.sync_checkpoint != null);
+ assert((update.headers.command == .start_view and update.log_view == update.view) or
+ (update.headers.command == .do_view_change and update.log_view < update.view));
+ assert(
+ superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op <= update.headers.array.get(0).op,
+ );
+ update.headers.verify();
+ assert(update.view >= update.log_view);
+ var vsr_state = superblock.staging.vsr_state;
+ vsr_state.commit_max = update.commit_max;
+ vsr_state.log_view = update.log_view;
+ vsr_state.view = update.view;
+ if (update.sync_checkpoint) |*sync_checkpoint| {
+ assert(superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op <
+ sync_checkpoint.checkpoint.header.op);
+ const checkpoint_next = vsr.Checkpoint.checkpoint_after(
+ superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op,
+ );
+ const checkpoint_next_next = vsr.Checkpoint.checkpoint_after(checkpoint_next);
+ if (sync_checkpoint.checkpoint.header.op == checkpoint_next) {
+ assert(sync_checkpoint.checkpoint.parent_checkpoint_id ==
+ superblock.staging.checkpoint_id());
+ } else if (sync_checkpoint.checkpoint.header.op == checkpoint_next_next) {
+ assert(sync_checkpoint.checkpoint.grandparent_checkpoint_id ==
+ superblock.staging.checkpoint_id());
+ }
+ vsr_state.checkpoint = sync_checkpoint.checkpoint.*;
+ vsr_state.sync_op_min = sync_checkpoint.sync_op_min;
+ vsr_state.sync_op_max = sync_checkpoint.sync_op_max;
+ }
+ assert(superblock.staging.vsr_state.would_be_updated_by(vsr_state));
+ context.* = .{
+ .superblock = superblock,
+ .callback = callback,
+ .caller = .view_change,
+ .vsr_state = vsr_state,
+ .vsr_headers = update.headers.*,
+ };
+ superblock.log_context(context);
+ superblock.acquire(context);
+ }
+ pub fn updating(superblock: *const SuperBlock, caller: Caller) bool {
+ assert(superblock.opened);
+ if (superblock.queue_head) |head| {
+ if (head.caller == caller) return true;
+ }
+ if (superblock.queue_tail) |tail| {
+ if (tail.caller == caller) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ fn write_staging(superblock: *SuperBlock, context: *Context) void {
+ assert(context.caller != .open);
+ assert(context.caller == .format or superblock.opened);
+ assert(context.copy == null);
+ context.vsr_state.?.assert_internally_consistent();
+ assert(superblock.queue_head == context);
+ assert(superblock.queue_tail == null);
+ superblock.staging.* = superblock.working.*;
+ superblock.staging.sequence = superblock.staging.sequence + 1;
+ superblock.staging.parent = superblock.staging.checksum;
+ superblock.staging.vsr_state = context.vsr_state.?;
+ if (context.vsr_headers) |*headers| {
+ assert(context.caller.updates_vsr_headers());
+ superblock.staging.vsr_headers_count = headers.array.count_as(u32);
+ stdx.copy_disjoint(
+ .exact,
+ vsr.Header.Prepare,
+ superblock.staging.vsr_headers_all[0..headers.array.count()],
+ headers.array.const_slice(),
+ );
+ @memset(
+ superblock.staging.vsr_headers_all[headers.array.count()..],
+ std.mem.zeroes(vsr.Header.Prepare),
+ );
+ } else {
+ assert(!context.caller.updates_vsr_headers());
+ }
+ context.copy = 0;
+ superblock.staging.set_checksum();
+ superblock.write_header(context);
+ }
+ fn write_header(superblock: *SuperBlock, context: *Context) void {
+ assert(superblock.queue_head == context);
+ // We update the working superblock for a checkpoint/format/view_change:
+ // open() does not update the working superblock, since it only writes to repair.
+ if (context.caller == .open) {
+ assert(superblock.staging.sequence == superblock.working.sequence);
+ } else {
+ assert(superblock.staging.sequence == superblock.working.sequence + 1);
+ assert(superblock.staging.parent == superblock.working.checksum);
+ }
+ // The superblock cluster and replica should never change once formatted:
+ assert(superblock.staging.cluster == superblock.working.cluster);
+ assert(superblock.staging.vsr_state.replica_id ==
+ superblock.working.vsr_state.replica_id);
+ const storage_size = superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint.storage_size;
+ assert(storage_size >= data_file_size_min);
+ assert(storage_size <= constants.storage_size_limit_max);
+ assert(context.copy.? < constants.superblock_copies);
+ superblock.staging.copy = context.copy.?;
+ // Updating the copy number should not affect the checksum, which was previously set:
+ assert(superblock.staging.valid_checksum());
+ const buffer = mem.asBytes(superblock.staging);
+ const offset = superblock_copy_size * @as(u32, context.copy.?);
+ log.debug("{?}: {s}: write_header: " ++
+ "checksum={x:0>32} sequence={} copy={} size={} offset={}", .{
+ superblock.replica_index,
+ @tagName(context.caller),
+ superblock.staging.checksum,
+ superblock.staging.sequence,
+ context.copy.?,
+ buffer.len,
+ offset,
+ });
+ SuperBlock.assert_bounds(offset, buffer.len);
+ superblock.storage.write_sectors(
+ write_header_callback,
+ &context.write,
+ buffer,
+ .superblock,
+ offset,
+ );
+ }
+ fn write_header_callback(write: *Storage.Write) void {
+ const context: *Context = @alignCast(@fieldParentPtr("write", write));
+ const superblock = context.superblock;
+ const copy = context.copy.?;
+ assert(superblock.queue_head == context);
+ assert(copy < constants.superblock_copies);
+ assert(copy == superblock.staging.copy);
+ if (context.caller == .open) {
+ context.copy = null;
+ superblock.repair(context);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (copy + 1 == constants.superblock_copies) {
+ context.copy = null;
+ superblock.read_working(context, .verify);
+ } else {
+ context.copy = copy + 1;
+ superblock.write_header(context);
+ }
+ }
+ fn read_working(
+ superblock: *SuperBlock,
+ context: *Context,
+ threshold: Quorums.Threshold,
+ ) void {
+ assert(superblock.queue_head == context);
+ assert(context.copy == null);
+ assert(context.read_threshold == null);
+ // We do not submit reads in parallel, as while this would shave off 1ms, it would also
+ // increase the risk that a single fault applies to more reads due to temporal locality.
+ // This would make verification reads more flaky when we do experience a read fault.
+ // See "An Analysis of Data Corruption in the Storage Stack".
+ context.copy = 0;
+ context.read_threshold = threshold;
+ for (superblock.reading) |*copy| copy.* = undefined;
+ superblock.read_header(context);
+ }
+ fn read_header(superblock: *SuperBlock, context: *Context) void {
+ assert(superblock.queue_head == context);
+ assert(context.copy.? < constants.superblock_copies);
+ assert(context.read_threshold != null);
+ const buffer = mem.asBytes(&superblock.reading[context.copy.?]);
+ const offset = superblock_copy_size * @as(u32, context.copy.?);
+ log.debug("{?}: {s}: read_header: copy={} size={} offset={}", .{
+ superblock.replica_index,
+ @tagName(context.caller),
+ context.copy.?,
+ buffer.len,
+ offset,
+ });
+ SuperBlock.assert_bounds(offset, buffer.len);
+ superblock.storage.read_sectors(
+ read_header_callback,
+ &context.read,
+ buffer,
+ .superblock,
+ offset,
+ );
+ }
+ fn read_header_callback(read: *Storage.Read) void {
+ const context: *Context = @alignCast(@fieldParentPtr("read", read));
+ const superblock = context.superblock;
+ const threshold = context.read_threshold.?;
+ assert(superblock.queue_head == context);
+ assert(context.copy.? < constants.superblock_copies);
+ if (context.copy.? + 1 != constants.superblock_copies) {
+ context.copy = context.copy.? + 1;
+ superblock.read_header(context);
+ return;
+ }
+ context.read_threshold = null;
+ context.copy = null;
+ if (superblock.quorums.working(superblock.reading, threshold)) |quorum| {
+ assert(quorum.valid);
+ assert(quorum.copies.count() >= threshold.count());
+ maybe(quorum.header.copy >= constants.superblock_copies); // `copy` may be corrupt.
+ const working = quorum.header;
+ // TODO: Remove the second condition when logic to translate CheckpointStateOld to
+ // CheckpointState is removed.
+ if (working.version != SuperBlockVersion and working.version != 1) {
+ log.err("found incompatible superblock version {}", .{working.version});
+ @panic("cannot read superblock with incompatible version");
+ }
+ if (threshold == .verify) {
+ if (working.checksum != superblock.staging.checksum) {
+ @panic("superblock failed verification after writing");
+ }
+ assert(working.equal(superblock.staging));
+ }
+ if (context.caller == .format) {
+ assert(working.sequence == 1);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.checkpoint.header.checksum ==
+ vsr.Header.Prepare.root(working.cluster).checksum);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_acquired_size == 0);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.checkpoint.free_set_blocks_released_size == 0);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.checkpoint.client_sessions_size == 0);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.checkpoint.storage_size == data_file_size_min);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op == 0);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.commit_max == 0);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.log_view == 0);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.view == 0);
+ assert(working.vsr_headers_count == 1);
+ assert(working.vsr_state.replica_count <= constants.replicas_max);
+ assert(vsr.member_index(
+ &working.vsr_state.members,
+ working.vsr_state.replica_id,
+ ) != null);
+ }
+ superblock.working.* = working.*;
+ superblock.staging.* = working.*;
+ // Reset the copies, which may be nonzero due to corruption.
+ superblock.working.copy = 0;
+ superblock.staging.copy = 0;
+ const working_checkpoint = &superblock.working.vsr_state.checkpoint;
+ const staging_checkpoint = &superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint;
+ // The SuperBlock on disk is an older version wherein @TypeOf(VSRState.checkpoint)
+ // is CheckpointStateOld. Translate CheckpointStateOld → CheckpointState (zeroing
+ // out new fields) and update the working and staging superblocks.
+ if (working.version == 1) {
+ const checkpoint_old: *const vsr.CheckpointStateOld =
+ @ptrCast(&working.vsr_state.checkpoint);
+ const checkpoint_new = vsr.CheckpointState{
+ .header = checkpoint_old.header,
+ .parent_checkpoint_id = checkpoint_old.parent_checkpoint_id,
+ .grandparent_checkpoint_id = checkpoint_old.grandparent_checkpoint_id,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_checksum = checkpoint_old.free_set_checksum,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_checksum = comptime vsr.checksum(&.{}),
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_checksum = checkpoint_old
+ .free_set_last_block_checksum,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_checksum = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_last_block_address = checkpoint_old
+ .free_set_last_block_address,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_last_block_address = 0,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_size = checkpoint_old.free_set_size,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_size = 0,
+ .client_sessions_checksum = checkpoint_old.client_sessions_checksum,
+ .client_sessions_last_block_checksum = checkpoint_old
+ .client_sessions_last_block_checksum,
+ .client_sessions_last_block_address = checkpoint_old
+ .client_sessions_last_block_address,
+ .client_sessions_size = checkpoint_old.client_sessions_size,
+ .manifest_oldest_checksum = checkpoint_old.manifest_oldest_checksum,
+ .manifest_oldest_address = checkpoint_old.manifest_oldest_address,
+ .manifest_newest_checksum = checkpoint_old.manifest_newest_checksum,
+ .manifest_newest_address = checkpoint_old.manifest_newest_address,
+ .manifest_block_count = checkpoint_old.manifest_block_count,
+ .snapshots_block_checksum = checkpoint_old.snapshots_block_checksum,
+ .snapshots_block_address = checkpoint_old.snapshots_block_address,
+ .storage_size = checkpoint_old.storage_size,
+ .release = checkpoint_old.release,
+ };
+ working_checkpoint.* = checkpoint_new;
+ staging_checkpoint.* = checkpoint_new;
+ superblock.working.version = SuperBlockVersion;
+ superblock.staging.version = SuperBlockVersion;
+ }
+ log.debug(
+ "{[replica]?}: " ++
+ "{[caller]s}: installed working superblock: checksum={[checksum]x:0>32} " ++
+ "sequence={[sequence]} " ++
+ "release={[release]} " ++
+ "cluster={[cluster]x:0>32} replica_id={[replica_id]} " ++
+ "size={[size]} " ++
+ "free_set_blocks_acquired_size={[free_set_blocks_acquired_size]} " ++
+ "free_set_blocks_released_size={[free_set_blocks_released_size]} " ++
+ "client_sessions_size={[client_sessions_size]} " ++
+ "checkpoint_id={[checkpoint_id]x:0>32} " ++
+ "commit_min_checksum={[commit_min_checksum]} commit_min={[commit_min]} " ++
+ "commit_max={[commit_max]} log_view={[log_view]} view={[view]} " ++
+ "sync_op_min={[sync_op_min]} sync_op_max={[sync_op_max]} " ++
+ "manifest_oldest_checksum={[manifest_oldest_checksum]} " ++
+ "manifest_oldest_address={[manifest_oldest_address]} " ++
+ "manifest_newest_checksum={[manifest_newest_checksum]} " ++
+ "manifest_newest_address={[manifest_newest_address]} " ++
+ "manifest_block_count={[manifest_block_count]} " ++
+ "snapshots_block_checksum={[snapshots_block_checksum]} " ++
+ "snapshots_block_address={[snapshots_block_address]}",
+ .{
+ .replica = superblock.replica_index,
+ .caller = @tagName(context.caller),
+ .checksum = superblock.working.checksum,
+ .sequence = superblock.working.sequence,
+ .release = working_checkpoint.release,
+ .cluster = superblock.working.cluster,
+ .replica_id = superblock.working.vsr_state.replica_id,
+ .size = working_checkpoint.storage_size,
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_size = working_checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_acquired_size,
+ .free_set_blocks_released_size = working_checkpoint
+ .free_set_blocks_released_size,
+ .client_sessions_size = working_checkpoint.client_sessions_size,
+ .checkpoint_id = superblock.working.checkpoint_id(),
+ .commit_min_checksum = working_checkpoint.header.checksum,
+ .commit_min = working_checkpoint.header.op,
+ .commit_max = superblock.working.vsr_state.commit_max,
+ .sync_op_min = superblock.working.vsr_state.sync_op_min,
+ .sync_op_max = superblock.working.vsr_state.sync_op_max,
+ .log_view = superblock.working.vsr_state.log_view,
+ .view = superblock.working.vsr_state.view,
+ .manifest_oldest_checksum = working_checkpoint.manifest_oldest_checksum,
+ .manifest_oldest_address = working_checkpoint.manifest_oldest_address,
+ .manifest_newest_checksum = working_checkpoint.manifest_newest_checksum,
+ .manifest_newest_address = working_checkpoint.manifest_newest_address,
+ .manifest_block_count = working_checkpoint.manifest_block_count,
+ .snapshots_block_checksum = working_checkpoint.snapshots_block_checksum,
+ .snapshots_block_address = working_checkpoint.snapshots_block_address,
+ },
+ );
+ for (superblock.working.vsr_headers().slice) |*header| {
+ log.debug("{?}: {s}: vsr_header: op={} checksum={}", .{
+ superblock.replica_index,
+ @tagName(context.caller),
+ header.op,
+ header.checksum,
+ });
+ }
+ if (superblock.working.vsr_state.checkpoint.storage_size >
+ superblock.storage_size_limit)
+ {
+ vsr.fatal(
+ .storage_size_exceeds_limit,
+ "data file too large size={} > limit={}, " ++
+ "restart the replica increasing '--limit-storage'",
+ .{
+ superblock.working.vsr_state.checkpoint.storage_size,
+ superblock.storage_size_limit,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ if (context.caller == .open) {
+ if (context.repairs) |_| {
+ // We just verified that the repair completed.
+ assert(threshold == .verify);
+ superblock.release(context);
+ } else {
+ assert(threshold == .open);
+ context.repairs = quorum.repairs();
+ context.copy = null;
+ superblock.repair(context);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // TODO Consider calling TRIM() on Grid's free suffix after checkpointing.
+ superblock.release(context);
+ }
+ } else |err| switch (err) {
+ error.Fork => @panic("superblock forked"),
+ error.NotFound => @panic("superblock not found"),
+ error.QuorumLost => @panic("superblock quorum lost"),
+ error.ParentNotConnected => @panic("superblock parent not connected"),
+ error.ParentSkipped => @panic("superblock parent superseded"),
+ error.VSRStateNotMonotonic => @panic("superblock vsr state not monotonic"),
+ }
+ }
+ fn repair(superblock: *SuperBlock, context: *Context) void {
+ assert(context.caller == .open);
+ assert(context.copy == null);
+ assert(superblock.queue_head == context);
+ if (context.repairs.?.next()) |repair_copy| {
+ context.copy = repair_copy;
+ log.warn("{?}: repair: copy={}", .{ superblock.replica_index, repair_copy });
+ superblock.staging.* = superblock.working.*;
+ superblock.write_header(context);
+ } else {
+ superblock.release(context);
+ }
+ }
+ fn acquire(superblock: *SuperBlock, context: *Context) void {
+ if (superblock.queue_head) |head| {
+ // All operations are mutually exclusive with themselves.
+ assert(head.caller != context.caller);
+ assert(Caller.transitions.get(head.caller).?.contains(context.caller));
+ assert(superblock.queue_tail == null);
+ log.debug("{?}: {s}: enqueued after {s}", .{
+ superblock.replica_index,
+ @tagName(context.caller),
+ @tagName(head.caller),
+ });
+ superblock.queue_tail = context;
+ } else {
+ assert(superblock.queue_tail == null);
+ superblock.queue_head = context;
+ log.debug("{?}: {s}: started", .{
+ superblock.replica_index,
+ @tagName(context.caller),
+ });
+ if (Storage == @import("../testing/storage.zig").Storage) {
+ // We should have finished all pending superblock io before starting any more.
+ superblock.storage.assert_no_pending_reads(.superblock);
+ superblock.storage.assert_no_pending_writes(.superblock);
+ }
+ if (context.caller == .open) {
+ superblock.read_working(context, .open);
+ } else {
+ superblock.write_staging(context);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn release(superblock: *SuperBlock, context: *Context) void {
+ assert(superblock.queue_head == context);
+ log.debug("{?}: {s}: complete", .{
+ superblock.replica_index,
+ @tagName(context.caller),
+ });
+ if (Storage == @import("../testing/storage.zig").Storage) {
+ // We should have finished all pending io by now.
+ superblock.storage.assert_no_pending_reads(.superblock);
+ superblock.storage.assert_no_pending_writes(.superblock);
+ }
+ switch (context.caller) {
+ .format => {},
+ .open => {
+ assert(!superblock.opened);
+ superblock.opened = true;
+ superblock.replica_index = vsr.member_index(
+ &superblock.working.vsr_state.members,
+ superblock.working.vsr_state.replica_id,
+ ).?;
+ },
+ .checkpoint,
+ .view_change,
+ => {
+ assert(stdx.equal_bytes(
+ SuperBlockHeader.VSRState,
+ &superblock.staging.vsr_state,
+ &context.vsr_state.?,
+ ));
+ assert(stdx.equal_bytes(
+ SuperBlockHeader.VSRState,
+ &superblock.working.vsr_state,
+ &context.vsr_state.?,
+ ));
+ },
+ }
+ const queue_tail = superblock.queue_tail;
+ superblock.queue_head = null;
+ superblock.queue_tail = null;
+ if (queue_tail) |tail| superblock.acquire(tail);
+ context.callback(context);
+ }
+ fn assert_bounds(offset: u64, size: u64) void {
+ assert(offset + size <= superblock_zone_size);
+ }
+ fn log_context(superblock: *const SuperBlock, context: *const Context) void {
+ log.debug("{[replica]?}: {[caller]s}: " ++
+ "commit_min={[commit_min_old]}..{[commit_min_new]} " ++
+ "commit_max={[commit_max_old]}..{[commit_max_new]} " ++
+ "commit_min_checksum={[commit_min_checksum_old]}..{[commit_min_checksum_new]} " ++
+ "log_view={[log_view_old]}..{[log_view_new]} " ++
+ "view={[view_old]}..{[view_new]} " ++
+ "head={[head_old]}..{[head_new]?}", .{
+ .replica = superblock.replica_index,
+ .caller = @tagName(context.caller),
+ .commit_min_old = superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint.header.op,
+ .commit_min_new = context.vsr_state.?.checkpoint.header.op,
+ .commit_max_old = superblock.staging.vsr_state.commit_max,
+ .commit_max_new = context.vsr_state.?.commit_max,
+ .commit_min_checksum_old = superblock.staging.vsr_state.checkpoint.header.checksum,
+ .commit_min_checksum_new = context.vsr_state.?.checkpoint.header.checksum,
+ .log_view_old = superblock.staging.vsr_state.log_view,
+ .log_view_new = context.vsr_state.?.log_view,
+ .view_old = superblock.staging.vsr_state.view,
+ .view_new = context.vsr_state.?.view,
+ .head_old = superblock.staging.vsr_headers().slice[0].checksum,
+ .head_new = if (context.vsr_headers) |*headers|
+ @as(?u128, headers.array.get(0).checksum)
+ else
+ null,
+ });
+ }
+ };
+pub const Caller = enum {
+ format,
+ open,
+ checkpoint,
+ view_change,
+ /// Beyond formatting and opening of the superblock, which are mutually exclusive of all
+ /// other operations, only the following queue combinations are allowed:
+ ///
+ /// from state → to states
+ const transitions = sets: {
+ const Set = std.enums.EnumSet(Caller);
+ break :sets std.enums.EnumMap(Caller, Set).init(.{
+ .format = Set.init(.{}),
+ .open = Set.init(.{}),
+ .checkpoint = Set.init(.{ .view_change = true }),
+ .view_change = Set.init(.{ .checkpoint = true }),
+ });
+ };
+ fn updates_vsr_headers(caller: Caller) bool {
+ return switch (caller) {
+ .format => true,
+ .open => unreachable,
+ .checkpoint => true,
+ .view_change => true,
+ };
+ }
+test "SuperBlockHeader" {
+ const expect = std.testing.expect;
+ var a = std.mem.zeroes(SuperBlockHeader);
+ a.version = SuperBlockVersion;
+ a.release_format = vsr.Release.minimum;
+ a.set_checksum();
+ assert(a.copy == 0);
+ try expect(a.valid_checksum());
+ a.copy += 1;
+ try expect(a.valid_checksum());
+ a.version += 1;
+ try expect(!a.valid_checksum());
diff --git a/superblock_quorums.zig b/superblock_quorums.zig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..838c39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/superblock_quorums.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+const std = @import("std");
+const assert = std.debug.assert;
+const log = std.log.scoped(.superblock_quorums);
+const superblock = @import("./superblock.zig");
+const SuperBlockHeader = superblock.SuperBlockHeader;
+pub const Options = struct {
+ superblock_copies: u8,
+pub fn QuorumsType(comptime options: Options) type {
+ return struct {
+ const Quorums = @This();
+ const Quorum = struct {
+ header: *const SuperBlockHeader,
+ valid: bool = false,
+ /// Track which copies are a member of the quorum.
+ /// Used to ignore duplicate copies of a header when determining a quorum.
+ copies: QuorumCount = QuorumCount.initEmpty(),
+ /// An integer value indicates the copy index found in the corresponding slot.
+ /// A `null` value indicates that the copy is invalid or not a member of the working
+ /// quorum. All copies belong to the same (valid, working) quorum.
+ slots: [options.superblock_copies]?u8 = [_]?u8{null} ** options.superblock_copies,
+ pub fn repairs(quorum: Quorum) RepairIterator {
+ assert(quorum.valid);
+ return .{ .slots = quorum.slots };
+ }
+ };
+ pub const QuorumCount = std.StaticBitSet(options.superblock_copies);
+ pub const Error = error{
+ Fork,
+ NotFound,
+ QuorumLost,
+ ParentNotConnected,
+ ParentSkipped,
+ VSRStateNotMonotonic,
+ };
+ /// We use flexible quorums for even quorums with write quorum > read quorum, for example:
+ /// * When writing, we must verify that at least 3/4 copies were written.
+ /// * At startup, we must verify that at least 2/4 copies were read.
+ ///
+ /// This ensures that our read and write quorums will intersect.
+ /// Using flexible quorums in this way increases resiliency of the superblock.
+ pub const Threshold = enum {
+ verify,
+ open,
+ // Working these threshold out by formula is easy to get wrong, so enumerate them:
+ // The rule is that the write quorum plus the read quorum must be exactly copies + 1.
+ pub fn count(threshold: Threshold) u8 {
+ return switch (threshold) {
+ .verify => switch (options.superblock_copies) {
+ 4 => 3,
+ 6 => 4,
+ 8 => 5,
+ else => unreachable,
+ },
+ // The open quorum must allow for at least two copy faults, because we update
+ // copies in place, temporarily impairing one copy.
+ .open => switch (options.superblock_copies) {
+ 4 => 2,
+ 6 => 3,
+ 8 => 4,
+ else => unreachable,
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ array: [options.superblock_copies]Quorum = undefined,
+ count: u8 = 0,
+ /// Returns the working superblock according to the quorum with the highest sequence number.
+ ///
+ /// * When a member of the parent quorum is still present, verify that the highest quorum is
+ /// connected.
+ /// * When there are 2 quorums: 1/4 new and 3/4 old, favor the 3/4 old since it is safer to
+ /// repair.
+ /// TODO Re-examine this now that there are no superblock trailers to worry about.
+ pub fn working(
+ quorums: *Quorums,
+ copies: []const SuperBlockHeader,
+ threshold: Threshold,
+ ) Error!Quorum {
+ assert(copies.len == options.superblock_copies);
+ assert(threshold.count() >= 2 and threshold.count() <= 5);
+ quorums.array = undefined;
+ quorums.count = 0;
+ for (copies, 0..) |*copy, index| quorums.count_copy(copy, index, threshold);
+ std.mem.sort(Quorum, quorums.slice(), {}, sort_priority_descending);
+ for (quorums.slice()) |quorum| {
+ if (quorum.copies.count() == options.superblock_copies) {
+ log.debug("quorum: checksum={x} parent={x} sequence={} count={} valid={}", .{
+ quorum.header.checksum,
+ quorum.header.parent,
+ quorum.header.sequence,
+ quorum.copies.count(),
+ quorum.valid,
+ });
+ } else {
+ log.warn("quorum: checksum={x} parent={x} sequence={} count={} valid={}", .{
+ quorum.header.checksum,
+ quorum.header.parent,
+ quorum.header.sequence,
+ quorum.copies.count(),
+ quorum.valid,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // No working copies of any sequence number exist in the superblock storage zone at all.
+ if (quorums.slice().len == 0) return error.NotFound;
+ // At least one copy or quorum exists.
+ const b = quorums.slice()[0];
+ // Verify that the remaining quorums are correctly sorted:
+ for (quorums.slice()[1..]) |a| {
+ assert(sort_priority_descending({}, b, a));
+ assert(a.header.valid_checksum());
+ }
+ // Even the best copy with the most quorum still has inadequate quorum.
+ if (!b.valid) return error.QuorumLost;
+ // If a parent quorum is present (either complete or incomplete) it must be connected to
+ // the new working quorum. The parent quorum can exist due to:
+ // - a crash during checkpoint()/view_change() before writing all copies
+ // - a lost or misdirected write
+ // - a latent sector error that prevented a write
+ for (quorums.slice()[1..]) |a| {
+ if (a.header.cluster != b.header.cluster) {
+ log.warn("superblock copy={} has cluster={} instead of {}", .{
+ a.header.copy,
+ a.header.cluster,
+ b.header.cluster,
+ });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (a.header.vsr_state.replica_id != b.header.vsr_state.replica_id) {
+ log.warn("superblock copy={} has replica_id={} instead of {}", .{
+ a.header.copy,
+ a.header.vsr_state.replica_id,
+ b.header.vsr_state.replica_id,
+ });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (a.header.sequence == b.header.sequence) {
+ // Two quorums, same cluster+replica+sequence, but different checksums.
+ // This shouldn't ever happen — but if it does, we can't safely repair.
+ assert(a.header.checksum != b.header.checksum);
+ return error.Fork;
+ }
+ if (a.header.sequence > b.header.sequence + 1) {
+ // We read sequences such as (2,2,2,4) — 2 isn't safe to use, but there isn't a
+ // valid quorum for 4 either.
+ return error.ParentSkipped;
+ }
+ if (a.header.sequence + 1 == b.header.sequence) {
+ assert(a.header.checksum != b.header.checksum);
+ assert(a.header.cluster == b.header.cluster);
+ assert(a.header.vsr_state.replica_id == b.header.vsr_state.replica_id);
+ if (a.header.checksum != b.header.parent) {
+ return error.ParentNotConnected;
+ } else if (!a.header.vsr_state.monotonic(b.header.vsr_state)) {
+ return error.VSRStateNotMonotonic;
+ } else {
+ assert(b.header.valid_checksum());
+ return b;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert(b.header.valid_checksum());
+ return b;
+ }
+ fn count_copy(
+ quorums: *Quorums,
+ copy: *const SuperBlockHeader,
+ slot: usize,
+ threshold: Threshold,
+ ) void {
+ assert(slot < options.superblock_copies);
+ assert(threshold.count() >= 2 and threshold.count() <= 5);
+ if (!copy.valid_checksum()) {
+ log.debug("copy: {}/{}: invalid checksum", .{ slot, options.superblock_copies });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (copy.copy == slot) {
+ log.debug("copy: {}/{}: checksum={x} parent={x} sequence={}", .{
+ slot,
+ options.superblock_copies,
+ copy.checksum,
+ copy.parent,
+ copy.sequence,
+ });
+ } else if (copy.copy >= options.superblock_copies) {
+ log.warn("copy: {}/{}: checksum={x} parent={x} sequence={} corrupt copy={}", .{
+ slot,
+ options.superblock_copies,
+ copy.checksum,
+ copy.parent,
+ copy.sequence,
+ copy.copy,
+ });
+ } else {
+ // If our read was misdirected, we definitely still want to count the copy.
+ // We must just be careful to count it idempotently.
+ log.warn(
+ "copy: {}/{}: checksum={x} parent={x} sequence={} misdirected from copy={}",
+ .{
+ slot,
+ options.superblock_copies,
+ copy.checksum,
+ copy.parent,
+ copy.sequence,
+ copy.copy,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ var quorum = quorums.find_or_insert_quorum_for_copy(copy);
+ assert(quorum.header.checksum == copy.checksum);
+ assert(quorum.header.equal(copy));
+ if (copy.copy >= options.superblock_copies) {
+ // This header is a valid member of the quorum, but with an unexpected copy number.
+ // The "SuperBlockHeader.copy" field is not protected by the checksum, so if that
+ // byte (and only that byte) is corrupted, the superblock is still valid — but we
+ // don't know for certain which copy this was supposed to be.
+ // We make the assumption that this was not a double-fault (corrupt + misdirect) —
+ // that is, the copy is in the correct slot, and its copy index is simply corrupt.
+ quorum.slots[slot] = @intCast(slot);
+ quorum.copies.set(slot);
+ } else if (quorum.copies.isSet(copy.copy)) {
+ // Ignore the duplicate copy.
+ } else {
+ quorum.slots[slot] = @intCast(copy.copy);
+ quorum.copies.set(copy.copy);
+ }
+ quorum.valid = quorum.copies.count() >= threshold.count();
+ }
+ fn find_or_insert_quorum_for_copy(
+ quorums: *Quorums,
+ copy: *const SuperBlockHeader,
+ ) *Quorum {
+ assert(copy.valid_checksum());
+ for (quorums.array[0..quorums.count]) |*quorum| {
+ if (copy.checksum == quorum.header.checksum) return quorum;
+ } else {
+ quorums.array[quorums.count] = Quorum{ .header = copy };
+ quorums.count += 1;
+ return &quorums.array[quorums.count - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ fn slice(quorums: *Quorums) []Quorum {
+ return quorums.array[0..quorums.count];
+ }
+ fn sort_priority_descending(_: void, a: Quorum, b: Quorum) bool {
+ assert(a.header.checksum != b.header.checksum);
+ if (a.valid and !b.valid) return true;
+ if (b.valid and !a.valid) return false;
+ if (a.header.sequence > b.header.sequence) return true;
+ if (b.header.sequence > a.header.sequence) return false;
+ if (a.copies.count() > b.copies.count()) return true;
+ if (b.copies.count() > a.copies.count()) return false;
+ // The sort order must be stable and deterministic:
+ return a.header.checksum > b.header.checksum;
+ }
+ /// Repair a quorum's copies in the safest known order.
+ /// Repair is complete when every copy is on-disk (not necessarily in its home slot).
+ ///
+ /// We must be careful when repairing superblock headers to avoid endangering our quorum if
+ /// an additional fault occurs. We primarily guard against torn header writes — preventing a
+ /// misdirected write from derailing repair is far more expensive and complex — but they are
+ /// likewise far less likely to occur.
+ ///
+ /// For example, consider this case:
+ /// 0. Sequence is initially A.
+ /// 1. Checkpoint sequence B.
+ /// 2. Write B₀ — ok.
+ /// 3. Write B₁ — misdirected to B₂'s slot.
+ /// 4. Crash.
+ /// 5. Recover with quorum B[B₀,A₁,B₁,A₃].
+ /// If we repair the superblock quorum while only considering the valid copies (and not
+ /// slots) the following scenario could occur:
+ /// 6. We already have a valid B₀ and B₁, so begin writing B₂.
+ /// 7. Crash, tearing the B₂ write.
+ /// 8. Recover with quorum A[B₀,A₁,_,A₂].
+ /// The working quorum backtracked from B to A!
+ pub const RepairIterator = struct {
+ /// An integer value indicates the copy index found in the corresponding slot.
+ /// A `null` value indicates that the copy is invalid or not a member of the working
+ /// quorum. All copies belong to the same (valid, working) quorum.
+ slots: [options.superblock_copies]?u8,
+ /// Returns the slot/copy to repair next.
+ /// We never (deliberately) write a copy to a slot other than its own. This is simpler
+ /// to implement, and also reduces risk when one of open()'s reads was misdirected.
+ pub fn next(iterator: *RepairIterator) ?u8 {
+ // Corrupt copy indices have already been normalized.
+ for (iterator.slots) |slot| {
+ assert(slot == null or slot.? < options.superblock_copies);
+ }
+ // Set bits indicate that the corresponding copy was found at least once.
+ var copies_any = QuorumCount.initEmpty();
+ // Set bits indicate that the corresponding copy was found more than once.
+ var copies_duplicate = QuorumCount.initEmpty();
+ for (iterator.slots) |slot| {
+ if (slot) |copy| {
+ if (copies_any.isSet(copy)) copies_duplicate.set(copy);
+ copies_any.set(copy);
+ }
+ }
+ // In descending order, our priorities for repair are:
+ // 1. The slot holds no header, and the copy was not found anywhere.
+ // 2. The slot holds no header, but its copy was found elsewhere.
+ // 3. The slot holds a misdirected header, but that copy is in another slot as well.
+ var a: ?u8 = null;
+ var b: ?u8 = null;
+ var c: ?u8 = null;
+ for (iterator.slots, 0..) |slot, i| {
+ if (slot == null and !copies_any.isSet(i)) a = @intCast(i);
+ if (slot == null and copies_any.isSet(i)) b = @intCast(i);
+ if (slot) |slot_copy| {
+ if (slot_copy != i and copies_duplicate.isSet(slot_copy)) c = @intCast(i);
+ }
+ }
+ const repair = a orelse b orelse c orelse {
+ for (iterator.slots) |slot| assert(slot != null);
+ return null;
+ };
+ iterator.slots[repair] = repair;
+ return repair;
+ }
+ };
+ };