diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/preprocessor.md b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/preprocessor.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1902f5732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/preprocessor.md
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+id: preprocessor
+title: Preprocessor
+import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
+The preprocessor edits files before they go to the LIGO compiler.
+You can include commands called _preprocessor directives_ to instruct the preprocessor to make changes to a file before the compiler receives it, such as including or excluding code and importing code from other files.
+Preprocessor directives can allow you to make changes to files before the compiler processes them.
+For example, the following contract has three entrypoints, but one is between `#if` and `#endif` directives.
+The line `#if INCLUDE_RESET` instructs the preprocessor to include the text between the directives (in this case, the third entrypoint) only if the `INCLUDE_RESET` Boolean variable is set:
+```cameligo group=includereset
+module MyContract = struct
+ type storage = int
+ type result = operation list * storage
+ [@entry] let increment (delta : int) (storage : storage) : result = [],storage + delta
+ [@entry] let decrement (delta : int) (storage : storage) : result = [],storage - delta
+ [@entry] let reset () (_storage : storage) : result = [], 0
+ #endif
+```jsligo group=includereset
+export namespace MyContract {
+ export type storage = int;
+ export type result = [list, storage];
+ @entry const increment = (delta : int, storage : storage) : result => [[], storage + delta];
+ @entry const decrement = (delta : int, storage : storage) : result => [[], storage - delta];
+ @entry const reset = (_u : unit, _storage : storage) : result => [[], 0];
+ #endif
+You can set these Boolean preprocessor variables with the [`#define`](#define-and-undef) directive or by passing them to the `-D` argument of the `ligo compile contract` command.
+For example, if the contract in the previous example is in a file named `mycontract.mligo`, this command causes the preprocessor and compiler to output a contract with only two entrypoints:
+ligo compile contract mycontract.mligo
+This command passes the `INCLUDE_RESET` Boolean variable to the preprocessor and causes the compiler to output a contract with three entrypoints:
+ligo compile contract -D INCLUDE_RESET mycontract.mligo
+You can set these Boolean preprocessor variables with the [`#define`](#define-and-undef) directive or by passing them to the `-D` argument of the `ligo compile contract` command.
+For example, if the contract in the previous example is in a file named `mycontract.jsligo`, this command causes the preprocessor and compiler to output a contract with only two entrypoints:
+ligo compile contract mycontract.jsligo
+This command passes the `INCLUDE_RESET` Boolean variable to the preprocessor and causes the compiler to output a contract with three entrypoints:
+ligo compile contract -D INCLUDE_RESET mycontract.jsligo
+## Viewing the preprocessor output
+It's rarely necessary to view the output of the preprocessor, but if you need to see the output to debug directives, you can view the output with the `ligo print preprocessed` command, as in this example:
+ligo print preprocessed myContract.mligo
+ligo print preprocessed myContract.jsligo
+## Comments
+The preprocessor ignores directives that are in [comments](../syntax/comments), which prevents problems where comments in your code contain text that looks like a directive.
+For example, this code is valid because the preprocessor ignores the text `#endif` in the comment:
+#if true
+ // #endif
+The preprocessor includes and excludes comments just like any other line of code.
+## String processing
+The preprocessor ignores directives that are in strings, which prevents problems where strings in your code contain text that looks like a directive.
+For example, this code includes a string with the text `#endif`, but the preprocessor does not interpret this text as the `#endif` directive:
+```cameligo skip
+#if true
+let textValue = "This string includes the text #endif"
+```jsligo skip
+#if true
+const textValue = "This string includes the text #endif";
+## Blank lines
+When the preprocessor hides text, it includes a blank line consisting only of a newline character in place of the omitted line to keep line numbers in compiler errors consistent with the source file.
+Similarly, it includes a blank line in place of each preprocessor directive.
+These blank lines do not affect compilation.
+For example, take this source file:
+#if false
+This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character
+The output that goes to the compiler from this source file is three blank lines plus the linemarker that indicates the start of the file:
+# 1 "mySourceFile.txt"
+## Linemarkers
+As in C-based languages, the LIGO preprocessor includes [linemarkers](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Preprocessor-Output.html) in files that it processes.
+For example, if you include files with the `#include` directive, the preprocessor inserts a line in the processed file to indicate where the included file starts and a line to indicate where the included file ends and the original file resumes.
+The output begins with a linemarker that indicates the start of the original file that was sent to the preprocessor, in the format `# ""`.
+Other linemarkers follow the same format, adding the number `1` to indicate the start of an imported file and the number `2` to indicate the end of the imported file and the resumption of the previous file.
+The following example uses three files: `a.txt`, `b.txt`, and `c.txt`.
+File A includes file B and file B includes file C.
+Start of "a.txt"
+#include "b.txt"
+End of "a.txt"
+Start of "b.txt"
+#include "c.txt"
+End of "b.txt"
+Start of "c.txt"
+End of "c.txt"
+If you create these files and run the command `ligo print preprocessed --syntax cameligo a.txt`, the output includes linemarkers that indicate where the files begin and end and the line number in the file that the preprocessor is on at the time:
+# 1 "a.txt"
+Start of "a.txt"
+# 1 "b.txt" 1
+Start of "b.txt"
+# 1 "c.txt" 1
+Start of "c.txt"
+End of "c.txt"
+# 3 "b.txt" 2
+End of "b.txt"
+# 3 "a.txt" 2
+End of "a.txt"
+The LIGO compiler ignores these linemarkers when it compiles the code.
+## Directives
+These are the preprocessor directives that the LIGO preprocessor supports:
+- [`#define` and `#undef`](#define-and-undef)
+- [`#error`](#error)
+- [`#if`, `#else`, `#elif`, and `#endif`](#if-else-elif-and-endif)
+- [`#import`](#import)
+- [`#include`](#include)
+### `#define` and `#undef`
+The `#define` directive sets a Boolean variable (also known as a _symbol_) to true, and the `#undef` directive unsets it, which is equivalent to setting it to false.
+You can use these variables with the `#if` directive to show or hide text from the compiler, as in this example:
+#define SYM
+#if SYM
+This IS copied to the output because SYM is set.
+This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character.
+### `#error`
+The `#error` directive forces the preprocessor to stop and emit an error.
+This directive can help you catch problems in complex files.
+You can include an error message, as in this example:
+#error Not implemented/tested yet
+### `#if`, `#else`, `#elif`, and `#endif`
+These conditional directives allow you to include or exclude text conditionally.
+They use a syntax similar to conditions in many other languages, starting with `#if` and ending with `#endif`.
+Logic between these two directives can also include:
+- One `#else` directive before `#endif`
+- One or more `#elif` directives as a shorthand for a
+ `#else` immediately followed by an `#if`
+For example:
+CONDITION_A is true
+CONDITION_B is true
+Neither A nor B are true
+The `#if` and `#elif` directives support basic Boolean logic, including:
+- `||` for the disjunction ("or")
+- `&&` for the conjunction ("and")
+- `==` for equality
+- `!=` for inequality
+- `!` for negation
+- `(` and `)` around expressions to specify order of operations
+For real-world examples of this logic, see [Dexter](https://gitlab.com/dexter2tz/dexter2tz/-/blob/febd360cf6df6e090dedbf21b27538681246f980/dexter.mligo#L52).
+In one section, it uses different record types depending on the version of the FA standard in use (see [`dexter.mligo` line 84](https://gitlab.com/dexter2tz/dexter2tz/-/blob/febd360cf6df6e090dedbf21b27538681246f980/dexter.mligo#L84)):
+type storage =
+ [@layout:comb]
+ { tokenPool : nat ;
+ xtzPool : tez ;
+ lqtTotal : nat ;
+ selfIsUpdatingTokenPool : bool ;
+ freezeBaker : bool ;
+ manager : address ;
+ tokenAddress : address ;
+#if FA2
+ tokenId : nat ;
+ lqtAddress : address ;
+ }
+### `#import`
+The `#import` directive prompts the preprocessor to include another file as a [module](../syntax/modules) in the current file.
+For example, you can create a file with related type definitions, as in this example file named `euro.mligo`:
+```cameligo group=euro
+type t = nat
+let add (a, b : t * t) : t = a + b
+let one : t = 1n
+let two : t = 2n
+In another file, you can import this file, assign it the module `Euro`, and use its definitions:
+```cameligo group=main_importer
+#import "gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/euro.mligo" "Euro"
+type storage = Euro.t
+let tip (s : storage) : storage = Euro.add (s, Euro.one)
+For more information, see [Modules](../syntax/modules).
+The `#import` directive prompts the preprocessor to include another file as a [namespace](../syntax/modules) in the current file.
+For example, you can create a file with related type definitions, as in this example file named `euro.jsligo`:
+```jsligo group=euro
+export type t = nat;
+export const add = (a: t, b: t): t => a + b;
+export const one: t = 1n;
+export const two: t = 2n;
+In another file, you can import this file, assign it the namespace `Euro`, and use its definitions:
+```jsligo group=main_importer
+#import "gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/euro.jsligo" "Euro"
+type storage = Euro.t;
+const tip = (s : storage) : storage =>
+ Euro.add (s, Euro.one);
+When you import a file with the `#import` directive, LIGO packages the file as a namespace.
+Therefore, any namespaces in the file are sub-namespaces of that namespace.
+However, the namespace does not export those sub-namespaces automatically.
+As a result, if you import a file that contains namespaces, those namespaces are not accessible.
+To work around this limitation, add the `@public` decorator to the namespaces in the file.
+For example, this file defines the Euro type as a namespace with the `@public` decorator:
+```jsligo group=euro_namespace_public
+// This file is gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/euro_namespace_public.jsligo
+namespace Euro {
+ export type t = nat;
+ export const add = (a: t, b: t) : t => a + b;
+ export const one: t = 1n;
+ export const two: t = 2n;
+Because the namespace is public, you can access it as a sub-namespace when you import the file into another file:
+```jsligo group=import_euro_public
+#import "gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/euro_namespace_public.jsligo" "Euro_import"
+type euro_balance = Euro_import.Euro.t;
+const add_tip = (s: euro_balance): euro_balance =>
+ Euro_import.Euro.add(s, Euro_import.Euro.one);
+For more information, see [Namespaces](../syntax/modules).
+### `#include`
+The `#include` directive includes the entire text contents of the specified file, as in this example:
+#include "path/to/standard_1.ligo"
+Unlike the `#import` directive, the `#include` directive does not package the included file as a module.
+Unlike the `#import` directive, the `#include` directive does not package the included file as a namespace.
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/euro.jsligo b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/euro.jsligo
similarity index 100%
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rename to gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/euro.jsligo
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 58%
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--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/import_euro_public.jsligo
+++ b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/import_euro_public.jsligo
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#import "gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/euro_namespace_public.jsligo" "Euro_import"
+#import "gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/euro_namespace_public.jsligo" "Euro_import"
type euro_balance = Euro_import.Euro.t;
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a138e4a61f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/includereset.jsligo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+export namespace MyContract {
+ export type storage = int;
+ export type result = [list, storage];
+ @entry const increment = (delta : int, storage : storage) : result => [[], storage + delta];
+ @entry const decrement = (delta : int, storage : storage) : result => [[], storage - delta];
+ @entry const reset = (_u : unit, _storage : storage) : result => [[], 0];
+ #endif
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86602241f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/includereset.mligo
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module MyContract = struct
+ type storage = int
+ type result = operation list * storage
+ [@entry] let increment (delta : int) (storage : storage) : result = [],storage + delta
+ [@entry] let decrement (delta : int) (storage : storage) : result = [],storage - delta
+ [@entry] let reset () (_storage : storage) : result = [], 0
+ #endif
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 54%
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--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/main_importer.jsligo
+++ b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/main_importer.jsligo
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#import "gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/euro.jsligo" "Euro"
+#import "gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/euro.jsligo" "Euro"
type storage = Euro.t;
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/main_importer.mligo b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/main_importer.mligo
similarity index 52%
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index 3c806f455a..6e9c14a81f 100644
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/main_importer.mligo
+++ b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/main_importer.mligo
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#import "gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/euro.mligo" "Euro"
+#import "gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/euro.mligo" "Euro"
type storage = Euro.t
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a13778d743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitlab-pages/docs/compiling/src/preprocessor/ungrouped.mligo
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+type storage =
+ [@layout:comb]
+ { tokenPool : nat ;
+ xtzPool : tez ;
+ lqtTotal : nat ;
+ selfIsUpdatingTokenPool : bool ;
+ freezeBaker : bool ;
+ manager : address ;
+ tokenAddress : address ;
+#if FA2
+ tokenId : nat ;
+ lqtAddress : address ;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/comments.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-id: comments
-title: Comments
-import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
-Comments are recognised by the preprocessor, even in pieces of the
-input that are not copied. (This last point is a difference between
-`cpp` and the `C#` preprocessor.) The rationale for doing so when
-copying the input is that we do not want the preprocessor to interpret
-a directive that is actually in a comment. This can happen when
-commenting out a piece of the source code that contains a
-preprocessing directive: we do not want that directive to be
-When the processor is in skip mode, that is, the input is not copied,
-comments are also recognised. This ensures that a comment containing a
-conditional directive, for example `#endif`, does not start to
-interact with previous directives, like `#if`, or raises an error when
-switching from copy mode to skip mode. In other words, the
-interpretation of comments should always be the same. For
-example, we want the following input to be valid:
-#if true
- // #endif
-Comments are blocks enclosed between `(*` and `*)`, and start with
-`//` for line comments.
-Comments are blocks enclosed between `/*` and `*/`, and start with
-`//` for line comments.
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/define.md b/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/define.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f11de0499..0000000000
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/define.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-id: define
-title: "#define"
-import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
-The booleans `false` and `true` are predefined. The way to define
-_symbols_ (that is the traditional name of those identifiers) consists
-in using the `#define` directive, followed by the symbol, like so:
-#define SYM
-#if SYM
-This IS copied to the output.
-This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character.
-This opens the possibility to use Boolean expressions made of
-- `true` and `false` already mentioned;
-- `||` for the disjunction ("or");
-- `&&` for the conjunction ("and");
-- `==` for equality;
-- `!=` for inequality;
-- `!` for negation;
-- `(` and `)` around expressions to specify priorities.
-Directives are processed in sequence in the input file. This
-preprocessor, like that of `C#`, allows us to _undefine_ a symbol,
-that is, giving it the Boolean value `false`, like so:
-#define SYM
-#undef SYM
-#if SYM
-This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character.
-This IS copied to the output.
-The result is
-# 1 "Tests/undef.txt"
-This IS copied to the output.
-Note: If you wish to redefine a symbol, you must undefine it first.
-When we want to write a cascade of conditionals, the preprocessor
-enables a shortcut by means of the `#elif` directive, like so:
-#if ...
-#elif ...
-#elif ...
-Basically, a `#elif` directive is equivalent to `#else` followed by
-`#if`, but we only need to close with only one `#endif`.
-The rationale for using conditional directives in LIGO is to enable in
-a single smart contract several versions of a standard.
-#elif STANDARD_2
-#error Standard not implemented
-A real life example could be
-[Dexter](https://gitlab.com/dexter2tz/dexter2tz/-/blob/febd360cf6df6e090dedbf21b27538681246f980/dexter.mligo#L52). It
-provides another interesting use of a conditional directive, where
-[a record type depends on the version of the standard](https://gitlab.com/dexter2tz/dexter2tz/-/blob/febd360cf6df6e090dedbf21b27538681246f980/dexter.mligo#L84).
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2cfaee654e..0000000000
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/error.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-id: error
-title: "#error"
-import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
-When debugging or putting in place directives in an already existing
-input, it is sometimes useful to force the preprocessor to stop and
-emit an error. This is possible thanks to the `#error` directive,
-which is followed by an error message as free text until the end of
-the line, like so:
-#error Not implemented/tested yet
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/if.md b/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/if.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e8d5b0c248..0000000000
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/if.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-id: if
-title: "#if"
-import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
-The preprocessor enables the conditional copying of its input. At the
-start, its default mode is _copy_, meaning that characters in the
-input are copied to the output. Conditional directives enable another
-mode: _skip_, by means of which the following characters are
-discarded, and only newline characters are copied.
-Conditional directives follow the familiar syntax of some of their
-cousins in programming languages. At the very least,
-1. they start with the `#if` directive, followed by a Boolean
- expression as argument,
-2. and they are closed by `#endif`.
-It is also possible to use
-- one `#else` directive before `#endif`;
-- a series of `#elif` directive after `#if` (as a short-hand for a
- `#else` immediately followed by an `#if`, except that only one
- `#endif` will close the conditional).
-A trivial example would be:
-#if false
-This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character
-where `false` is a predefined symbol acting like a Boolean value. The
-output is
-# 1 "Tests/test.txt"
-Note what looks like an anonymous preprocessing directive `# 1 "Tests/test.txt"`. We will explain its meaning when presenting
-[The Inclusion Directive](#the-inclusion-directive). (Remark: `cpp`
-would not output blank lines followed by the end of the file.) Their
-use is clearer if we add text before and after the conditional, like
-#if false
-whose preprocessed output is then
-# 1 "Tests/test.txt"
-Here is how to use the `#else` directive:
-#if false
-This is NOT copied to the output, except the newline character.
-This IS copied to the output.
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/import.md b/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/import.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ec0ae6c97c..0000000000
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/import.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-id: import
-title: "#import"
-import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
-The `#import` directive is specific to the LIGO compiler. It provides
-the support for a minimal module/namespace system.
-For more information about modules, see [Modules](../syntax/modules).
-Modules get more handy when they can be made from a file, separate
-from our own program, like a library: when we *import* a module from
-such a file, we automatically obtain a module encapsulating all the
-definitions in it. This will become very handy for organising large
-contracts, as we can divide it into different files, and the module
-system keeps the naming space clean (no need for name mangling).
-Generally, we will take a set of definitions that can be naturally
-grouped by functionality, and put them together in a separate
-file. For example, we can create a file `euro.mligo`:
-```cameligo group=euro
-type t = nat
-let add (a, b : t * t) : t = a + b
-let one : t = 1n
-let two : t = 2n
-In another file, we can import `euro.mligo` as a module, and use its
-definitions. For example, we can create a `main.mligo` that imports
-all definitions from `euro.mligo` as the module `Euro`:
-```cameligo group=main_importer
-#import "gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/euro.mligo" "Euro"
-type storage = Euro.t
-let tip (s : storage) : storage = Euro.add (s, Euro.one)
-For more information about namespaces, see [Namespaces](../syntax/modules).
-Namespaces get more handy when they can be made from a file, separate
-from our own program, like a library: when we *import* a namespace
-from such a file, we automatically obtain a namespace encapsulating
-all the definitions in it. This will become very handy for organising
-large contracts, as we can divide it into different files, and the
-namespace system keeps the naming space clean (no need for name
-Generally, we will take a set of definitions that can be naturally
-grouped by functionality, and put them together in a separate
-file. For example, we can create a file `euro.jsligo`:
-```jsligo group=euro
-export type t = nat;
-export const add = (a: t, b: t): t => a + b;
-export const one: t = 1n;
-export const two: t = 2n;
-In another file, we can import `euro.jsligo` as a namespace, and use
-its definitions. For example, we can create a `main.jsligo` that
-imports all definitions from `euro.jsligo` as the namespace `Euro`:
-```jsligo group=main_importer
-#import "gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/euro.jsligo" "Euro"
-type storage = Euro.t;
-const tip = (s : storage) : storage =>
- Euro.add (s, Euro.one);
-## Importing namespaces
-When you import a file with the `#import` directive, LIGO packages the file as a namespace.
-Therefore, any namespaces in the file are sub-namespaces of that namespace.
-However, the namespace does not export those sub-namespaces automatically.
-As a result, if you import a file that contains namespaces, those namespaces are not accessible.
-To work around this limitation, add the `@public` decorator to the namespaces in the file.
-For example, this file defines the Euro type as a namespace with the `@public` decorator:
-```jsligo group=euro_namespace_public
-// This file is gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/euro_namespace_public.jsligo
-namespace Euro {
- export type t = nat;
- export const add = (a: t, b: t) : t => a + b;
- export const one: t = 1n;
- export const two: t = 2n;
-Because the namespace is public, you can access it as a sub-namespace when you import the file into another file:
-```jsligo group=import_euro_public
-#import "gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/src/import/euro_namespace_public.jsligo" "Euro_import"
-type euro_balance = Euro_import.Euro.t;
-const add_tip = (s: euro_balance): euro_balance =>
- Euro_import.Euro.add(s, Euro_import.Euro.one);
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/include.md b/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/include.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c22bcdf3df..0000000000
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/include.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-id: include
-title: "#include"
-import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
-The solution provided by the conditional directives with symbol
-definition to manage several standards is improved upon by physically
-separating the input into different files. This is where the
-`#include` directive comes handy. Basically, it takes an argument made
-of a string containing a path to the file to be textually included,
-like so:
-#include "path/to/standard_1.ligo"
-and the preprocessor replaces the directive with the contents of the
-file `path/to/standard_1.ligo`, whose contents is then preprocessed as
-well. This can in theory create a loop, for example, if two files try
-to include each other.
-In fact, the preprocessor does more than simply include the given
-file. To enable the consumer of the output to keep track of
-inclusions, in particular, to maintain the line numbers of the input
-that has been copied, the preprocessor inserts two special directives
-in the output, called
-one in the stead of the `#include` directive and one after the
-inclusion. Let us consider the following example where `a.txt`
-includes `b.txt`, which, in turn, includes `c.txt`. Here is the
-contents of `a.txt`:
-Start of "a.txt"
-#include "b.txt"
-End of "a.txt"
-Then `b.txt`:
-Start of "b.txt"
-#include "c.txt"
-End of "b.txt"
-and, finally, `c.txt`:
-Start of "c.txt"
-End of "c.txt"
-If we gather the files in a `Tests` directory and run the preprocessor
-only, like so
-> $ ligo print preprocessed Tests/a.txt
-we obtain on `stdout`:
-# 1 "Tests/a.txt"
-Start of "a.txt"
-# 1 "Tests/b.txt" 1
-Start of "b.txt"
-# 1 "Tests/c.txt" 1
-Start of "c.txt"
-End of "c.txt"
-# 3 "Tests/b.txt" 2
-End of "b.txt"
-# 3 "Tests/a.txt" 2
-End of "a.txt"
-There are three forms of linemarkers:
-1. `# "path/to/file"`
-2. `# "path/to/file" 1`
-3. `# "path/to/file" 2`
-The first kind is used only at the start of the output file and states
-that the line after the linemarker has number `` and
-belongs to the file `path/to/file`. Therefore `Start of "a.txt"` has
-line number `1` in file `Tests/a.txt`.
-The second kind is used when including a file. The `#include`
-directive is discarded in the output, except the newline character,
-which explains the empty line after `Start of "a.txt"`. Then a
-linemarker ending in `1` is printed, which means that we went to the
-file `path/to/file` when processing the input.
-The third kind is inserted in the output upon returning from an
-included file. For example, `# 3 "Tests/b.txt" 2` means that the next
-line has number `3` and we return to file `Tests/b.txt`.
-Linemarkers need to be handled by the consumer of the output. In the
-context of the LIGO compiler, the lexer reads the output of the
-preprocessor, therefore scans for linemarkers.
-When using the preprocessor with the LIGO compiler, the `#include`
-directive can only occur at the top level according to the grammar,
-that is, either at the beginning of the smart contract, in between
-file-level declarations or at the end. (This property is checked by
-the parser.) The rationale for this restriction is to avoid fragments
-of smart contracts that are syntactically incorrect, and yet assembled
-into a correct one.
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/preprocessor.md b/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/preprocessor.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f6a727ef4a..0000000000
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/preprocessor.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-id: preprocessor
-title: Preprocessor
-import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
-A preprocessor is a tool that reads a text file and, if some special
-instructions, called _preprocessing directives_, are found in the
-input, the output may not be an identical copy, for example some parts
-can be skipped. We document here the preprocessor shipped with the
-LIGO compiler.
-This preprocessor features different kinds of directives:
-- directives found in the standard preprocessor for the language
- `C#`;
-- a directive from `cpp`, the `C` preprocessor, enabling the textual
- inclusion of files;
-- a directive specific to LIGO to support a minimal module system.
-Importantly, strings and comments are handled the way `cpp` does ---
-not `C#`.
-In the following subsections, we shall briefly present those
-directives. Here, we state some properties which hold for all of
-- They must start with a `#` symbol at the beginning of a line.
-- Wrongly spelled directives or unsupported ones are ignored without
- warning, and therefore will appear in the output.
-- They can have arguments in the form of free text or
- strings. (Anything after the directive name is considered a
- potential argument.)
-- String arguments must be enclosed between double quotes and
- cannot span over two or more lines.
-- The valid preprocessing of a directive leaves in its place an
- empty line (that is, a newline character) or another directive, to
- be picked up by other tools, like lexers.
-- Newline characters are never discarded, to preserve the line
- numbers of copied text.
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/strings.md b/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/strings.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4016e9ec78..0000000000
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/preprocessor/strings.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-id: strings
-title: Strings
-import Syntax from '@theme/Syntax';
-Strings are recognised by the preprocessor, even in pieces of the
-input that are not copied. (This last point is a difference between
-`cpp` and the `C#` preprocessor.) The rationale for doing so when
-copying the input is that we do not want the preprocessor to interpret
-a directive that is actually in a string. This can happen if the
-source code is that of a bootstrapped compiler, that is, a compiler
-for its own language. Another scenario is that of a test: the source
-code is actually printing what is happening.
-When the processor is in skip mode, that is, the input is not copied,
-strings are also recognised. This ensures that a string containing a
-conditional directive, for example `#endif`, does not start to
-interact with previous directives, like `#if`, or raises an error when
-switching from copy mode to skip mode. In other words, the
-interpretation of strings should always be the same. For example, we
-want the following input to be valid:
-#if true
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/reference/decorators/public.md b/gitlab-pages/docs/reference/decorators/public.md
index d11e592a69..7f2fa9335a 100644
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/reference/decorators/public.md
+++ b/gitlab-pages/docs/reference/decorators/public.md
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ Because code is public by default in CameLIGO, this attribute is not needed in t
The decorator `@public` labels a declaration as available to be called by other pieces of code, similar to the `export` keyword.
-This decorator is needed only when you want to make a namespace available to code in other files, as described in [Importing namespaces](../../preprocessor/import#importing-namespaces).
+This decorator is needed only when you want to make a namespace available to code in other files, as described in [`#import](../../compiling/preprocessor/#import).
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/docs/syntax/modules.md b/gitlab-pages/docs/syntax/modules.md
index 7beca33ab2..fe9d6d56dd 100644
--- a/gitlab-pages/docs/syntax/modules.md
+++ b/gitlab-pages/docs/syntax/modules.md
@@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ Including modules is not possible in JsLIGO.
## Importing modules
You can import modules from other files with the `#import` directive.
-See [`#import`](../preprocessor/import).
+See [`#import`](../compiling/preprocessor#import).
You can import namespaces from other files with the `#import` directive, but only if the namespaces have the `@public` decorator.
-See [`#import`](../preprocessor/import).
+See [`#import`](../compiling/preprocessor#import).
diff --git a/gitlab-pages/website/sidebars.js b/gitlab-pages/website/sidebars.js
index 5a803dfff8..1bc4df26ba 100644
--- a/gitlab-pages/website/sidebars.js
+++ b/gitlab-pages/website/sidebars.js
@@ -125,16 +125,6 @@ const sidebars = {
- "Preprocessor": [
- "preprocessor/preprocessor",
- "preprocessor/comments",
- "preprocessor/strings",
- "preprocessor/if",
- "preprocessor/define",
- "preprocessor/include",
- "preprocessor/import",
- "preprocessor/error"
- ],
"Testing": [
@@ -142,6 +132,7 @@ const sidebars = {
"Compiling": [
+ "compiling/preprocessor",