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This section shows how to call flatbuffers services in tRPC-Go.
See tRPC-Go builds flatbuffers service.
In examples from tRPC-Go builds flatbuffers service, we can generate the client. The project structure is as follows:
├── cmd/client/main.go # client
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── greeter_2.go # second service implementation
├── greeter_2_test.go # test for second service implementation
├── greeter.go # first service implementation
├── greeter_test.go # test for first service implementation
├── main.go # service startup
├── stub/github.com/trpcprotocol/testapp/greeter # stub code
└── trpc_go.yaml # configuration file
Refer to cmd/client/main.go
for client code. Here is an example for single-send and single-receive:
package main
import (
flatbuffers "github.com/google/flatbuffers/go"
trpc "trpc.group/trpc-go/trpc-go"
fb "github.com/trpcprotocol/testapp/greeter"
func callGreeterSayHello() {
proxy := fb.NewGreeterClientProxy(
ctx := trpc.BackgroundContext()
// Single-send single-receive client usage
b := flatbuffers.NewBuilder(clientFBBuilderInitialSize)
// Add field
// Replace "String" in "CreateString" with the type of the field
// Replace "Message" in "AddMessage" with the name of the field
// i := b.CreateString("GreeterSayHello")
// fb.HelloRequestAddMessage(b, i)
reply, err := proxy.SayHello(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
// Replace "Message" with the name of the field
// log.Debugf("simple rpc receive: %q", reply.Message())
log.Debugf("simple rpc receive: %v", reply)
// clientFBBuilderInitialSize set initial client-side size for flatbuffers.NewBuilder
var clientFBBuilderInitialSize int
func init() {
flag.IntVar(&clientFBBuilderInitialSize, "n", 1024, "set client flatbuffers builder's initial size")
func main() {
The structure is similar to protobuf, where "github.com/trpcprotocol/testapp/greeter"
is the importpath for stubs. Refer to protobuf for managing stubs.
Above is pure client-side implementation. When using client in a service, downstream services can be set in trpc_go.yaml
, and no longer needing the code below:
proxy := fb.NewGreeterClientProxy(