Releases: lmachens/skeleton
Releases · lmachens/skeleton
🔖 v1.16.1
✨ Features
- add window cropping (fixes #6)
- add sponsor link
- update form on window resize/movement
- update window directly on form change
- show windows in task bar
- sadly, drag areas (like on Aeternum-Map) are not working anymore. If you want to move the window, you need to add a frame or change the x,y directly.
🐛 Bug fixes
- only allow a single instance of skeleton
🔖 v1.16.0
💥 Breaking Changes
Because of big changes in the data structure and storage, it is required to add websites again 🙏.
✨ Features
- Add
- Add system tray to open websites quickly
- Optimized storage
- Allow to update window bounds (x, y, width, height) in edit form
- Add skeleton icon 💀
📝 Description
- Add note that Windows 10/11 is required
- Add on GitHub
✨ Features
- Remember last position main window
- Remember size of all windows
- Remove hover transparency if mouse cursor is hidden
🐛 Bug fixes
- Stay on top after focus
- Fix transparency of every click through window on hover
- Fix transparency on hover for all windows
Example (YouTube while playing New World)
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