KungFu is a distributed machine learning framework implemented in Golang and C++. It provides Python binding for TensorFlow.
KungFu can be integrated into existing TensorFlow programs as easy as Horovod. It can be used as a standalone collective communication library for C/C++/Golang programs, similar to MPI.
- Golang1.11 or above is required (For the Modules feature).
- CMake is required for building the C++ sources.
- Python and TensorFlow is required if you are going to build the TensorFlow binding.
- gtest is used for unittest, it can be auto fetched and built from source.
All source code are under ./srcs/<lang>/
where <lang> := cpp | go | python
- libkungfu-comm: a C library implemented in Golang
- libkungfu: the public C/C++ library based on kungfu-comm
Peer: the basic unit in a KungFu cluster. A Peer usually represents a system process.
PeerID: PeerID is the unique identifier of a Peer. It tells the KungFu runner how to start the Peer and let peers to locate each other. PeerID is immutable during the life cycle of a Peer.
Session: a group of Peers interconnected by Connections. Currently a Peer can be in at most one Session at the same time. Peers in a Session can perform collective commuication operations, such as allreduce, broadcast.
PeerList: a PeerList is an ordered list of PeerID from all peers in a Session. All Peers in the same Session have the same PeerList, which allows Rank to be defined.
Connection: the communication channel between two Peers. A Connection is the high-level abstraction of a network connection, usually TCP.
Message: the basic communication element in a Connection.
HostSpec: HostSpec is the metadata that describes a host machine.
Graph: A directed communication graph of peers. A graph may contain self loops. The vertices are numbered from 0 to n - 1.
Server: A TCP-based server that accepts Connections
Client: A TCP-based client that can send data using Connections
Handler: A TCP-based connection handler that can handle Connections
./scripts/clean-code.sh --fmt-py
# build a .whl package for release
pip3 wheel -vvv --no-index .
# Run the following command in the KungFu folder
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.tf-gpu -t kungfu:gpu .
# Run the docker
docker run -it kungfu:gpu
KungFu can use NCCL to leverage GPU-GPU direct communication.
# uncomment to use your own NCCL
# export NCCL_HOME=$HOME/local/nccl
KUNGFU_ENABLE_NCCL=1 pip3 install .
To use NVLink, add the following to your Python code
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
from kungfu.python import _get_cuda_index
config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str(_get_cuda_index())
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
and add -allow-nvlink
flag to kungfu-run
# export NCCL_DEBUG=INFO # uncomment to enable
kungfu-run -np 4 -allow-nvlink python3 benchmarks/system/benchmark_kungfu.py