There are many ways you can contribute ixpeobssim:
- contributing documentation, in the form of python doc, sphinx source files, as well as documents like this;
- using ixpeobssim and reporting bugs, suggestions and patches into the issue tracker;
- following up on current issues by posting comments in the issue tracker and/or submitting pull requests.
We are always looking for new core developers to add to our small group, and, if you are particularly motivated, this is definitely a possibility!
The basic process for contributing patches to either the source code or the documentation is pretty standard:
- create an account on githib, if you don't have one already;
- fork the ixpeobssim repository;
- clone the fork to a local working copy on our own machine
git clone<YOUR ID HERE>/ixpeobssim
- create a development branche in our own working copy, e.g.
git branch my_own_branch
git checkout my_own_branch
- do you own things---hopefully for the best;
- commit the changes to your fork
git commit -a -m "see what I did?"
- push the new stuff to your fork;
git push
- GO to github and submit a pull request from the forked branch into the main ixpeobssim repo.
Someone of the other hand will pick things up from there...