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275 lines (198 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

275 lines (198 loc) · 10.3 KB


This repository is now officially archived. It hasn't been used in quite some time, originally this was meant to make my life easier when SSH'ing to various instances on AWS, since then there are plenty of better alternatives, also probably wouldn't use bash either :P

This was good fun at the time, but time to put it to rest.


Primarily an SSH tool to gather a list of instances across all your selected regions.


  1. Install AWS Unified CLI
  2. Your ~/.aws/credentials are set appropriately.
  3. Your ssh keys are valid and in the correct directory ~/.ssh/.



git clone [email protected]:lucas044/bam
cd bam
make install



All searches with instance names can be completed with wildcards, see below for examples:

> bam --ssh "*instance-name*"

> bam --scp-upload "instan*name" local_file.txt

Depending on where you place the wildcard and what system you are running, you may have to use quotes, I would recommend this approach regardless.

When first installing via make install you will be prompted to enter your default regions. These must be set for the tool to work without any extra arguments, otherwise please use the --region flag. This will overwrite your default configuration.


You have the ability to SSH to any instance on AWS. By providing a search on instance name you can have a table of results that will output to the terminal which will then give you the option to ssh to. See below for an example:

> bam --ssh instance-name

|                  SSH                    |
| No.  | Servers         | IP Address     |
| 1    | instance-name   |  |
| 2    | instance-name   |  |

Enter one of the following valid options:
o No. - To SSH on a single instance
o all - To send SSH command on all listed instances
o 0 or 'quit' - To quit

Enter one of the valid options: 1
Are you sure you want to SSH <yes/no>? yes

| Connecting to  |

+ ssh [email protected] ''
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-24-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:

  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:

113 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.

*** System restart required ***
Last login: Fri Feb 17 08:48:35 2017 from

You can also send commands remotely in the same fashion as well as sending it to the entire list of machines, see below for an example:

> bam --ssh instance-name --ssh-command "date"

|                  SSH                    |
| No.  | Servers         | IP Address     |
| 1    | instance-name   |  |
| 2    | instance-name   |  |

Enter one of the following valid options:
o No. - To SSH to a single instance
o all - To send SSH command on all listed instances
o 0 or 'quit' - To quit

Enter one of the valid options: all
Are you sure you want to SSH <yes/no>? yes

| Connecting to  |

+ ssh [email protected] date
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Feb 20 05:22:54 UTC 2017

| Connecting to  |

+ ssh [email protected] date
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Feb 20 05:10:36 UTC 2017

The all command will not work unless the --ssh-command option has been specified with a parameter.

If any special ssh parametes need to be parsed in, this can be achieved with the --ssh-params option, please note that you must wrap the argument in quotes. See below for an example:

> bam --ssh instance-name --ssh-command "date" --ssh-params "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"

| Connecting to  |

+ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null [email protected] date
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Mon Feb 20 21:10:35 UTC 2017


As with SSH, you can SCP in the same fashion, a table of instances will appear after the below command is run, please be sure to include your source file that you would like to SCP:

> bam --scp-upload instance-name local_file.txt
+ scp local_file.txt [email protected]:/home/lucas044

You can also add the --scp-dir option to the command optionally to specify a custom directory, see below for an example:

> bam --scp-upload instance-name file.txt --scp-dir /tmp/dir
+ scp local_file.txt [email protected]:/tmp/dir

You can also use the --scp-download command, to get a file from a remote server to your local machine. See below for example:

> bam --scp-download instance-name remote_file.txt
+ scp [email protected]:remote_file.txt .

As well as SSH mode, you can upload/download to multiple servers at once. See below for an example:

> bam --scp-upload instance-name local_file.txt

|                  SCP                    |
| No.  | Servers         | IP Address     |
| 1    | instance-name   |  |
| 2    | instance-name   |  |

Enter one of the following valid options:
o No. - To SCP files to a single instance
o all - To SCP files to all listed instances
o 0 or 'quit' - To quit

Enter one of the valid options: all
Are you sure you want to SCP <yes/no>? yes

| Connecting to  |

+ scp local_file.txt [email protected]:
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
local_file.txt                                           100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00

| Connecting to  |

+ scp local_file.txt [email protected]:
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
local_file.txt                                           100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00

You can run the above command with the --scp-download to download files from remote servers locally.

Instance Info

You can get important instance information in whatever format you specify. By default the format is in table, you can change the format by using the --output option. See below for examples:

> bam --instance-info "instance-name"

|                                             DescribeInstances                                               |
|       AZ        |      InstanceId      | InstanceType  |      Name       |   PrivateIP    |    PublicIp     |
|  ap-southeast-2a|  i-083216b304e95c4b1 |  t2.xlarge    |  instance-name  | |   |
|  ap-southeast-2a|  i-083216b304e95c4b1 |  r3.xlarge    |  instance-name  | |   |

If you would like to find instances with a different state please append the --instance-state <state> with the state you are searching for.

The below command will print the output in json format, you can also provide text format.

> bam --instance-info "instance-name" --output json

            "Name": "instance-name",
            "InstanceId": "i-083216b304e95c4b1",
            "PrivateIP": "",
            "PublicIp": "",
            "AZ": "ap-southeast-2a",
            "InstanceType": "r3.xlarge"

If you would like to narrow down your search further, you can use the --instance-type option and specify the particular instance type, see below for example:

> bam --instance-info "instance-name" --instance-type "t2.xlarge"

|                                             DescribeInstances                                               |
|       AZ        |      InstanceId      | InstanceType  |      Name       |   PrivateIP    |    PublicIp     |
|  ap-southeast-2a|  i-083216b304e95c4b1 |  t2.xlarge    |  instance-name  | |   |


  • Add in a parallel option, so commands can be run across multiple instances at once.
  • Netcat test prior to ssh/scp and error out


For more detailed information on each option, please use the following command:

> bam --help