With the release of Fedora 33, Docker is not supported by Fedora 33 officially.
This article will help you install Docker on Fedora 33.
sudo dnf remove docker-*
sudo dnf config-manager --disable docker-*
Docker still not support CgroupsV2.
sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-interface=docker0
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=FedoraWorkstation --add-masquerade
Moby is the open-source version of Docker.
sudo dnf install moby-engine docker-compose
sudo systemctl enable docker
restart sudo reboot
sudo docker run hello-world
Runing without sudo
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
//reboot to take effect
sudo reboot