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Kuksa Data Broker


Kuksa Data Broker is a GRPC service acting as a broker of vehicle data / data points / signals.

GRPC Interface(s)

Databroker implements a couple of GRPC interfaces.


This GRPC interface is under development and is meant to be used by kuksa-databroker, kuksa-val-server and the feeders.


This interface is currently used by databroker clients. It is defined as follows (see file in the proto folder):

service Broker {
    rpc GetDatapoints(GetDatapointsRequest) returns (GetDatapointsReply);
    rpc SetDatapoints(SetDatapointsRequest) returns (SetDatapointsReply);

    rpc Subscribe(SubscribeRequest) returns (stream Notification);

    rpc GetMetadata(GetMetadataRequest) returns (GetMetadataReply);


There is also a Collector interface which is used by data point providers to feed data into the broker.

service Collector {
    rpc RegisterDatapoints(RegisterDatapointsRequest) returns (RegisterDatapointsReply);

    rpc UpdateDatapoints(UpdateDatapointsRequest) returns (UpdateDatapointsReply);

    rpc StreamDatapoints(stream StreamDatapointsRequest) returns (stream StreamDatapointsReply);

Relation to the COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)

The data broker is designed to support data entries and branches as defined by VSS.

In order to generate metadata from a VSS specification that can be loaded by the data broker, it's possible to use the tool that's available in the vss-tools repository. E.g.

./vss-tools/ -I spec spec/VehicleSignalSpecification.vspec vss.json

The resulting vss.json can be loaded at startup my supplying the data broker with the command line argument:

--metadata vss.json



Build all

cargo build --examples --bins

Build all release

cargo build --examples --bins --release



Run the broker with:

cargo run --bin databroker

Get help, options and version number with:

cargo run --bin databroker -- -h

Kuksa Data Broker

    databroker [OPTIONS]

        --address <ADDR>    Bind address [default:]
        --port <PORT>       Bind port [default: 55555]
        --metadata <FILE>   Populate data broker with metadata from file [env:
        --dummy-metadata    Populate data broker with dummy metadata
    -h, --help              Print help information
    -V, --version           Print version information

Test the databroker - run client/cli

Run the cli with:

cargo run --bin databroker-cli

To get help and an overview to the offered commands, run the cli and type :

client> help

If server wasn't running at startup

client> connect

The server holds the metadata for the available properties, which is fetched on client startup. This will enable TAB-completion for the available properties in the client. Run "metadata" in order to update it.

Get data points by running "get"

client> get Vehicle.ADAS.CruiseControl.Error
-> Vehicle.ADAS.CruiseControl.Error: NotAvailable

Set data points by running "set"

client> set Vehicle.ADAS.CruiseControl.Error Nooooooo!
-> Ok

Data Broker Query Syntax

Detailed information about the databroker rule engine can be found in

You can try it out in the client using the subscribe command in the client:

client> subscribe

-> status: OK


parameter default value cli parameter environment variable description
metadata --metadata KUKSA_DATA_BROKER_METADATA_FILE Populate data broker with metadata from file
dummy-metadata --dummy-metadata Populate data broker with dummy metadata
listen_address "" --address KUKSA_DATA_BROKER_ADDR Listen for rpc calls
listen_port 55555 --port KUKSA_DATA_BROKER_PORT Listen for rpc calls

To change the default configuration use the arguments during startup see run section or environment variables.

Build and run databroker

To build the release version of databroker, run the following command:

RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --release --bins --examples

Or use following commands for aarch64

cargo install cross

RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cross build --release --bins --examples --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu

Build tar file from generated binaries.

# For amd64
tar -czvf databroker_x86_64.tar.gz \
    target/release/databroker \
    target/release/databroker-cli \
    target/release/examples/perf_setter \
# For aarch64
tar -czvf databroker_aarch64.tar.gz \
    target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/databroker-cli \
    target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/databroker \
    target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/examples/perf_setter \

To build the image execute following commands from root directory as context.

docker build -f kuksa_databroker/Dockerfile -t databroker:<tag> .

Use following command if buildplatform is required

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -f kuksa_databroker/Dockerfile -t databroker:<tag> .

The image creation may take around 2 minutes. After the image is created the databroker container can be ran from any directory of the project:

#By default the container will execute the ./databroker command and load the latest VSS file.
docker run --rm -it  -p 55555:55555/tcp databroker

To run any specific command, just append you command at the end.

docker run --rm -it  -p 55555:55555/tcp databroker <command>


  • Arrays are not supported in conditions as part of queries (i.e. in the WHERE clause).
  • Arrays are not supported by the cli (except for displaying them)

GRPC overview

Vehicle data broker uses GRPC for the communication between server & clients.

A GRPC service uses .proto files to specify the services and the data exchanged between server and client. From this .proto, code is generated for the target language (it's available for C#, C++, Dart, Go, Java, Kotlin, Node, Objective-C, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust...)

This implementation uses the default GRPC transport HTTP/2 and the default serialization format protobuf. The same .proto file can be used to generate server skeleton and client stubs for other transports and serialization formats as well.

HTTP/2 is a binary replacement for HTTP/1.1 used for handling connections / multiplexing (channels) & and providing a standardized way to add authorization headers for authorization & TLS for encryption / authentication. It support two way streaming between client and server.