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ft_irc 📚

Checkout the rfc here:


IRC Client I recommend on a mac : LimeChat.

Use Wireshark to see the packets sent by a client (filter port 6667 and choose loopback to debug locally)

Connection registration

To run the server:

# define the password you want but make sure to add this argument
./ircserv 6667 PASSWORD

To run the server another port so the proxy can run on 6667:

./ircserv 6668 PASSWORD

To test a new client connection from the terminal (optional)

brew install telnet

# then
telnet 6667
NICK nickname
USER username 0 * :realname

⚠️ Avoid crashing when a signal is killing a client connection.

Commands to test

Find information about the administrator of the server


Set away status (automatic reply)

  • AWAY :reason
  • AWAY to remove away status

Shutdown the server (operator permissions)

  • DIE

Invite another user to a channel

  • INVITE nickname #channel

Joining / Creating channels

  • JOIN #channel

⚠️ Make sure you implement the possibility to join multiple channels at once (which is not the case in the current project) Example:

  • JOIN #channel1,#channel2,#channel3

⚠️ Channel names with & are supported but we did not implement the full features. We prefixed with a # channel names that are missing it, but you'd rather not do it (not supported on every client).

⚠️ Make sure channels protected with keys are well implemented, topics should not be defined if key is not mentionned or incorrect.

  • TOPIC #channel :newtopic

Kick a user from a channel (part by force from a channel)

  • KICK #channel nickname
  • KICK #channel nickname :reason

⚠️ Avoid crashing when the user is kicking itself.

Kill a client (operator permissions) - disconnected from the server

  • KILL nickname Make sure you handle the KILL nickname :reason even with spaces.

List channels and their topics

  • LIST

List specific channels

  • LIST #channel

Change mode of a user

The user mentionned must be the same as the one connected to the server.

  • MODE nickname +i (to give invisible status)
  • MODE nickname -i (to remove invisible status)

You can see if this is working fine by doing a LIST comman after and see the different before and after.

Change mode of a channel

⚠️ Make sure you implement more options than we did (even though you are not supposed to do all of it). Ours were partially done.

  • MODE #channel +t (to give topic protection)
  • MODE #channel -t (to remove topic protection)
  • MODE #channel +k password (to give a key to the channel)

Get message of the day

  • MOTD

Listing users present in a channel

Make sure multiple users are present in the channel. Checkout on the terminal what the server sends back, cause you might probably see nothing on the client software.


Listing all users in a channel

  • NAMES #channel

Define nickname at registration or edit it

  • NICK nickname

⚠️ Make sure you handle properly multiple changes with nickname. It might become a bit tricky.

Sed a notice message (no automatic answers)

  • NOTICE nickname :Hello

Become an operator

  • OPER username password

⚠️ Make sure the expected password corresponds to the server's password (dynamic). For some reason we chose to use a static password here.

Part a message from a channel

  • PART #channel
  • PART #channel :I am leaving

Define the password at connection registration

  • PASS password

Send a PING to the server

  • PING ft_irc

It should receive a PONG back from the server.

Sending private message to a user

  • PRIVMSG nickname :Hello

Sending private message to a channel

  • PRIVMSG #channel :Hello

Sending private message to a channel with a key

  • PRIVMSG #channel key :Hello

⚠️ Make sure you handle the key protection for channels properly. Ours is not perfect.

Quit (stop client session) - Error message is sent by the server to the client

  • QUIT

Query local time

  • TIME

Change topic of a channel

  • TOPIC #channel :newtopic

Define the username, realname and hostname at connection

  • USER username localhost ft_irc :realname

Query the version of the server's implementation

  • VERSION "ft_irc"

List all users (WHO) using wildcards

  • WHO user*

List all users (WHO) using wildcards and operator

  • WHO user* o

List all users

  • WHO *
accesing our irc server server sees new connection away ourproxy motd response response and request bonus bot

Alt text

Capture d’écran 2023-10-03 à 19 55 55

Disclaimer: while testing it afterwards, we noticed that some segmentation faults could be encountered. Make sure to test it properly and to fix it if you encounter any.


To run the proxy (optional):


Our proxy and bot bonus are not working perfectly so don't mind errors from them.