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ESP8266WiFi Client Secure Class - Sketch Examples

ESP8266WiFi Library 🔙

Client Secure

The client secure is a client but secure. Application example below will be easier to follow if you check similar and simpler example for the "ordinary" client. That being said we will concentrate on discussing the code that is specific to the client secure.

Table of Contents


In this example we will be retrieving information from a secure server This server is set up in place to provide specific and structured information on GitHub repositories. For instance, we may ask it to provide us the build status or the latest version of esp8266 / Adruino core.

The build status of esp8266 / Adruino may be checked on the repository's home page or on Travis CI site as below:

alt text

GitHub provides a separate server with API to access such information is structured form as JSON.

As you may guess we will use the client secure to contact server and request the build status. If we open specific resource provided in the API with a web browser, the following should show up:

alt text

What we need to do, is to use client secure to connect to, to GET /repos/esp8266/Arduino/commits/master/status, search for the line "state": "success" and display "Build Successful" if we find it, or "Build Failed" if otherwise.

The Sketch

A classic sketch that is doing what we need is already available among examples of ESP8266WiFi library. Please open it to go through it step by step.

How to Verify Server's Identity?

To establish a secure connection with a server we need to verify server's identity. Clients that run on "regular" computers do it by comparing server's certificate with locally stored list of trusted root certificates. Such certificates take several hundreds of KB, so it is not a good option for an ESP module. As an alternative we can use much smaller SHA1 fingerprint of specific certificate.

In declaration section of code we provide the name of host and the corresponding fingerprint.

const char* host = "";
const char* fingerprint = "CF 05 98 89 CA FF 8E D8 5E 5C E0 C2 E4 F7 E6 C3 C7 50 DD 5C";

Get the Fingerprint

We can obtain the fingerprint for specific host using a web browser. For instance on Chrome press Ctrl+Shift+I and go to Security > View Certificate > Details > Thumbprint. This will show a window like below where you can copy the fingerprint and paste it into sketch.

alt text

Remaining steps look almost identical as for the non-secure client example.

Connect to the Server

Instantiate the WiFiClientSecure object and establish a connection (please note we need to use specific httpsPort for secure connections):

WiFiClientSecure client;
Serial.print("connecting to ");
if (!client.connect(host, httpsPort)) {
  Serial.println("connection failed");

Is it THAT Server?

Now verify if the fingerprint we have matches this one provided by the server:

if (client.verify(fingerprint, host)) {
  Serial.println("certificate matches");
} else {
  Serial.println("certificate doesn't match");

If this check fails, it is up to you to decide if to proceed further or abort connection. Also note that certificates have specific validity period. Therefore the fingerprint of certificate we have checked today, will certainly be invalid some time later.

GET Response from the Server

In the next steps we should execute GET command. This is done is similar way as discussed in non-secure client example.

client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
             "Host: " + host + "\r\n" +
             "User-Agent: BuildFailureDetectorESP8266\r\n" +
             "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");

After sending the request we should wait for a reply and then process received information.

Out of received replay we can skip response header. This can be done by reading until an empty line "\r" that marks the end of the header:

while (client.connected()) {
  String line = client.readStringUntil('\n');
  if (line == "\r") {
    Serial.println("headers received");

Read and Check the Response

Finally we should read JSON provided by server and check if it contains {"state": "success":

String line = client.readStringUntil('\n');
if (line.startsWith("{\"state\":\"success\"")) {
  Serial.println("esp8266/Arduino CI successfull!");
} else {
  Serial.println("esp8266/Arduino CI has failed");

Does it Work?

Now once you know how it should work, get the sketch. Update credentials to your Wi-Fi network. Check the current fingerprint of and update it if required. Then upload sketch and open a serial monitor.

If everything is fine (including build status of esp8266 / Arduino) you should see message as below:

connecting to sensor-net
WiFi connected
IP address:
connecting to
certificate matches
requesting URL: /repos/esp8266/Arduino/commits/master/status
request sent
headers received
esp8266/Arduino CI successfull!
reply was:
{"state":"success","statuses":[{"url":"","id":677326372,"state":"success","description":"The Travis CI build passed","target_url":"","context":"continuous-integration/travis-ci/push","created_at":"2016-08-01T09:54:38Z","updated_at":"2016-08-01T09:54:38Z"},{"url":"","id":677333081,"state":"success","description":"27.62% (+0.00%) compared to 0718188","target_url":"","context":"codecov/project","created_at":"2016-08-01T09:59:05Z","updated_at":"2016-08-01T09:59:05Z"},


closing connection


Programming a secure client is almost identical as programming a non-secure client. The difference gets down to one extra step to verify server's identity. Keep in mind limitations due to heavy memory usage that depends on the strength of the key used by the server and whether server is willing to negotiate the TLS buffer size.

For the list of functions provided to manage secure clients, please refer to the Client Secure Class ➡️ documentation.