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Ilya Zverev edited this page Feb 25, 2016 · 5 revisions

If you want to fix or add correct user interface localization, strings.txt is a way to go.

Few things to remember:

  • "en" language should always go first.
  • "comment" field is for other translators to understand the context.
  • "tag" field is to list platforms where translation is used.
  • Map object types translations are in a separate file categories.txt
  • Several translations in strings.txt, like [food] [hotel] [shop] etc. are used to search by category. If you modify them, then the corresponding translation in categories.txt should also be modified.

After you edit strings.txt, please commit your changes (suggested commit message is [strings] Fixed translations), and then run tools/unix/ script from repository root. It will generate correct translations which should be in a separate commit (for easier future merge/rebase). Suggested second commit message is [strings] Generated translations.

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