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Marlon Mark I - 3D Printer

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Technical specifications:

  • N: neutro (black)
  • F: fase (white)
  • T: ground (green)

Power connector

     /   ▉▉   \   
    +          +  
    | ▉▉    ▉▉ |  
      F      N    

Technical specifications:

  • Standard: IEC 60320
  • Coupler: C13

Power supply

Technical specifications:

  • Model: PMC-12V150W1BA
  • Technology: Switching power supply
  • Input:
    • Voltage: 100 ~ 240 VAC
    • Amperage: 2 A
    • Frequency: 50 ~ 60 Hz
    • Power: 150 W
  • Output 1:
    • Voltage: 12 VDC
    • Amperage: 12.6 A


Technical specifications:


.----[PWR]-------------------| USB |--.                                     
|                            '-----'  |                                     
|           GND/RST2  [ ] [ ]         |                                     
|         MOSI2/SCK2  [ ] [ ]  SCL[ ] |   D0                                
|            5V/MISO2 [ ] [ ]  SDA[ ] |   D1                                
|                             AREF[ ] |                                     
|                              GND[ ] |                                     
| [ ]NC                     SCK/13[ ]~|   B7                                
| [ ]v.ref                 MISO/12[ ]~|   B6                                
| [ ]RST                   MOSI/11[ ]~|   B5                                
| [ ]3V3      +----------+      10[ ]~|   B4                                
| [ ]5v       | ARDUINO  |       9[ ]~|   H6                                
| [ ]GND      |   MEGA   |       8[ ]~|   H5                                
| [ ]GND      +----------+            |                                     
| [ ]Vin                         7[ ]~|   H4                                
|                                6[ ]~|   H3                                
| [ ]A0                          5[ ]~|   E3                                
| [ ]A1                          4[ ]~|   G5                                
| [ ]A2                     INT5/3[ ]~|   E5                                
| [ ]A3                     INT4/2[ ]~|   E4                                
| [ ]A4                       TX>1[ ]~|   E1                                
| [ ]A5                       RX<0[ ]~|   E0                                
| [ ]A6                               |                                     
| [ ]A7                     TX3/14[ ] |   J1                                
|                           RX3/15[ ] |   J0                                
| [ ]A8                     TX2/16[ ] |   H1                                
| [ ]A9                     RX2/17[ ] |   H0                                
| [ ]A10               TX1/INT3/18[ ] |   D3                                
| [ ]A11               RX1/INT2/19[ ] |   D2                                
| [ ]A12           I2C-SDA/INT1/20[ ] |   D1                                
| [ ]A13           I2C-SCL/INT0/21[ ] |   D0                                
| [ ]A14                              |                                     
| [ ]A15                              |   PORTS                             
|                RST SCK MISO         |    22=A0  23=A1                     
|         ICSP   [ ] [ ] [ ]          |    24=A2  25=A3                     
|                [ ] [ ] [ ]          |    26=A4  27=A5                     
|                GND MOSI 5V          |    28=A6  29=A7                     
| G                                   |    30=C7  31=C6                     
| N 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 |    32=C5  33=C4                     
| D 2 0 8 6 4 2 0 8 6 4 2 0 8 6 4 2 V |    34=C3  35=C2                     
|         ~ ~                         |    36=C1  37=C0                     
| @ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # @ |    38=D7  39=G2                     
| @ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # @ |    40=G1  41=G0                     
|           ~                         |    42=L7  43=L6                     
| G 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 |    44=L5  45=L4                     
| N 3 1 9 7 5 3 1 9 7 5 3 1 9 7 5 3 V |    46=L3  47=L2                     
| D                                   |    48=L1  49=L0    SPI:             
|                                     |    50=B3  51=B2     50=MISO 51=MOSI
|     2560                            |    52=B1  53=B0     52=SCK  53=SS   
'--.                         .--------'                                     

Diagram by:

Pin designation

id pin type direction description
0 0 - - -
1 1 - - -
2 2 - - X_MAX_PIN
3 3 - - X_MIN_PIN
4 4 - - -
5 5 - - -
6 6 - - -
7 7 - - -
8 8 - - HEATER_1_PIN
9 9 - - FAN_PIN
10 10 - - HEATER_0_PIN
11 11 - - -
12 12 - - PS_ON_PIN
13 13 - - LED_PIN
14 14 - - Y_MIN_PIN
15 15 - - Y_MAX_PIN
16 16 - - -
17 17 - - -
18 18 - - Z_MIN_PIN
19 4 - - Z_MAX_PIN
20 20 - - -
21 21 - - -
22 22 - - -
23 23 - - -
24 24 - - E_ENABLE_PIN
25 25 - - -
26 26 - - E_STEP_PIN
27 27 - - -
28 28 - - E_DIR_PIN
29 29 - - -
30 30 - - -
31 31 - - -
32 32 - - -
33 33 - - -
34 34 - - -
35 35 - - -
36 36 - - -
37 37 - - -
38 38 - - X_ENABLE_PIN
39 39 - - -
40 40 - - -
41 41 - - -
42 42 - - -
43 43 - - -
44 44 - - -
45 45 - - -
46 46 - - Z_STEP_PIN
47 47 - - -
48 48 - - Z_DIR_PIN
49 49 - - -
50 50 - - -
51 51 - - -
52 52 - - -
53 53 - - SDSS
54 0 - - X_STEP_PIN
55 1 - - X_DIR_PIN
56 2 - - Y_ENABLE_PIN
57 3 - - -
58 4 - - -
59 5 - - -
60 6 - - Y_STEP_PIN
61 7 - - Y_DIR_PIN
62 8 - - Z_ENABLE_PIN
63 9 - - -
64 10 - - -
65 11 - - -
66 12 - - -
67 13 - - TEMP_0_PIN
68 14 - - TEMP_1_PIN
69 15 - - -



RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield, or RAMPS for short. It is designed to fit the entire electronics needed for a RepRap in one small package for low cost. RAMPS interfaces an Arduino Mega with the powerful Arduino MEGA platform and has plenty room for expansion. The modular design includes plug in stepper drivers and extruder control electronics on an Arduino MEGA shield for easy service, part replacement, upgrade-ability and expansion. Additionally, a number of Arduino expansion boards can be added to the system as long as the main RAMPS board is kept to the top of the stack.

-- From: RAMPS

Technical specifications:

  • Version: 1.4
  • License: GPL


Technical specifications:

Stepper drivers

Technical specifications:

  • Model: A4988

Each driver has and heat sink to

RAMPS has 3 jumpers to configure each axes resolution. That can be set to configure the motor microstepping.

Resolution configuration

Pololu A4988
M0 M1 M2 Microstep resolution
Low Low Low Full step
High Low Low Half step
Low High Low Quarter step
High High Low Eighth step
High High High Sixteenth step
Pololu DRV8825
M0 M1 M2 Microstep resolution
Low Low Low Full step
High Low Low Half step
Low High Low 1/4 step
High High Low 1/8 step
Low Low High 1/16 step
High Low High 1/32 step
Low High High 1/32 step
High High High 1/32 step

Stepper motor

Technical specifications:

  • Model: 42BYGHM809
  • Holding Torque: 48 N·cm
  • Rated voltage: 3.06 V
  • Shaft: Ø 5 mm no flat
  • Step angle: 0.9 degree
  • Motor length: 48 mm
  • Rated current: 1.7 A/phase
  • Inductance: 2.8 mH
  • Frame Size: NEMA17
  • Step Angle: 0.9 degree
  • Wires: 4
  • Weight: 0.34 kg
  • Length: 48 mm
  • Motor shaft : 5mm
  • Front shaft length: 20mm

Stepper motor reference.

Hot bed

Endstop sensor


Technical specifications:


Technical specifications:

  • Type: Brushless
  • Feature: Noiseless
  • Size: 50 x 50 x 10 mm
  • Voltage: 12 VDC
  • Amperage: 0.12 A

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