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138 lines (127 loc) · 6.33 KB

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executable file
138 lines (127 loc) · 6.33 KB
layout permalink title tags imagefeature chart charttype published

{% assign total_words = 0 %} {% assign readtime = 0 %} {% assign featuredcount = 0 %} {% assign statuscount = 0 %}

{% for post in site.posts %} {% assign post_words = post.content | strip_html | number_of_words %} {% if site.wpm %}{% assign indi_readtime = post_words | append: '.0' | divided_by:site.wpm %}{% else %}{% assign indi_readtime = post_words | append: '.0' | divided_by:180 %}{% endif %} {% assign total_words = total_words | plus: post_words %} {% assign readtime = readtime | plus: indi_readtime %} {% if post.featured %} {% assign featuredcount = featuredcount | plus: 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for status in %}{% assign statuscount = statuscount | plus:1 %}{% endfor %}

This blog currently has {{ site.posts | size }} posts in {{ site.categories | size }} categories which combinedly have {{ total_words }} words, and will take an average reader ({{ site.wpm }} WPM) approximately {% if readtime > 60 %}{% assign readtime_hours = readtime | divided_by: 60 %}{% assign readtime_minutes = readtime | modulo:60 %}{% if readtime_hours > 1 and readtime_hours < 2 %}1 hour{% else %}{{ readtime_hours }} hours{% endif %}{% if readtime_minutes < 1 %}{% elsif readtime_minutes > 1 and readtime_minutes < 1.5 %} and 1 minute {% elsif readtime_minutes > 1.5 %} and {{ readtime_minutes }} minutes{% endif %}{% else %}{% if readtime < 1 %}less than 1 minute {% elsif readtime > 1 and readtime < 1.5 %}1 minute {% elsif readtime > 1.5 %}{{ readtime }} minutes {% endif %}{% endif %} to read. {% if featuredcount != 0 %}There are {{ featuredcount }} featured posts, you should definitely check those out.{% endif %} The most recent post is {% for post in site.posts limit:1 %}{% if post.description %}"{{ post.title }}"{% else %}"{{ post.title }}"{% endif %}{% endfor %} which was published on {% for post in site.posts limit:1 %}{% assign modifiedtime = post.modified | date: "%Y%m%d" %}{% assign posttime = | date: "%Y%m%d" %}{{ | date: "%d %b %Y" }}{% if post.modified %}{% if modifiedtime != posttime %} and last modified on <time datetime="{{ post.modified | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}" itemprop="dateModified">{{ post.modified | date: "%d %b %Y" }}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}. The last commit was on {{ site.time | date: "%A, %d %b %Y" }} at {{ site.time | date: "%I:%M %p" }} UTC. Check out the update log [here]({{ site.url }}/update-log).

Currently there are [{{ statuscount }} status messages.]({{ site.url }}/status-updates)

Doha at its full glory.

Places of Importance

Places of Importance <script type="text/javascript"> AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", { "type": "pie", "pathToImages": "", "balloonText": "Category: [[title]]
[[value]] Posts ([[percents]]%)", "innerRadius": "40%", "minRadius": 100, "pullOutRadius": "15%", "startRadius": "30%", "colors": [ "#FC913A", "#F9D423", "#FF4E50", "#FCD202", "#F8FF01", "#B0DE09", "#04D215", "#0D8ECF", "#0D52D1", "#2A0CD0", "#8A0CCF", "#CD0D74", "#754DEB", "#DDDDDD", "#999999", "#333333", "#000000", "#57032A", "#CA9726", "#990000", "#4B0C25" ], "hoverAlpha": 0.74, "pullOutEffect": "elastic", "pullOutOnlyOne": true, "startEffect": "easeOutSine", "titleField": "category", "valueField": "number-of-posts", "allLabels": [], "balloon": {}, "legend": { "align": "center", "markerType": "diamond", "switchable": false, "textClickEnabled": true, "useMarkerColorForLabels": true, "useMarkerColorForValues": true, "valueText": "[[value]] Posts" }, "titles": [ { "id": "Title-1", "text": "Number of Posts Breakdown" } ], "dataProvider": [ {% assign tags_list = site.categories %} {% if tags_list.first[0] == null %} {% for tag in tags_list %} { "category": "{{ tag | capitalize }}", "number-of-posts": {{ site.tags[tag].size }} }, {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for tag in tags_list %} { "category": "{{ tag[0] | capitalize }}", "number-of-posts": {{ tag[1].size }} }, {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% assign tags_list = nil %} ] } ); </script>