- "Links" (HTML & CSS, Ch. 4)
- "Images" (HTML & CSS, Ch. 5)
- "Basic JavaScript Instructions" (JavaScript, Ch. 2)
Today we will be using the code we wrote in the last class as an example for creating a guessing game project to which we'll be adding during the rest of the week. Use three personalized guessing game questions (The game will consist of three yes/no questions about you (example: "Did I grow up in South Dakota?")). Your end product will look very much like what we finished with in class yesterday, just customized. And if you want, extend it.
- As a developer, I want to create a simple webpage, so that my users can interact with my game.
- As a developer, I want to provide three questions to the user, so that they can guess the answer and get to know me.
- As a developer, I want to notify the user after each question, so they are aware whether they were correct or not in their answers.
- As a developer, I want to debug my code using well structured console messages
- As a developer, I want to manage my code through an online version control system, so I have the ability to work with others and manage my revisions
- A Github Repo has been created for this assignment, and cloned to the local machine
- Directories and file structure are organized with best practices; e.g. Folder called "week_1-2" and file called "index.html"
- HTML and JavaScript are cleanly written with correct indentation and syntax
- Console.log messages are well written and correctly displaying to the browser console
- Add, Commit, Push process is being followed; evident in GitHub that commits are made regularly, and with good commit messages
- As a developer, I want to add a fourth question that takes a numeric input, and indicates to the user whether the guess is 'too high' or 'too low'.