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Week 1, Class 2

Reading Reminder

Assignment for Class

Today we will be using the code we wrote in the last class as an example for creating a guessing game project to which we'll be adding during the rest of the week. Use three personalized guessing game questions (The game will consist of three yes/no questions about you (example: "Did I grow up in South Dakota?")). Your end product will look very much like what we finished with in class yesterday, just customized. And if you want, extend it.

Submit Your Work

User Stories (MVP)

  • As a developer, I want to create a simple webpage, so that my users can interact with my game.
  • As a developer, I want to provide three questions to the user, so that they can guess the answer and get to know me.
  • As a developer, I want to notify the user after each question, so they are aware whether they were correct or not in their answers.
  • As a developer, I want to debug my code using well structured console messages
  • As a developer, I want to manage my code through an online version control system, so I have the ability to work with others and manage my revisions

Technical Requirements

  • A Github Repo has been created for this assignment, and cloned to the local machine
  • Directories and file structure are organized with best practices; e.g. Folder called "week_1-2" and file called "index.html"
  • HTML and JavaScript are cleanly written with correct indentation and syntax
  • Console.log messages are well written and correctly displaying to the browser console
  • Add, Commit, Push process is being followed; evident in GitHub that commits are made regularly, and with good commit messages

User Stories (Stretch)

  • As a developer, I want to add a fourth question that takes a numeric input, and indicates to the user whether the guess is 'too high' or 'too low'.

Helpful Resources