Week 1 Feedback You will receive an email from Code Fellows with a link to the survey. Once complete, please complete this assignment as well.
Today we'll be extending/refining the guessing game and working from a GitHub branch.
In your guessing-game directory, your HTML should be in a file called index.html, your JS in a file called game.js, and you should have a README.md file as well.
Verify Your Understanding with a Quiz
- As a developer, I want to work on a new branch in my repo, so I do not effect the state of my Master branch
- As a developer, I want to update my README.md file, so my repo is well documented and my sources are cited
- As a developer, I want to validate that my user input is in the correct format, so I can accept uppercase/lowercase or shorthand answers
- As a developer, I want to add a fourth question that takes a numeric input, and indicates to the user whether the guess is 'too high' or 'too low'.
- As a developer, I want to notify the user at the end of the game how many questions they guessed correctly, so they can celebrate their awesomeness.
- Work on a branch and push to GitHub
- Updated and cleanly documented README
- Implement a new form of control flow for the fourth question
- Implement counter to track right/wrong answers
- Logical Operators (and possibly string methods) used effectively
- As a developer, I want to add a fifth question to my game, which prompts the user to guess my number (hint: using a while loop) until they have guessed correctly