Week 2 Feedback You will receive an email from Code Fellows with a link to the survey. Once complete, please complete this assignment as well.
Today you will be further extending your guessing game by working with CSS and colors. Once complete you'll be working to deploy your code to the interwebs!
Verify Your Understanding with a Quiz
- As a developer, I want to further apply D.R.Y. to my code, so that I do not have duplicate and unnecessary code.
- As a developer, I want to add some basic styling to my site, so that I can increase the happiness and engagement of my users.
- As a developer, I want to include images in my game, when the user guesses correctly, so that the game is more informative and fun.
- As a developer, I want to color code the answers on-screen, so my user can visually see what answers were right or wrong.
- As a developer, I want to host my game online so that anyone can play!!
- Proper syntax and refactoring when applying D.R.Y.
- Proper use of arrays and functions when applying DRY
- CSS stylesheet linked to html
- Basic CSS properties and values used, such as color, font-size, and font-family
- Images are correctly sized and styled
- Color properly applied on right/wrong answers
- GH-Pages deployment fully functional
- As a developer, I want my site to look more professional, so my users will enjoy their experience (hint: Add more specific CSS styling to make more pretty)