Week 3 Feedback You will receive an email from Code Fellows with a link to the survey. Once complete, please complete this assignment as well.
In lab today we'll be working on the first draft of our styleguide for Pat. Take a look at the example in the assets folder, and read through the styleguide section of the problem domain. You will find requirements for the styleguide, such as fonts and colors!
Verify Your Understanding with a Quiz
- As a user, I want a styleguide for my website, so that anyone working on the site (including me) in the future will have a great reference tool to work from.
- As a developer, I want to use proper HTML5 semantic markup to structure my page.
- As a developer, I want to add the store data to the page using DOM manipulation methods and properties.
- Styleguide meets basic requirements of the problem domain
- Working on a non-master branch for the day, with regular commit history
- As a developer, I want to provide more specificity in my styleguide so that it's much clearer as to what styles are represented in my site
- Get more specific, and have some fun! What other CSS properties can you specify??