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Week 5-6 Class-11

Week 5 Feedback You will receive an email from Code Fellows with a link to the survey. Once complete, please complete this assignment as well.

Reading Reminder

Assignment for Class

Today will be your first exercise in pair programming. You will be paired to work with a partner, and the two of you will work on and extend each other's voting applications.

Using CanvasJS, add a bar chart to the app under the images on the page, where your list/table used to reside. You can get rid of the list/table now... but the process of making it gave you the command over your data that you'll need for making a chart, so it was not wasted energy or effort. In fact, you may want to comment it out and keep it around as a reference until you have the chart going.

Here's some resources and tips on getting CanvasJS added to your vote tracker:

  • The CanvasJS docs, linked in resources below, which include a lot of helpful code examples
  • Most important: get your data packed up properly

As we've been doing all along, you should be working on different things in different branches in your repo, pushing them all to GitHub along the way, and merging them when things are the way you want. You've been doing that, right?

Submit Your Work

Verify Your Understanding with a Quiz

User Stories (MVP)

  • As a developer, I want to present my data in a bar chart format on the webpage using the CanvasJS library.

  • As a developer, I want to gather user data and present it in a clear & accurate manner so that the marketer is able to understand it.

  • As a developer, I want to use an open source library to create my charts so that I don't have to write 3700 lines of code to make the chart.

  • As a developer, I want to link to my partner's repository from my web page, so I can cite our efforts toward improving each other's code.

  • As a user, I want to be able to view my results.

  • As a user, I want to see a tally of all the products I've selected.

  • As a user, I want the chart to show only my preferences, not the preferences of other people.

  • As a user, I want a graphical representation of each time all images were clicked so that I can tell which products I preferred

  • As a user, I want colors and a nice design so that I have a polished user experience

  • As a marketer I want a visual representation of the popularity of the products so that I can determine which will sell the most so I can make monies.

  • As a marketer I want to see all options displayed with their amount of “picks” in a way that I can make quick comparisons.

  • As a marketer I want a reset button so that I can have the game start over for a new user but continue aggregating data to make comparisons across a group of consumers… So I can sell stuff and make $$$$$$.

  • As a marketer, I want to be able to tally the products that are not selected, not just the products that are selected.

  • As a marketer, I want to be able to hone in on the most preferred item, as opposed to just a set of preferred items.

Technical Requirements

  • Work completed on a branch, with great, regular commit history, and well written commit messages
  • Bar chart completed as part of the MVP (If you choose to try another chart after you finish the bar chart, do it on a separate branch.)
  • Updated README
  • Partners have forked, completed work, and then submitted a pull request back to the source repo

User Stories (Stretch)

  • As a developer, I would like to track other meta data (clicks per view) Products are presented in such a way that the app starts with showing all products randomly and then starts showing targeted items to pinpoint the most preferred item.
  • As a user, I want to be able to select the chart type (e.g. pie vs. bar) to suit my preferences.
  • As a user, I want a percentage display with the chart so that I have a numerical reference to go with the graphical one
  • As a marketer, I want the user to quickly see her preferences from most to least favorable.
  • As a marketer, I want to see the # appearances vs. # votes so I know how the survey was presented.
  • As a marketer, I want to be able to compare specific products so that I can compare subsets.

Helpful Resources

Problem Domain Raw Image Assets CanvasJS Docs Supporting Information