Week 6 Feedback You will receive an email from Code Fellows with a link to the survey. Once complete, please complete this assignment as well.
Add some CSS flair to your vote tracking app. Add in transitions and/or animations to help the user know that the screen has changed. For instance, when images are removed, they should fade away, or move off screen. When the new images appear, they should fade in, flip, or move onto the page. When viewing the graph of data, the voting section should fade, reduce, or move away while the graph comes onto the page. Look for something that would help convey what is happening when the user takes certain actions.
- As a developer, I want to add transitions and animations to the page, so that changes due to user actions are conveyed more intuitively.
- As a developer, I want the animations to be subtle, so that they don't distract from what the core purpose of the app.
- Work is completed on a branch called 'class-13'.
- CSS transitions and/or animations are used when image options are added and removed.
- CSS transitions and/or animations are used when the graphed data is displayed and hidden.