ActionsThis action query a docker container registry to check if a given tag exists.
Table of Contents
As a user I want to know if a docker image tag already exists in a registry, this is required to prevent same commit to be build more then once (f.e. re-tagging an existing image after a release workflow).
In order to be able to determine if the container image already exists we can try to get the manifest data from the registry. If the manifest exists the image + tag exists otherwise the request will fail and the image tag is not found.
First implementation is currently tested, use at own risk
tested Registry
tested Registry
tested Google Artifact Registry
tested Amazon Elastic Container Registry
tested Harbor Registry
Issues with hosted arc runners in Google Cloud, implemented a http request as fallback, only tested with google cloud so far
replaced zx library with vanilla js and axios
The return message of the registry is not standarized, please open a PR or create an issue if you encounter trouble with your registry.
- uses: tyriis/docker-image-tag-exists@v2.1.0
# The container image registry
# The container image name
repository: nginx
# The container image tag
tag: "1"
name | type | description |
tag | string | found or not found |
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docker-image-tag-exists is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.