Localazy Upload
ActionsUpload localizable files to the Localazy translation management platform. For detailed documentation of Localazy CLI, please visit the documentation.
Optional Defines the working directory where to invoke Localazy CLI command.
Optional The filename of the configuration file. Default: localazy.json
Optional The filename of the key file.
Optional The read key for the project on Localazy. Can be defined in the config or key file but we recommend to use Github Secrets.
Optional The write key for the project on Localazy. Can be defined in the config or key file but we recommend to use Github Secrets.
Optional Whether to force the upload even if the validation fails; use only if you are sure that your configuration is correct.
Optional Override/provide the app version.
Optional Define groups to be uploaded separated with a space. The default group is always uploaded. If no groups are provided, only the default one is uploaded.
uses: localazy/upload@v1
read_key: ${{ secrets.LOCALAZY_READ_KEY }}
write_key: ${{ secrets.LOCALAZY_WRITE_KEY }}
Localazy Upload is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.
Localazy Upload is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.