Techor Actions
Actions- techor - A monorepo build system and workflow
- techor-conventional-commits - A human-readable set of conventional commits, with version rules and changelog groupings
- conventional-changelog-techor - Beautiful changelog based on Techor's conventional commits
- semantic-release-config-techor - Techor's semantic release config for publishing workspace packages
- pack - Bundling your TypeScript and CSS packages with zero configuration
- version - Smartly bump all workspace-dependent packages to specific versions
- eslint-config-techor - Techor's eslint config
- commitlint-config-techor - Check your commits with Techor's commitlint config
- techor-github-actions - A set of GitHub Actions for techor ecosystem includes PR title checks
- extend — Deeply extend objects ~380B
- a plain obj — Is it a plain object? ~100B
- cross import — Import .ts, .mjs, .cjs files across environments as JavaScript modules
- explore config — Explore multi-format JavaScript module configuration
- fs — A human-friendly file system with glob patterns
- glob — A human-friendly set of glob utilities
- npm — Get, query, and read such as package workspaces via NPM/PNPM.
- turborepo - A high-performance build system for monorepo
- esbuild - An extremely fast JavaScript and CSS bundler and minifier
- semantic-release - Fully automated version management and package publishing
- typescript - A strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript
- commitlint - Lint commit messages
- conventional-changelog - Generate changelogs and release notes from a project's commit messages and metadata
- eslint - Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code
- husky - Modern native Git hooks made easy
- jest - Delightful JavaScript Testing.
- Master CSS - A Virtual CSS language with enhanced syntax
Please see the documentation CONTRIBUTING for workflow.
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