- Changes to support Matomo Oauth disable on cloud
- Fixed warnings for PHP 8.1
- Improved check to ensure future and present dates are not processed today.
- Added the ability to show a security error
- Improved nonce check after authorization
- Updated dependencies to improve PHP 8.2 compatability
- Redesigned UI to simplify connecting to Google Analytics
- Updated language translations
- Improved check to determine nohup support exist or not
- Improved check to determine nohup support exist
- Added some brand mappings.
- Fixed status setting after rate limit and started pulling empty rows for GA4.
- Added code to display import notification if site has GA detected.
- Fixed duplication of Custom Dimensions.
- Fixes deprecation warnings for PHP 8.1
- GA4 - Removed itemRevenue and itemsPurchased metrics due to incompatibility
- Fixed mobile app import not working due to recent change in site creation.
- Fix to log the allowed API requests correctly for cloud.
- Updating error message when a use cancels auth to be more helpful.
- Try/catch block for extraCustomDimensions added to ensure import continues even after slot limit is reached.
- Started calling addSite API through processRequest method to ensure events are triggered.
- Added success notification screen after selecting GA properties
- Added new method to get count of imports scheduled.
- Started using polyfill for bcmath to work instead of asking users to install one.
- Started catching cannot process exception to not throw uncaught exception.
- Fixed regression due to string value being passed for date
- Handled exception being thrown on screen due to log level
- Notification message updated to show last import date
- Stop import process for specified time when quota is exceeded instead of retrying
- Added rate limiting for Analytics Importer for Matomo cloud customers
- Added code to skip retry for certain exceptions
- Added escaping for shell args
- Fixes for System testcases to work due to recent changes
- Adding more date format hints to form fields, #286
- Fixed code to resume import to import before last_day_imported
- Added empty label check for UserCountry Importer GA4
- Fixed redirect uri bug when passing domain in console command
- Fixed recent dates not importing all dates.
- Added missing translation key
- Added support to import GA4 data into Matomo
- Added code to import recent dates first
- Upgraded guzzleHTTP version to 4.5.0
Migrate AngularJS code to Vue.
Mention about the new idSite creation in the notification.
Use correct instanceId in a multi account set up.
- Upgraded google-apiclient library to v2.11 to make it compatible with PHP8.1.
- Added changes to make it compatible with php8.
- Report all types of error messages to end user for easier issue diagnosis.
- Compatibility with Matomo 4.3.0.
- Do not use log data purge check when invalidating week periods after a day is imported.
- Catch cancelled import exceptions and do not propagate in import reports command
- trim property/view/account ID when starting an import to avoid errors on typos
Bug fixes:
- Order import statuses by site ID as integer value instead of as text value.
Other changes:
- Bump phpseclib/phpseclib from 2.0.29 to 2.0.31
Bug Fixes:
- Fix check for whether we should avoid tagmanager container creation.
- Add some more logging for exceptions caught in the controller.
Bug Fixes:
- Check referrer URL comes from google when checking oauth nonce.
- Disable tagmanager container creation while creating new site to import into.
- Only show admin menu item for superusers.
New Features:
- Allow logging to a single file via DI config setting 'GoogleAnalyticsImporter.logToSingleFile'.
- Remove extraneous google services from vendor via composer.
- Do not use nohup on windows and allow users to disable nohup via DI config.
Compatibility with Matomo 4
Bug Fixes:
- Fix issue showing broken URLs when importing page URLs with hash values in them. Affected users will have to re-import affected days.
- Report error without failing command when client is misconfigured in import-reports.
- Fail w/o thrown exception if lock is already acquired.
Bug Fixes:
- Fix issue where days could not be re-archived for imported sites due to lack of timestamp information present in dates.
- Abort on all errors and report when it is due to a insufficient privileges exception.
- Ignore unknown metric exceptions.
- Better debug exception messages when errors occur during controller actions.
Bug Fixes:
- Handle GA API active custom dimension value of empty string properly.
- Handle invalid max end date configuration.
- Check for custom dimension slots before importing & allow ignoring extra custom dimensions
- Fix referrers table subtable in imported reports so link is correct (only affects newly imported reports).
- Show last GA error if there was one when cannot reach GA API fails repeatedly.
- Use exponential backoff for when GA API backend fails.
- Fix forum link in error message.
- Fixing typo in previous rate limit change.
- Do not throw if the rate limit is reached just log a message.
- Added safety measure in case of broken internal import status.
- Default value missing for $maxEndDateDesc (fixes warning).
- Add link to the user guide to GA API config forms.
- Allow lock ttl to be configured and use reexpire lock which waits to expire.
- Allow forced max end date to be specified through config.
- Set a fixed end date for Matomo for WordPress.
Bug Fixes:
- Undo forced input sanitization for client config.
- Fix reimport not respecting last_day_imported.
- Reduce amount of memory used.
- Fix bug in referrers import triggered by not set values in referral path in GA. Imports experiencing the "label column not found" error are failing due to this bug. Re-importing with version 1.4.1 will avoid the issue.
- Update google API client for PHP 7.4 support.
- Use quotaUser to support multi-instance setups.
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug in ongoing import that could result in incomplete metrics being imported. Bug is more visible since changes in 1.3.0.
- Allow re-importing ranges to work when a job is finished or has no more to import.
- Merge Time Started/Time Finished columns to provide more space in the UI.
Bug fix:
- Do not show resume button if status is 'started'.
- Improved support for shared hosting users with hosts that may kill long running processes. The import job is not attempted every hour if a system kills a job, it will restart promptly.
- Detect killed jobs and report to the user so they are not left in suspense.
- Allow re-importing ranges in the past.
- Add a protection for users of Matomo 3.13.2 that will disallow re-archiving of imported days (this can wipe the data that was imported).
Bug fixes:
- Fixing typo.
- Small style tweak.
Bug fixes:
- Handle old statuses without new property.
- Resume button to make it clearer that on an errored import the import doesn't have to be cancelled and restarted.
- Add feature to change import end date dynamically so users don't have to restart if they enter the wrong end date (or don't enter one).
- Support new VisitFrequency metrics in core if available.
Bug fixes:
- Tweaks to messages for clarity.
- Goals record importer was not applying new/returning segments.
- GA does not trim page titles, so ignore on error and hope users report issues.
Bug fixes:
- Fix variable not defined error.
- Make sure version is compatible w/ older versions of Matomo.
Bug fixes:
- Compatibility with Matomo for wordpress.
- Do not fail if an unmappable goal is found (in case user creates their own goal or edits a goal).
- Add new diagnostics to check for required functions and executables.
- Add troubleshooting option to enable debug logging so users can provide useful info in a bug report.
- Allow importing GA dimensions not natively supported in Matomo by creating new custom dimensions.
- Support importing mobile app properties (including screen views metrics as pageviews and screen reports as page title reports).
Bug fixes:
- Remove extra params when redirecting from processAuthCode action.
- Change include paths to better support wordpress installs.
- Do not try to import ecommerce items report if property does not support ecommerce.
- Ordering in GA API requests was not applied.
- Entry/exit page titles should not import unique visitors since we can't get that information reliably.
- URLs that end in the action default name cause a conflict w/ directory paths. This is not an issue anymore.
- Better process strange referrer URLs from GA.
- Allow specifying timezone manually in case GA timezone is not a valid PHP timezone.
- Better and configurable mysql ping for shared hosting.
- If invalid or missing config is found delete existing client configuration.
- Display query count even on rate limit in command output.
- Issue pointless mysql query to keep connection alive on systems that have a small wait_timeout.
- Add --skip-archiving option to allow avoiding launching of archiving command when importing.
- Default empty keyword value when importing campaign keyword report.
- Use CliPhp to determine php binary and default to just php if not found.
- Allow account ID to be specified explicitly since it can differ from the number in the UA-... property ID.
- Print debug message when account ID is deduced from property ID in CLI command.
- Use exponentially increasing wait time between rate limited requests when querying GA API.
- Add import date to error message when import fails.
- Fix bug in Actions record importer where it did not handle summary rows correctly.
- Fix untranslated text.
- Fix typo in actions record importer.
- Initial release (beta).