javac -cp src_folder src/
or better
javac -sourcepath src -d classes src/
java -cp location_of_classfiles MainClassFileName
Important: Do not add the .class extension for MainClassFileName!
First compile your project to a predefined output directory
javac -sourcepath src -d out src/
Enter the output dir
cd out
Create a file Manifest.txt containting
Main-Class: SourceFileWEntrypoint
In that very directory (important!) run
jar cvmf Manifest.txt Jarname.jar SourceFileWEntrypoint.class *
If the code needs any resources they also need to be in out, and be referenced correctly in the code
In the folder which holds all the files to be zipped to a .jar, make sure that your resource files (e.g. images) are in the same directory as the class file needing to access these resources.
Then within an object method, to access your resource, e.g. Image.png
, you call
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
String imageName = "Image.png";
source =;
or, if the calling method happens to be static
source =;