% Further SNA topics
Order of topics to be reordered.
Ego-centric perspective on networks (also: data from name generator). Definition of ego-networks, neighborhoods of different degree.
Basic properties of ego-networks:
- size,
- composition (with respect to node and/or edge attributes),
- homophily,
- heterogeneity.
Concepts of brokerage:
- effective size,
- efficiency,
- Burt’s constraint
- dyadic con- straint.
- Exploratory SNA with Pajek.
- Burt
- W&F
High clustering, short geodesics.
Czy w danej sieci występuję fenomen małych światów?
- Watts & Strogatz
Why you friends have on average more friends than you do?
Ilustracja w przykładowych dancych.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship_paradox
- http://www.economist.com/blogs/economist-explains/2013/04/economist-explains-why-friends-more-popular-paradox
- http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/2781907?sid=21105509656851&uid=4&uid=3738840&uid=2
- http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/17/friends-you-can-count-on/?_r=0
- http://blogs.cornell.edu/info2040/2012/10/03/the-friendship-paradox-why-your-friends-have-more-friends-than-you-do/
Segregation and homophily as local and global characteristics of the network. Mixing matrices. Segregation as dependence of edge probability on node at- tributes. Segregation as dependence between node attributes (mixing). Overview of existing homophily and segregation measures: Freeman’s segre- gation index, Coleman’s homophily index, assortativity coefficient, spectral segregation index, and more.
Bojanowski & Corten (2014)
Funkcje do większości miar są w https://github.com/mbojan/isnar
Cliques (Wasserman & Faust).
Groups and communities:
- Moody (2003) Structural Cohesion and Embeddedness: Hierarchical Concept of Groups
- Newman: granularity.
- Louvain method.
- Inne metody community detection (te co w igraph)
Two-mode networks:
- "having something in common"
- projections
- Name generator
- Position generator
- Resource generator
Ewentualne przykłady eRowe analizy danych zebranych w ten sposób.