Releases: meganz/sdk
Releases Β· meganz/sdk
Version 7.8.0
- [SDK-4239] - Low performance on Recents excluding sensitive nodes
- [SDK-4230] - Lock sdk mutex in getChildren with filter
- [SDK-4218] - iOS Bindings - Fix MEGAAccountSubscription's paymentMethodId and change type to MEGAPaymentMethod
- [SDK-4199] - Android bindings - Add support for int32_t variable type
- [SDK-4126] - [SAO] Flag to Filter Out Sensitive Nodes in Recents File List
- [SDK-4215] - MEGADesktop App is using the value mega::SetElement:HANDLESIZE, including the "SetAndElement.h" file
- [SDK-4214] - Fix clang-format pipeline colors
- [SDK-4212] - Ignore in Git *.autosave files created by Qt Creator
- [SDK-4065] - Return an error in CMake if the build type is empty
- [SDK-4135] - Implement read password entries validation
Target apps
- Android 14.1
- iOS 14.11
Version 7.6.1
- [SDK-4231] - Android Bindings - Update MegaApiJava to not remove native listeners
Target apps
- Android 14.0 (patched)
Version 7.7.0
- [SDK-4220] - Adapt Waiter::maxds usage to new dstime type
- [SDK-4207] - Calls to MegaApi::getNodeByPath and MegaApi::getNodePathByNodeHandle have become incompatibles
- [SDK-4198] - Back off timer for ug expiration
- [SDK-4186] - Fix make-release scripts
- [SDK-4185] - Define missing attributes in
- [SDK-4105] - deviceOf(...) / uuidOf(...) not correctly truncating result of realpath(...).
- [SDK-4023] - Waiter::ds time get overflowed in MacOS systems
- [SDK-4192] - Investigate include order in megaclient.h
- [SDK-4189] - Update CODEOWNERS for .clang-format
- [SDK-4188] - Remove jcenter dependency from Android ExampleApp
- [SDK-4154] - Mention vcpkg update in SDK build instructions
- [SDK-4103] - Target oldest Windows supported version
- [SDK-4102] - Deprecate Visual Studio 2017 and toolset v141 in CMake triplets
- [SDK-4006] - Report an error to the application if the JSCD UAs cannot be created
- [SDK-3920] - Cross-compile with CMake+vcpkg for iOS
- [SDK-4181] - [TRAN] Add bindings for onFolderTransferUpdate callback
- [SDK-4133] - Read and interprete password input file
- [SDK-4132] - Implement a CSV parser for Google Password export files
- [SDK-4179] - Add SDK binding for get all node tags(Android)
- [SDK-4171] - Prepare Sets/elements commands for upgrade to V3
- [SDK-3312] - Annotate as deprecated search obsolete methods
Target apps
- MEGASync 5.4.1 RC1
Version 7.6.0
- SDK-4159 - Update MEGAEvent related code (Obj-C)
- SDK-4107 - Detail instructions to compile on Windows
- SDK-3919 - Cross-compile with CMake+vcpkg for Android
- SDK-4152 - Watchdog isn't being properly cancelled
- SDK-4146 - FUSE Platform Tests deadlocking on Jenkins
- SDK-4139 - [SAO] Node tags are not carried over across file versions
- SDK-4138 - [SAO] Node description is not carried over across file versions
- SDK-4044 - User intervention stall issues must never be triggered for backups
- SDK-4145 - Select account randomly in tests
- SDK-4143 - iOS Binding - Add a node description
- SDK-3970 - [S4] Obfuscate share key for writable-folder-links
- SDK-2859 - Sub processes need to exit if parent exits on Windows
- SDK-4136 - Extend createPasswordNode to handle multiple entries at once
- SDK-4134 - Solve name conflicts between potential new pass nodes and the ones already in the cloud
- SDK-4003 - [SAO] Get all tags for all nodes in the account
- SDK-3798 - [PP/VPN] VPN 7-day free trial
Target apps
- Android 14.0
- iOS 14.10
Version 7.5.0
- [SDK-3997] - Automate release number
- [SDK-4022] - Replace MegaApi::getFlag interface
- [SDK-4045] - Use configuration file to setup all envars and parameters passed to
- [SDK-4048] - Asign the MRs created by to the release captain
- [SDK-4052] - Improve instructions to create Slack token for
- [SDK-4077] - Update curl library to 8.6.0 version
- [SDK-4097] - Android Bindings - Update MegaApiJava to remove native listeners
- [SDK-4099] - iOS Binding - Create binding for MegaSearchPage
- [SDK-4106] - iOS Binding - Add queue type to Transfer delegate
- [SDK-4061] - Revert search results to natural sorting
- [SDK-4122] - Update .clang-format to skip Objective-C files
- [SDK-3840] - Investigate and resolve race conditions in the SRW
- [SDK-3958] - Unset "sensitive" attribute in foreign nodes copy/import
- [SDK-4016] - Fix scanning and syncing flags being incorrect in their own callbacks
- [SDK-4030] - Getting a node by path when the path contains ':' fails
- [SDK-4033] - Crash in LocalNode destructor
- [SDK-4043] - Avoid subsequent fetchnodes if sc50 response has not been received from API
- [SDK-4046] - Execution of for MEGAchat fails
- [SDK-4047] - Crash and failure in SdkTestSetsAndElementsSetTypes
- [SDK-4049] - Python command example from version_release documentation doesn't work in Ubuntu 22.04
- [SDK-4050] - Slack message published in the wrong channel with
- [SDK-4051] - Parameter -u in fails if protocol is different
- [SDK-4080] - SDK fails to build on ARM due to unsupported emulation mode
- [SDK-4089] - creates MRs with empty descriptions
- [SDK-4104] - Event range should be opened for windows VPN
- [SDK-4123] - Fix megacli getpricing command
- [SDK-4130] - [CC] Missing images/photos at media discovery
- [SDK-3945] - Support to remotely pause/resume syncs (and backups) from Device Center
- [SDK-4057] - [PP] In-app purchase stage 2
Target apps
- iOS 14.9
- Android 13.6
Version 7.4.1
- [SDK-4104] - Event range should be opened for windows VPN
Target app
- VPN Desktop 1.0
Version v7.4.0
- [SDK-4024] - iOS Binding - Update MegaSearch binding for SensitveFilter
- [SDK-4039] - Use MEGANodeType instead int in childNodeForParent (iOS)
- [SDK-3603] - VPN plan
- [SDK-4012] - Fix "upr" command for API v3
- [SDK-4037] - Infinite generation of LocalNode objects and synced files counter due to escape characters
- [SDK-4041] - Fix file extensions format checked by clang-format in the GitLab CI pipeline
- [SDK-4060] - Wrong feature-id from "uq" command response
- [SDK-3974] - Automatically close a release
Target apps
- VPN Android 2.0
- iOS 14.8
- Android 13.5
Version 7.3.0
- [SDK-3978] - iOS Bindings - Add Bindings for favourite filter options from MegaSearchFilter
- [SDK-3989] - Android bindings to specify client type while initialising SDK
- [SDK-3994] - Android Bindings - Add Copy MegaStringMap Binding
- [SDK-3948] - Create GitLab pipeline that runs clang-format
- [SDK-4005] - megaignore should support excluding files in a specific range
- [SDK-3903] - Investigate recent SdkTest.SdkTestCreateAccount test failures
- [SDK-3908] - jxrlib fails in newer compilers
- [SDK-3943] - Avoid log smashing due to stalls issues and name conflicts
- [SDK-3960] - Update configuration parameters in libmediainfo
- [SDK-3962] - Add an integration test for the statfs(...) system call.
- [SDK-3965] - Delete unused method Node.isVideoWithFileAttributes
- [SDK-3969] - Fix FFmpeg build in Arch Linux
- [SDK-3996] - Use upstream FreeImage port
- [SDK-4001] - Change .clang-format "QualifierAlignment" property to "Leave"
- [SDK-4009] - Update documentation for PasswordDataNode
- [SDK-4015] - Update SQLite version
- [SDK-4019] - Add list of file extensions to be checked by clang-format
- [SDK-4026] - Swift example doesn't build
- [SDK-4061] - Revert search results to natural sorting
- [SDK-3659] - Takedown file is not being properly handled in Sync
- [SDK-3661] - Download transfer issue if the sync has a readonly folder inside
- [SDK-3808] - *~jscd gets corrupted -> cannot use the sync engine
- [SDK-3809] - Linux: sync disabled due to "filesystem mismatch"
- [SDK-3869] - int overflow when USE_POLL in Posix waiter
- [SDK-3944] - Fix non-immediate stall issues disappearing upon unrelated sync actions
- [SDK-3967] - Failure at test SdkTest.SdkUserAlerts
- [SDK-3998] - Add missing rule for JSON files in clang-format
- [SDK-3568] - Minimal fetch for the VPN
Target apps
- iOS 14.7
- Android 13.4
- MEGAsync 5.4.0 RC1
Version 7.1.2
- [SDK-4015] - Update SQLite version
Target apps
- MEGAsync 5.3.0 RC3
Version 4.31.0c (patched)
- [SDK-3890] - Build SDK in Fedora_40
Target app
- MEGAcmd 1.7.0 RC7