meshStack is a Cloud Foundation Platform by meshcloud. AWS is a proprietary public cloud platform provided by Amazon Web Services. meshStack supports project and user management for AWS to include AWS services into cloud projects managed by meshStack.
This terraform module is used to integrate AWS into a meshStack instance as a meshPlatform. The output of this module is a set of credentials that need to be configured in meshStack as described in meshcloud public docs.
- Terraform installed
- AWS CLI installed
- Three accounts to segregate accounts by function.
- management account: organization management account, the account that hosts the AWS Organization
- meshcloud account: meshStack will use this account to host the IAM users used by meshStack
- automation account: meshStack will use this account to manage CloudFormation templates that are used in Landing Zones.
- AdministratorAccess in those accounts.
While not strictly necessary, we recommend to configure a terraform backend to store your state. Storing terraform state will allow you to maintain your meshStack integration after the initial provisioning.
Here is how the users and roles for the meshplatform fit together:
graph LR;
subgraph Management Account
meshfedServiceRole("🪖 MeshfedServiceRole");
costExplorerServiceRole("🪖 MeshCostExplorerServiceRole");
subgraph meshcloud Account
replicatorUser["👤 ReplicatorUser & AccessKey"];
costExplorerUser["👤 CostExplorerUser & AccessKey"];
replicatorUser--Trusted Entity with External-id-->meshfedServiceRole;
costExplorerUser--Trusted Entity with External-id-->costExplorerServiceRole;
subgraph Automation Account
meshfedAutomationRole("🪖 MeshfedAutomationRole");
replicatorUser--Trusted Entity with External-id-->meshfedAutomationRole
One way to set up authentication is using three different profiles on your AWS CLI and include those IAM users' access and secret keys in your ~/.aws/credentials
as described below.
provider aws {
alias = "management"
profile = "management"
provider aws {
alias = "meshcloud"
profile = "meshcloud"
provider aws {
alias = "automation"
profile = "automation"
module "meshplatform" {
source = "git::"
providers = { =
aws.meshcloud = aws.meshcloud
aws.automation = aws.automation
# set input variables
See the aws
provider documentation for other support authentication methods.
For an overview of the module structure, refer to generated terraform docs
Open AWS CloudShell Service on your management account.1
Install terraform into CloudShell.
# Terminal Commands For Amazon Linux sudo yum install -y yum-utils sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo sudo yum -y install terraform
Configure credentials for AWS CLI.
cat > ~/.aws/credentials << EOF [management] aws_access_key_id = XXXX aws_secret_access_key = XXXX [meshcloud] aws_access_key_id = XXXX aws_secret_access_key = XXXX [automation] aws_access_key_id = XXXX aws_secret_access_key = XXXX EOF
Create a terraform file that calls this module and produces outputs. Similar to:
module "meshplatform" { source = "git::" # FILL INPUTS } output "meshplatform" { sensitive = true value = module.meshplatform }
It is highly recommended to configure a terraform backend, otherwise you risk losing track of your applied resources.
Execute the module.
# Changes into ~/terraform-aws-meshplatform and applies terraform cd ~/terraform-aws-meshplatform terraform init terraform apply
Use the information from terraform output to configure the platform in meshStack.
# The JSON output contains sensitive values that must not be transmitted anywhere other then the platform config screen in meshStack. terraform output -json
Before opening a Pull Request, please do the following:
Install pre-commit
We use pre-commit to perform several terraform related tasks such as
terraform validate
,terraform fmt
, and generating terraform docs withterraform_docs
pre-commit install
: Hooks configured in.pre-commit-config.yaml
will be executed automatically on commit. For manual execution, you can usepre-commit run -a
Name | Version |
aws | >= 2.7.0 |
Name | Version |
aws.automation | >= 2.7.0 | | >= 2.7.0 |
aws.meshcloud | >= 2.7.0 |
Name | Source | Version |
automation_account_replicator_access | ./modules/meshcloud-replicator/replicator-automation-account-access | n/a |
management_account_metering_access | ./modules/meshcloud-cost-explorer/ce-management-account-access | n/a |
management_account_replicator_access | ./modules/meshcloud-replicator/replicator-management-account-access | n/a |
meshcloud_account_metering_access | ./modules/meshcloud-cost-explorer/ce-meshcloud-account-access | n/a |
meshcloud_account_replicator_access | ./modules/meshcloud-replicator/replicator-meshcloud-account-access | n/a |
Name | Type |
aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.meshstack | resource |
aws_caller_identity.automation | data source | | data source |
aws_caller_identity.meshcloud | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
automation_account_service_role_name | Name of the custom role in the automation account. See | string |
"MeshfedAutomationRole" |
no |
aws_sso_instance_arn | AWS SSO Instance ARN. Needs to be of the form arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Setup instructions | string |
n/a | yes |
can_close_accounts_in_resource_org_paths | AWS ResourceOrgPaths that are used in Landing Zones and where meshStack is allowed to close accounts. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
control_tower_enrollment_enabled | Set to true, to allow meshStack to enroll Accounts via AWS Control Tower for the meshPlatform. | bool |
false |
no |
control_tower_portfolio_id | Must be set for AWS Control Tower | string |
"" |
no |
cost_explorer_management_account_service_role_name | Name of the custom role in the management account used by the cost explorer user. | string |
"MeshCostExplorerServiceRole" |
no |
cost_explorer_meshcloud_account_service_user_name | Name of the user using cost explorer service to collect metering data. | string |
"meshcloud-cost-explorer-user" |
no |
cost_explorer_privileged_external_id | Set this variable to a random UUID version 4. The external id is a secondary key to make an AssumeRole API call. | string |
n/a | yes |
create_access_keys | Set to false to disable creation of any service account access keys. | bool |
true |
no |
landing_zone_ou_arns | Organizational Unit ARNs that are used in Landing Zones. We recommend to explicitly list the OU ARNs that meshStack should manage. | list(string) |
[ |
no |
management_account_service_role_name | Name of the custom role in the management account. See | string |
"MeshfedServiceRole" |
no |
meshcloud_account_service_user_name | Name of the meshfed-service user. This user is responsible for replication. | string |
"meshfed-service-user" |
no |
replicator_privileged_external_id | Set this variable to a random UUID version 4. The external id is a secondary key to make an AssumeRole API call. | string |
n/a | yes |
support_root_account_via_aws_sso | Set to true to allow meshStack to manage the Organization's AWS Root account's access via AWS SSO. | bool |
false |
no |
workload_identity_federation | Set these options to add a trusted identity provider from meshStack to allow workload identity federation for authentication which can be used instead of access keys. | object({ |
null |
no |
Name | Description |
automation_account_id | Automation Account ID |
cost_explorer_identity_federation_role | n/a |
cost_explorer_management_account_role_arn | Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of Management Account Role for replicator |
cost_explorer_privileged_external_id | Cost explorer privileged_external_id |
management_account_id | Management Account ID |
meshcloud_account_id | Meshcloud Account ID |
meshstack_access_role_name | The name for the Account Access Role that will be rolled out to all managed accounts. |
metering_aws_iam_keys | You can access your credentials when you execute terraform output metering_aws_iam_keys command |
replicator_automation_account_role_arn | Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of Automation Account Role for replicator |
replicator_aws_iam_keys | You can access your credentials when you execute terraform output replicator_aws_iam_keys command |
replicator_management_account_role_arn | Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of Management Account Role for replicator |
replicator_privileged_external_id | Replicator privileged_external_id |
replicator_workload_identity_federation_role | n/a |
This How-To guides you through the setup from your Cloudshell. You can also run the terraform scripts on your local machine. ↩