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16b857a · May 9, 2016


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File metadata and controls

59 lines (42 loc) · 2.69 KB

Played around with autograd in python. Looking for a reasonable toy dataset to test sgd on distributed system Looked into the convolutional network example for autograd This ended up being perfect because it spits out a long vector of gradients that it uses Looking for a far heavier dataset. MSINT runs in a 1-2 minutes. Found Caltech 101, built some preprocessing code, modified some of the code for the neural network Needed to downsize the images substantially. 240 x 240 is around 12 GB of data. Shrunk it down to 128 x 128, making it 4 Gb of data. New gradients are around 0.5Gb. This makes network speeds pretty prohibitive though. Epochs take a couple minutes to run. Batches takes around 10-15 seconds each. Seems rather reasonable

Looking into Azure for launching VMs Discovered CLI for Azure Set up 5 different accounts all using the Bizspark subscription. One email account also has a free subscription activated. Emails and passwords are listed below:

(, cs262michaelkevin) (, cs262michaelkevin)

Log into to interact more with the system

Received instructions from Mike on how to setup grpc. For replicability on later Linux VMs we launch, I've documented the steps I took below:

Set up Protobufs 3.0.0 ./ ./configure make make check make install

Set up grpc git clone sudo make grpc_python_plugin sudo vim /etc/paths, add the line /Users/candokevin/stash/grpc/bins/opt

It might be a good idea to look into Docker containers, and Docker networks for launching and setting up VMs.

This site suggests that Google Compute might actually be the best platform for this Get started, generate a project ID Network speed is critical considering how huge our gradients may be.

Persistent 10GB disk for saving the state of machine Allows you to save the state of a machine

gcloud compute instances create example-instance --image test-image --zone us-central1-b gcloud compute ssh large-example-instance --zone gcloud compute copy-files /Users/candokevin/stash/distributed-sgd/scp extra-large-example-instance:~/scp/ --zone us-central1-b

Generate some code that performs the following

Initializes the parameters to some certain set of values Updates parameters given some gradient Sends parameters to different servers