Course Content - Authomation is the theme
make you a master of python
learn to automate everything that is possible to be automated
programs that will batch operation
SMS messages, access browser, click and get data
chat bots, PDF files, etc
Course does not cover python basics
- lists variables conditionals loops etc
Stuck? Google search or stack overflow search, also Q&A forum.
This courses uses you can copy all your code from there, create a repl account and click fork repl
go to
create a replit account
if you type in after the URL but add done to the end you get the completed code:
and fork that
using the REPL IDE
"integrated development environment"
basically the text editor where you develop your programs
- how to navigate repl directory
- how to create a new repl
- how to write and run programs in repl
- how to upload files in repl
- collaboration
A repl is a virtual instance you can access form your browser
in repl you can install any packages you'd like
install pandas package:
now you can import it:
import pandas
print("hello world")
you can create another py file in your repl, and import it
repl will always run the file, always executing python
your main script should always be
can create other file types, folders, and drag and drop in repl
can also upload
debugging in repl
step through breakpoints