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04-Building and using

File metadata and controls

482 lines (311 loc) · 10.6 KB

4 Building and using APIs

In this section, you will access various APIs with Python and even create your own APIs

get a free News API following the steps below:

\1. You go to

Representation State Transfer Application Process Interface

an API is a way for two applications to communicate, like HTML web pages are for people to communicate clearly with each oter, API is for apps to communicate clearly with each other

json is the usual format served by APIs

use the requests module

import requests
r = requests.get()

with the url, it will print the unformatted json

import requests

r = requests.get('')

content = r.json()



you can get individual keys with

it's actually a dictionary, but only 3 keys

# print(content)

$ python local/
<class 'dict'>

getting individual keys

print('dictionary len is: ', len(content))
print('status is: ', content['status'])
print('total results is: ', content['totalResults'])
$ python local/
<class 'dict'>
dictionary len is:  3
status is:  ok
total results is:  181

get the title of the first article

# get the title of the first article

$ python local/
<class 'dict'>
dictionary len is:  3
status is:  ok
total results is:  181
Sterling rises against dollar as stock market rallies -

your python application is communicating through url parameters

r = requests.get('')

# this ^ url has parameters that are used to filter the results and can be modified, e.g. to get united states news instead of 'stock market':

content = r.json()

r is a request object

if you apply the .json() method to that object, that's what converts it to a dictionary

print all the article titles:

# print all the article titles 
articles = content['articles']

for article in articles:

additional article info:

for article in articles:
    print("> Title: ", article['title'])
    print("  Description: ", article['description'])
    print("  URL: ", article['url'])

use f'string' to construct string urls:

# we want the user to define the search parameters
def get_news(topic, from_date, to_date, language=en, api_key='890603a55bfa47048e4490069ebee18c'):
    url = f'{topic}&from={from_date}&to={to_date}&sortBy=popularity&language={language}&apiKey={api_key}'

22 - 12:00 min

23 - News API getting top headlines for any country

24 - Weather Forecast API


appends weather forecast to a text file output so you're using 'a' for append instead of 'w'


import requests

def get_weather():
    url = f',wa,us&APPID=<<API KEY>>&units=imperial'
    request_result = requests.get(url)
    content = request_result.json()

def get_forecast():
    url = f',wa,us&cnt=8&APPID=<<API KEY>>&units=imperial'
    request_result = requests.get(url)
    content = request_result.json()

weather_content = get_weather()
forecast = get_forecast()

todays_temps = []

for n in range(8):
    #print(n, forecast['list'][n]['main']['temp'])


todays_weather = []

for n in range(8):
    #print(n, forecast['list'][n]['weather'][0]['description'])

# display the weather for the day 
print(" ")
print("The current weather for ", (weather_content['name']), "is: ", weather_content['weather']
      [0]['description'], " and a temp of ", weather_content['main']['temp'], " degrees.")
print(" ")
for n in range(8):
    print(forecast_hours[n], " ", todays_temps[n], " degF, ", todays_weather[n])
    #print(" ")
print(" ")

next combine this with your news aggregator

26 Create your own currency rate REST API

build your own API

serves the current currency rate to your request

client makes request to your API through URLs


web framework - use flask

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
  return '<h1>Currency Rate API</h1> <p>Example URL: /api/v1/usd-eur</p>'

if you're on repl you need to pass this to see the web page'')

if you are running locally you would need to install it with pip install flask

run this in repl and it will work


or paste the URL into your browser


you need to add a app line to process the request


in this case though, usd and eur are static, to accept dynamic vars:


use those as inputs in a function

def api(in_cur, out_cur):

get the current rate from xrate:

#scrape the current rate from xrate
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

def GetCurrency(input_currency, output_currency):
    """ gets the current currency exchange rate and returns the rate """
    url = f"{input_currency}&to={output_currency}&amount=1"
    content = requests.get(url).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
    raw_currency = soup.find("span", class_="ccOutputRslt").get_text()

    raw_currency_length = len(raw_currency)
    currency = (raw_currency[0:raw_currency_length-4])
    currency = float(currency)
    rate = currency
    return rate

GetCurrency("EUR", "AUD")

get the input and output cur and put then in the getCurrency func, also define the API output

def api(in_cur, out_cur):
  rate = GetCurrency(in_cur, out_cur)
  result_dictionary= {'input_currency':in_cur, 'output_currency':out_cur, 'rate':rate}

also you need to import jsonify

from flask import Flask, jsonify
  rate = GetCurrency(in_cur, out_cur)
  result_dictionary= {'input_currency':in_cur, 'output_currency':out_cur, 'rate':rate}
  return jsonify(result_dictionary)

so now you have:

from flask import Flask, jsonify

#scrape the current rate from xrate
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

def GetCurrency(input_currency, output_currency):
    """ gets the current currency exchange rate and returns the rate """
    url = f"{input_currency}&to={output_currency}&amount=1"
    content = requests.get(url).text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
    raw_currency = soup.find("span", class_="ccOutputRslt").get_text()

    raw_currency_length = len(raw_currency)
    currency = (raw_currency[0:raw_currency_length-4])
    currency = float(currency)
    rate = currency
    return rate

#GetCurrency("EUR", "AUD")

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
  return '<h1>Currency Rate API</h1> <p>Example URL: /api/v1/usd-eur</p>'

def api(in_cur, out_cur):
  rate = GetCurrency(in_cur, out_cur)
  result_dictionary= {'input_currency':in_cur, 'output_currency':out_cur, 'rate':rate}
  return jsonify(result_dictionary)'')

and now go to `

and the result:


up next:

27 Official Facebook Graph API

access data from profiles by using the facebook API

download image through facebook API:


28 Grammar Correction API

grammar checking with python

using an API called language tool API

this will work through a post request not a get request

go to

url is `

import requests
url = ''
response =       #using post now, before we used get

but you'll need to pass parameters

we can pass text, json, langage etc


language and text are required

we pass them as dictionary

import requests

url = ''

# create data as dictionary to pass for language check:
data = {
    'text':'Tis is a nixe day!',

response =, data)       #using post now, before we used get


returns a block of text


check type

# check the type of the output

it's a string, so we need to convert it to a dict, we can use ``json.load()` which converts string to a dictionary

import json

result = json.loads(response.text)


so now you have:

import requests
import json 

url = ''

# create data as dictionary to pass for language check:
data = {
    'text':'Tis is a nixe day!',

response =, data)       #using post now, before we used get


# check the type of the output

result = json.loads(response.text)

you allready know how to extract data from a dictionary.